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<br /> :-. ...�" 2, �y�, Trustor ie the owiler o� the Prapexty and haa �°'
<br /> _ '�,��_� th�, right and authoriCy ro convey the Property �nd warrante tha� _
<br /> ,. � tk�e 11en created hereby io a f irat and pr.ic�r 11en on the Praperty _
<br />-'_ �. • and �he executian and delivery of L•he Doed of Tru�t doeA mot
<br /> �._.,; va.c�3.�te any contract or• o�her obligation to which Truetor is
<br /> ---- euk��ec�. �
<br /> �---F� 3, m�s and Aes��emente. To pay, when due, all taxes�
<br /> °"��� ege+ai�a1 aaeessmente and al�. other c:hargee againet tk�e Pr�perty,
<br /> :;���� befure the eame become delinquent, and, in the event BenefSciary
<br /> T__:::.�` shs+7.1 s� rc:quire, ta add to the paym�nte required ux�der Che ri�Jtr3
<br /> =;� � s�curod hereby, such amaunt ae may be eu.fficient to enable B�n��
<br />�"�� f:ir.iaz�y to pay such taxes, aeeessm�nte or other cha.rge�s a9 �i�Fy
<br />��- �- be�comca cltte.
<br />_=�<�'�
<br />`_:'y-;�"- q, gg��,'�,r Maintenance and [r�,. To not commit waste on or
<br /> ----- dam�gp Ga �ht� Property and to use due care t� prevent othera from
<br /> ��- sa dc�ing, tc� k�e� the Property in good conr�ixion and Yepair; to
<br />--_� k�ap t2tss Property fres from mechax�:ir.s or other liene not ex- _
<br />---��'� preo�3.y subordinated to the lisn h�reof; to not make, auffer or
<br /> ^-`;� p�arm:i.� any nui�ance to exiet nor to dirni.ni�h or impair the value
<br /> � o£ th� Prc�p�rty by any act or omieeion to ac�j and �o comply with
<br /> a].1. rec�.ti.r�mc�nte of law wiCh reopect to th� Pxoperty.
<br /> 5. TneL�^ancP, e�t a].1 times during the term hereof to keep
<br /> the Property ir�eurec� againet damage by fire, hazards included
<br />-`=='"'� withti.n th� term "ex�ex�ded coverage", and such other hazarde ae
<br /> Bena��.ciaxy �z1;� roquire, in an amount not les� than Ninety-Seven
<br /> Tho��and anci �0/100 Dollars (597,000.00) and with companies
<br /> - ��c�g�A�,�A r.� xaon���riary; includina a etandard moxtr�agee clauae
<br /> with ].oee payab].e to the Beneficiary and containing an ad�ltional
<br /> � provir�ion that the poli�y cannot be canceled without prior wra.s�-
<br /> t�n notice t�a the Beneficiary. in ca�e of lose undex- �uch poli-
<br /> ci�ae, the Ben.eficiary i.s authnrized �a adju�t, collect and �am-
<br /> prom,i.se al1 claime thereunder and shall have the optf.on of apply-
<br /> ing :all or part of the insurancs proceede (i) to any indebtedneee
<br /> saau�rQd hersby and in euch order ae Beneficiary may de�ermine,
<br /> (:�i� ta tiht� '�ruetor to be used fnr the repair or reetora�ion of
<br /> �h� Property or (iii) for any other purpose or object eatiefac-
<br /> t�ry to Beneficiary without affecting the �.ien of this Deed oE
<br /> T�:•unt for the full amount secured hereby befoie such payment ever
<br /> t�ok �7.ace. Any appliaation of proceede Co indeb�edneae ehall
<br /> ncat ext�nd ox po�tpone the due date o£ any p�yments under the
<br /> Nc,te, or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 6. �ondenLnat��on. Ix� the event the Prop�rty, or ar�.y part
<br /> �__ thereof, eha�1. be taken by eminent domain. Beneticiary is enti-
<br /> t.led to cnllecr and receive all compeneation which may be paid
<br /> for any Prop���y taken or for damages ta Property not taken, and
<br /> - Beneficiary eha11 ap�ly auch compeneation, at its option, either
<br /> tr� a reduction of th� indebtednese secured hereby ar L•a repaix
<br /> - and restore ths Property so taken.
<br /> _� 7, p��armance by Benefi.c±arv. �eneficiary may, but ehall
<br /> _ __ ' have no obligation tn, do any act which Truetor hae agreed but
<br /> �""� £ailed to do, and Beneficiary may also do any act it. deema necee-
<br /> ����"- --- sary to protect th� lien her.eof. Txuetor agreee to repay, upon
<br /> --- - demand, any �usne eo expended by Beneficiaxy for the above pur-
<br />- = poeea, and any sum so expendcd by Beneficiaxy ehall be added to
<br /> _--_- the i.ndebtedne�s secured hereby and become secured by the lien
<br /> -- —� hereof. Bene£iciary ehal.l not incur any pereonal liability be-
<br /> cause of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> �' A. A,aai anment af Rents. Beneficiarv ehall have the right,
<br /> _.�_��
<br />. -_-_-= power and autharYty during the conxinuance of thie Deed of Truet
<br /> """'"'�"' to collect �he rents, xeouee and prof ite of the Property and of
<br />=iMr�s;.t�
<br />=�-*:� - any personal property located thereon with or without taking poc- _.
<br /> '�,�� ' �• seesion of the Property affe�cted hereby, and Truetor hereby abeo- _
<br />`�'��'?�-'�� lutely �nd �.inconditionally aseigns all such rents, iseueA and =
<br />::.':;,t'.S�Y`"�j protits to Beneficiary. Aeneficiary, however, hereby consente to
<br /> ������� Truetar'e collec�ion. and retiention of such rent�, isaues and =
<br />=�,*y`}� ,u'�ry prof-its aB they accrue and become payable, so long ae PrLietar ie =
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