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<br /> • 3. Haxrnl or I'n►Ixrt9 In+ur+�nro� El�rrower �ti�ll kap the imprcrven�cnta naw eainting on c��ra► sr era:tai on the _
<br /> Property in,vrct!nQ+�agt lo.sa by fir�, hntArin i�cludeJ within the term 'exterxled�;nvcage" �uxl xny other huwrd.i�i�r�c:ludinQ
<br /> flocut.,or flootli�, fo�wideh l,e�xie,r r��uires�l�uurwxc. Tl�is i�uu�rne stu►11 he main�itxd in the iuno�ums��xl for the pe ucxls =
<br /> tl�t Leu3er requit�,c. The inrur�o cwr�lar providin�the i�uurxnca st�ll he chosen h F3�rmwer aub' t to l..omler'a wt�p'
<br /> which shxll not trc un�te�von�Aly withhold. If Bormwer frlls to mdnt�in cuver�e �escribed�txwe� L.erxkr nay. �t L.err.ter'e
<br /> option,obutin covet�ge tu pratrct Leixle�r'a r��h.tx ln the Pi�peny in�conLmee with p�r�gn►ph 7. _
<br /> Ap iativruice pollcles �uxl renew�in shxll t�e t�t:ceptable to Lendet atxl�tutll lrx:ludo r stxtt�lrrtl mottQx�clause. Laxler
<br /> shall luve tt�e ri�ht to hold tLc policiea�►n►t rcnow�la. If Lendcr requires,Aom►wer r,hxll nramptlY Yive to Lendec all recalpts of
<br /> p�;�premiu�ny twd rerr,vr�l notices.in thn avent��f lass,Barrower shYll eivc prompt notir.e tu the intivntrree eurier xtxl Leixkr. _
<br /> i.endcr may mwlm praof nf loss if ncK m�in�ramptly by Bonowcr.
<br /> Uplas Le�3er wd Bonawer otUanviAe,w�ree ln writin�{,iativn�ce procacls sh�ll be aPPtied to eestontion ar rep�ir of tl�
<br /> propeny dtm��ec1,if che restoruion or npwic i�economlcatlly feasible uxi Lender's isecurlty is nut lessened.If thee crawradan or
<br /> cmair is not a:oaomisaQy feaslbie or Leml�r's secudty would be lassesnei. the incur�nce pmceeds sh�ll be�►lled W t!u aums
<br /> socurod by tb�i Security Insuuwent� whetbnr oc not then itue. with u�y excess pnjd to Botrower. lf Borrov►Kr ab�ixfonc thee
<br /> prc�crty,,or does rwt w�swer wlthin 30 d�►yA R�ce fmm Lendcr stuu the iativnnce canier has affrced to setQe R ct�ira, then
<br /> l.ender tnsy ooikct ti►e tas�ir�nce pracee�►. L,ender nuty �se the proceai.g to repair or nsw[e tbe Pro�rt7► or ta pay s�u�
<br /> �by this Securlty ln�tiumeat.wbetber ar rx�t thea duc.The 30-day pedod v�il�begia wt�en the notice iy gtvea.
<br /> Uples,q L,�txier ancl Barrower otl�mwi.ye Agree in writing, +mY �PPlic�doa of proceals w principal s1W1 na axeead ur
<br /> postpoae the due date of the[nonthlY pwyn�stue c�&rral to�n peragnphs 1 Nnd 2 at change the amount of the payments. If under
<br /> p�ragntph 21 the Property �s �cquired by i�rder, Borro�vor's rigbt to any ituunwce pollcies u�d proc�ls rrsultin� fxnm
<br /> dam�gt to ttr..Property prior to the acqul�iaan shnll p�ss to I.cncler ta th�eatent of the suuis sxuted bY this SecurltY Iastnrment
<br /> imnnedLtcly�xior to the�cquisidon.
<br /> . 6.p�'�Preea'�ation►MalOtennc�,e and Protatlon o[tl�e Properqi Borrowes'e Loaa Applk�tioni La��elwld�.
<br /> Bo=mwu stu�ll occuPY�esablish,and use We pmpeny ns Borrower's pdacip�l residence wlthia siuty days�R�r tbe execudon of
<br /> this Security Iaspnm�eat wd slall condnu�oo accnPY the pro�ertY�s Horrower'e prlocip�l resictaxx for u lau one yeu aRa
<br /> tbe dite of accu�ncY.unless Leader ah�szwi��grxs in wrldn8,wWch coavent sWll not be unreavoaxbl� or�Lnpdr t6e
<br /> - �pp6 cntwuaSri+a,w t.i.� '.:'2lS.^.fS.°»*t f.'!.';�L�1 AnrmWC!'S CAOt![1�. BOT[t1VYC!' B11A11 110t (1CSt[O}I.
<br /> p�opetcy, allow the PropertY to detedcxaa:, or cacimit waste uu tu►�F.��:y. Car.o�.s shal!� ia e'.e ••�s if�.nY fo�fe+!nr�
<br /> �ctioa or proccalin8,whe�er civil or crLntnnl,is begun t�t in Leader's good fidth Judgroent cxrold result in farfdtun of the
<br /> Property ox odre�wIse mu�ialiy ImPAir the lten ccaoed by tAi�Securlty Iustnwaent or Lender's ea�w�ity interest.Bocrow+er may
<br /> con svch a ckfwlt and rein�tc�as pmvidcd in pingiaph 18.by austag the acdon or pmcatiling w be dimnissod widi s tulla�
<br /> that. in L,ader's good fiith dctecminadnn� Precludes forfe[ture of the Bomower's intenst in d� Propaty or otber m�ttri�l
<br /> imp�im�ent of ttye liea craual by this Sccurity Iasuumont or Lender's sxurity interest. Horrower shsll aL90 ba in ckfiult if
<br /> Hf,xrovrcr�dnrleS tho lom applicadoa pmc,cas.Save mates3�lly blse or iwxuraoc infomo�don or u�tanc++*_uus ta l.ender(or fi3lai
<br /> to provide Lwd�c with wy maurinl infirvrmaoa)tn coanection with the loRn evtdeveal by d�t Note.ineludina,but aot limioed
<br /> .- to. r�pra�eaq►tioro conaroine&►rrowac's nccupancY of¢�e Property u a principil�sideace.If thLt Security Iostnmtax la oa a
<br /> laselaW. Borrower sh�ll canPly widt aU. the provLdcans of the leave. If Hotmwer �cqutres fee dtle W the P[operty. the
<br /> = IeasehoW aud tbe foe tido s]Wl uot warge unless Lesxler agrxs W the�rger ia writing. comined ia
<br /> ` 7.Pcotedios�ot Lendcr'e Rtahtd(n tlie Propertj.If Bormwer fiu7s W perform the covea�ats+md a�ooemwts
<br /> tt►is Socurity I�tnmoen,ur th�ce is a logal pruceeding��at roay sigaificandy affoct L,ender's dghts tn the proPextY(such�x
<br /> poro�xalin�in bsnYrupaY. P��a�►�te,for candemnuion or#nrf�iture or to enforce l�ws or nguLuions)�tben Lender msy do�nd
<br /> pRy for wLsotver Is o�rY to pmt�ct�e vdue of the Pcopeny and l,ender's rights In the Pmpercy. Lender's�ctions mny
<br /> ixlude payin� aaY sums sxured by x nc� which has pdority over dils Secudry Incuument. ap�xsriu8 in court� C�yia6
<br /> craeuu�bk�ttorneys'fas�nd eatcring os►tLe Pcopetty to roaka repaira. Although I.ender may take�cdon u�xl�r ttiis psuytgn�ph
<br /> 7,I.eader does uot hsve to cb so.
<br /> puy �npay�ts disbursed by Lemiar uader ttus pt��grsph 7 shill becoate acld�donil debt of Botrower scearrd by this
<br /> Se�urity Iustn►meat. Udess&�rrowcr aad Leader agree to other tem�s of paymenc�these�mounts sYwll ba�r intenst fcom the
<br /> date of disMu�aneot at tho N�te rrt�s anil s1u11 be payabl�. with interest. upon n�dce from Lender ta Bonower c�a�u�A�
<br /> ��M�rt�e L�surance.If Lendar roquired mottgage iasur��oce ns a cnndldon of making the!wn sxured b�+this Security
<br /> »�� gorrower sh�ll pay tho premiwus requiresl to mAinuun the mortgnge iatvrance ia effect. If. for xny trason, the
<br /> mortga�e i�urtace r,ovors�gc required by l.ender lapses or ceasrs to b�in et�ext, Bomower s1�1!pay the Imxniumg reQuired to
<br /> obtain caverago subsw�tialty tquivaluot t�the mortgige insurance previously la�ffcct.at a c.nst substantially equlv�tlent to tt�t
<br /> cost to Borrower of the n►artguga ivsur,�ce previously in effxt, fcom w alteroate mortgnge insvrer approved by Lender. If
<br /> � �t�ndaliy equivAlent mortgage iusuc�nce coverage is not av�ilAble,Borrower shaU pxy to Lender each month A sum apu�1 co
<br /> a.rx-twelfth of the yeuly mertgAga ins�urx�e premium heing paid by Barrower when the iusurnnce coverage lnpsed or ce��od ta
<br /> be ia ef�'ect.Lender will acccpt,uea xnd r�t�in t�ese pAyinents as a loss rescrve in lieu of mortgage insucance. Loss resccve
<br /> - Form 3018 9/8ti
<br />- �•6RINE1 o2t21.o� v.B.o oe• wa.r. M K v
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