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<br />'f��� • '�OQHTHBR W1TH all thc i�npmvement�naw or hercaRer erectecl on the pmperty,a�xl nll e�sen�ent�,w�puttenAnces,wxl
<br /> � fixrons �x�w ur hereaRer x �sut of the property. ADI nplacements and �ddidons �l�all also be coverecl by dds Secudty :,
<br /> '•� Instnuinent.�►p af the fongaing is referred to in ttits Sec:iuiry Ia�tzument�.s the"Property."
<br /> •�t�` HCIRROWBR CQVI3NANTS ti�xt 9orrower is lawfully seised of the estate Uereby conveyecl x��d llas thc dght to grant And -
<br /> � coracy the Pnperty uxl th�t t6e Peoperty is uu�ncumbemi. except for encumbrAnces of recard. Borrower wa� a��d will "
<br />",:i„i �kntl goaerally the tide to the Pmpetry xguust all claims w�d demands.subjat to any encumbn►rnes of record. _.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUIv18NT wmbiaes unifarai covenants far iudunal ttse and noit•unifonn covepsuata wlth liwited
<br />._� vadedot�b.y jurlsdledan ro consdtuce�unifonu cecurity instcument cov�ring ratl property
<br /> UNIF�RM COVSNANTS.Borrower nnnd L.ender cavenant and agree a,9 follows:
<br />~=� 1. P�yme�t ot Pein�clpwl �nd Irtarst3 ��7� �d Late Char�s. Borrower sh�.11 pta[uptly pay whon due tde -
<br /> _:"I� ptinclpal of xnci iaterest oa the debt evidenceci by the Note wid Aay pnpaymeat and late chug�s due unclor Wn Noto. _
<br />�x�� 2. Flmds[or Taxp�nd Ins��nce.Subject to appUcxble law or to A written w�iver by Lender,Bvrrou�er shxll pAy to
<br /> � I.onckr oa tho d�y moathly payments are due under the Note.unril the Note is paid in full,a aum ('Funds')for: (a)yearly t�uces
<br />- u�d a�uents which m�y att�ln prlority uver this Secudty Iasttument as x Ilea on the Prope.rty; @)yruly le�sehold psyments -
<br />�.� or�und rents on tLe Proparty,if xny; (c)yeuly huarcl or properry i�nuanoe premiums;(d)yearly flood insurnnce pranlutns,
<br /> -- if�u►y: (e)Y�Y�nB�B�iasuntnce px+emiumv, If�ay; nnd (�any svms pnyxble by Borrower to Le:nckr.in accordince with
<br />`::.;:� tLc pravistaus of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payaeent of mortgnge lnsurance prrminmc.'Thrce iu:ms�us called "8s�crow Items.'
<br />-°-� l.en�kr miy, �t any tunc, collxt and hold F+unds in an amou►u nat ta excood the n�uzimum amaunt a lendcr for a federnlly
<br />-�, celxted tnortgage laut may require for Bo�rower's escrow accm�n't under the fedantl Rexl�istu� Settlemeat PtocalurGV Act of
<br /> � 1974 as Amended fcom time to time. 12 U.S.C. Secdon 2601 et s�g. ("RBSPA'),unless another law that upplies ro the E�tids
<br /> — sets�lessrr aawunt. If ao, Le�er m�y.�t xny time. collxt and 6old Punds in aa amount nat to excad tho les.9er amount.
<br />�� Lender nup esdmate the�u►ount of PV�nds due on the basis of cvrcent datx acul re�sonx6le esrimxtas of expenditures of future
<br /> Sscrew Items or othorwise ia�cconlaoce with applicabl�lrw.
<br /> Tl�o Fundv s1�U be deld in an insdtudon whose deposiu are iasvrGd by a fodere►l xgcncy, iasavmentAlity. or tadry
<br /> (iaclud'ua�I�enckr,if Lender is such an insdtution)or in uny Federal Home l.�a.0 Aank.Lendec s,h�ll apply th�Funds to pxy the
<br /> Bscrow Itans. Lender may not ch�rge Borrower for holdiug smd.applying tho Funds.t�xnuually analyzing tho escrow�ccount,or
<br /> varlfyin�tbe Bscrow Items,unless I.+ender pays Borrower iatenst on the Ftu�ds and�pplicat►le lAw pecmita I.eadtr to malce sach
<br /> —, .... . ,. . � .�.,..,,�
<br /> a r�re...!?���.I��.c�, �_ir!-!�•mwe��m�►y,o�.8me chuge for sn ind�pendent rc�l es�to tu reDO�tinR secvtce
<br /> �— qsed by [.ender in co�oaecdon with this loxn, udess appiicabir,Ixw p�uvi�Sw� uii�uwis�.. C�:.:;s �sgr�:.:s 3� m:de or
<br /> applksble law ceq�dres intarest to lse paid,Lender shall aot be nquiral to�y Bnrmv�r any interost or eamiags on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower ud Lender may agm in writing. howe�►�es. W�t iuterest shaDl ba p�id on the Funcls. Lendcr si�tul givc tn Bonower.
<br /> - -= wlt6out c]arge� an�ntnW�cconndng of the Funds, sbowing credlts and debtts to the�and tha purpose for which each
<br /> • debit to 1he Fun�is was m�da.Tha Funds ue plalgod as additionst't sxuriry for Rll sums secuc+cd by thia Securtty Inmumem.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lendzr eacxd the emounts pemutted 2o be Leld Uy applicablo law,l.enc{et s1W1 u000ant ui�orrow�er
<br /> for the ea�ass Fun�1s in aa:ordance with tLe requinments of applicable l�►w.If tho�ount nf the Punds held by Loader�t any
<br /> dme is not suffictcnt to p�y tLe Bscrow Itaris when due,Lender m�y so nodfy Horrower in wrida8,and.in such cax Bocrower
<br /> shall p:y oo I,omckr the�nwuns nocescuy to nsxke up the deflciency. Bornower siull n�ke up tho deficiency in no mon ttu�a
<br /> tvrelva n�onthlY PAY��,At I.ender's sole discr�tion.
<br /> UP�MY�in full of all svms secural by this Security Icu�mcnt, L,�nd�r sh�ll prompdy refund to Botrower any
<br /> , Funds heM by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,Le�xfer stuU xcquin or sell the Propecty,Ixnder. pdor to tha aoqutsidun or s�le
<br /> of tl�Property�stull apply aay P�nds beld by Lsader at the dme of acquisidon or salo�s st credit ag�inst tha svms e�ecured by
<br /> this 5ocurity Iastiumeut.
<br /> 3.Applkation ot Payn�nts.Unless�ppltcable la�v pmvides othoiwisc,al psyuunts naivod by Lendcr unckr paia�raphs
<br /> 1 snd 2 sb#11 be appliai:first,w anY prepayment churges ciue under the Nate; secund,W xmoauts pay�ble unda parcrb�2;
<br /> third,to interest due;fourth.to piinctpxl due;and last,to ury lata chuges duc uvdcr thc Notc.
<br /> 4.Char�esc Llenr. Borrnwer sh�ll p�►y all tu�s.assessmenu� clsuges�fi�s a«i Imposidoi►s AttributAblo to the Prop�ctY
<br /> which zwy attain priority over this Socudty Instzument.swd leaschold payments or grouutl rents,if any. Bomower s1Wl p�p
<br /> these obli�tioas in the muu�er providcd in pardgr�ph 2,or if uot piid in tLu m�nner,Bnmau+�r sh�ll p�y than on time dlmdy
<br /> ta tba persoa owod payment.Borrower shall prompdy fumish to L.endcr all notias of amounts to be�►id utxkr tt�ls p�t'�gt�t►.
<br /> � If Borrower u�xkes these pxyments dinctly�Borrawer shall promptly furnish to I.eoder reaiptc evidencins tLe paymeats.
<br /> � Hoirower shall�tutnpdy dischuge�ny lian�vtuch iuis priority over this Sccurity InstcumGai uuless Burrower:(R)�txs in
<br /> � wrtt�ng W the pRyment of the obllgxiion sxu.*ecl by the lien in t nunner acceptAble to T.r,ndcr,(b)oont�ts in good faish the li�n
<br /> -- by, or defends agaiact enforeanens of t6e lien in, legal pmceedings which iu the Lcuc�r's opinion opaate to prevent tUe
<br /> enF�rc�nen!of the lien;or(c)secums from the holder of tt�e lien xn agceement satisfacwry to i.a:ncicr svbordituting che Iteu to
<br /> -_ � this Security Insmunea�t. If Lencler detemrines thas xny pArt of the Property Is subjxt to tt licn which mwy attaiti ptiority over
<br /> -' t�9 SCCI1fIly IILSti11lT1EDt�Lender may give Borrowet a nodce identifyiug the lien.Bormm:r sLxll euisfy tho lien or ta�e oue or
<br /> �'° ' mon of ILe xcdos►S a�t fonL Above withia 10 dnys of the giving of notice.
<br /> � Fom,soze s�su
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