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<br /> a , D,Hturd er Property InnurAUCe. iioarnvr�lahall kocp Ilwc improvements now exisdng on c�reafter erected on 1he Properiy
<br /> Y� insurod �einst loas by Cue,ht�xacds includ�l wlthin the tcrm "�xtended covcrege" and w►y othcr hazards. inctuding flaods or
<br /> _ � flooding,for which Lendu requlcc.s insur�nca.'I'hie inauranca shaU bo maint�inod in the amounts end for tha puiods that 1.cndcr -
<br /> t recp��in�c,'Ihc�insurn�ce canler providin�the inr.urnnce shall 6e chosen by B�rrower sub,�ec►to Lender's approval which shall not
<br /> �� be uruaa�onably withhcld. If Barrowcr fnile ta melntaln covcr�go de�cribed at�ve, Lendcr may, at I.ender's opdon,obtain
<br /> -=_-�'-� covaago to protxt Lender's r�,ght�in the Property in uccorduices with puagraph 7.
<br /> All in�rAnce polkies an�reacw�ls shall Iw ticccpl�b3o w l.endu end shall include a standard mortgagc clause.I,�ndu shall
<br />��� huvo tho right to hold ihe policir.s and mnewaln.If Lendcr roquires.Borrowa shall promptlY Aive to I.ender dl receipts of paid
<br />'-a� pr�miurnsand cenowal nodces.In the evcnt af loss,Dorrowu shall glve prompt noda to the inswance carri�er and Lender.L.ender
<br /> -�� may mako�nc�f af lavs 1f not m�de prompdy by IIorrowu. _
<br /> -= llnte�L.end�x and Bocrowa otherwisc n�Cna in wrldng,insurance procceds shall bo opplied to restoradon or repair of tl.+e
<br /> proppty damagod,if the resmntion a n�tsir In oconomically feasibk snd Lendei's securlty is not ksscoed.If the restorad�a or
<br />--= nepair is not aonomically fr,�aibie or Lcndcr's securiry would bc lesscned�the inswance procads st�all be appli�d to the sums
<br /> exur�d by this Securiry Instnunent,whcd�er or not thzn dua.with any excess paid tn Borrowu. If Borrower aba�dons the
<br /> Propaxy�or does not answer w[thiiun 3Q dayA a noda from l.e.ruler Ihat the insurart�ce caaiu has offerod to settle a cDaim�then
<br /> — Lend�r mey colloct thc lnsuran�cc proceeds.I.andcr may use ihe procads w�+air or restare the Propaty or to pay siuns secu�+ecf
<br /> - by thLv Sxurity Insi��ur��cnt,whei�`►�:+-oe nat ihan duo.'ITsa 30-day p�r�od wil!Sxgin when the noskt is given.
<br /> i— Unla�L,ender and Barowx othenvise t�ma in writing,enY epplicadon of proceafs to princtpal shall not extend or postpone
<br /> tha duc d�u:of thc monthly pnyments refcrrcd to in paragrnphs 1 end 2 or changa the nmcwnt of�he payments.IF undu pnreg�eph
<br /> 21 �hn Prq�ecty is acquired by Lender. Botmwer's dght w ar.ry insaranco pollcies an�procads resulUng from damage to the
<br /> propaty priur to tho ecquioioion sbaU pass to 1.cndrr to tho e�tsent of tho sums sxured by this Security Instrument Immodietely
<br /> priat�dio acquisition.
<br /> 6.[kcuppaeyr Preeecvptbe.M�fateuAnee And Prutectbm of the Propertpi Borrower'e l.o�o Applic�don;Le�febol�s�
<br /> Bonowa ehell occupy.esiabli.vA,and uec thc Property as Bomowa's principel resfdGtc�within sixty days afta the execution of
<br /> thYS Socwity lnstivment and st�ali can�nnue to occupy t�a Propeiiy as Bomawu'R principnl residence for at least one ya�r ntta the
<br /> dato of occupwncy, nnkss L�ender othcrwisxs ngroes in writirng,which cons�nt shall ncrt be uncra4onably withheld. a unless
<br /> exteauadng ei�cumstanees exist whkh ere t►eycmd Bartowr,�'a c;ontrol.Bpaowu shall aot deslroy.clamage or impair the Property,
<br /> — ittii�i'v iaq rj`a"�iy �'i i�:i�.�".:G:i�. Q7 CGSRRS$ �.�oit OR l22��SI�. H31lSL�:9tf 4..tl81� "°�I! .fw��t if n�r y fi,�f�ih�r' Arti�►n nt
<br /> procoeding, wheihu civit.a criminnl,is beAun Ihat in I.cndcr°s gaxl f�ith judgmer�t could result in forfeituro of the Pnopaty or
<br /> othawise mauxisUy impolr the pen created by Ih1s Socuriry Inswma�t a Lender's s�urity inte,rest. Hmmwa may cure auch a
<br /> desfeult nd ninstetr.. es�xovided ln pacagrnph 18.by causing the actian or Procealing w bo dismissod with a ruling th�t, in
<br /> T,enda�'e good fdth deoamirsation.procludc9 fm�fciwce of tho Borcowa's inicrest in the Propaty or oth�x matalal imp�3m�ait of
<br /> - - the Uen aeated by thLv Sceurity Inswment ar Len�le+r's stcucity intenst.Bor.rnwer shall also be in default if Barowa,dudng the+
<br /> loan�ay5Catlon process,gnve materi�lly[alxp ar inACCwrato infamatjon a statements to I.mdu(or fatkd W provide Le�sdet with
<br /> eny m�irrial infamationa in com�ecti�on wltti Ihc loen evide��cod by the Nato, including, but not limitod w, npresenutiona
<br /> conerming Barowec'�occupnncy of the Propa�ty aa a princi�al rcsitknca.If this Securlty Inswment is on a ks�etwld,Barowv
<br /> ehall compiy with aU the provisiona of tho basn.If Borrowa acquina foe title w the�coperty,the kaahold aad the foe dtk shall
<br /> not meage unlese L�ender egroes au the mergcr ih wrlUng.
<br /> 7. ProEectbn al l.eadrr'u RigYb in t6e Property. If Bamwu Fails to p�sform ihe coven�nts and agroements conninod 'w
<br /> thia Socmity 1nst:ument,oe there i�a kgal�mncooding that nuy significundy affect Lendcx'a rights in the Pc�opaty(such as a
<br /> p�aocimg in benlcntplcy�probe�te.[a condc+nnation or forf�ttun or W cnforco hws ar rcguladons),t}xn Lenda may do end isay
<br /> for vhsMever is nece.�ry ta�ooect the vnlue�f tho Propaty and I.,ender's rights in the Pcopaty.I.enckr's acdons may incluck
<br /> pwying ny aum� securod by a tien whicl� tu��xiority ova Ihis Security Instrument,�PP��B � sa�,P�Ying ra�onabk
<br /> - �twmaya'foea and enta�irig on 1he Pro�ty to mako rop�irs. Although C�ender may take ecdnn unda this wr�grapti 7.Lenda
<br /> dcus na�t dava to dn so.
<br /> Any pnounts dislwrxd by Lsnder und�x this pungrapb 7 shall bec�ome nddition�l debt of Bormwa sxun�by 9his Security
<br /> Insaumea� Unk,ss$arower�d La�da egoo to oU�a �ama of pwyma►t, thex emounts shall bav intaGSt from tl�e date of
<br /> disbu�anent u du Note raw and shall be puyablo�wilh intaest,upon�e lYcxn Lender W 8arrower roquestinB PaY��
<br /> 1. Mort��e Iswrance. If L�nder roquiral mongage Insurence as a condition of miking the loan securod by this Socurity
<br /> Insttumait, Borrowa ahall pay thc pc+eminma requirod W malntain tho moctgago insuranca in effoct If. fa any rrA9on, the
<br /> martge�ga insurnnce covarage reguind by L�der lapsw a cea9es w be in effect, Borrowu shall pgy the pnmiums roquirod to
<br /> obtafn covex�ge substantially equiv�lent to tho m�rtgage �nstuance pre°�lonsly in cffect,et a cost substant�ally oquivalent to the
<br /> cost tQ Borrower of dto ma�tlg�ge inaurenco provionsly in effcct, fron�An altnmate mo�tgege insuru epp�oved by Lender. It
<br /> .— � st►bsttur�tlelly ecl�ivnl�nt mort�age �nsnranca eovrrage ie not a,vailnhk,Bor�owu shall pay to Lender each month a su�n equal to
<br /> one•tweWx of the ycarly mortgage insurenco pre�nium being paid by$orrower when�he insucunce a�vua�►e lapsed or c�as�ct w
<br /> be 6i ctfxi.Lender will ecccpt. use and retain these paymenn as a loss resuve in Gw of mortgage insursnce.Y.oss resesve
<br /> �
<br /> – Form SO�i lJ00
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