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<br />,^°'° 'PppB'I�ift WITH �II thc tmpcovemcnts now on c�rciftcr crectcd on thc property. and a��ASemcnts,ep�urtcnanccs,end --
<br /> •°' Cxtw,es r�ow or hereatter a part af the propatY.All rePlACemereta°nd ecklluons Rhall also be covere�l by thia Security Insaument. -
<br /> :=-;:`�e• All of tl►e foregoing is refared to In this Security Inavumeni ws thr,"Ruper►Y.�� -
<br /> r�..%� BORRUWER COVBNANTS that Bortower is U►wfully seLvW oF�e estatc hcreby conveycQ and ha.g the right to grant end _
<br /> - ca�vey Ow Prc�ctiy and tl�t the Pro�crty is uncncumbem�. enr,elrc for cncumbrances of record. Dorrowcr wnasu►ts cu►d will `
<br /> �� defend genenlly tho dtle to t,he PropertY aBainat nU eWme andl demands,subjoct to any tiacumbrances of rocord.
<br /> = THIS 5fiCURITY INSTRUMBNT combines uniform covennnts for naaonal use and non•unifArm covenants wUh llmited
<br />: ,,� ' vtuiatians by jurisdicdon w cansdwte a uniform sc�curity inaaumr.nt covering resl pcoperty. -
<br /> ��:.�� [J1V�ORM COVENAN'I'S.Borrower aM±i.cnder cavennret and ogrec as follows:
<br />_1,``.:�_ 1.P�yment o�Principal wnd Ieterest;�'�payment and�.ak Cbar�es. Bomowcr shnp promptly pay when duc tho
<br /> �5�� principel af and intucst on tha debt evidcnced by the Notc and nny pre{x►ymcnt end lete cherges duc under the Note.
<br /> ��� Z.Fund�for T�xea And InaurAnn. Subjoct w applicable law or to a wriucn waivcr by Lcnder, Bamwer shell pay to
<br /> :"=-`�
<br />,�� I.ender on tho day monthly paymeats ere due undcs the Nae,until th�Note is paid in fuU,a sum("I'unds")for:(a)ycarly taxes
<br /> and asses.cmnents whicti may auain priodty ove,�thls Security Inetrument ag a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold payments
<br />'�'"-'� or goound ren�c on the Property.if any;(c)yearly ha�ard or property insuranco premiums,(d)yea�rly flaod insurance pramiums,if
<br /> - �Y: (�)Y�IY��888e insurance}xemiums.if any;arcd{fl any sums payabk by BorroHer tn Lender. in accordance with the
<br /> �� provislons of pa►�graph B, in lleu of the paymens of mortgage insurance premiums.'Itiesa iteins� callod "Escrow Items:'
<br />'��--' �,,�nd�r may.at any tlme,collect and hold F'unds in en e�nounl nol to e�i�t1�e meximurn amaunt a M:;3er for�federsUy related _
<br /> �� montgego loan may sequl�e for Borrowu's escraw account under the fexk�ral Real Bstate Setile�nent Yrocedures Act of 1974 aq
<br /> :_;� amcnded from time w time. 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2b01 et saq. ("RESPA").unless another law thnt npplles to the Funds sets a lesser
<br /> --� �rwunG If so, L,endu may. at anY time� collect and haid Funds in en emount not to cxcced d�c lcsser amoun4 Lendcr may
<br /> ,:��,�„ estimste the emount of Funds due on the basis af cucrent data and reaqonabl�esdmates of eapendllures of fuwre Escmw Items or
<br /> __.-� dherw,ix in�ccordance with appljcable 18w.
<br /> 'I7�o Funds ahall 6e held in an�nstitution whuse dcpaxitn are insured by a falual agency,Insnumcncnlity,or endty(including
<br />-::�,.s. I.ender�if L,enda i�sucb an insdtudon) a in any Fec1�.�rat I�Lume Loen Bank.La►der shall apply the Funds to p�p thc F.srrow
<br /> - Il�aris.Lender msy not chuga Borrower for holding and ytplying the Fw�ds.annnally analyzing lbe escmw aeccwn4,or vp4fying
<br /> thc�xOr,�r Itemt,unless L,enda pny�Bamwer intaest an thc Funds and epplkable 1aw pcimita Lender to malce such a chacge.
<br /> --= Howeva, I.mtfu may requicc Barowu to psy a one-wnc cMrge for an indep�ndent real estste tex reporting service used by
<br /> I.EA(1G ttl COt1[IOCti011 wlt�l [hili be[l.Iuiros�t 1qiplii:uuic =dW�v.:L�Cw:,L�LLZ:::&L.::T.:�.^•S!�C.Ai i«°.�C nr�lirahln law
<br /> � xeq�iva intarst to be paid.Lender shaill not ba roqulred lo pay Barowa eny intaest ar caminge on the Funds.�nirowu end
<br /> Lender may ag�ree in wridng�howcver.t�et int�xcst shell be paid on 11�e Funds.Lender shafl givc ro Borrawa,without charge,en
<br /> annual�ccounting of the Funds,ahowing ccodits and d�cbit�to 1he Funds end the purpo�for wbleh each debit to the Funds wav
<br /> made.'Ihe Funds ue plodgal a9 additional security fa all sums socured by this Seciulty Insuument
<br /> � If ihe Fund�heW by Le�nda eacad tfie amounts pe�mimeed w be I�eld by applicable laa,L.ender shall account to Borrower fa
<br /> � tho exass Funda in aocordance wlth the requ�rements of applicable iaw.ff the amount of ihe�Cunda hcld by I.endcx at eny dma i�
<br /> rat sutilcknt to p4y the Escmw Items when due.Lender mny so notify Horrowu in wridng,and,in auch cs�e Borrower ahall PaY
<br /> ��,�nder the atr�o�nt necessary w male up the deficiency. Barower shall make up the daficiency in no more tban twelve
<br /> monthlY PsYmenu�at L.endtr's sok discrctioto.
<br /> (Jpon paympit in full of al!sums socured by this Sccurity Insavmcnt,L,endcr sha11 promptly ccfund to Bonowcr any Funds
<br /> held by I.endcs.�f,unda paragrnpt�21.3,endu shall acquire a sell thc Propeity.Lendcr,prior w the acquiaition or aalc of the
<br /> proputy� sh�U apply any Funds heW by Ltnda at tha time of acqu�sition a sak�a credit ageinst the eume securod by thi9
<br /> Sec�uity Insuunx,n�
<br /> 3.Appikatioo of Parmenta. Unkss xppli�•abio luw providey otherwise.u�l payments roceivod by t.,endcr under paragrenhs
<br /> 1 and 2 sh�ll bc xpplied:first,to anY Prepf►Yment chargW due unda tha Note;second,w emounts payablc undrr paragraph 2:
<br /> thirti,to intatist duc;fourth.to principal due;end last,w any Ittte charges due under the Noto.
<br /> 4.C6�r6es;Liena. Borcowu st►all pay aU taaes. assessments.chaz8es� fu�es end impcfaitinns autibut4ble to tho Propacy
<br /> which may�tain priority ova ihis Securicy Inswment,and Lcasehold psymaus a ground renl�,if any.Borro�vu shaU psy the�e
<br /> ' obL'g�pons in tho menrta provided in par�graph 2.cr lf na paid in thnt m�nner,Bocrowcr ahall pay thcm on time dirocdy ta the
<br /> person owod payrt�enG Borrowa shaU prompdy furnish t� Lender all notices of amoun�s to be pald undu this paragraph. If
<br /> ' Borrawer malces thcsa payments di�+ccUy,Botrowcr shall pmmptly fumiste 6o Lendu reccipte ovidencing tha p4yments.
<br /> �3arowra ahall promptly diechtuge eny lien which hus priaity ovtx this Securiry Insuument unless Horrowtr:(a)agtees in
<br /> wciting to�he payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a mannea acceptabk to Lender,(b)cunusts in gand f�ith tho!kn
<br /> :i by, or defends against enfoccement of the Ucn �n, icgal procxdings w6ich in the Lcader's opi�uon opa�sta to prevent the
<br />-- enforcernent of the lien;or(c) sxures from the holcctrxx of the lien an a�groement satisfaecory to Lcnder subordinating tha lien to
<br /> _=°���� Ihis �curity Instrumen�If Lendcr detcrmines thac a��y part oP thc Property is subjcct W a licn whiCh may attaain prloriry ovet Ihis
<br />- - Socuriry Insaument,Lender muy gtve Borrowu a notice fdenpfying the Gen.Eorrowec shall�+tLsfy the lien or talce one or more
<br /> -_= of the xtions set focsh above within 10 days nf the giving of naace.
<br /> -- Form�OZe Y!!0 -
<br /> --���c'
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