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<br />� 97— i��a�0 F
<br /> �;� � � S.1laa�d ar i'roperty Intu��ace. Barowcr ehall keep the impcovcments now exisdng or hereaftcr eroc on Yimpe,rty
<br /> Insurai �gainst bs�by fire,hax�rds inc!.udod within thA uxm "oxlended caverege" and any othu twv.ards, including floads or
<br /> .� Qooding,far which L�endex requlres insuronce.'rt�i�i�►nua,nco ahdl bo mnint�ned in ihe unounts and for iho periods thec Londer
<br /> 1,� rcqui�e.�.The insuranco curkr providing tha insur�nce ah�p be cho�en by Borrower subject to Lender'�ep�xovd which sh�U not -
<br /> ----' bo unre�uonably withheld. If �ortowa [ails a maint�in covenge ile,ycribai obove� Lcnds,r �nay. :u l.c,�ukr's 6pIlOR. obiain �
<br />--.•� covaage W protect La�der'e rights to the Pro�xrty in accordance with pacagreph 7.
<br /> AU�ns�e palicies snd renew�La shaU be accerytabb u�I.,endu and shnll include a standard mortg�gc clause.Lendcr shall
<br /><���� havo tho right w hold tho policiw�nd nenewsw. If Lendrr roquire�,Borrowa stw11 promPaY Sive to Lender all roceipts of pald
<br />�� prcmium�and renewal notice�,ln the event of bss,Scxmwu shali givc prompt notice tm the insurance cturicr end Lcnder.Leruler
<br />-�---= may maka p�oof of bss if not m�de pmmptly by Sarawcx.
<br />`'�'� Unks�l�endcr and Borrowu otlx�wise agroe in writing,insurar�ce procoeds shall be app4ed to restoration or n�alr oF the -
<br /> "� �Y��Bad,if the reswradoo or repair i,v economically feuibk and Lcnder's sociuity is not{es.x,ned.If the rtstaadon a
<br /> � te�ir b not oconanically fcuibk or I.etKkr'�security would be ks.�enod,the insutance p[oc,�eds shsll be applkd w the sums
<br /> securod by th� Socurity Instrurt�a►t, whC.f�er or not tha� due. with any ea�cess paid to Borrowu. If Barower abundons the
<br /> — PmprrtY�ar does not Anti►wa within 30 days a nodce from L�cter that the iruur.u�ce carriu ha9 offaal to sett{e a claim�tt�en
<br /> — l,a,aa m.y couoct tho insuisnce pcoeoe�is.r.eaaer rrtay use ths procooas to re�xir o�cestore the 1Properey or to pay sums securoa
<br /> - __�, bY tdia SocurLY Inst�umait,whettKr or not tha�due.'I�e 30-day period w1U begin when the notice is gtven. _
<br /> __ Unless I.aKkr and Bcxrowa othaw�isa�groe in wririn8.anY epPlic�tlon of procecds to principal shall not extend or P�4�
<br /> the duo d�1e of trie mantlily payma�u refc�tl to in psr�graphs 1 and 2 or changc the amount of d�e payments.If under pangraph
<br /> ° ° 21 thc Fropaty Ls acqulrW by Lender, Borrower's right to eny insursnce pollcies and proceods resuldng fran dama8e w the
<br /> �Y P�b fhe acqnisition shall paes w Lend�r to th�c extmt oi�he sums secural by�his Sxurity Instn�mer+t imrrFCd3aLz1Y
<br /> - �_ pdor to the arquisition.
<br /> f.Occnp�cy�Preeervatio�,lNafuteosaae And Protectbe ot the i'fropsrtyi Borra�w�er'e I.ou Appticatiaa:Les�ec6ofd�.
<br /> Bomowe�slWl accupy.establLsh,and use the Pcopaty u Homower's princip�l residence within sixty days�tkr the executbn of
<br /> — ttw Seeurity Instrurtx�t and shall condnue to occupy the Prc�ty es Bocrowa'a prineip�l cesidence for at kast one year aftu the
<br /> d�Ne of occup�ncy. unkss i.r,nder othavvisc egcees in �vriting, whkh consent s1W1 not be unreasonably withhcW,or unkss
<br /> � wclenudin8 circwnstancea w�st which are b�yand Bo�mwex's control.Ba�o�+:,r sls::l nct dt;.troy.dama8e a impeir the Property,
<br /> albw the ProD�Y � detalor�te� or comrr�it wa�t�e a� tha Propaty. Bo�wex shal! be in default if any forfeitun Actbn or
<br /> . � pc000edin8,Mhetha civil a cximins�l�is begun that in L�a�tkr's good fi�Ith judgmdtt couid result in forfeidue ot the I'c�opaty or
<br /> uda�vi.te rtuta�Llly impair the liai creatod by thls Sccuri(p�Instrwnent or La�Ser's security int�ere.st.Borrowet may cure such�
<br /> dat�rmlt�nd �+einaute�a� pcovklod in p�ph 18�by c�nsing the action a procoediag w be dismissod with A ruling that,in
<br /> _°�.,.— Lp�ier�s good�11h delamin�tion.Pcxludes fafawne of'lise�arowet's int�est in the Pro�erty cx ather matexial iur��trma�t oi
<br /> the lie�ctra�od�6y thia Soeuriry Inatruman en J.endet's security intere.ci.Sorrowa shall also be in defiwlt if Bcxtoa+et�during 1he
<br /> ium oppllcatlon process.gave m�teri�lly fn]sa�ar in�c�curate infom►titioe ar ststanents to I.en�kr(or taikd to provide I.eader w�3�is
<br /> �ny m�lorid infonnatbn) in cau�oction with tha Wmu� evldenced by tha Note. inc�uding. but not timited to,�tations
<br /> concaning Bornowa's occupmcy of the Propaty a�a principal resida�ca.If thb Securlry Inswma►t L�on a{easehoW�Barower
<br /> stull oompty�vith dl the provisions of the k�e.If Barowa ecqulras fa dde to the Aopaty.the ka�ehold and the fa utk staU
<br /> not metge tmksa I�et�der agroes to the ma�gor in wrioing.
<br /> 7.Prasectio�o/I.e�der's W�Yte ia tl�e Ilroperty. If Borrowu fail�to pafotm the covenants and agtoe+neett conWnai in
<br /> tliis SecuritY Inauurt�a��.a there i�a kgal procooding sh�t may signific�tly pft'ect Lend�x's cights in�he Prppaty(such a��
<br /> pr000a�ng in bwOcmp�cY.prib�tc,fa condemn�tton a f�rfeituro a w a�farca 4�ws a regul�tions).d�en LcrKlei may do md paY
<br /> for whakwa is noce�.ary w protect the v�tue of the Fropecty and L,eader's dghts in the Propaty.I�a�der'a actions may includo
<br /> p�}'iaR my awns secuned by a lien whialn has �xialty ova Ihis Se�ur�ty Inswment, �pprarin8 in cou�t. {�aYjnB re�o�bM1c
<br /> stqrn�y�' fas md a�taing on the Proncxay w make rqmirs. Althoug�'1,eada may take actbn undcr this paragcaph 7.L�ticr
<br /> does not have to do so.
<br /> � My�nwunls disbursod by I,enfler under thls paragraph 7 st�all bocortb edditio�wl dcM of Borrower securul��y this Seciuiry
<br /> �n�ttuma►� Unkaa Bomoarcr and Lcndu agroe w othcr tams of payment, these amounts shaU bear inta+est from the dx,e of
<br /> ditbunanatit at the Nule rat�and st�all be payebfe�with intaest,upon�.�from Ler►da W Ba[ower requestin8 PaYma►�
<br /> 8.Mort�a=e I�wrana. if Lender rcquired mortgage Insurancre as a condidon of making tho loan aocu�+ed by thls Socurity
<br /> Instrunkat, Borrowa shall pey the pcemiums reqtsired so maintain the nwctgage 3nsunu�co in effccG If, for�a►y re,ason. tho
<br /> mataage inwratrce covaage�rquir�d by L.endei la�ses mr ccases to be in effect,B�cxxmwu shall pay the pnemuu�requuod�o
<br /> oblaln cov�ge substmtially eqnivaknt to the martgng�lns�uance prevjously in ef�oct,at�cost substtntially equivnknt to the
<br /> c�a¢ eo Soa��rrsr of tho mortgage insor�nce previoosly in effcet, fmm en aluxnata mortgago insuru ap�xpvcd by Le.ndv. IF
<br /> substant�lly oquivala�t matgAgo insnrmao coverqgc is f�ot�►vailabk,Boroowa sh�!!py W Lcnd�x cach month a sum oqwl ui
<br /> one•tweifth di the yearlY mortgage iasurar�ce premium being pAid by Borrowa when the insurance covaage lapsai or ccasod w
<br /> be in effect L,au{a will acccpt, use end m,tain these p�aq*,mtaus as a bss re.9uve in liw of mortgege inswance. Loss rc.gcrvc
<br /> �a Form�02� 9IM
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