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<br /> ,�1�� 'I�dt3ATHHR WITH all thc tiryprovtmu�ts now ar hueaft�r eroctcd on tha propcxty.end ell ca�emen4r� �p�urunancw.nnd �
<br /> ' . fnwrea now or hereattu a part of�ho Prop�+tY. All rcpLiccmenta�nd�dditlo�s sh�ll�Ig°bc covcred by this Security In!wurnen4
<br /> N� All nf tl�o f�regoing is rofured w 1n this Security Inswmcrt as the"PropertY."
<br /> - BORROWBR COVENANTS th�t Blorrowtt b l�wfully aeisod of d�o e.rtata{�cr:;by r,ui�vcycd�ttd has th�ri�ht to �rent nnd "
<br /> � convoy tha Pro�eriy nnd that 11�� ProPertY �9 u�umbaod, oxceryt for cncumbranccs of recurd. Borrower wamu►ts and witl _
<br /> defa�d general�y the dtk to th�ProputY 88�s���c�"s and demands,subJect to eny encumbrances of rocord.
<br /> ,.'�`k`.� THIS SHCURITY INSTRUMBN'P combines uniForm coveriant�for nad�nal usc and non-unlform covcnanls with llmited
<br /> _� variadana by Jurisdlcdon a consdwte a uniform securlry insuument covuing rcal propertY•
<br /> ��i IINIFORM COVBNANTS.Bortower a�d Ler�de+r cc�venznR and agrx as folbws: when duc the
<br /> t��' 1.P�yment ot Frbicipal��d Intereat:Prep�7ment pnd l.�te C6sr�e9. Borrowcr shall promptly pay s
<br /> � principal of And interest an�he debt evidenced by the Nou and any prepayrnertt e�d lat�e charges duc under the Note.
<br />°�� 2.Fwids for Tiuces ood Inaurance. Subjoct to epplicAlsb law a to a wrluen waiver by Lerdu. Borrowu shall paY to
<br />--�� Lcndcr on thc day monthlY PnYments ero due undcr U►e Noto.until tho Notc iv pakl in fuU,a sum("Funds") for: (a)Yeerly taaes
<br /> and assessments which may attain priodty over this Secudty Inswment a9 a lien on the Proputy:(b)Ycarly kaschold p4ymenu
<br /> _—� or ground rents on tho Propaty.if anYC(�)Y�ly hazud or prope+tY insurmce Premlums:(d)Yearty flood insucnnee Premlu��ns.if
<br /> — any:(o)Y�ly mortgage insurance pr�miums, if any;end(A any sums payabk by Borrowex W L�ender.in sccordu�co with the
<br /> provisions of para�raph 8, in licu of Ihe payment of mortgage lnsurance promiums. 'iluse itcros ece callod "Escrow I�eaus."
<br /> Lender may.at any time.collect and hold Funds in ae amount r►Qt w excaod the maaiinum emou�t a knckr for a fodesally reY►tod
<br /> mortgago loan may require for Borrowu's escmw account unda tho falual Ru+l Esteu Seukment Procedures Act of 1974 as
<br /> �nendod from time W tune� 12 U.S.C.Soctlon?.601 et seq. ("RESPA').w�kss anotha law ttut applies to the Fw�ds sas a ksser
<br /> ���, ����,�nder m�y� at any time. collect and hold F�nds in an emount not to excead �he kssu atnounG Lenda may
<br /> esdma�e d�o amaunt of Funds due on the ba4is of cu�rent data and rea9umabla r,stimatrs of eapaiditures af fuuue Escrc�w Itrans or
<br /> oltKrwlse in�ccordance w9th Applicabk Isiw.
<br /> � The Funds shall bo held in an insflwtion whose dePosits aro insural by a federal agency.inswmeetality.a cndty (inciuding
<br /> Lendrr�if I,a�Jer Is such ut�instltution) a in uny Faiael Home I.oa►a Bank.Lu►det shaU apply tho Funds w pey the F.scxow
<br /> Items.I;ex�da may not ct�arge l�orrowa for holding and applying the Funds,ennually analyzing the averow accounl,or verifying -
<br /> ilsc E«.^^�r:Isa�.•�t�,utrr twys Bormwa intaest on the Funds and applicabk law pumits Leoder W�nalce such�ch�rge.
<br /> However.Lenda may rccluire Barowu to pay a ane-time eharge fo�t an indq�ende�c reai esu[e wc�cpocrin6 sc�::��.�t u3
<br /> I.ender in connecdcm�vith thi9 ban,unless apf►11cs�b?e law pn�vldcs otherwise.Unlr,ss an�t is m�de or applicabk law
<br /> roquires int�tast w be puid,Ltt�tia sha11 not bo roquired co pay Borcower any int�crest a eamings on the Funds.Borrower and
<br /> �_— Lenda may egc�ae in wridng,however,that inLerest shall bo paid on the Funds.Lender shall give ta Barowu�witlaut ch�rge,ae _
<br /> ann�al accoundng of�ho Funds.shawang credits and debits w the Funds and the purpose fa which cach debit to the FLnds was
<br /> - mwde.'il�e Tunds�re plafgod a��da►al socuriry fa all sums sec�uod by this 5ecurity Instrumen�
<br /> If the Fund�haW by I�der exceod the amounts Pa*mit�d eo be h�1�by applicabk 1sw.I.ender st�aU nccount to Barowa fa
<br /> the eaee.a Funds in eccorclance with the raluiremer►ts of applieabk law.If the emo�:nt of�he Funds held by I.enc3�er at any time is
<br /> not sufficicnt w pay the�.scsow Itsms when due�Lender muy so notify Barowa in wridng��nd,in such c�so Borrower shall 1�Y
<br /> to L,a�da tha amount nece.gsarY to make up U�e deficiency. Borrowu shall mnke up the defxiency in no more thm cwelvc
<br /> monthlY P�Y��•at Lender's sok discredon. l nfund to Bocrnwac�ny Flu►ds
<br /> Upon payment in full of ell snens socurod by this Sccurity Instrwnent,Lcnder shall P�P�Y
<br /> . held by Lenda.If�ond�r�pacegraph 21.Lender shall aWuice or sell�he Pro�Crty,Lender.Prior to!he ac9�ition or sile of the
<br /> Propaty.shaU aPP�Y�Y Funds hekl by Lendu at the time of acqaisition or sak as a crodit�galnst the sums soctued by d�ig
<br /> - Sacucity QnsttumenG
<br /> 3.AppNcatbn ot Paymente. Unk,ss W�P1lcabb law provldes othuwise.all payments raceivod by Lenda under Par�graPhs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be 8Pp1ia1: Cuxt,co anY P�Yment charges d�e under the Not�;second,tn emounts payable unda paregraph 2;
<br /> third�to inta+est d►�;fouAh.w principal dne;and last,to eny lau charges due nnda the Note.
<br /> 4.CA�ar�ea{Lieu. Borrowtr shall paY au t�c�s� �sses.�ment9,charg°9,fines end imposidons awlbuta]�le w the PropertY
<br /> which may auai�prlo�ity ovu this Security lnstrumcnt,and M.aschold paymenta or ground r�ents.if sny.Borrowcr shall paY these
<br /> obligetoon�in the manner providod in paragraph 2.a if not pald in that ma�►nu.Borrower ahaU pay them on time direcdy W the
<br /> pugon owed paymeat Borrowu ehall promptly ffe�mish to Lcnder all notices of amounts to ba psid undu thia pacagrzph. I�
<br /> 8orrower m�h�t�ese paymaits dlroctly.Bamower shall promPUy fumish co I.ender receipts evidenc�ng the�paym�nts.
<br /> Dmrower sMll promPUY discharga e"y uen wAich has priority ovu this Security Inswment unkss Boimwu: (a)agrces in
<br /> � writing w the payment of the obligntion secured by the lien in a manner acccptabk to Lender:(b)coatests in good faith tl�c lien
<br /> by. ar delends egainst enforcemant of the llen in� legal procceclings which in the I.ender's opinion opaato to pnveni the
<br /> enforceex�,nt of thc ticn;or(c) secures from the holder of the lien an agroement sati.sfectory to Lender subordinati�ig the lien to
<br /> - this Soc�uity Instrument.If Lendcr determines that a�Y Pacc of the Property i�subject to a llen which may at�vn priority over this
<br /> - � Socurity Inst�umoat,Lendu maY Blvo Bocrower a nodco identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take ona or morp
<br /> — of dio actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. Fortn�OII9 lIYO
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