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<br /> 13.Not{ces. Any noticc to Horrower providr,d for In[h)n Securiry [nsirument sh�ll be Aivcn Uy delivedng it or
<br /> by mailing it by Crst class mail u�dess applicablc law requirr,s uhe of Anothcr mcihal.Thc nc►dcn ahall be dfrectcd to
<br />' rhe Property Addnas or�ay o�her ddrcsa Borrower desiqnatcs by noticc to Lender. Any notice�o Lender shell be
<br /> given by firat class mti!to l.ender's addreu stated hen:in or any addr�ss L,ender dealgnwtes Uy notia to Banower.
<br /> Any natia provided f�r in thia Sc;curity Instrument xUnil ba d��emcd to hnve bcen given to Barruwcr or L,cadcr when
<br /> givcu is providod in this puagraph.
<br /> 14. Governiio=I,sw;SevqsbiUty,Thie Sct:urity inntrument sh�ll be govcmcd by Fcderal lew end �he law of
<br /> the jurisdiction in which the Propetty is lucatcd. Iu tho evcmt thAt any provision or clausc of th�s Sccurfty Instrument
<br /> or�he Note wnflicts with�pplicable l�w,sueh cantlicc sdnla not affect other provisione of this Socuriry[nstruuxnt or
<br /> tlue Note which can be given effat without the conflfr.ting provlsi�n. To this cnd the provlslana of th9a Sccuriry
<br /> Instrument and the Note ue declar�d to be sevara8lv.
<br /> 1S. Bon+oNer'a Copy. Burrow�r ahnll he givcn oae confom�ed copy of the Noto and af ttds Security
<br /> fastrurncnt.
<br /> 16. Haswn3ow Subet�ece�, gormwer a6nit nat cause or permlt the pnsence. use.dls�ral,atonge.or nleue
<br /> of any Hazanlous Subst�nces on or ire the Pmpr.rty. Ba�rnr�+�er sltal!aet�b. n�r allotv rrnyana elsc to do, �nything
<br /> affectic►B t1�s Property that is in viol�tion 4f aay E�ivironmantal I.aw. The ptecoding two scnt�nnr.es ahall not apply to
<br /> the prax.nce. use. or storage on the Ptnperty uf �ma!! quaatities of Hazandou� Substansas tbat are generally
<br /> raognizod to be appropriatc to normal insid��ntfid uces aad to mnintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower ahap promptly givc Leader writtan natice of any investigatic�n.claim.dcm�ad.laws�dt or otLer action
<br /> Dy any govemment�l ot regulsuoq�agency ur privnt�party involving the Property and any Iiazsrdoue Substance or
<br /> �vironmantal Iaw of which 8orrower has actunl icnc►wledge. If BoRawer leama,or is rwditod Uy auy governmenal
<br /> or regulatory wthodry.Wu any remov�l�r o�har remaiiation of any Nazandou�SubstaTxxs itffccting the Ptoperty is
<br /> uecessuy.Bocmwer shall prompdy take all r.ecessary rcmcdial xtions in accordance with Environtnental Lxw.
<br /> As usal in thia pangayph 16, "ITa�aMous Suusuwces" are thosc substances dcfival ns toxic or hnzaMous
<br /> substwoe� by Eaviroam�ental L,aw wd tho folluwing suhstunces: gaso(ine, kerosc�o� othor fl�ma�ablc or toxic
<br /> petroleum products,toxic pescIcicka�d herbicidus,YOILtII�!sOl VEpt4; materialc rnnts_�o gc��44 4t f0!^�l8I��SSL,
<br /> aod ndiu�ctive matedala. As uaed in tbie puagraph 16. "Envtronmcatal Law" mew�s federal lawa and lawa of the
<br /> jurisdiction t��ere the Propercy is locued that relate co haaltd.safety or environmeatal protectian. '
<br /> • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomnwar and Lendec�urther covonant aad agcee a�[ollowa:
<br /> 17. Aaet�rmeet ot Rprte. gorcower unconditionally assigas u�d tranxftn to I.ender�11 tbo�+cnts�nd�+evenua
<br /> , uf[he P�+operty Borrower�utlwriva L,cnder or Lendor's agente to collect the renta�ad nvnnuas and 6cnby direcq
<br /> . e�ch caumc af the Property co pay che �n�i co I.cndcr or i,euder's agen[s. Howeva, prlor ta I.ender'a notice ta
<br /> ,. ' Bomower of Iiorcower•s breach of any covenattt or ageremeat in the Securlty Instrument.Bornawcr shdl collect and
<br /> roceiv�t al�cente u�d revenues of We Pmpezty as nuctce for the brncfit of L,ender and Borrowar. Tbis�asigumept of
<br /> reats conatlhita an abaolutc as.signmcnt�nd aot an assigntncnt for�clditional securiry only.
<br /> if L�kr givea notice of bneach•tR�moaar: (a)all rente recexved by Borrower sh�ll txs heJd by Iiorrower as
<br /> tnutoe for ba�eGt of L,ender only. to be appliQd to tlie nume s�xn�+ec�by che Secudty Iastnur�etit; N) �.ender sh�ll be
<br /> cntidad to oollect and rweivo�11 of tha renta ef the I�ooperty;and(c)ea�:h teaant of the Proporty shali pay all renW
<br />; due and unpaid ro l.,eader or I.�nder's agant en Lcndor'e writtcn dcmuid to t6e teaant.
<br /> Borrower h�not executed any p�iar�ignment of tha renta and has not�nd wilt not petform�ny�cs ttu��uauld
<br />' �prevent Leoder from exacising its dBhta under thia pxr�graph 17.
<br /> i I�eader sh�1�not be required to rntar upon.takc wnmul of or a�ntain the Property beforo r�-��'q.�r 6iving aotia
<br /> of b�tiach to Borrower.Howe�er, I.euder or a judi�ially appointed n�celver may do so at any tlme i�ere ia a breach.
<br /> Y My applicuion of renta ah�ll not cute or waive any dofaulc or invalidate any other right or�+cmedy of Lender.This
<br /> 1 �wignmeat af reats of the y Y p
<br /> t ��ertY�I terminata whon the debt secut�ed b the Ser�imt Insnvmeat is �id in full.
<br /> �
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