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<br /> �-yW�,.. _,. ,....������-:F.io:^:c° -- _.
<br /> ' �y._ -----
<br /> . ._._...t .., . . ,... _ . _"�eVi�-.'dL4.t+�T�.-� _....�.._"_-_
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<br /> 9?-10�i
<br /> (I)All or pout of the PropeRy,or�btnefici�l intercst in A uust owning all oe put of thc Prnpcny,i�sc+ld
<br /> or otlKrwi�e tr�nsferrod(aher th�n by devise or descent).�nd
<br /> (fi)The Pro{xny is nrat aceupied by th;:purchaser or granta: as his or her pRncipal residence, or the
<br /> punht�ser or gr�nta does su occaPY �he ProP�ny but his or her crodit h� not been approved in
<br /> �ccord�nce with the requirements of the Secrctary.
<br /> (c)No Wdver. If circumuu�ces occur that waW permit Lender ta rec�uire immediate payment in full, but
<br /> �,���n�t req��re such pxyments�Lender does not waive its dghts wlth respect to subsequent events.
<br /> (�R��� ��IJp Seereta�ry. In mtny circumst�ncts rtgulttions iatx�by tbe SecrettJY will limlt
<br /> Lendar's dghu, irt the ca�a of W►Yment defu+lte,to roquire immediue payment in full u►d funclose if na
<br /> peid. This Securiry Insuumrnt does ncK�e�thorize aocetentlon or forcclosure if noR pem�ined by regulxYsom
<br /> of the Socretuy.
<br /> (e)Mort�e Net Irurcd.Borrower agnxs th�t if this Security Inunimenc uxi the Nae ue not determtncd
<br /> ta be eligible for insaru�oe undtr the Nation�l Hauing Act wlthin 60 daya from the due henof. L.�nde�
<br /> m�y. u its opti�n. require immedlue paym�nt in fu11 of all sums securod by this 5ecurtty lnsccument.A
<br /> wdtt�stuenxnt of eny wcharized agent of tttie Secrctuy dated wbsoqueat to 60 dayn from the d�u Ixreof.
<br /> dalining to in�ure this Security Instntmrn� and t�c Notie� sha11 b� daemod �l�s��e pr'°�f of such
<br /> ineligibiliry. Nonvfthatu�ding the fongoiag, thi� optioa roay not be exe[cised by Leixkr wha� �he
<br /> u,uvall�bilicy of inturance is wlely due to L.endor's failure to nmit a mortgage Insutaace premtum ta the
<br /> �uY•
<br /> 1Q. Reidt�teant. Bortower haa a dght to be ttlnstuM if Lecder has roqvined itnmediue pxyment in tiill
<br /> because ot Bormwer's failure to pay u►unount due wider ths Note or thls Sxudty lnsuumrnt• 'I'his right�pplks
<br /> oven�ter farxlowre pincmdings ue instituted. To relnatue tbe Sxurity Ituuumau. Borrower sls�ll twder in a
<br /> lump�um ul amouncs roqui�od ta briag Borrower's account cumnt inctu�iing,to tNe eatrnt cbey are oblig�tio�na of
<br /> w,rmwer wder this Securitv Instcument.foreclosure c�sts and reason�ble and nutom�Y utomeyrs'fas md ea{�sa
<br /> P��Y �aociuod with the foroclowre pcnceoding. Upoia nlaituemeat by Borrower,thts �ecuiiry insaumcni a.i °
<br /> the ob(igxions th�t it secures stall maain in eftect a� if lrender hsd not cequira! ia�mediate paYrna�t in full.
<br /> However. Lasder is aot roquired to percnit reinstatement ii: (i) Lender das a�ceptod rcinststement aP�er tbe
<br /> �mm�m�t of faxlosure procxedinBs within nvo yan immediately preading the commena�na�t of a curnnt
<br /> foreclosun prooee�liaE, (ii) reiasatemait w[II prec�ude forocloaure on differaic grouods in tl�e [ucure. or (ili)
<br /> celnstue�ent will adveroely affax tl�e priarity of tbo liea c�+eyted by this Secutity[nunimeat•
<br /> 11. ��*Not Rdeaeed: Fwbe�nra sr I.esdee Not a Wsi�er. Eutena�ion o[tha time of paymazt a�
<br /> modificaition of unonization of the sums savrod bY �Securiry Insawneat Bnnted bY L�rndEr to u►y suca�sor in
<br /> iatereu of Boxnower shall not operate to nle�ae the li�biliry of the original Borrowa or Borrowa's wcoessor ia
<br /> interat. Lead=r shall aot be required to coromence pr000udin8s iBaiast any sucodsor in intrnsc or ret�e ta�xuad
<br /> tim�for p�ynxnt or cxheswise modify�moniratloa of tLe sums sec�ued by this Security lattniment by ne�wn uf my
<br /> dam�nd nude by tlue origin�l Borrower or Borrower's successoi�s in interat.Any forbrarcmce by 1�eader in exa+cising
<br /> omy right or rea�edy sha11 not be�watver of or proclude the exerelx of any dght or remody.
<br /> 1Z.Swxe�ors and A��au�d:Jo[�t aed Se�eral LVMIit9:Co-Si�'�. The oov�unta ind agtnemeats
<br /> of this Saurity Instnuneat shall bind�nd benefit the successora and aiaigns of I.ender and Bomow�. subjea to the
<br /> provisiom of puags�pri 9(b). Borrower's covanants �nd agroemeaW slull be joint ud sevetal. Any Borrower w1K,
<br /> co-signs�his Security Instcumeat but does not exceuu the N�e: (a)ia co-signing this Security Insuumrnt only ta
<br /> ronrtgage,gruu uid convey that Bar,rower's interest in the Pat►;oerty under the tetm~of this Socurity Inattumettt;(by
<br /> is not penonallY obligatod to pay the wrr�s secure�by�his Securlty Instrument:and(c)agnes that L,axkr uW ny
<br /> ' other Bortower may a►gree ro�xtead. modlfy, faxbwr or m�ke�ny accommaduioas with t�e8ud to tl�e ltrtns of this
<br /> Security Instrument or the Note without tbu Borrower's concent.
<br /> �
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