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<br /> �7M �o,,�� 20027915
<br /> _ Up�n recelpt ot pnyment of the price htd, Trcistec shall drliver tu the purchaser Trustec'R dc�d convoyir►g the _
<br /> Prnperty. The recltals In the Trustee':�deecl Fhall he printa tacle evicirnce of the tvuth ot the stAtements nt�tle therein,
<br /> Trustec Khrll apply thc prY,ceeds of the s�le(n the following orden (A)to ell costx And expens�w ot�xer�islr�ihe power ol
<br /> sale. nnd Ihe sule, includinx the�yment ot the 1'rustee s f�ti�s actually incurred,ttnt tu exeeecl 0 !o
<br /> of the principal A�nuunt nf the r�►te s�t the tlme ot the decl�ratlun ot default, and reW�►ru�ble�tturneys' fe�w a.s permitsed
<br /> by Iww;(6)to al!sums secured by this Security I�utrument�and(c)pny excess tu the person or�ersot�legally ent(tled to
<br /> It. •
<br /> Z2. Recanveywnce. Upnn payment of ull sums secu�•cd by this Security Instrument, Lencier shall request Trustee ro
<br /> rcconvey the PmpPrty nnci shall surrendcr this Sccurity Instrmnent .mct all natcs evidcncing dcbt secured by this Securiry
<br /> lnstrumcnt to Trustce.Trustce shall rccomcy dic Pr�perty withoue w;►rrunty and without churge t�the person or persons legally
<br /> cntitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay uny recordation costs.
<br /> 23. Substitute Trustee.l.encler, at its aption, may from time to time remove Trustce anci appoint n successor trustec to
<br /> any Ttustee appointeci hereutxler by un instrument recordecl in the eounty in whieh this Sccurity Instrument is recorded. Withant
<br /> conveyance of tho Property,the suceessor Irustee shall succeed to al!the t3tle, �wer and duties conferreei upon Tn�stee herein
<br /> and by appUcable law.
<br /> 24. Rey�st for Notices. Borrower rec�uests that copies af the notic�:s of default and sale be sent to Borruwer's address
<br /> which is the Property Address.
<br /> . 25. Rider�to this Security Instrumrnt. If one ar morc riders are executccl by Hw�rxower a�x!r,:cordod together w+ith thls
<br /> Secu:ity instruexnt,the co�znants and agrzements af ench such rider shnll be incorao►a:ai Ii�W a�Nl ai�ult uu�ccNt�►KI supplernent -
<br /> ` the covenants and agrcements of this Security Instrum�nt as if the rider(s)were n part of this Security Instrument.
<br /> [Check applicabla box(es)]
<br /> Adjustable ltate Rider �Condominium Rider 0 1-4 Family Rtder
<br /> 'C.�rnd��ated Payn�ent Ridor �Planned vnit nevclopment Ridcr �Biwcekly Pnyn�ent R�c�er �
<br /> �Balloon Rider 0 fiate�znpravement Rider �Second Hon�e Rider
<br /> [�V.A. Rider ' �Other{a){specify] '
<br /> � BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower uccepts and agrcts to the terms and covennnts cuneuir.etl i�n th!s Security Instniment and
<br /> in any rider(s)exocuted by Horn�wer und recorded with it. �
<br /> ; Witnesses:
<br /> �
<br /> � K N�1 �LA AS �N --...—..... (Sca4
<br /> -Bo�rower
<br /> { ..._._._�.
<br /> . F /
<br /> !! J H A►EN __ (Sca��
<br /> -so�W«
<br /> r'
<br />.�-
<br /> (SCA�) (�u�.A�)
<br />�ti
<br /> � -Rorrowcr -&�rrowor
<br /> '' G�+KH��G�� ���G.
<br />=< S1'A1'E OF�SRr1�iG�, County s.v;
<br />?�. The forc..so_ing instrumcnt was ucknowlcd ed bcfore mc this 21 ST da or MAY 1997�
<br /> _ • Witncss my hand and notariul seal ut ���I��M in said County.the dAte afonsaid.
<br /> a.i �
<br /> j My Cammissfon Expires: ����� a����� �w. �
<br /> � Noury Public
<br /> ' , ;��, ... ,.��
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