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<br /> 17.Tr�nsfer ot the Property or A Bencticiwl Interest In Anrrower.If ull or i►ny part ��f thc Propcny or uny intcrest in it
<br /> , is sold or transferred(or if i�benetic�a� int�rest in Borrowcr is sold or transfcrrcd nnd Hnrrowcr is not n nnturid pers��n)without
<br /> I�:�idcr'ti prior wriucn cun�cnt, [w;ndcr nury, at its uption, rcqufrc immediatc paymcnt in full of aU �urns sccurcd hy thiti
<br /> . Securiry Instrumcnt. However,tbis uption shull nat be excrciscd by l.endcr if cxcrcisc is prohibited by(cdernl luw us nf�he d�ite
<br /> af this Security Instrument.
<br /> If l.cnder excrcises this optiim, l.ender shall givc Borruwcr notice of acceleration. Thc noticc shall proviJe a period of nat
<br /> Icss thun 30 duys frnm the datc the noticc is delivcred or muiled within which Bc�rrower must pay all sumc secttred by this
<br /> Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay thcse sums prior tu the expiration of this period,L.ender mny invoke uny remedies
<br /> permitted by this Security lnstrument without further notice or demund on Borrawer.
<br /> 18. Iiorrower's Right to �teinstate. If aonowcr mcctti ccrtain conditions, Borrower sliall have thc right to ho•+c
<br /> enforcement af this Security Instrument disa�ntinued at uny time prior ta thc cnrlier of: (a)5 d�ys (ur such othcr periaci as
<br /> applicable luw muy specify for reinstatement) befare sale af the Proper►y pursuunt to any po�vcr of sale contnined in this
<br /> Security Instrument;or(b)cntry of a judgmcnt cnforcing this Security Instrument.Thosc conditions are that Borrower:(n)pnys
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if na acceleration had occurred; (b)
<br /> cures nny default of any other covenants or ugreements; (c) pays all expenses incurrcd in enforcing this Sccurity Instrument,
<br /> including, but nut limited to, reusonabte attorneys' fees;and(d)takes such action as I.ender ma��reasonably require to ussure
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Praperty und Bocrower's obligation to pay tlie sums secured by
<br /> this Securiry Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatemcnt by Borrower, tliis Secun�y iust�ument and th+:
<br /> obligations secured l�ereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration hud occurred. However, this rigl�t to reinstate shuU
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragnph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servlcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(togcther with this Security
<br /> Instrumcnt)may be sold one or more times withaut prior notice to Borrower. A sale muy res�►It in a change in the entity(known
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under tl�e Note and this Security Instrument.There also may be onis
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelnted to a sale of the Note. lf there is a change of the Loan Scrvicer,Borrower will Ix:
<br /> giden written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 nbove and applicable law.The notice will state the mm�e und
<br /> nddress of the new Loan Servicer und the address to which puyments should b� made. Thc nocice will also contuin nny other
<br /> informatian required by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Hatardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permft the presencc, use, disposal, storngc, or release of nny
<br /> Hazardous Substances un or in th� Property. Borrower shall not do, noc ullow anyone else to do, nnything nffecting thr.
<br /> Property thut is in vioRation of any Environmental law. The preceding two sentences shall not upply to the presence,use, or
<br /> stor2gd o� the Yroperty ot small quantit�es ot Hazardous�ubstnnce.s that are Seneraiiy recognized cv ne apprapriaic co normtii
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance af the Prope►ty.
<br /> Horrawer shall promptly give Lender written notice of nny investigutinn, clalm, demand, lawsuit or ather�ction by nny
<br /> governmental or regulatory agency or private pany involving the Propeny and any Hazurdous Substnnce or Environmcntnl Luw
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowiedge. If Borrower learns, or is notificd by Any governmental or regulatory authority, thut
<br /> any removal ar oth�r remedintion of nny Hauudnus 5�bstunce affecting the Property is nccessnry.Borrower shall promptly take:
<br /> all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Enviromnental Law.
<br /> As usecR in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" arc those substanees defined ais toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> ' Bnvironmental La�v and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum Qroducts, toxir,
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,vol�tile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,und radiouctive muterials. Ay used in
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Envitonmental Law" means federal laws and laws of'thc jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> relate to health,safety or environmental protc�ction.
<br /> NON-UNTFO�tM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender furthcr covenunt and agrce as falli�ws:
<br /> 21.AceelerYtion;Remedies.Lender shall give nottce to Borrower prfor to Acceleration [ollowing Borrower's breach
<br /> of pny covenant or agreement in thls Securlty Instn�ment (but not prlor to accclerAtlon under paragraph 17 unless
<br /> Applia►ble IAw provides otl�erwise). The notice s}iall specify: (a)the�7efoult; (b)the Yctla� requ[red to cure the defuult;
<br /> (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date tbe natice is glven to Borrower, by whlch the default.must Ix cured; and
<br /> (d) thnt failure to cure the default on or before the ds►t�e spectfied in the�iotice may result Iro aceeleration of the sums
<br /> secured by this Secur�ty Tnstrnment and sale of the Property. The notice shall further Infortn Ibrrower of tht�rlght to
<br /> reinstate atter a�xeleratlon and the right to bring a couM action to ussert the non-existena of a defwult or any other
<br /> defense of 1Mrrower to acceleratlon and sale,IIf the default is not cured on or befom the date spec(fted In the notice,
<br /> Ixnder, at Its option,may requtre immediate payment in fuli oP all sums secured by thls Securlty Instrument withuut
<br /> turther demand and may Invoke the power ot sale and any ather rcmedi�permlttcd by wpplfcable law. Lender shall be
<br /> entttled to collect all exp2nses Incurred in pursuing the remedi�provide�in this�wragrvph 21,including, but not Ilmlted
<br /> to,reasonable attorneys'fees xad costs of title evidence.
<br /> If the power of sale Is Invoked, frustPC shall record a notice of detault In euch county in whlch any part of ths
<br /> Property is locxted and shall mail copies ot such nottce in the manner pr�.�scrlbed by applt¢able law to Burrow:�r and tu
<br /> the other persons prescrlbed by applicable law.Atter the tlme requlred by epplicuble law,Trustee shall give public notice
<br /> � ot sale to th�persons and in the manner prescribed by eppltcable law. Trustce, witltout dernancD on Sor�ower, 4h�11 isell
<br /> ' the p'roperty at public suction to the hishest bidder�t the ttme und place and under the terms de.vi�nutcd tn the nottce of
<br /> x sale in one or more parcels antl in any order Trustec detcrmines.1Crustcc may postpone salc of�atl or uny parccl of the
<br /> Properfy by puDltc ennouncement at tlie time and place of uny prnvlously �cheduled sale. Lender or its designee muy
<br /> purchase the Property At any s:tle. �
<br /> • Form 3028 9190
<br /> � PaQO 6 0�6
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