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� ., � • �. �� ...4.. . ".-� <br /> �` � � " �_.;. _,E•r;.�..,.._�. . <br /> ��. : �+�w. J d � y�ya1y�ey���. 'tt�.�,r:�..F�,.,��+c:�:n <br /> . �... � •`kn '...� � L�IL".�.�K�_�� ' ' . _il...� _" .— <br />_'_ u7L.��J�rL.i��- -- -- <br /> _.•�•�•� it :_:�Y1:fClt1P:II41] — a��--•—� <br /> -- -- - =- �:��°- -_:,;;:y:;=W::�:::s_��, r..., .r. ..�, F-rrr� -r:!^ayr_�s�.,. •-- <br /> --="3s-rll�l7xs�:ArriLey:.if.�37�?Y�9r' .dir��l�f..r`.�ih�L1�q1�=.=.-._.�—_�.�.--_-- <br /> .._---.-_^ ._.--_�.�cti�tYrJ .�iW'�v .�T.AIVi�GG1JlaGfsa��cc+c,af�c•�:a�.-��•— <br /> 87-� in4o�1� <br /> S. Il��zurd or 1'rn�xrty Intior�msu, fiorruwcr tihull k�:cp ihr. impr��vcwrut, nuw existinu ur h�rr;it�rr rrcctrd un Ilic <br /> Praper�y in�;ure�l nµninst lu„ hy f'irc, I�uxnrdn In�hiJed wltlifn thc icrm "cxi�:mh:d �o�•crupc" i�nd �iny uthcr li,�riird,. inrludinb — <br /> O�HxI�� ur I1�xNling, ti,r which I.cnder rcyuhr.��Innurimcc. '1'hlti Insur,mc�:��IIIIII I)C IIl0II1111I11CiI 111 (Ill'11111011111�fIO�I �iq' Illl'�1l'1'IlHIS <br /> th��t I.�:ndc�• rcqulns. 1'hc in.urun�x�:aurir.r pruvidi���i �hc Insurmu:c yllnll I�i:�:hnnc�� hy Rurrnwrr�ubJcct lu IAOIICP�ti appravid <br /> whi�:lt shnll not bc unrcusunubly tviU►hr.hl. I! liurruwr.r I�ul�� tn muuuai�� c�,vcr�i���: �Ic.rribcd ubuv�. I.�u�lc� o►uy, u� ln:ndc�•', - <br /> optiun. ��htnin cuvci:iGC to prutcct I.cnder'ti ri�;h�y fn�hc f�r�ipi�rry In nc�:��rdun�:c wi�h parugruph 7. <br /> All intiuriuicc �wlirics und rencw��lr�yhnll b�� �irrcp�nhle lo (..cndor und shull includc u stimdnrd mortgugc cluusc. I.cndcr <br /> shnll I►iwc Uic right tu hcdd thc�x�lii�ics nnd re:nr.w�ils. If L.end�r reNuirie�s. f�urrmvcr sh;dl prompUy gi��c to I.cndcr ull reccipts of <br /> paid premiums und renewal notices.Di tlm n��ent ol'I��ss, liorrower�,hull ��ive prrnnpt nntice to the in5urunce cur�ier e�nd l.ender. <br /> l..�ndi:r mny makc proof of loss if nnt mudc pirnnptly by Dorn�wcr. <br /> Unlcss Lender:md l3nrrowcr athar�viFC a�rce in wriiing, insurimcc�rocccds shull{x�uppliul tu re,turutiva ur repair uP�he <br /> Pmperty dmm�ged,if the restorati�n or r�:pnir in economically fe;,4�i�i�„„�i r�:��a��'s securiry is not Icssenad. If th�n:storation or <br /> repnir is not cconomically fei�sible nr I.,enAar's security �vauld bc Icssencd, thc insurance procecds shall be upplied ta the sums <br /> sccured by this Secw•ity Instnimem, whr.thr.r �r nc�t then due, with auy excess puid to Borrower. If Borrower abandom the <br /> P�nperty,or dnes not ans�ver within 30 dnyv a n�tice fmm L.ender thiit the insurnnce canicr has offered to settle a cluim, then <br /> Leixlcr nwy collcct the insur.mce pmc�:cds. t.,ender muy usc thc pmceeds to repair or restorc thc Propeny or,to pay sums <br /> sccured by this Security Instrument.whather or not then due. The 3Q-dny ncriod will begin when the notice is given. _ <br /> Unless L.encier and Borrower otharwlse n�i�ee in writing, nny npnlicntion of proceeds to principal shnll not extend or <br /> postpone die due dute of the monthly pnyments rcferrcd to in pain�ru�hs 1 nnd 2 or chnnge the amount of the payments. If <br /> under pnragraph 21 the Property is acquiicd by Lender, Dorrower's ri�;lu to imy insurance policies and proceeds resulting from <br /> dumnge ro the Property prior to the ncquisitiim sh�ill pnss to L.ender to U�e extent oP the sums secured by this Ss,curiry Instrument <br /> immediatcly prior to thc acquisitian. <br /> 6. OccupAncy, Preservattm�� hleintonance nnd Protectlon�f dic Pcoperty;Borrower's[.oao Appllcation;I.esiseholds. <br /> Barrower shull occupy,est�blish, and use tfic Pmperty n.q Doirowc►•'s prii►cipal residence within sixty days after thc ex�cution of <br /> thi�Security Instrument and shall caitinue tc►occupy tl�e Property n.v Dorrower's principal residence for at least one year ufter <br /> the dute of occupancy,unless I.ender ntl�enviee i►�rees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless <br /> extenu�ting circumstnnces exist wliich are beyond R�rrower's cant►�oL Dorrawer shaU not destroy, dumage or impair the <br /> Property, ullow the Property to dcturiarntc, ar commit wuste on die Property. }3orrower shall be in default if any forfeiture <br /> actinn or procecding, whcthcr civil ar ciiminal, ie b��un dint in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forFeiture of the <br /> Property or otherwise muterially impair tlio lien ci�eated by this Security Inetrument ar L.ender's security interest.Honower may <br /> � care such a defuiilt and reinstnte,as pmvided in parflgraph 18, by causin�the actton or proceeding to be dismiased�vith u ruling <br /> � thAt, in Lendcr's good fnith detcrmiuntirn►, p»ecludes forfciture of thc Rorro�ver's interest in the !'roperty or other materlal <br /> • impairmcnt of the lien creatcd by this Sc�:urity Instnunent or Lendcr's secui�ity interest. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> , Borrower,during thc loan np�lication procass,gnve matcri��lly fnlse or inaccurnte iuforrnatian or statements to I.ender(or failed <br /> to provide Lender with:►ny mat�rinl Mformntfon)in connecNon wiQ�thc laan evidenrxd by thc Noto, including. but not limited <br /> � to,rcpmsentations concerning Borrowar's occupancy of the Property�a prfncipal residence. If this Security Instn�ment is on a <br /> lcaschold, 8onower shnll comply wlth nll thc pmvisions of the Iease. If Dorrowcr acquires fi�o title ta tbc Property, th� <br /> � Icasehold and thc fce tidc shull not merea unlese I..cndcr aBrces to thc i�urAcr in writi��g. <br /> 7.1'rMectlnn of I.erid�'s Rightt�in tho Pror►erty.If[3oirower fa►ils to perform the covenants and agrcements contsined In <br /> thus Sei:urity Instntment, or there is u 1cEn1 procecding that mny significantly affeci Lendcr's rights in the Property (such as a <br /> prooceding in bankeuptcy, probntc,for condemnntion or forfcitu��e or to enforcc luws or regulstions). then Lei�der may da and <br /> pay for whAtever is necassary tu protect llxe ���luc of the Propeny and [.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may <br /> inciude paying �ny sum� sc:curai by u lir:� which has priority oves this Security instrument, appearing in conrt, paying <br /> reasonable attorn�cys' fces and cntcrinb on the Propcny to make repairs.Althnugh Leixier mny take action under this paragraph <br /> 7.Lendcr dnes nat havc to do so. <br /> Any amounts dlsbursed by Lcndcr undce thi�; parugraph 7 shcLll br,come udditional debt of 8orcowcr secural by this <br /> Security Instnrment. Unless iim•rower nnd l.endcr agnec to other terrt�s of psyment. tAese nmounts shull bear interest from the <br /> ' dutc of disburxmcnt at thc Notc rutc mid shnll bc payiiblc, with interest, upon natice from I.ender to Borrower requesting <br /> paymcnt. <br /> 8.Mortgage Insurance.If Lcudnr rcqttired mo�tgage insurnnce as s condition of making the loan securetj by this Security <br /> . Iris►rurncnt, Burrower shall .pny tho p»emiu�ns ��equined to maintuin dic mortgage insurancc in effect. [f, for nny reASOn, the <br /> ; mottgage insurance coverage requimd by l.ander lupses ar cease� to be in effect,Aottower shall pxy the prtimiums reyuiral to <br /> • obtain coverage substantiaUy equivnlent to ttto mort�age in5ur+mce p�rviously in effect, ut a cost substanttally equivalent to thc <br /> cost to Borcower of the mortgage insurnuce pruviously in effect, flom an alternate mortsoge insurer approved by Lender. !f <br /> suhstantiully equivalcnt mortgpgc insurn»ca covem�e is not livuilablc, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a suan equal to <br /> �� one•twelfth of the yearly m�rtgage insttrnnce pi�emium t►eing pnid by L�orrower whcn the insurnnce coverage lapsed or ceased to <br /> be in cffcet. Lcixier will ncccpt,usc n�id tClttin these piryntents us n loss rrscrvr in lic�+ of mnrtgage insurnnce. Loss reservc <br /> � Form 3028 8l80 <br /> .. <br /> .i 1'epe 3 01 0 <br /> •1 <br /> - ".Xit�`�c3����{.7;yTt�1 Jj i -- �h?-.crt+�',N��tii�rn . . ._ �� �il�' 1 �i + v��J .�._ A A�+��xcr�a �- . <br /> —_ � i��td.Y�}.V���� �yJp� � �� t S r:�J. 4: t <br /> t�� j,� •1�� �i+ti'^'�� py� y `+'� <br /> _ = ,�.+�5, t •:v�.� v 1� � + ��'t> ; h..;. -.+�.W�,�,MI�s� I 4. �tF�«, �s��'-.�;. _ <br /> 1r �F��.�� - r �, w- r...... <br /> _�' ,�tY y ( �1 �9)ft �r� fit'.�4•''..��,.;rw":;i�•.,� ' i.""_..:it •it�i�m .� <br /> `1 �Y�,y�� �3.��'wy e . •�:i \+'; 'ir M!'e�� ,.� �' . _ r p3 � -_ � <br /> — -'iH's1��4��Si�l�'�.'��.Yt � ^t � :;t.�.. ,.,r. 4a'c'il.;k �i� tix�;��t}j�+ia.�i'�i •�— <br /> ��rC�J] '��T�Y KaRt r r�� � ,i � ,., 'j a!�'�;��.f+�'�'� .+• R.��'�' �w,�y.,rxrt�s <br /> 1II4. u [',y�a+t� Itt �!� y.f. � � •r1��. :.y�� 11 .JL•� t. •'�Y� { 1 �1��Y_. <br /> =��-� y�,7�� P Y]U.!1� :V f .. 1 !�. �� �. 1 _ <br /> �' �f . . - , �r . . <br /> '. u:��.�w+�.Iin_._.i.: �i. .n r' � � .U: '''f".'��IC6;:_� <br /> �.- �.a.. ' , +� • . ,:�,;" b •�ti r�` .�.�!:.,,.. ,�;, <br /> �.s.;r`._ .tc�.j. ,�ti' :r.,� �At7'k15 <br /> ,�`'"." , <br /> . <br /> .E•,:`,:�:, :,i �,,t . � „• -_ -- <br /> y, . �i' �--- <br /> H� . ' <br /> �- -�Y+'-}`��I�aSY` '���' .'''., ;�' � - -,-�- �f,. r -��;.:^Y.+ ' ,. _.. �a...:. _-�-. <br /> � . 1 � �o.t ti( -�� i' .� i�. <br /> S��S.jY! T y��^�,g} �'a� tS}�L�&�r�,11 ��, +A�'s:. � ti :`'+`���,'4A'„uk��,� s`� . <br /> �`,A�i'yv`9�{�`�S H( *, +� ♦�l,•\ .. +�+i t„r _ <br /> •T �� � 'L. y , 1.1 ��� .�i.;�le .. ` .. .� 4....: ����j � <br /> ,...� '� �1 � . . . �� . U' +.. � _. .. t �'��:....� �� .iV4•:�3��1���. <br /> i.:(:r.� ,., ._ >.�w:rr.--' -�.�..._ . . . ._ �._ . . --... _._ ._ <br />