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<br /> 'f0{3{i'1'HI:R WI'1'll nll thi� im�iruauinantti naw on c�rcuftcr crectSct�n thc properry, und idl ca,cmcnt,. �ippu �n��nccs, und
<br /> fixturc+ nnw ur I�crctd'tcr �i �r,u•t af thi� rirt��x�rty. AU rcpluc�cnxnts nnd nddlUuns sh;dl �d,u hc c��vcrcd by ihis Sccurity
<br /> Im,trunuttt. AI!nf dtc furcguinN is:�fcrn:d t��in this Sccurity In�,trumcnt;tti►he "Nr�rprr�y." _
<br /> HOitHOWI?H COVNNAN'I'S Ihnt If�irruw�r Is IuwlUlly sc�.rc�l uf ihc rsu►tc I�crchy cunvcyctl und hc�s thc right to grunt uixi
<br /> cunvcy �h�: I'ru�xrty ancl U�at ihr. Ih�c��►crey i�� tmcncumi�cred, exrcpt fnr cnrumbrincc.r uf rccord, Horn�acr wiirrnnls mxl wlll
<br /> drfe�xlµei�er:dly Ihe litle to ihe I'r���rty u��ninnl uU �;hifms und dernande,ti�►hJect to�iny encumhrunces of record.
<br /> Ttllti SI?C'URI"I'1' INSTRUMk:N"1'c��mDinnH unir'�rrm coveniuns far i�utinnnl u�c iuxi n�m-uniti�rrm covcnunts with Hmitcd
<br /> vnriiiU�►ns by�url�di�tiun�n cunstitutc u uniH�ran hr,wurirr inntrumcnt rnvcring renl prc�perty.
<br /> UNIt'UltM COVI:NANTS. lk+rru+ver un�! Lenclu►•eovenunt a�x1 agrcs�ns follows:
<br /> l. Puyment ot f'rinclpal �nd Intrresty N�e�M�ment and I.ate Chargc.w. Borrowcr shall prampUy pny when duo the
<br /> princip�il of uixl interest on the dcbt evidanced by tha Note itnd any prepayment nnd late chargeti due under the Note.
<br /> • 2. Fund9 for TuxcA and InsurAncc. Suhjact tri applicablc law or to u wriucn waivcr by l.cndcr. Bon�ower shull puy ro
<br /> Lendcr on thc day manthly paymcnts ure du�utidnr tlm Diote,wuil the Note is paid ii�full,a swn("Funds")for: (n)ycarly taxcs
<br /> and asscssmr.nts which may uttuin pri�rity aver thi:i$sc:urity Instrument as n ticn on the Property;(b)yeurly leasehold payments
<br /> or ground rents on th�Property,if m�y;(c)yeur�y hut;.ud or propeny insurnnce prcmiums; (d)yeurly flood insuranze premiurns,
<br /> if uny; (e)yearly mongage insurance preminmtti, if any; and(� any sums payable by 8orrower to [.ender, in accordunce with
<br /> tho pruvisions of paragi�uph 8, in lieu of tl�u pa}rniant af mortgage insurance premiums.These items are culled "Escrow[tems."
<br /> L.etxier may, at any time,collect and hnld f'unds in iu� amount not ro exceed the maximum amoant a lender for a federally
<br /> rolated mortgagc lam may require fi�r B�c�rro�ver's cG:row �ccount under the federnl Real Estut�e�ettlement Fr�xedures Act of
<br /> 1974 us amr.nded Fmm time to time, !2 U.$.C, Suctlun 2601 et seq. ('RESPA"),unless nnather iaw that applies to the Funds
<br /> � scts a Iesser mnount. If so, I..endcr may, at an�r timr„ collect and hold Funds in an wnount not to cxccecl the lesser urtx�unt.
<br /> l.ender may estimate the amount of Fundt�d�IR on 1.I1C bas►s of current data and reasonablc estimates of cxpenditures of futuro
<br /> • Fscmw Items or othcrwise in�ccordnnr.a witl�nppiirlublc Isw.
<br /> The Funds shall be hcld in an institution w.l�ose deposits are insur� by u falcral ugency, instrumentaliry, or entiry
<br /> (including l.ender,if Lender is such an instit��tionl ur in nny Pedernl Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow itcm9. Lcnder may not ch��rge&►rr,cnver 61r holding nnd applying thc Funds, annually a�ialyzing the escrow nccount, or
<br /> veriiying i�e Esetuw iiems,unic�s[.enua�puyv $ur�wrr inirresi on iiu Fu�xi�unu:�ppiica'vie tuw Jxruui�i.snuer io maKe sucii °
<br /> a ch:irgc. Howevcr. Lender may requirc Bvrrower r�r pay a onc-timc chnrge for an independent real estntc tax reporting scrvia
<br /> used by Lender in connectfon witli tl�f� Inan, unlirss applicable law provides otherwise. Unless un agreement is made or
<br /> npplicAble law requires intcrest t��be paid, L.emiur shall not b�required to pay Iiorrawcr any interest or eamings on thc Funds.
<br /> Bonnwcr ancl[.ender may asrec in wcicing,hn+v�JVCr, that interest shnll be paid on the Punds. I.cnder shall give to Borrower,
<br /> without charge, an annual accountinII o3`thu l�undEi, showing credits and debits ro the Funds and ths purposc for which each
<br /> ' debit to the�undv wus made. Tha Funds am plr�d�ed as udditional security for ull sums secured by this Security Instrument. —
<br /> ,_ If the Funds held by I.endor ex<:cecl thu amounts permitted tn be held by appllc��ble law, L.ender shall nccount to 8orcower
<br /> . for tha exccss Funds in accordance wr.ti�ehr,requirements af npplicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender at any
<br /> time is not sufficicnt to pay thc Escroa�I.tems a+hen due, L.ender may so n�tify Borrower in writing.and. in such case Borrower
<br /> . shull pay to Lender the anwunt nt�ces•.jry to mnke up the deficiency. Borrower shall m�ke up the deficicncy in no moi�e than
<br /> , twclve monthly p3ymcnts,nt Lcndar's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon paynxnt in fidl af all s�ms sccurecl by this Security Instrumcnt, Lender shall promRtly rcfund to Borrower atty
<br /> � . Funds held by[.ender.If,under purugcaph 2l, Lcnder s{�ail acquire or scll thc Property,I.ender,prior tn the acquisition or sala
<br /> � ' of tlx:Prop�:rty. shull Apply any runds held by I.cnder nt the time of acquisition or salc as;�credit egainst the sums securcc7 by
<br /> tBis Se;curity Instrumcnt.
<br /> 3.Applt�ttNon ot WymentE+.Unless applicablc taw provides otherwisc,all paymcnts received by Lc:ncler mider pstragraphs
<br /> ' 1 and 2 sl�ull b�:applied: fiist, to i�ny prepaymcnt charges duc under the Note; second, to;unounts puynble u�xier puragraph 2;
<br /> ' , third,to intcrest duc;founh, to principaf duc;und last,to any late charges duc undcr tlie Notc.
<br /> . , 4.Charges;Liens. Borrawer sh111 pny all taxcs,asscssments, chazgcs, fines und itnpositions nttribueble to the Property
<br /> ' which mny attain priority over tltis Secuiity Instrument, and lenschold payments or ground rents. if any, Borrower shall pay
<br /> thuse obligntions in che manner providcd in parngraph 2,or if not paid in tl�at manner, Bnrrower shaU pay them on timc dircctly
<br /> , to thc ponon ow�l paynxnt. Bom�we:r shall promptly furnish to Lencicr c►II notiees of amounts to be paid under this puragrnph.
<br /> ' [f Borrower mnkes these paymentL directly,Borrower shalf prumptly fimiish to Lender rcccipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Horrower shnll promptly disc.�Hrge any licn wliich has priority over this Security Insttvment unl�cs Borrower: (a)agrees in
<br /> � writing ta thc payntent of the obligation secured by thc lien in a manr.cr ncccpiable to Lcnder; (b)contests in good fvth tho 1 icn -
<br /> by. or defends sguinst cnfurccment af thc licn in, legnl procecdings which in the l.cnder's opinion opei•nte to prevent the
<br /> � enforccmont uF thc licn; or(c)socures from thc holder of the licn au agreenxnt sutisfnctory to I,endcr fiubordin�ting tha lien to
<br /> Ihis Security Instrua�cnt. If Lcndcr detcm�ines that uny�rt oP thc Property is subject to .�licn wiiich may attain priority ovcr
<br /> � th[e Security Im.truntent. Lcnder may give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. Borrower sha�1 satisfy th. lien or tnke one or
<br /> . morc af thu:iction�:sct fonh nbovc within 10 dnys of thc giving of notice.
<br /> Form 90Z8 9/60
<br /> P�pe 2 0l 6
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