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<br />.�,,:� �;,.,;� •proceeds") In connectlon with condarnnatlon or othar laklnp o1 lhe Froperty or part lhereol,or for conveyance In Ileu of cortdemnatbn.
<br /> t;� � Lender shal!be entiilecf at Ita optlon to commence,eppear In end prosecute In{te own name eny action or proceedinga,end ahall aiso
<br /> be ontlltod to mdko ony compromiso or settlement In ca�nection wlth such taking or demaflo. In lhe event eny portlon of the Proporiy 1�
<br /> �' `�''':� so takon ar dama�od, l.ender shall i�ave the option In ita e,�ie end absolute discretion,lo epply �II�uch procoeds, c�Ror deduclinfl
<br /> :;, � , lhareirom np costs end oxpenses Incurred by It in connection wkth auch Proc:deda,upon any tndebtodness secured hereby entl in such
<br /> , ,,. �r ordor es Lender may dotermine,or to apply ell such Proceeds,efter such deductlons,to Ihe reetoretlon of the Property upon euch ax�-
<br /> d�tbns es Lender may determine.Any appllcatlon of Proceeds to Indebtedness ehall not extend or postpone Ihe due date o}any pey-
<br /> ,. �,� �.���' ments under the Note,or cure eny detauli thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled funds shall be pald ta T�ustor.
<br /> •; . 9. P�rformancs by L�nd�r,Upun the occurrence of an Evan4 of De!ault hereunder, �r if eny ect Is teken or legel proceedinfl
<br /> urr�;,. comm�nced which�oaterially e��ecls londor's Intorest!n tho�roporty, Lender mey tn its own discretion,but withuut abliyation to do so.
<br /> -'"'"�"`� and wPthout not�e to or demand upo�Trustor end without robasing Trustar trom eny obllgation,do any ect whlch Trustor has agreed
<br /> 6��,� but teiled t4 do and may also do any other act It deems necensery to protect the security hereo}.Trustor shall, immediatety upon
<br /> �- �� demand Ihero(or by I.ender,pay to Lerxler all coste and expenaes Incurred end suma oxpended by Lender In connection wifh Ihe exer-
<br />- � '' Gso by Lender oi the foregoing rights,together with interest thereon at the default rete provided In the Note,whkh shal!be arkled to
<br /> :' i. ;� the indebtedness secured hereby.l.ender shall not incur eny Ilability beceuse of anythirtg It may do or om(t to do hereunder.
<br /> � ��• 9.Haz�rdoais Mat�rial�.Trustor shall keep the Praperty In compUanr.�with all epplicabte iaws, ordinances and roputatbns
<br />-,,�,,r..,."(;•., relating lo industrlal hyplene or envlronmeNel protection(collectiveiy referred to herofn as'Ern(ronmantet Laws").Trustur shall keep
<br />°` :T;�:c✓, the pTOpeRy hee from afl substances deemed to be hszerdous or toxic under eny Environmental l.awa(collectively referred to herein
<br />��F:r.
<br /> as'Hazardous Materials',Trusta hereby warrants and represents tp Londar that there are no Hazerdoua Materiats on or under e
<br />`x?�?•:''.+.:'.. 1
<br />�.;;��,;!�t� : Property.Tnistos hareby eyrees lo Indemnfiy and hold harmiess Lender,fts dfrectors,oflicers,employees and agents,and any succ�s-
<br /> -,T.�91rp!; sor9 to Lenders interest,from and against any and ail clalms,damages,bsses end ifabilities adsUg In connectlon with the(xesence.
<br /> y,�y:y� use,disposal or transport oi any Hazerdous Materiats on,undor,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOING WARM��TIES ANO
<br /> _Y.-.�;+
<br /> '��� 10. AttlynrtNnt ot R�nb.TrusWr hereby assigns to Lender, nnd grants�ender a security Inierest in, ell present,tuture end
<br />_=:�;;;:•�,t�,'�_' after a�ising rents,lssues end proGts of khe Property:p�ovided that 7ruator shalt,until the occurrence of an Event ot Detauk, hereunder,
<br /> --�=f�=!��"" have the right to collect and retaln such rents,issues and pro8ts as they bea�me due and payable.URon the occurrence oi an Event of
<br />:,:�:
<br />:,,�� qtrfauft,Lender may,efther in person or by egent,wlth or without bringing eny action ur proceeding,or by a receiver appointed by e
<br />;,j,r�r�t�'tl:�S: court and without regard ta the adequacy at its security,enter upon and take possesslon of the Property.or any part M�ereof,ln ita own
<br /> name or(n the �ame of tho Trustee,end do any acts whlch it deems nec:essary or deslret�le to preserve th9 value,n�aricelabililq or
<br />-'��k��� rentebility oi tha E'roperiy�or eny part Ihereof or Interest therein,or to increasa the incoma therotram or protect the security►hereo(end�
<br />.�..,_',�".,'-� �� with or without t�kfng possession oi the Property,sue for or othervr(ss colFact the rents,hsues end profits thereot.Includfng Ihose pest
<br /> - ` ����'�`� due end unpald,Dy notifying tenants to make payments to I.erxier.Lender may epply rents,issues and profits,less coats and expens-
<br /> -,�a�
<br /> ',- es oi operalbn and coliectlon induding ettome�e fees,to any indebtedness secured herebY.ell in such oMer as Lender may er-
<br /> _,-;� mk�e. The enlering upon end faking possession of the Property,the collection of such renLg,Issues and pro�b�end thd applicatlon
<br /> _.=:���� rMrnoi as aforesaid shail not cure or waive any dcta�lt c�notica of defautt hereunder a Invalidate Any ect done in response to euc��
<br /> ---.-�.�_� default or pursuant to such notlCe ot def�i+ic and, notwithstanding tne conqnuence i�possessicH�a��� tiro piv�i't'�r:.t ilia�:.�'��.
<br /> --- = reoeipt end epplicatbn of rents,Issues or proTrls,Trustee end Lsnder sha11 be entided to exerGse eve�+Aght provided for in any ot the
<br /> ="-- Loan Instruments or by law upon occumencf+�?any Event of Default,inctuding without IimitaUon the dght to exercise tfie power of eale.
<br /> --= Further,Lerbera r{ghts and ro�edlt�under this paragrapt�shatl be cumuletive with,and In no way e iimitadon on,Lender's righte end
<br />;�� romadies under an/assignment of leases end rents recor�dod against the Property.Lender,Trustee and the recoivcr shall 6e liable to
<br />�'�_� aocount o�tily lor tiw�o rents aatually received.
<br /> 11, Ewn�m@s Af Dsyu1L The folbwing shail oonstitute an Event af De7ault under thls Deed uf Tnrst:
<br /> (a)Failuro to pay Any Installment oi principal or intereat or any oTtier sum secured hereby whDn due;
<br /> (b)A bresch ot ar c#,iauit under any prov(sion contelned in tiw 7�7ate,thls Deed of Tn�st,gny of the Loan InsWments.a eny
<br /> �-�- other uen or encumbra�oco upon the Property:
<br /> (c)A writ oi oxecuZion or attechment or any slmilar process shall be enter,ed against Trustor whk�shall becor��e e Ilen on
<br /> — tho Properly ar eny portion thereoi or(nterest thereln;
<br /> (d)There shall be filed by a agalnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present ar future federal,stete or other stetute,
<br /> -- Iow a repulatlon rslating to bankn�ptcy,Inaolvency or other rolief for debtors;or thero shell be eppolntsd eny trustee,rocelwr or
<br /> - — Ilquidalor of Trusta or Bortower Qr of ell or eny paR of the Property.or the rents,Issues or proAts ther�eof,or Tnntor or Bcnower
<br /> -- ahall make eny generfal assignment for the ber►�fit ot aoditors;
<br /> (e)'Tt►e aale,iransfer,lease, asslgnment, conveyanco or further encumbrance oi eil or eny paR of or any Interest In the
<br /> � Prc�ly,ekher votuntadty ar Involunte�ily,without the express written consent oi Lender,provldod thet Trustor shall be permit•
<br /> _____. ted to ex�ecute e leaae oi the Properiy lhat does not contaln an opUon to purchase and the fertn of which does not exceed one
<br /> — r
<br /> �(QAbandonment�7the PmpeAy;cx
<br /> (p)If Trustor is ma't an individual,the Issuance,saie,transfer,assl�nmeni, conveyence or encumtxence oi more tf�en(it e
<br /> " co�{wraUon)a total of percent of ib(ssued and outstanding stoc7c,or pi a partnership)a total of per•
<br /> cent of partnership Interesls,a(i!a Ilmited Iiability company)a total oi per�cent of the limited IIAbYity compa-
<br /> � ny inbresb or votlng tighls dudng the perbd th�s�eed of Trust remains a Ilen on the propeRy
<br /> �:a 12,g�rtwdNs;Aced�rNlon Upon D�hult.ln the event of eny Event of Deteuit Lender may,withart noUoe exoept as required
<br /> _ _��; by law,deder�e eN Indebtednese secured herebY to be due end�ayable end Hw same shall thereupon beoome due end payable with•
<br /> �� out at�y presentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter lender may:
<br /> � (�)Demend that Tn�stee exe�fsa the POWER OF SAI.E granted herefn,and Truslae shall theroaRor�c�use Trustor'a Inter-
<br /> _ - est In the pro�e�rty to�e sotd end the proceeds to be dfsUibute�.ail in tha manrier provided in the Nebraske 7rust Deeds Act:
<br /> _ "���,�a (b) Exercise eny and all righb provfded for in eny of the 9.�oan Inshumente or by{aw�an oa:urro►�co ot any Event o(
<br /> =° -�-�:� Def6ult;end
<br /> --- "'"='='�':�'� (c)Commence en acUon ro forecloso thfs Deed of Trust as e mortgage,e�agolnt a receiver,or speciflcally entoree any of the
<br /> `-.'''F""°..:.'��� covenanb h91'H01.
<br /> ���._�tt�f No remedy her�ein canf�erred upon or reserved to Trusteo or Lender Is Inte�ded to be exdusive of any other remedy herofn,In U�e Losn
<br /> �—_;�=� InaWmenb or by law provlded a permitted,but oach shatl be cumuladve,shall be In eddition to every otl�er remedy given hereuncler,
<br />_��,J�> In tlw Luan Instcuments or now or hereaftor existlnp at law or in equtty w by statute,a�d may bo exercised concurrendy,{nclependently
<br /> y •�` ' Of 6lJ(xBSjVEIy/.
<br /> '-i�.�-����� _ .� r....� Thn Tn actaa nnnv falS1�I1 Ht 8flV�If118 NtIN10Ut C8US9,end Lender may at eny time and wlthout cause appoint a suc�
<br /> L,,:�„-,�;,'"�
<br /> -- �'. cea�or eubatltute Trustee. Trustee sha�l not be Ilable to any perly,Inciudlnp�vlthout IlmitaUOn Lencfar,Barower, i rustor or erry pur
<br /> ' _�°'�'�'-';'� chaaer of the Propertyr,for any loss a damage untees due to reciciess or wflKul mfsconduct,and shaU not bo requlred to take eny acticxi
<br /> �r:..
<br /> _ . p ���nne�tpn with ths enforcement of this Deed of Trust uniess IndemniNed,In writlrs9,tor afl a�sts,compensatbn or expenses which
<br />.J'.�.�,'. ;�;�� k may be essocfated therewith. In eddilion,Trustee may become e purchaaer et any saie ot the Property Qudicial or under the powBr of
<br /> '�_'.�'�'� eab granted hereln);postpone the sale oi all cx eny portion oi the Property,es provided by law;or seA the Property as a whole,or In
<br /> •• ':'���' •;• separgte parcols or lots ac Tru�tee's discretbn.
<br /> ' .*, ", �, 11.FMS�r+�d Expens�t.In the event Trustee selis the Property by oxercisa ot power of sele,Trustee shall be entiUed to apply
<br /> � .�.:f..�,�.� . eny aab proceeds 8rst to payment of aN costs end expanses oi exe�lsing power of saie,InGuding all Trustee's faes,and Lend��nnd
<br /> �: 7n�wtee's ettomey's fees, ac:ually incurred to extent pem�lltr�d by appl�able law..n 4he ovent Borrower or Trustor or.ercises ary righl
<br />��:�y;�;�1`*' providxd by law lo cure an Event oi Det�uft,Lender ahall be entitied to recover trom Trustor all costs and expenses nctualiy Incurred as
<br /> � • 4 e resufl af Trustor's default,InGuding wilhout Ifmitation all Trustae's end ettorney's leas,to the axtent pemiittad by epplkable law.
<br /> ; �„'•'a�.�•• • 15 Futun Advanc�s.Upon request oi Borcower,Lender may,et its option,make additlonal ertd future advances ar►d read-
<br /> • �..' vencee to 8otruwer.Such odvences end readvances,with Interest thereon,shall be secured by thls Deed u(Trust.At no thne shaU tho
<br />