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<br /> TNIS QEED OF TRUST,Is mndo ee of ff�e,_ ''t day of Mdy , 19 97 ,by and a�
<br /> d�r�Tn+sbx, l,ynn �1.�1ei:i:P.1111I'i.�11k and fa h,y 5.,...y, Mptt�n12rink._husband_and_wife ,c�
<br /> wlx�Ae rm�Iling eddress Is 450 �. Canita],�ve.. Grand Isl e1td, NE 68803 (hereln•Trusto�',whether ono Ur more), \�
<br /> �'rn,sws,_Ei ve Pnints BAnk, a Nebras� Corqorat on
<br /> whose malWng adckess Is��ApK,,,�,50��,�lCtd_-Lalditf�.� blC 6�0?-t�7 (herein'TrusY�a�.end
<br /> mo B�nafc�ary, Fi ve Poi nts [3ank. a Nel�raska Cor�oratioi2 _
<br /> whosemai8ngaddressis,��„_,�p�l�Qj _ Grand Icland� � ,�Ar.an2-iFf17 (herein'Lender).
<br /> FqR VALUABLE CONSI�CRATIDIV,Indudinp Lender'e extenabn of cradik irJentifled heroln toJ,vnn 41. Mettenbri nk a�td
<br /> —�--S.-llQtt�abrix�k. l�usl�nd. and wi.fe
<br /> (hemin`tiortowef�whetl�c one or more)end the trust hereM created�the rxeipc
<br /> of whtr.h is hereby acknowleddrxJ, TruRt�r hereby irrevocab(y granta,tranafie+a,c�nnveyr�and ess{gns to Trustee. IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> POWER OF SALE,far lhe Uenefit and aocudly of Lender,under end subject Ir,t ths terms and conditbns hereinaRar set f�th,the teal
<br /> �i"'..jHi�j.'�.w^M�w`C!`�'3L:�: -
<br /> Lot One (1I Nortl� Fork Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> Togetlrx witl�ell bulldinge,Improvamenb, flxturos,streeb,alleya,Paasa{�ewaya,eaaemanb.rights.privileges and appurtenanoas
<br /> kxebsd B�+oon or In anywise�rtalning lt�eroto,ond the ronta,Issuee aid Rrolite,reveralons and remafnders thereof,and such por-
<br /> sonol property thet Is attachad to it�o(mprovemenls so es to cansdtute e tixh�».Includinp,but not Ilmited to,heatfng and 000lirty equip-
<br /> me�h and Wpetl►er with fhe h�moatned or medlal Interests,if eny,whkh inta+tasta are hereby released and wahred;aW of wh(ch,indud-
<br /> h�g replecemanb and addiHons theroto,Is hereby declared to be e part oP d�ce real estate secured by the Ilen oi this Deed ot Tn�st and
<br /> all of tl�e fonpolnD belnp refemod lo I�en►In se tt�e'Property'.
<br /> Th{a Oeed of Trust shall socuro a)the payment ot the p�inclpai eum en�!Interest evidenced b e promiaaory note or creWt agree-
<br /> rtteM dAted May 21. 1�97 ,having e maturity dete of l�pri 1 17. 2007
<br /> in the orlginal p�incipsl emount ai S 1 j l�F�9_111 . end any end ell modiflcaHons.ext�enslons and renewats
<br /> tl�areot or therM�o and eny and all(uluro advanee�and roadvances to Bortrwer(or any of them If mae lfian one)Mx�eurxler pursuant
<br />, to onv or more promlasory notoa or credit agr�oeme�te(hereln called"Notr�');(b)tha payment of other sums advanced Dy l.ender to
<br /> protec!the aecuriry of the Nolo;(a)tbo perfamance of ell covenanta and aqreements of Tnistor ss�stt forth herein;and(d)a!I prasent aod
<br /> futuro Indebtedness and obll�atlons of f3omower(or any ot them U moi�a tf�an c,na)to Lender whether direvt,indirect.obsolule or condn-
<br /> pent end NA�ether arising by noto,guamnty,ovoNraR or otherwlse.Tho IWne,d�ls Deed ot Truut and any and a!!other docurewnts th3t
<br /> ieCUre the Note or othervrise exosutnd in connection lherewlth, Including without Iimitation guarantees,security apreements and
<br /> alsly�unonts of bases and ronts,shall be refemod to hereln as the'I_oan tnstruments'.
<br /> Truator oovenants��d agroos with Lender as folbws:
<br />• 1. PaymaM ot Indsbbdn�xK.Ail h�debtedneaa eecured hereby eY�all be pald when due.
<br /> 2. TitN.Tnistor ts ttw owner af lhe Prop��iy,hea the Nght and eul3�ority to convey thA Property,and warrants that the lien cxeat-
<br /> ed hExe�by Is a fint and prior Ilen on the Property,except for Ilena end encumbrences set forth by Trustor in wridng end delivered W
<br />' Le�xier betore executton af thla naed ot T�ust. and the exocutlon and dolivery of thls Deed of Trust does n�,2 xlolate anv conVact or
<br />, dher obNgatlon to which Trustor la eubJect.
<br /> 3.Tax*s,Ast�ssm�nts.To{►ay bafore delh�quency all Inxes,apeclal essessment�end ell other chargss egalnst the Property
<br /> now nr her�eatter levied.
<br /> 4.Meuranc�.To keep the-(�rc�E:�e{ty insurod agelnst demege hy fire,hazards inctudod within the term'oxtended coveraga',end
<br /> auCh ottse+�huzards as Lender may�t�quire,In amounts end wllh companies act�pteble to Lender, naming Lender as an adtlitiona!
<br /> namc+d ins�ed, wlth ktas payub!e to tho lendor.In caco of lous undsr such poAGos,tho Lender fs autho�ized to adJus�oolk+:t and
<br /> canpromise,all claim�thateunder and shall have the optlon of eppiying all or part of the Insu�nce proceeds(I)to any indobiedness
<br /> seuued hereby and in such ordnr ns Lender may detamine,(II)to the Trustor to be used fot tfie repalr or restoration of the Rr�perty or
<br /> (iIQ Ior tmy other purpose nr objeut twtlufactory to Lendor wilhoul eitectiny the Ilen of this Deed oi Trust for the full emoim1 secune�
<br /> hereby bo'Fnrb auch payrnent ovor touk place.Any oppllcalluns nf proceeda to Indebtadness shall not extend or pastpone fhe due date
<br /> oP any payments under the Notd,nr cure any deteult tlioround��r or hereunder.
<br />- ! l���.�� �I���'"JY�� J����J L�"I��J�� T�'����������...� • __'�_ �_ ' "� . . . .
<br /> u, c�.�vw.v�nn����um�vm��a�w vr �o��a�m� ��tlaw� ottrn�Nor W LOfNpI, Itt 3U1.T1 rtltlftfiHt H�LBf1OHf(i18Y U9S19f18L8,SUI11Q@IlI
<br /> sumcs to enable Lender to pay as lhey becamo due one or more oi the followinp:(I)all taxes, assossments and other charges against
<br /> the Pruperty, (ii)the premiums nn lhe propetly Inaurance requlred hereunder,and (III) lhe premiums on eny mortgage insurance
<br /> requlrad by Lerxler. -
<br /> 6. M�Int�nance,Repalro and Compllana witit Laws.Trustor shell keep lhe Pr�perty in good condiNon and renalr; shai! �
<br /> promptly ropetr,or replace eny Improvument whlch moy be damaged or dostroyed:shetl not comm(t or permit any waste or deteriora- �.
<br /> Non of the Pn�e�t�;shoil not removo,domollsh or c�ubatantiaily alt�r any of the fmprovements en tho Property;shall not commit,sulfer �
<br /> or permit tt��y e�;t tu be done in or upon the i�ropoity In violation o!`any law,o:dinance,or rogutetion;ond shall pay and prompUy dis-
<br /> chargr.at TnrsAx'a cost and expenso 011 Ilens, ancumb�►ncos nnd char�es lavind, imposed or accessed agalnst the Property cx any =
<br /> patt theta,vA. —
<br /> 7. Emlr�nt�omaln. Lendnr Is horeby[�:�slyned all compensntbn, awerds,damagos and ather payments or reliai(herefnafter �
<br /> r�ec»strt��,ro..niw e+fe
<br /> o nw www wr N coeMwearnu w 6�.ny�..a,.w��.�ean HKw. � . t: _
<br /> •. .• -.
<br /> �■
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