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<br /> . . ' � V(+ $��� � .. . ' - ' .
<br /> � 4.As additioaal security.'IY¢at�r�e:eby gives to and eonfe:s opms Bene6aary the righ�Power and authorit},during the coatinneace of � � `
<br /> .' tl�eae'ilvscs w colleet the tent9.iesues aad pro6ts of esid pmperty,seserving unta 1lrmtor LAe rigtu.Prior W any default by 7lrustor in paymeat � ' .:
<br /> . . oYany indebtedness aecured heieby or in pesformance af aaq agreement hereuader.to collect and retefn such rente.ieaues and pmfite es they . . .
<br /> become due sad payable. Upoa eny such default,Beneficisry may at any time without aotice,either in pe:soa.by agent,or by a receiver to be
<br /> ' .,- 8P?Q���Y e mnrt.and arithnut regatd W the adeQuacY of aay aecuritY for the indebiedneas hernby secured.enter npon and take possessioa � � _ - -
<br /> of eaid pmperty or any part the:eot ia his own name sue fos os othe:wise collect such rentq.isgaes and profita iaetadin8 thos�Vsat dus ead
<br /> - . nnpai3.and appiy the same upan any indebtedaesa seeured Le:ebp.and in sueh order as Beaefitisryr maY determine. Th�eatering opoa a.nd �.`•f���'i``. � • ,. ..
<br /> . ', tafring poasession of eaid property,the collection o£such mnta,isaues and pmfiss sad the apgti�tioa therenf as afnresaid.ehall uot aue or ; ..
<br /> .. � . ^, waive any defauh or notice of default heneuader or invalidatc any aei dana pn:auaat to such aotiee. •��•:r:;"�"-
<br /> ' � G Upon default Dy 1Yaswr in the peymeni o£say indebtednea4�arn�h�+eby oa in t2+e Perfoimante of aaY a�e�m��heiein, :<<;* :•:.' . .. ' ;
<br /> - all sums secumd he:eby shell imme�atelY bxoo�ez dus an�payabt�at tbe opti�a oitlr�Be*P��a•; Ia eneb eveat and upoa wsitten reQu.�3 •,;•,,;`: : ::.`..;
<br /> of Bsaeficia*S.7Yustee shaU seII tha trusL psopert�,ia aao:dance with the 1�Iebre��a 1�u.ss DeedsAet,at Pnblic suctiva W the htg�eat hidr3er. ,;i:�,',.',;.; �:.,;�,.R
<br /> . � �,F P�a escept 7Yostee may 6:d at 7tasLee'�se2e. 15rnstee sh9I1 aPB�Y��eirtm2 saI�s as foltocva (1)to the e�pense oitII�ea1e, �� , f, ' 'r •.
<br /> _ � " inciudiagareasonablellrasteeetee:l2)tnthaob2igasieasecaied6ythisDeedofllrus�t8)thesnep2as.iYany,aLa116edistr�utedtoWepe�suas r� z,�"v�};.,
<br /> 'F' . entitledthesetu. ,,';��<'t ; ,, +: =
<br /> � �.,�i;�, 8. '11�astee shall deliver W the purchaser a6 t�a sale ita deed.withaut warr��cvhiob ehall eoavep 4o ttt:gum.haser the interest ia she �` 2 -
<br /> /:;,
<br /> r,< . DmP�9 whirb't5rustoz had or had tDe pow�er ta eoavey at the time of Lia exeratian af this D�d of 1Yus�aad c+u�as he may have acqaired .., s =
<br /> h of law end ofEhis
<br />--)!�.?��, - ' F%:� LhERS�CL �US�E8�8 dCC(18b8��iEtiL2�IdC29 S�DWtIIB�78L�10 882B W88 C077dRC�IB EOID�IBIICC W3L1181j u19IEQQ�lCIDBII�B -: H��
<br />-;t�?'::,: '�!r`•. IIped of 74ust,which rerital ehall be prtma face evidenue of auch wmphanee and mad�ive evidence the:eof in favor of baaa Sde patrhasets ;
<br /> -`•',•.«��:' . .:'r.�� ettdencamb�yceefOTVelnB. , �
<br /> �;r:r:.�. �:
<br /> ; �`.�,. ..;�j`t muse this l?eed of4lrast to Le foreclosed -
<br />;.,� . "��.,�.,�� 7. The power of eale wafeseed 6y this Dee.�d of'lYust ia not en exdaeive remedy;Bene�ciar9�Y . �„`: ,�
<br /> ti�t:•;�; rrsama:tgage. - _ _
<br /> � ���;f 8. In the event of the death.iacapacitTC dias6�it9 or sesigoat[on of�rastae.Beuef eiary maY BPPo�t m�riring a�sor traetee.aad ,-
<br /> :' .� - u�a ttre seoording of sucL appointment in the mostgage records of the count�in which this Deed of ZYust is nemrded.Lhe succeasaz�
<br /> ` r�tFJt be�ested with all powers of the original hvstee. The bvstee ia uot obliged w notifY�Y D�Y heteto of pending eale nnder anq other � .� ,,::
<br /> ; :ti, r� . '
<br /> � IIr�of 44ust os of aay adInn oz pcoceeding in wLi�7lvsws,Rlruatee or Beneficiatq shcill be a party anless such act[oa or proc�edinB is bmn8ht •.s�. ,- ._
<br /> ��.�'.� ,. EYtheZl�astee. � r �..' -..
<br /> t ,•'.r,;,;s�-;.'
<br /> - 9. Thia Deed oYllrust appliES w.inures w the beneS�6 0�sad is biading aut only on the parttes herato.bnL oa theis he�s.devleees.legaLees. : ., �`�':
<br /> -- ;�... :� y�;�... �
<br /> ' ¢dmmistrato�.e�s.suroesaots and asaigna The term BaneSciary ehaII means the holder and owner of the note aecured 1�ehY.wLether
<br /> `�,, � ' � m-not named ee Beneficia�q l�ere9a. ' . L -
<br /> ,�._�_
<br /> ; .;;r•. ,
<br /> :"�-:�;;t 30. Requesc for Not[ce af�e£e�ilt or Notice otSale. It fe requested t6aL a copy af aap Notioe of DefauIt or Piotice of Sele Le maited w each .4.:.i
<br /> ;,,1`r`i:'r, ' .. �u�on who ie aamed in thia i.+�st Deed at the maillag add�ss of such persoa es eet aat ahava . '� <
<br /> i� `
<br /> `' �� L�I4�TICE�CONSU� i.Da not eiga this paper before yon r8aci i� 2 Yon are entit�ta a copy o4 , , �`•,.::
<br /> 4 TI
<br /> . $�n3s papes �You�Y P�PAY She a�apaid balsnca aE any time wiEh�u4 penalty and may ba eatitled to •;;�,
<br /> ,;j r: , � . �ceive a re�atd of nnearned cbargea in accordance wlth law. ;;:�zt�:,
<br /> ;'` . •, t3igiedthia 19 deyof 1'taY — -.A.D.19�Z. sr.�:^`z-
<br /> .. ,._.. ; �;. .
<br />..FY� • ;�1,. ����i..:..
<br /> ' l�'Rx- Q G�/ r..
<br /> : s�og ivEaaasxn � � , `�� �r;
<br /> �� . ..
<br /> ;.� ,
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<br /> �Y.•i!�'.4i�;}�'•.�;,.... �`-
<br /> ',?.1�,. !1#�}..ii�Y�i., t'��"�•'
<br /> � ` � On tbis 1�daY uf �a_v_ .AD.19�I.6efore me.the undersag�ed,a Ilotary 1'ublic.duly oammissioned and r,{�!s� - .,�.
<br /> 1 i�� � _ -
<br /> - (. �.e,•;' • �• qua�i6edforaadreaidinginetidc�Qaby.nezsunallyeame ��aLde R Rinke a cin���P�4on ���,:.! --
<br /> ` �� ` � w me�mo�vn to be the idev�CUiPe�n�whaae name afixed W th�fo�insbrnmeat ��`�
<br /> . . � � gyry}y�;,r eaa ae�owted�x�:,3ns.c�m,e w tze his ;r��'r�
<br /> :tu','r:';fi � � ru!uatacy a�ra�deed. ,`� ��';';
<br /> �; ; �
<br /> ' Witaera sr9 haad aad n�heal the day / '
<br /> �d+'," : �1 My Cor��aa eapires s:Ae 8 �il�6�Si�i�l&�.'°4df . �''`i:
<br /> ; : 31ls.'l�': oq, Fi=hruarv .19�. � ��t£�&I� .. �i��,:
<br /> , � ldyQ�amr. tEifE, I10 Publlc K�
<br /> �am
<br /> t .� ,'%l��' t`::;�
<br /> .' 1 +S�.
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<br /> ' �, ''; COUNTY)� �Y��.
<br /> o� , :
<br /> '' � Eatered in i3umerimt Iadeu and ffied for recmd in the oiRce of the Reg�lur af Deede af r�id wualy,the • � •
<br /> 's:` " dqy of 19 ,�L n'e3nclt aad minntrta M.. �;t�'��• ' ., `' •
<br /> �E , and�luly reearded in Haak of MortgaSes Pege r �����'�,'• .
<br /> +4.:i. . , ; � „ `''r;f
<br /> %i;�
<br /> _ RegiaterofYleade • r .;yi:i
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