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W � �[ . . <br /> � <br /> I ! j ' � � rn CO { <br /> . . t�� y�- � + �' � '-�-' �� � � f � . .- <br /> _ . • • � r�' N q� !—° � � . <br />-- , . �S�DEED OF��TST � cn <br />_�,,�J-,•.�,t. . :. <br />-:;. .s ,''.� (�"�Power of S�e1 <br /> ,f:.�. . . ... ?� <br /> . ���• =t_�.. <br /> - THI&L}�D OF TRUS�msde tl�i&._.....��Y • •' -.���•',t r- <br /> ° . . i � *tav .I997 r- ,�-�,�.�,_ <br /> ;� .;'1,.l: <br /> • hetweex . de ke e e n '� •,s.- .:,ty,�4�� � . <br /> . �� --- '^�� tirand Island NE 68802-0807 .� �:"`:•�':�::,:�;4�;.:`;�.:- <br /> � ,. whose m�ting add:es fs,�' t�;� , • _ <br />-•.�, ' , • es�usWis, � \� . " . :: <br /> �� :I wLoseme�ia$8ddze.wsis 1.Yi:^•-.... = .,.J .:...r?;..... - ^* IQO i:zr••�:a 'C 1 iiu fi1+105 _ . , "`�,�::.,, _ <br /> �`�`.�' and Noswest Financ�al N�ertska,Inc., ma�ling edr�st.s is,_2319 2J r.,e�.s, aa� .•-�,. <br /> es 1lcuatee. whose ..,. �,�`�,.�,,� .�,�%�c..�; <br /> - .•e5�•-'•� � .. . �88anYm�+�sJi � ...(��.lE{f:ri!' ��. <br /> . .. �.�;�:',;:. ..: p o sox ���� cr�n� zs1�a 6980T .; ;.:., :� <br /> - �;'��<.';l� .'; WITNESSETH.1Yusto:a he:eby isc�ra,ablY.grant Dargaia.seU.a�J.amvey to 7�ustee in tru.4t.witb power of eale.ffie followiag d�ed ''�"°f'',: <br /> � � � Hall Councys 1�'eb:aske: ' ;,''�� <br />•�? ��'•= Sou h 140.2 feet of Lot 11, Geer SuEdivision in t[�e City of Grand Island, Rall County, .,.:r': ,,.. <br /> ,�1;� . • �. ` Hebraska, except the Southerly ZS.� :eet thereof. -.=:� � <br /> _ - ��.:�;'`�`"} <br /> • ;'r • _ . < <br /> � L.`.;� _ <br /> ,�. f . <br /> �;� . � <br /> ' • ' �. � .. •_k�.��_•:'!��:.�I`. <br /> ,f and a nrteaaacea ttr�nw belongiag or in anywise appestaining an�the nenta.iasaiea aad :, •�e;,'. <br /> ._ 4bgetGer ar(fb tenemeate.he:e�s, PP ,,; .i`; r,- <br /> � �r.;,��:'3�,�'x�•;: <br /> - . profite thezeo� , .tir�.fi,'�s�rt.: .: <br /> ,' t ta Beae&eiary of ltaswie pivmiaeory note of evea dete in the amonnt ..•tr�;st�..:r:', <br /> T h i a n v e �aa i e i u t e n d e d f o s t h e p n s Q ose of e e c u r i n g the p a y m e a ia . ..., <br /> .:f I� of S 2�70.�(u �y�of Paymenta).Said 7bte1 of Payments is reDayable a000rding to the terms of eafd aote. Paymeat may 6 e a t a d e i n . .,,s,. <br /> ,�5�.,._:_i;���?j✓.Y <br /> _:} � advance ia eqY amonai at aaq time. Defenit ia making any paywent eLall,at the Heaefidaey's optina aad wIthont nottee or demend.�uder ;_f;,�:4: <br /> ;:t , -.. tLe euL[ra un�aid balanoe of eaid toau at onae due and payable,lesa eqY required rebate of chargea ..- - _ <br /> r= . . � -t�.���.;:;.� <br /> _ 'Ib pmtec�the aeeurity of t6is Deed of Ztust,�uswz covenaats and ag�ees: <br /> ...,�•��1, •: <br /> •° L Rb&cep the pmyesty ia good conditioa and pe�it no weLate thereo�to comp2ete any�1�ing.sbvchae or impmve�being - ^;`,;'�;:?s;� <br /> � ;�,; • <br /> ;` ` Ev1It or about W f�bw'It theeeon:W r�eatore promytly any buildin8.stracdue os imDmvement theneon which mey be demeged or d�oyed: ''.:�'': <br /> ead W comyly wtth eR 1awe.ordinanaes.regiilatioas.cavenente.conditions nad testricLiona effecting the property. ., ` <br /> -.:�S . ,� 8r�e ead drars of all other ehargea. .:,,:. , '.''%: r''. <br /> 2 1b pay be£o�e detinqueat ell lawfiil teYes and assea�easa upon the pmperty;to keey the pmpertp . � .:a _ <br /> � ,' lleas os encumbraaces imysirIn&the sec►vity af thLv Deed of Zlrust t t���5�fi ��� � <br /> . �ti .: 8.lbkeeyallbu7din�►nowoshzraaftererectedontheDr'uDerlYdescn'bedhereincoatinuousl9inrvrndny�tsir.�tisa6yfuearoLhorbarards � �� �}: e'+. <br /> �.i ;:�.,:, •. in aa amount aot leas thaa tde Wta1 deb�E eeeured by thia Deed of'11rus�All yotides abrill be held hY r]�ii,a�c�7t ead be in soeh onmyaatea ° �t��•'��y t,�� : , <br /> de �. �;�;'!, ��'�.s, ,,�.. <br /> ., a s t h e B e a e Scia:Y�Y aP➢�e aad have lose p a y a Dle 6:st W the Benefi�a*Y as ita icterest mey aygear a n d t h e a t z s t l i e�u a W� T l t e a m o u a t ,.��,:,����;I,'_... <br /> . . . •2 aollected mider anp iaen:aaee policy mey Le eyylied nyon epY imdebtedneas hereby amr.used In such ordes ae the De»r�'adary ahaU deteimine- . . � ; � . �?�`•C s <br /> • Surh ayylir8tioa bq the Heneficiery shell not cause disoontinuanre at anY Droceedsu�r w foreetoss this Deed af'IIi7ut or cme or waive any .. •. . <br /> ' default or aoti�of defanli ar imeltdete any aet done pureuant to suc6 aetire.In the eveaf of fareclosn:e.all slgiata aS33e�uator ia iasnranoa ��`���;:;;� <br /> ' , .., yoUdes then in force ehall pass W Lhe purchaser at the fornelosare eale. � '' , <br /> .,!,�f';',:.' 4.Rb obtela the wrltten wnsent of HeaefleiarY befo:a selling.wnveyin�nr otherwise ttansferring the property or any part then¢af aad eny _ . <br /> e u c h e a t s.coa v e y a n e e o s tr a a s f e r w i t h o u t t h e B e n e f i a a r y�e w r i u e n c o a s e u L a R u i l e o a s t t t u t e a d e f a n l t m i d e r the terma herecL .... :, <br /> , � .�`..,. <br /> S.Rb defend aay acNoa ar proceediag Owporti�8 W attece the security keevof ar ti�e righte or powers of Benefid�.or�}aetee. �.�v-. <br /> � 8.Should ZYuswr feil to pay wben due any terea.assessmenta.lnsurance yse�iume.tiens�encumbrancea ar allter cbasgee aga�t the . . . .. <br /> `;?. �' '" yiopertyr hereinsbove deavibed,BeneSdary may pay the aame,aad the amouat eo yaid,with interest et the rate�Y CorW ia the mte eecured '.- <br /> ' .,s::`F,f't?{";'::'- . heRby.ehall be added to aad bernme a part of tbe deDt secarea in dsig Deed of 1�ruat as permittcd by law . <br /> ;,�,;t,y�:1;;, _. , . ' <br /> �,I;,,r;: .c. �i'I9 M1PPlJALLY A(3REED THAI`. . <br />._\•, � . . . . � <br /> • � • {�, l. Ia the evaat�uty rnstian uf the proyerty is tnl�a or dameged in an eminent domain proeeedln8.the eatira amcunt otthe award or sucL . <br /> �:.� •:;� � purtina thereof as mny I�o uecESSary to iully eatinl�thn obSi�atloa seeured hemhy.d�mll be paid W Beneficlary W 6e ayplled to said o42igatiom . <br /> t 2.By acceytiagPayment of aaq s�ca►secu+'ed hc�eby atter ite due date,BeneBciary daes aot weive ife rlght to seqidre promDt paYmeat when <br /> ' .' �••• . . � dY�e of oll ather Bums ao secured or m declare defaull:(ue failure w so pny. , ., <br /> `�i �': •�•;! ' 8. 17ur TSvaOea shall reeaavey ali or ony puR of the pmperty cavered hy tt�le Deed of 7�ust to the peison eatitled ttiereto.oa written request '`' � <br /> of Nw'ttv��tor ead the Beneflciary,or npoa satisfadinn of tLe obGgetfo�secured end writtea re�NrBt Pur r�wnveyaaee made by tho Heneficia�Y <br /> ,1• <br /> - � or ehe persoa entitlad liisr�ew. ,.� <br /> ... 99t to�a(auE1 . <br /> .�... • <br /> .. <br />_ ... . � ----- ..... .. _ . -- �• --�------� <br /> � ---....__ .. -- . ....T._._�._..._---- . <br /> .. . . •'��'/lN..0•. . • . . . . ._ __ . . - — . . . <br />.:. !'.. ' ' . . . . - <br /> _, '- <br /> : � � <br /> . i • <br /> .;'��. � <br />-•._I . <br /> , ....._ �__. -.—^�_�_. ` <br /> . "P.' . .. . .—._— ..�� . _—.—_ "__._a:_. <br />