:�: .
<br /> � ' � � � - . �
<br /> ' ; �
<br /> cave�u►NTS g�.o �� _ � �
<br /> 1. Paymec►ts. Bo�rower agrsert to mek9 a1i paymenis on the secured debt wfien due. Unless Borrowar and lender agree otrierwrse. any , �
<br /> payments Lender receivas tra�BoRawer or for Bonower's benefit wilt Ge apptied first to any amounts Bonower owes o�the securad debt : `
<br /> exdusive of inlerpst or prir.,yp�1,sgwnd to interest,and then to princi0ai_(f partial prepayment of tfie secured deDt occurs for any reasan,rt vudl
<br /> not reduce or excuse any.�CA3,duled�ym8ntu0aLth9s9Cy�ed debt is paid in full.
<br /> �
<br /> 2.qalm9 AgaL�st Tttl Sarrot�i�r�riapay:aS�{�� 3.fi's�sBmeMS,and other charges amihutabte ta the property when due and will defend trtte
<br /> to the propertyag au�an�g!atm�s wl$�h 46dufdi(ep�'t the�tien of this deed ot vust.Lender may require Bartower to ass�gn any nghts,de�ms or �
<br /> datenses which eo�rofrer nlp��tl�ve�¢diitst p8�lieSa�t3�PPH�ahur w matenats to improve o►mamtam the property. ,
<br /> � 3. (nsurence. Bnt�ow8r wiU k�ep the property insured under terms acceptabte to leoder at Borcower's e�enss and tor Lender's henefit. Alt " �
<br /> insurance poticies shall inchy�s•a standard murtgage clause in favor of�ender.Lender wdl be named as los5 payee or as the msured on any such
<br /> insurance policy.Any irsirarve p�aceeds may be applied,witfiin Lenders diswetion,to either the restoratian or repa�r of the damaged Droperty �
<br /> or to the sewred deb�If LeMer requ'ues mortgage�ruurance,Borrower agrees io ma�ntain such insurance for as loog as Lender requ�res.
<br /> 4.Property.9or�ov�er wsll iceeQ the property i�good condition and make aIl repairs reasonably necessary.
<br /> 6.Espenses.Borrower agtces to pay aIl Lender's e�enses,induding reasonabte attomeys'fees,if Borrower breaks any covenants in this daed �
<br /> of trust or in any obligatian secured by this deed ot Vust.Bonower w�ll pay these amourtts to Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of this deed of
<br /> uust.
<br /> 6.Rtar Seauitp lrlferests.Untess Bor►nwer first obtains Lender's mitten consent,Bottower will rrot make ar permit any changes to any prior �
<br />: seauity irtteresta. Borrpws► will pertarm all of Borrower's obtigations under any prior mortgage, deed of trust or other secunty agreement, '
<br /> ' including Borrower's covPn3nts to make payments when due. '
<br />� • 7.Asst�nmerrt oi RaMS et►��rofits.Borrawer assigns to Lender the renis and profrts of Yhe property_�rstesa Herrawer and Lender have agreed
<br /> : ' oU�erwtse in w►itiag,Borraw�zr may coltect and re'�n tfie rents as tong as Bonower�s not�n detari.'..#£a�s,ncr defaufts.Lender, L�nders � .
<br /> agertt,or a court appoir.tkd receiver may take p�on and manage the property and coltect tke m�rs_xrcqc��ts LenQer collects shall be .
<br /> apphed fitst ta the casts ot mana�r.g the proper:y,m�udin�court casts and atiomays'fees, c�nc-�-s:^-2nta�agents, and any other �__
<br /> ' necessary related esserses.The rerrz.^rg amourtt of rertts vmll then appiy to payments on the sear^as�;.�rrnided in Covenant t. !
<br /> 8.Leasetuclds;Cas�c�numw;Pta�a�U:�t OevetopmeMS..Borrc,u�:agrees to compty with the�r.aeis�a.�ss of any tease if this deed of uust is on � .
<br /> a teasefiold.ff:''r��ot trust is cs a unit in a eonQom�nium ce a afanned unit develoAmer.;, &a^ac�xr wi!I perform all af�ower's duties ,
<br /> _ under the covenar2g 6y-1awa,or re�;tattons of ttie condominium or planned uaR developmeot. � "
<br /> 9. Autltorityr of Lo�xr�rx to Perform for Bortower.It Borcower fails to per(orm any of Bottowe's �^as under this deed of trust. Lender mar i
<br /> . i perform the dutizs c�cause them to be performed. LenQer mey sign Horrower's name or pay a���-ae:�i if necessary for pertarmance.If ang
<br /> _ j cmumiction on thapraperty is discaitinued or not cartied on in a rn.asanabie manner,Ltss�der�..ay tla.v`:a:svet is necessary to protect Le�der's ::;t,,.. .
<br /> � security interest in the pro�srty.This may include eompleting the ca-s-truction.
<br /> t .
<br /> � Lendar's failura to perform will not areclude Lender iram exercising G yr of its othar rights under�'ra is�x:!�5 deed ot trust_ :
<br /> ' Any amounts paid�Lender to proUsct LendeYs security interest will be secured by this deed of rrst.Su�a�-aunts will be due on demand � �;:�}`
<br /> ` '..� and witl6ear interest fi�n Me data of the payment un6t paid in futl at the interest rate in eHect on ffie secured a::3t. � . .t:�,;=:
<br /> - 10. De(mdt aad Axelcnstion.If Borcower fails to make any Fz?�ent when due or breaks any covenants unQer this Qeed of trust or any -C-,�,,.',`;�
<br /> o6tiga�o�seaved by thia deed of trust or any prior mortgage rr. �ed of trust, Lender may ac�erate the maturity of the secured debt and , - �;•.�:_::
<br /> _ � demar..�'.rn:nedq�e payment and ma��invoke the power ot sate asvy a-y other remedies permitted I�y,applicable Iaw.
<br /> - � 11.Ete�est tor N6o'Yau ot Defa�2�:s hereby requested that co�s of the aotices ot dafau:t arr:sate be sent to each person who is a party � •� ;,`
<br /> .�• .� hereto,at the addsess o!each sui�person,as set forth h8tein. � ' ���.;:'�;;�;
<br /> 1Z.Pocver of Salo.�f the Lertder irn�kes the ower of sale,the Trustee shall fr.s.secord in tlfe office of the r �ster of deeds of each cet�,� i ��ryi��,:
<br /> wherein the ttuzt propetty or swre Cart or parcel thereof is situated a notice of dataLit contai�r�3 the information required by Iaw.The Tnis:a� ( . ';�`��;
<br /> � shalt atso mail aopies of the notice c` default to the Bonower,to each petson wno is e pamy!�reto,and to other persons as prescribe0 br� ( F_ • ' 1
<br /> applicable law- Ntot Iess than or.e T��2h after the Trustee rece:.s the notice of defaul�o•nv�montfis H the Vust property is not n a^� (
<br /> � incarporated city or villaga and is ase3:a tarming oRerations carretl oa by the trustar,the Tr:,ssae s.�all give public notice of sa!e�a the Cersa:s I ,�;�,:;�` �" !,'`�
<br /> ! � and in the rrwnne�prescnDed by a-i.;aLcable law.:�-,.�-tee,withavt demand on Ba�awer,shaf.sal:t�+a property at pubtic suctia7:�-�-.e hs�*.ast � :�.��. • .e.,.r
<br /> bidder.If�eqUUed 6y t1►a Farm Homestead Protectice Act,Trustee shall oHer tl�2 q:oDerty in two separate sales as required by a�:`�.h:e ta,n+- � .,:.'va(,;r
<br /> �ti, Trustee may postpOne sale of ell ar eny perCe!of C`ie property by pu6lic annou�o�+ent at the tir.ie and place of any previously sdisdufad sa7�. , . ;«�,��,�,
<br /> ' % Len�.ar o►ita designeo may pu►chase the property ei any sale. i - - -,�-�':s;-
<br /> � lla;�.r receiDt of pa�meni of the price bid,Trustes shall detiver to the purchaser Ttustee's deed ca-v�eying the property.The racitias contained in ' o��
<br /> , Tn..s�.�s deed sfialt be prima facie evidience of the truth of the statements wntained therein.T:.sse shatl appty the praceeds of Lya sate io the ;t.•`'
<br /> faltotiv.-g ordnr. (a) to all expenses of the sate, including, but not limited to, reusonabte '':sstee's teea, reasonabte attom�¢s fees and ; �,
<br />���. � reins�2z,+ent fees;Ib!to all sums sewred by this deed of trust,and!c)the balance,if eny,to t`.�e persons Iegally entitted to recenre 2 ���
<br /> - � ';`::•:
<br />•�.+ ,� 13.Forectosura.FL*_�,erwter's option,this deed of trust may be foreclosed in the manner provide 6y applicable law tor torectosure cf^�e:cga�e5 :;`y±:�
<br /> �; on real prope+tV• '-r��'��
<br /> .,�.
<br /> _ . � 14.G�oetlon.Ebnder may enter me property to inspect it if Lender gives Bonower notice befarehand. The notice must state�:e reas:nab:� ,�I�- -.. ,
<br /> causz.or Lender's inspention. f ta. tr : :
<br /> -, S S.P.a rt a o rt N a o o n.6 o r ro w e r a s s igns t o L e n d e r t h e P ro c o e d s o f z y a w a r d o r c l a l m f o r d a m ag e s c o�n e c t e d w i t h a c o rt d e m n a u o n cr o t h�t a k:a g ' ' , f,
<br /> ! o!all or any part of the property.5uch praceeds ws.l be applied as provided in Covenant 1.This as8ignment is subject to the te:�ns cf any p=:s •� ' . . ,.,i,n
<br /> '• securityt agreement. :.•.
<br /> : + ;:.;;;'y.;.:,
<br /> } 16.bltaive�. `� "��
<br /> �.:.� 1 By exerciaing any remedv availebte to t.snder,LenCer does not give up any rights to Iater use any other remedy.B�r not exercising .
<br /> 1 any re.-+edy upon Borcovrer'e detautt,Lender does not waive any rr�,t to later cons�der the event a default if it happens agai�.
<br /> t�.,G�as!and Severel UaOUity� Caslgnora; Sueeessore end As�s,y�s Bound. All duties under this deed of Vust are joint �r.G several. Any
<br /> '�r Borrorier who casigna thi& deed of bvst but doea not co-sign the underlyi�g dobt instrume�t(s1 does so only to grant�.nd convay that
<br /> i<:. Bonower's interest in the properN to the Trustee under the terma of this deed of trust.tn additlon,such a Borrower agrees that the lender and � ` .
<br /> � anY other Bono+►er u^Qer thia deed of truat mey extend, modHy or make any other changes In tho terma of this deed of trust ot the sewred � ' �
<br /> debt without th3t�:nower's consent and without reteasing that Bonower hom the terms of thia deed of trust. ��`��
<br /> ° � The dutios and ber.rtf.;s of this Cer�c!ttu9t ahall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lander and 9orrower. .
<br /> ;��� 18.[W�ifee.Unfess otheru+rs¢r��:ra2 Ly law,any notice to Borrower shall 6e given by del'svern-+��r.cr by mailiag it by eenifled mait addressed to
<br /> Bonower at tfie pro^erty adCress a a�y othe�addresa thai 8orrowe►has gIven to LeaCer.ffar�.«�er will grve any notice to ler.4er by certified ;
<br /> �:�ti � mail to lender's ad�ess on page 1 of this deed of trust,or to any other address nt�"�lenGer ras designated.Any other notce m LenCer st�a�l ' � .
<br />,,,: ; be sent to LenQers aCGresa as stated on page 1 of this deed of trust. �
<br /> � Any notice shatt 6e deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given�the manner stated above. I
<br /> ' S .
<br /> : j 19.Transfer o1 tho Froperty ar o Beaeflelal fntorast in tho Bortower.If atl or aoy part of the propertV or any interest in it is sold or t►ansfened i
<br /> i wiihout LenQeYS prior writteo canssni, Lender may demand immediate payment of the secured debt. Lender may atso demand immediate i
<br /> � paymont i}the Borrower is not a natural person and a beneficial lnterest in the Borrower is sold or uanster�ed. However, Lender may not '
<br /> Qemand payment in th9 above situations i}it ia prohibited by feQaral law as of the date of this Qeed of uust. �
<br /> 20.ReCOnvoyttnCe.When the obligation secured by this deed of trust has been paid,and Lender has no further obligation to make advanees
<br /> undpet the insuuments or agreemenis secured by this deed of trost,the Trustee shall,upon written request by tne Lendcr, rnrnr+vey the ttust F
<br /> � pro erty.The Lender shall detiver to the Borrowei,or to Borrowe�'s successor in mterest,the trust deed and the note or other evidence of tho I
<br /> obl�gation so satisfled.Borrower sfiall pay any recordat�on costs. ,
<br /> � � 21. Succoaso� TtWto9. Lender, at Lender's option, may remove Trusteo and appoint a successor trustee by first, maiting a copy ot the
<br /> substitui�on of trustee as required by applicable law,and then,by filing the substitution of trustee for rewrd in the oHice of the reg�ster ot dee8s
<br /> � of e8ch county in wh:ch the trust property,or some part thereof,is situated.The successor trustee,w�thout conveyance of the property,shall * _
<br /> {� � succeed to a11 the powe�,duties, authority and title of the 7rustee named in the deed of trust and of any successor trustee.
<br /> : . .
<br />_ !,�` !
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