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<br /> � � - . DEED�F TRUBT � ` � �� O `-�- � � -
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<br /> . : PAR7IES:This Deed ot Tte:st is mada on Ntnv 9� 19s7 ------- -.----..among the Granmr._.c.aunRa P..RO�tTCK.— , t .
<br /> -- - „-- - ---- ('Borrower'i. �,� '
<br />�: � -- ,�
<br />�- - � • ARF�7� R AAACR� A'Pi'DA1tRV-----,---.-- - - _ - .- -- - ' - __ ' � . . .
<br /> • :, whose residenee address is pe unx oon [irand ,a�a*+h HAli --- -- ----- �unty.NeCraska t'Trustee'1.and the Benaticiary. \� . .
<br />- . . � ��..rs pRnFoar entr*wtr�c� s .n*wt reqnt�TnTTAN _ ._._ ----•a wrPOration organired G � . � ,
<br /> � � and e�astin9 undsr tha Iaws ot ttnsRA _whose address is _�3?c7�TrH �,nC[�cT_STRFtRT�- ---- ------ . , ,
<br />-- � , , (`RAT3^ rsrn�?h�**�Ra�rcn 6aen2-ionw - —.-� Lender'1. , . L ...._
<br /> � COIWEYANCE:For valus received.6orrower'nrevocabiy grmits and conveys to Trustee,ir�V�ut,with Rawer af sale,the real properhr,of which
<br /> Bortower is Iawhdy seiaed,Qesaibsd betow arid aU buitdingb,flxhues, and existing asd tuture impravarrtents thereon and all rigAts-of-way, ,..
<br /> easemems, rerts,i9sues, profits, ineome, tenements, haradrtamerRs, priviteges and any appurtenances thereunto belonging (adl ealled tde ,
<br /> ' �� ���Ope���' , rsva*m rat.nwm ,Nebraske 6AAO1 "'' �
<br /> PRCP�lTYADDRP5S2 �'li7 R SFFt1L2NG MII.H AD . �`'a,-_:
<br />- . � ' u�a�.osscR�Pnor�: �°°'" �G"' 2p���
<br />- . .r'�� TfiE MORTH ONk.'-FOURTH INl/4) OP LtY'a'S RIFTESN (15) 1�1D SIXTBSPI (i6) IN ��. . .
<br />-- ., <<� 2IORTSEAST QUARTER INSl/4N81/4) OP SHCTION FOUftTEEN ll�). ���P • . .
<br /> B��LpBp}V�S��p(1�1) NORTH. RADTCiB NIIJS (9) S9RST OF THH 6Z'H P.M.. HALL COLiLt'iY,
<br /> _ �'..
<br /> _ • ' .��y� 1\LD1VfOM. _ . ..
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<br /> ' ' • 't'a located'm mzat�ro Iql,jLNn RnT.r. Cou�ty.tStt��aska_ ' •, �t,}`
<br /> , . {
<br /> ',"�� a� TRLE:Borrower cov¢nants end warraMS titt3 to tt�e Orope►tY,excaPt tor �
<br /> a , ?' ` `� :
<br /> •.',�„ A '�9....;�'r
<br /> , t '. ,��, a gECUpED pEBT;This d88d of Uust sewres to Lender repayment of the secuted de6a a�d tha perfar.m.-'�ce of the wvenaMa and agreements Y:� f.�`r.'
<br /> r� � ' eonmined in this daed of uust an0 in am/oihet dpeument incorporated herein.Secured CaSt.as used in this dead of Vust,inciudes any amounts "•�"�
<br /> � � � "'� Bortower owes to Le�ar u���thls deeE ot.ttust or undei any instrumem sQCUred b�ttd�c�neA of ttust,and ail modifications,eutensions and s�F'rr,i
<br /> . �;;' < � . � ' +i!
<br /> . • :,r��.;•. renawats tAereot. � ..',-
<br /> r� `�'�'��n; The secured G�2 is eNdenced by Ilist all msuumants and agreeme�ts secured by this dted of ttust ar.d L'se dat�s thsreof.l: � (•' �� '
<br /> � ', ����.:r
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<br /> `'r � ��r::ro Adwrteoa:Tlvs abova amaartt is ssai:ed even though all ot part o!it maY not yet ba edvanted. future advancea are �:Ff'�.`
<br /> .�
<br /> . • � contsmptated msd wiR be seeuro0 to tha same exterrc as if made on the dsie this QeeQ o!uust ts execute�. .�: .;.
<br /> _,; ''. ' • �'.," .
<br /> s!; , � . �. ,nith iniUa!annuai irnerest rate of 96. ��..•;.:
<br /> ,:+_ ❑RewWing line of:aredit agro2mem dated .
<br /> • Ail am,cunts ow¢d un9er thia agreametrt are secured even though all ar.�ou�ss may not yet be advanced.fvture aQvances under "';�'� �
<br /> _,. :���;i .:� !.t..,
<br />.s;;: � ; the egteemoM er�toMernatated and wili be secured to the same eutertt es if made an the date th�s Ceed of trust is executed. ���:.;f;;,�,1.,
<br /> �:�a:� ,�:••.
<br /> , : �'i 5�•'/�N,i��i�
<br /> �-� ' ' ' The above oNigatio:�is due and payabte on 'rt� 5, ���� _if not paid eadier. ;. '�:�/�'��r;��•
<br /> ' � ' '`'���'�••'':
<br /> „',t�.� , •.�,� The tota)unpaid haWnce sewreC by tfiis deed of trust et arry one time shali nat��0 a maximum prineipaf amount o! ;y •;�"il ���•
<br /> . �,, ._t.,! ��?,S7rry eh�. .� . liO.D Do�t.ca181fl-.�- - -- '.t.,,. �";�1�.:`.•_
<br /> c w.�.,, t � _nn _l.Plus lnterest. ,�+ �;` ;
<br /> + _ ��:•`�,�;. ptus 2hy anr,aras diabursed undes she terms of this deod ot uust cc pratect t�Q soarrity of ihis doed o1 trust or to peRorm a^v oi the '�'1>> ��hl-+�' :
<br />';`.�;' � ��.x. �; cove^�::sts corrtaM.oO in th+a deed of uust,with intorest on such ds�s�ents. , .�;;;;;;,}��
<br /> ' ��.�;:.�.
<br /> � `�t,•, „�.,�r
<br /> • ❑VmiabtQ Ciit�:71r3 icrterast rate on tha obiigation seeuted by this 6eeG o!tru�t maY�a�5►according to the terms of that or:r.,,a�on. • � ;!.;.
<br />:`�;` ` ❑A oo;r�.o!iM toan egreemerrt wntaining the terms under wh.ieh the intxest rate may vary is anached to�is deed a1 vuse and •
<br /> .. Y „ � macn a part h3rcol. :�,
<br /> '.� snez2nrn.�cnrr Att AT�AITA � ' .S';
<br /> •,'s � RIDERS: ❑Co:anv�rdal: ... r'•
<br /> • ' � QESttiNATtON OF FiOMESTEAD � ,•�;:�,-.
<br /> � r Pursuant to tA3 Farm HOmostead Protoetion Act,designation of homestead ❑ is a:tathed to this dead o}Vust and made a part hareof '. ••
<br />_ .,,:
<br /> ❑ has been dioetolrcs�da ttra diaclaimar is attached to this deed of trust and made a pan tw.reof.
<br />_:;;;.�'• � � StGtdATUREB:6y alqt�traa�ittow.BoQ+mnor agroe to tho torms and eovonartts eorttetrsa0 bn Wa Qaed o1 truai.inetuding thoso on paffo 2,and tn •
<br /> � . � : arry ddon Qosc�od abo�re signad bY 0� ---- -
<br /> � " � � , ��� —� � .
<br />,, . .. � � , -- ---• - -- � -•�-- _.. . ----- ..
<br /> -t.
<br /> . L ORA F ROEHUCK � �
<br />_.. , • .
<br /> `'..f.• _.___'_ � '
<br /> i
<br />� The torogotng instrumsnt Wds eehr�o�vlsdped 6etore me on this _�T�-_--._._0ay ai �y� 1997.._-__ ._ .•
<br />=c i• bY� -- - -- - -- -�--- - - - ----- -� ._. ._ . �
<br /> _ � — r��j3Q78 -- - ---- - -- - - - -- . --__ �Tmaan �!!! .
<br /> Capo�e�e or Ot f Mamo o�Caoorabon a PartnanhiDl ( .
<br /> PartnBrsnT —-__.__ _.___ _— . �
<br />'; ; � aemawioe�+one 8 [',`��� �,QJ��'jQ on benaU ol the eurporatwn or partnership. F .
<br /> •- My tommission expires: �� �
<br /> E �sea�� °f!u�?C : «C�y�:.�-►�.' �r�arv a.:�:s �
<br />.. c�. � This inatrument was Drepared bY _.CE�.TS *. �eKrx--- ----- ... . - -. . F . _ .._ -
<br />- . � p1985��IKEf155�5TEMS.INC.ST�CLOUD.MN5630t�1�80P397d3671FORMOCPMT6NE6�/991 �ppL# ���31421 �p8g ��1�{•" RI�SI(A f � .� ,
<br /> `��.' j ccn# o000000000 �
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