:,_.4:s� . . �..�:.
<br /> � --w:Y—� ,. � , - � ---- . == _
<br /> .,, . . . . . ._:.::_; _
<br /> . � ' .. y :::z:.__- _..,___. �_:.F._____ _.�_.� ..,.__.�.L.:._.—.._.�..... . .... .. .... . ... ...___�_._.. 4�
<br /> - � . , —� - - ;�.:-;��
<br /> . ��
<br /> . r --. . ., Borrower shalt pmmptly gi�•e I.emier w�riaen noti��e uC:in} ime.tigxtian. rlaim. demanJ. la��wn u�ather artion h�� an} ,.-,-� -- Y
<br />- � govemmentrl or regul�ton•agency or pm•ate pam em•�t{cing¢he Prap�n} anJ any H:u:inluu.Suh.tan�r ur Enc�runmcnt:il L:►w
<br /> `� .r. . . . . uf whieh Bomnccr has actual kno��•Iedge. If Borrawer Icarn,.�u i.nuuficd b� :u�} guvrrnmental ur regulatury authurin•.that(� �� . ,-��.' .
<br />.1 _ any removal ar oiher remediation of any Ha�ardoa.Sub�tance affixting[hr Property i.necessan•.B��rnn��rr ch:sll pmmptiv tal�e� +,i '
<br /> "� ` all necessary r�dial actiun�in accordance w-ith Envimnmental Law�.
<br /> £ . As used in this paragraph 20. "Ha•rardou+Substan��es' are thuce+ub.tance+definai a,[uxic�yr h;urrdou,tiub+t:uutiw by � ,,. � � .`�
<br /> ; � � - Envimnmenta! Law and the fi�llowing substances: ga�u1ine. kero5ene. uthcr ffammaM� or wxi� pctadeum pn�du�K�. toaic� �
<br /> � --- ---� ' pesticides and herbicides.volatile,olvents.materials rnntsinie�g a,he.tu,ur furnu�ldchyde.anc!radit�:kare materinlw Ac uud in� _,_�:-=....
<br />"=i�:� ' ` this paragraph 20. "Emimnmenta! Law" meany federal taws and la��s of the}uri�diaion �chere the Pruperty iti lucated thatw a � � •
<br /> �� �" relate to heatth.wfety ar environmentaf protection. � ` • .-,.
<br /> �, 1�IbN-UNIFOR:1+t COVENAN['S.Borrower and l.ender further aicenant and agme a+fu11�w+:
<br /> • 21.Acceleration:Remedles.l.ender sha!!give norice to Barn►w�er prEor to acceleratton follo�rin�Borroi�er's breach�
<br /> � - - of aay covenani or agreement in this Securin [nstnuneut (But not prior to acceicration under puragrapS� 17 unless:� .
<br /> :'S' . . ; appiicable law provides othenrisf).The noitce shall spectfy: ta)the defautt: (b)the action required to curr the deYauit; -- r.�
<br />: ;^ (e)a date,not tess t6an 30 days Cmm tt�e date t6e nolice is gi�en to$orro�cer.by�rhich the default must be cured:aud . ,
<br /> r. � " (� Wat failnre to cure the default on ar 6efore the date specified ia the no t lce mny res�d t ln a o c e lera t i o n o f t he swns w,-;�..,�"'..•. .
<br /> �#� • secured by this Securit;} Instsument and sate of the Property. The aoitce sl�all further infortn Borrow�of td�e ri�6t to �'t } �,.,
<br /> n
<br /> .;:- , reinstate after acceleration and the rigd�to hsiag a canst actton to assert We non-extst�ce of a de[aui!or aay ot6er __ . , �
<br /> c g 1 ..
<br /> �; • _ deYense oi Sorrower to acceteratlon and sale. If th¢default IS not cured on or 6Pfore the date speci�Ced in the nottar, _ • .� ,...
<br /> .;-, unmedl'sate pa}�n�ent in full a!all sams secar+ed 6�•Wis Secnrity [mtrnment wiWout �.. ,���. �
<br />-- � • I.ea�►er,at its a�tion,may recNire�
<br /> ' `�,�;,,, '.,..�..
<br /> &` .{ � • farther de�nand aad may invoke the{mRer of sate an�any other mme�ics permitted by applira6lr law. I.ender s6aU 6e ,`.
<br /> : , ,,.` <_
<br /> v� ` eniitled to coIIect all expeases iacarred in pujsuing th:re�nadIes provided in this p�ragrapfi 21.including,bat no3 Umited , •'
<br /> ��� to,reasoaabLe attorneys'fees and costs af titie evid� �� ' `
<br /> .���.:a�
<br />"%�� ' � f IP tde gm�ec uf sale is invoked. Trustee sbaII+eoord a notice of defantt in each couaiy in nfitch any part o�the �.�;
<br />;.`s' � �. proper¢y is locaied and s5a0 mail oop6es of suc6 na¢ice in the maaner prescsibed by app11qble ta�r to Borro�rer and to " • ---
<br />_:�; ,� � We other persons prescribed by applicable Faa.Ai�fr ti�e time reqnired by appltcabte law,Tnutee shall g ive pn6itc notice ,:.�,�
<br /> '•!s ' � of sa[e to the pe�ons and i�the manner pl+cscrllbed�S?appitcabie law.Tcttstee,�rithout detnand on Borrnwer,shall seU .. ,..,. ��
<br /> +escr
<br />-'` �..�� the Pro�erly at pubttc auction to the highest 6idd�si ihe time and place aad usdder the tern�s designated in the notice oY :.:';;.�,�_,�.
<br /> °;` � sate in one or more parceLs and In nny order Trustce determines.Trnstee may�OStpone sale of all or any parcel of the •� `" f
<br />:.,`s. . , ,� .
<br />-y� ' :_� RoPertl' bY PUbltc ac�aounc�ent at t�e time and plac�of any prPViougty schednled s�le.Lender or its d�signce may ---:: -_`'
<br /> ' porchase the Property at an>sale. � L
<br /> �" � '.,x Upon recetpt of pa�-c�at of the r��e 6td, Trnstee s6afl d�liver to the purchaser Trustee's deed wnveying the _ . : ;. .,.��.'
<br /> ,� � ' "-;;�. 7Aoperty.Tfse redtals in;��nutee's deed shaf!�prlma fade evideace of the trut6 ot the statemenis made therein. �,"; -
<br /> = , ' Trustee shaA apply the piva�s af the sale in the fcoG2awing order:(a)to all cadts and expemes of exerdsing the po�ver of ;
<br /> � • + sate,and the sale,includir�t�payment of the 7'ra�tee's fees aehiapy incurred.no1 ta exceed the�of $50.00 or��/o . ��� =
<br /> :-. � � .•:
<br /> -•? ` � of the principal amoant of t�e note at the time of the dectaration o!defAalt,and reasonable attorneys'feRS as pe�snitted s ����
<br /> =- �. , • ' �� ,� by Iaw;(b)to all sums s�by Yhts S�vrity Instrament;and(c)aoy exoess to!he peison or persons lega0y entitled to • . ``; t%_"°
<br /> h r . � � .. ��.
<br /> � . ' , .�:�� 2Z. Iteoom�eyance. L'�wn payment of all s:��ns s�:ared by this Security Instrument. Lender shatf reyuest Trustee ta � �,,i
<br /> - .,.< , . ...N reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Se:.ari!y t�stmment und all notes evidencing debt secured by chis Securiry { ' � •:
<br /> j • • .,r:; TaStrument to',T¢►sstee.Trustee shall reco�..�y the Pra�:s��without�zz3ranty and without charge to the person or persons legally �: , ,:
<br /> ' ;` ' �'':�.��J':� eatitled to it..S�.�:�t pe�son ar persons s".�11 pae�any reco;dauon cos�_ . �`
<br /> �- �Jll ��11�Y}�. Y• '• - : .
<br /> 23.Su'bsF+�te Trastee. Lendec.a_it�option. ma}• from tima zo��e remove Trustee and appoint a successar tnutee to , '
<br /> s�.;��' ; �;4 any Trustee appointed her�a�tt�'by aT.i���ument reco����d in the coun:}'in wlucF;this Security Instrument is recc�rded.WIthout �*;,; ;
<br /> �.,.�:;. �..}_.,•;� ,,.. _
<br /> _: r,�e�-.�� .:,.y� .; wnveyance of the Propert}�.TM�Z�suecescor uuscee sha!�sti:^ceed to all the titte.Z*:ju�-r and duties conferred upon'Ilrustee he�in !v 1� ,J;•,,..,,
<br /> 'S•��F.y -! .z�;� __
<br /> ..;;�r{• � and by applicable law. � �� .
<br />.-� � .� '.s,;t'��F 7A.Rea�nest for Nottces. Borro�.er.�yaests that copies af the notices of default and sale be sent to Bortower's address y, ^,..�_�
<br /> ;.:,,f. • ���,• which is the Pronerty Address. . r`-: .'
<br /> � °ts:��;� 25.Riders to tbis Sec�rity Iasirca�:ni.If or.e oc more riders aze executed by Borrower and recordeA together with this
<br /> � h°:
<br /> `,''��� . • . Security Instrument,the vovenar.es and agreements oF:a:�such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplerttent - .. • ,,�.��
<br /> ;� % the covenanu and agreemenss of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this 5ecurity insmrment. � -_
<br />= s, • (Check applicable box(es)1 � �. =F�.
<br /> ��: � - ''r��i A ,_
<br /> �w 0 Adjuytable Rate Ri��c �Condominium ltid:� [� I-4 Family Rider _
<br /> � ''! 0 Planned Uni[De�elo mer►t Rider []Biweekly Payment Rider � -
<br /> _ . [�Graduated Paym_�r.��:2�er P .
<br /> .fn.
<br /> �,�`- ' � '' 0 Balloon Rider []R3r.c G�nprovement Rider []Seaond Hame Rider �
<br /> ,.+,�;�� 0 V.A.Rider 0�d'�'��)(SP�fYI ,';<
<br /> ��-� � - 'I��''�� �'r'i;m.
<br /> ''�
<br /> .; . ^.i��j�.. . i•�c:j�R�`.
<br /> -i� ' . r'�•.. I"�`ni1.9S;-
<br /> � '� �.:� :
<br /> ' � t BY SIGNWG BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees ta the terms nnd wvenants contained in this Security Instrument and °rti�' ' !!�'4E.
<br /> � ' • 1 in any riderls)executed by Borrawer and recorded with it. �-t%��;�_:
<br /> , s�;
<br /> ;: ' Witnesses: �� • � hiu-�
<br /> -a` � � ,� �� _ ISeal) ,�.:
<br /> - • RiC 8! . Wipt�C �Bmrower t � , •
<br /> = . . .
<br />-L�;�` `^"v ��'�'�`'� • .'�'fi.,
<br /> �"�'s` � l5eal) • ,.i :,
<br /> :- �� : E18f�te J. W ck -BormHCr . '���i�'���
<br /> - , , ���::
<br />--'',' (Sqll ISeal) .
<br /> �` ,. ' ' .R�m„��cr -Borrawer
<br /> r; . . ,
<br /> :.-::;:.- tiTATE OF ti�$I�OSKA. HALL Cou�ty cc: ,• _ •
<br /> '°,:",.'; � The fon�oing instn�mem was arkn��wlalged beforc me thiti IOth day uf April • 1997 . �
<br /> -�.�,, _ . .� hy Aichasd B. Wieck and Elaine J. Wieck, Hus3�and and Wife � . � •
<br /> � 1Vitnc.c my hand and notarial.ca!at Grand Island in wiJ Cuunty.du datc afittewid.
<br /> . A1y Commi.tiiun Expirc�: ��r�Lt,�1!-!�_ � ' � �"� ----
<br /> � Snt.�ry VuM1li.
<br /> , • --- r G.�P.fAAINOTAAY,Staie011la�a '
<br /> -- . tAL1RA L CArAPBELL form 3028 9190
<br /> . �h�fsP S�L4 t931 '.,�a•.�' .
<br /> .'; .
<br />