_ '.z'� � , � � t��..
<br /> - -:��r^ � -�- - -- _.. .
<br />. . . . ..�°-� - , . _ r: . . ..._ _ � . : ' . . . .. �'0��fi� _ . . _
<br />_ � , . �r. . _.._ __,-._..__ __. .. _ . ... . . .. .. ,. . . . , .. .. . . .
<br /> _- -- — -— . �..� .ub�tantialh•eyui��alent mortgage inwran�Y co�eragr i.not a�•ailatslr. &�rruwer.hall pa}�to Lxncier�uh rtu�nth s,um equal to �,.. --, - -
<br />_ onr-twelfth of the yearl y mortgage in.urance prrmium being paid b} Burrow�er«�hen the in.ur.�nre rucerage i:ipsed ur�rased to ,
<br /> � '� � be in effect. Lender�cill accept, use:end retain the+e psyment.a., a l��.> re.ene�n lieu ��f mongage in.utanre. l.u>, reseRe �` ,
<br /> p�ay�xnts may nu longer be rcquired.at the opti��n�Tf Lender. if murtgage ►nyur.rnce cucerage 1in the am��unt and For the period�
<br /> : - � � • that Lender rcyuires►pn�vidctii by an insumr appmced b}• Lender aQain hecomes a�•ailable and is obtained. Bnrrower shall pay� �
<br /> the prrmium.�rcyuireJ a,maintain murtgage insurance in cifc�Y.ur tu pruvide:�la...resen•e,until[he ceyuirement for murtgare�
<br />�, ' : in�urance enJ�in arcurdance with any«ritten agreement hrtwe�n Borm��rr and Ixnder or appliwbfe lau. � `
<br /> ;f , .� 4. Inspect[on. L.ett,der or its agent may make rea,onable entrie�upon:�nd inspectioro af the Property. lxnder�haU give�
<br /> &tirrouer noti�e�t tSx timr uf ur prior tu an m�p�tion+pctiiiyirg rea�onabte cau_,e fur ttye iarpa�tius. �
<br /> r� . � !0. Condemtiatton. The proccx,i.uf sny a«:mi ��r claim fi�r �anu�ge+. direce or consequential. in runnertion with any �
<br /> •S cundemnaUOa er other taking of sny part of the Pmperty,or for comeyancr in lieu af condemnaciun.:uc hereb}��signed and�
<br /> � '. ; ,hall be paid to l.ez�der. . .
<br /> � . . ¢ In the event uf a total taking��f the Pmpeny.the proceeds.hall be applied to the+ums,ecurcd by this Security Instrumeni.� •
<br /> `'•' afiether or not then due, with an exre+. aid to Bnrn�wer. In the cvent of a artial tal:in of the Pm ert m w�hich the fair
<br />:_.:�- ; Y P' P € P 5 . � �
<br /> :; - -- market value of the Pmpeny immediateiy� before the takin� i+equal to or gru�ter ttr.u�the amount oi the sums Secured fsy this t -, �
<br /> � ' Securit}• Intitrument immediateh•before the taking,unle.s Borraa�er and Lender otherwise agree in w•riting,the+umc secunn!b}� } :
<br />��:: • i thi+ Security In+trument shall be reduced by the amount of the praoeeds multiplied 6y the Collo��ing fcaction: la► the tntul "� '^`�:`.•�
<br /> '' ; amount of the �ums�ecurcd immediately hefare the taking.divtded by(b) the fair market value of the Property immoclitttaiy :� � ` ;�:°�.`
<br />'-�� ' before the taking. Any balance shal! be paid to Bormwer. In the event of a partial[aking of the P�nperty in which.tha fair• ; `
<br /> =; , � market va[uc of the Property imm�lia[ety before the taking is I�s than the amuunt of the sums serure6 immedi:�tety bclam.the �r - . -
<br /> :�i_ j taking.unless Borrou•er:ind L.ender othern•i�e agree in writing or unlecs appticable law otherwese pro�•ides,tha pp.�at�ds shall '� -
<br /> j` ! he appiied to the sums secured by this Security tastrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> =Y,_ . , '``;N_�t:._�
<br /> lf the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,afEer notice by Lender to Burmwer that the rnndemn�e oftisn to make an
<br /> ��� awazd or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after thr date thc natice is given. � ' .
<br /> •�= Lender is authurized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its opqon,either to restoration or mpair of the Property or to the sums • ' '
<br /> -:� • secured by this Seruriry lnswment,whether or nat then due. ; ;:�::.
<br /> rF� Unless l.ender and Borrower oiherwise agree in writing, any appticatian of proceed� to principal shalt not ex•.�d or � •
<br />:`.'�y � postpone the dae date of the rttonthly payments referred to in paragtaphs I ana12 or change the amount of such payments. ' �..
<br />�_� � . � 11.Borro�•er Niot Released;Farbearartce By Lender Not a 6Vaiver_ Extension of the time for payment or modific�tiaz •" �
<br /> �-;; . � of amortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument granted by Lxnder to an���ucressor in interest of Borrower t°;�? • .
<br /> ': ' not operate[o relea�se the liability of the original Borrow•er ar Borrawer's successors in interest. I.ende:shall tloi be Ter�,,:.ir�2p - ,
<br /> �:ti commence proceedings against any succes�ar in inter�t or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise moiiify amo�r:_��inn ` -�--
<br />��z of the sums secured by [his Security lacuument by reason of;my demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's ' -
<br />�~' �uccessors in interest. Any forbr,arance by Lender in exer�ising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude[he �
<br /> ;� ���, exercise of any right or remedy. . ::•�
<br /> .',>; 12. Successors aad Asstgns Bouad:Joint and Several Lfabilhy; Co-slgners. The covenants and agreements af this �' '
<br /> = �- Security Instrnment shall bind aad benefit the .uccessors and auigns of i.ender and Borrower,subject to the provisions of '� .�"'�
<br /> �- ' '�c ;� paragraph 17. Borrower's ca�enants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower wha ca-signs [his 5surity � � �
<br /> -"'r � Instrument but daes not execute the Note: (a> is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mor[gage,grant and con:�• that '� ��'r�•
<br /> �__;� � Borrm3er s interest in the Property under the tem�a uf this Securiry Instrument; (b1 is nat personally obligated to pay the sums ° ���" :f:
<br /> __- r secured by this Se�:�.}�lnstrument:and(c►agrees that Lender and any other Barro�ver may agree ta extend,modify,forbear or
<br />-___-� . � .� matce anv aaom_-�e=�:�.�ss with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Barrower's cons� - � �:� :
<br />-��{ 13-Loan Clwrges. If the loan secured by[his Securitp C^,��ument is s�bjeet to a law whieh sets ma�cimum loa�.�r�r�es, , . � �
<br /> . and t�t _sw is ftnaqy interpreted so that the interest or oth�-`oan charges collected or to be collected in connectior.��rri�the
<br />:� r � loan��d the permitted limits,thtn: (a)any such toan cha.�ge shall be reduced by ihe amauni neeessary to redac�e���4harge .
<br />-��_L: - to the pc.�rmitted limit:and(b)any su�ns already cotiected from Bomow•er which excecded permitted timits wiH be re�nded to • �`;:,;=
<br />___` 8orrower. Lender may chnose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or bq making a direct
<br />�`•.'? � � ' payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. the redaction wilt be treated as a partial prepayment w7thout any •- , ' ~'���,�
<br /> prepa�^.ient charge under the Note. �
<br /> , .. ':,_,. :
<br /> . ,�t°';=. �• � ��.Natfces.Any notice to Borrower pmvided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or b;• a�ailing • � �
<br /> :��'; it by t:ir�z class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address ����.�': '� ,�°•
<br /> _ � - or any Cd:Llef d�dfe55 BPRPaer designates by notice to I.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to �:�='=-
<br />'-=.=;,,� .. Lender s address�;�,�,;herein or any other address Lender designates by notice ta Borrawer. Any notice provided for in this - � '
<br /> �• •• Security Instrumeat s7a11 be deemed to have been given to Borrower or I.ender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> �`�''? 15.Governing Law; Seve�abillty. This Security Instrument shall be g�vemed by federal law and the lawof the
<br /> ��s . . jurisdiccion in which the Property is located. ln the event tirar:i�y provision or clawe of ihis Security instrument or the Note ' .. �
<br /> • conflia:4 with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect o•�wr�rovisions of this Securiry Instrumertt or the Note whic;z can be '
<br /> :.�. ,.. ' given effect without the coMicting provision. To this end ti-::�rovisions af this Security Instrument and r.'�e Note are declared � �
<br /> �n; � to be severable. • .��
<br /> �.:�� • � • 16.Borrower's Cbpy.Borrower shall be gn,en one ca-:ormed copy of the Nate and of this Security Instrument. � � �
<br /> +;;: '" 17.7'ransfer of the Property or a Beneftctal intev�sa fn t3orrower. If all or any part of the Propeny ar any ir.terest in it • •
<br /> r�' �� � � is sold or transferred lor if a benefc.:J interest in Borroa�r i��,�id or transferrod and Borrower is not a natural personi without •• '
<br /> �':'� ;���:��: � - l.ender's prior written consent. [::�,:cr may, at its opti.:r.. -�:�uire immediate payment in full af all sums secure� by this . -
<br /> y..,.�; : . � �..� . Security Instmmea[. However,this aption shall r,et be exerc".�v�by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date • • � .
<br />�-_,; ,• of this Security lnstrirJnent. , • .
<br /> ':,'', if[.ender eaerc��s this optiun. Lender shai`.�ivc Bonower notice of uaxleration.The noticc shall provide a period of not � .
<br /> - . � tess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivercd or n-�':d within which Borrower must p�ay aU sums secun�i by this • '
<br /> - ' Securit} instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums priar o� che expimtion of this periad. Lender may invoke z�� :�inedies • '
<br /> °`�? . pemv.T�.i by this Security Instrument without further notice cr u::nand on Bonower. �
<br /> ` ` ` "•' 48. Borro�ver's Ri t to Keinstate. If Borrower r.meu certain condnions, Borrower sha11 h::,e the right to have
<br /> ;.;;.3 � p'h
<br /> r . enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinue�at any time prior to the earlier of: fa) 5 days (er�uch other period as
<br /> '`' ' � ' applicable law may specify Por reintitatement� 1-��f��re sale uf the Pro ert ursuunt tu an nvrr uf wle contained in this
<br /> �•,_,,'�. ' P Y D Y P�
<br /> � Security lnstrument:or Ib)entry of a judgment c��frr:ing thi�Security lnctrument. Th��se condition�are that Bonower: lal payti :.;,;,,. _
<br />! '�-L � Lender al! sums�vhich then would be due under thiti Securit; fr.strument and the Note a.if no uccelerntion had occurred: Ib> �,�>;�_��
<br /> :;.n:` � . i cures scty default of any other co«�nant�or agreements: (c� p�yti aU eapens�w incurred in cnfiircing thiti Security Instrument. ' �.
<br /> �'-- � including, but not limited to. rea���nable attortey�' fees:a�d�d)takes wch uc�ian as l.ender may reasonably n;quire to as�ure
<br /> ��'� ; � � that the lien of thia Scwrity ln.rtrument. Lender's nrhts in the Property artd Bornn�rr'.��bligation to paJ the wmc secured by .
<br /> :;:.•:; � this Security Instrumetal tihall continue unchar,�ed. Upon reimtatement t+y Borrower, thiy Saurity Instrument and the
<br /> �::_ , : obligations serured hereby shall remain fuUy effective ati if no acceleratiun had occurred. Howevcr. thi.right to reinstate shall
<br /> �_•. not�pply in the case of acceleratiun under paragraph 17. ' �
<br />'�`°,.';' • � 19. Sale of Nate: Change of l,flan Servicer. Thc Note or a partiui intcrect in the tiute �tugether wnh thi.r Security
<br /> ;,���'.� ln�trumentl may he�uld une ot mure time+without prior nutice to Bnrnus•cr. A�alc may re+ult in a rhange in the entity Iknu�vn
<br /> �?��. � • � a�thc "I.uan Sen•icer"i that collerts monthly payment.due ander the Nnte and thi.Serurit��In�trumcnt. Therc al�o may he une
<br /> s;�:;; .
<br /> { nr mure rhangeti of thc Loan 5crvicer unrelsted to��le uf 1he Notc. 1(thcrc i+a change of the iw�an Srrviccr,t3��rrowcr wi)I be
<br /> �x��;: ; given u•ritten notice of the rhange in aeci�rdance a•ith paragraph 1�ah���e:�nd applicahle lan•.Thc notice ticill�tate the namr and � �� .
<br /> � � addre��of the ncn�� I.oan Sen•iccr and the adJre�.tu a•hirh payment. +hould hc made. The nntice�}ill al.�+cuntain any uthcr
<br /> �:«.- �. ; informatian rcyuircJ by appli.ahle la�v. '
<br /> 20. H�ardnuti Substances, Burruwer .hal) nut �au.�e or permu the pr�,ence. u,e. di.pu>:il. .turagr. ar rrlr�,c of any �'
<br /> � � � H:vardnu. SuMtanre� on ur in thc Pr��prri}. Borruaer .hall nnt d�.. nnr allua• an}une el.� ti�J��, amthmg affrrt�ng tiie
<br /> sProprrty that i. m ciulauan of an� Eminmmrntal I.:n�. "The prea�lin�t�su .entence.,hall n„i apph to the pre�rnrc. u,r. ��r �
<br /> - _._ , _ � �ti�r:�ge nn thc Prn��•m „t .m.�ll qts:tnutic�a+f li:u:trt!«ts�Suh.ls rc� shai ar: c.a:r�{1y ��..n:u�«�.{h.i�r appu,pr�atr co ni�rm�i • • - -
<br /> � re�idrnhal uu��nd tu maintrn:mcc��f thc Pr�iperty. � �
<br /> --ti) . . :
<br /> ' • �"''' "' Form 3028 9r90
<br /> .�� . • . .
<br /> „ '. t � . '
<br />