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<br /> ..,. . .:� � _
<br /> •Y-A�'?R' _
<br /> ...� _ . _ . .. � r._—� _ � ___ _ ___
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<br /> v,.q;_:.z _� -r - . . . . .. �C�,-.tr . ' " - . . �
<br /> , . _. . ,;.c•
<br /> •-.t' ,,.. .. , .
<br /> � s> > : ,. _ . _ . _. <. �. .. . ... .'�:�- - - - _ • . . . -
<br /> - . . � . - . � � . , �: _ . . � . ' .. . -
<br /> . . . .,- _ °'. _ . -: _ .,.'_. . _ . - , _ _ �: _
<br /> _ _ _ �.______. , S'� <
<br />. .. _ , - w�I�---a._...:�w—=L..�. ..T� __.��� 1• '�^�.L.�...�.....��._ ��_.��_�_..t-S�..nL..����i.Y��� C � ( . .
<br />. . . .. ' ' �'"n. 4�'.
<br />� . , : - F�� �- `4 r.:-� ;. ;f..
<br /> __ :�'3 Bonower s6aU prortpdy give Len�ier �vntten notire of an}• imesiigation, claim. dem3rtd. I;tw.uit ur uthcv actii�n by any ,,'�"r�`_�� `.: ;-
<br /> `. ^ ;� govemmental or regulatory agen«���r privatr part� im•ui��ing the Pmperty :�r►d am Hazaniou+Subrtance or Encirunmenta!Law -:��_. .,:-r�;T�`��:'
<br /> uf�vhi��h Bornnccr h:u:utual !u►o���ledgr. If Burroxer leyrns. ur i�notific�i b�•an}• goti•ernmental or regulswry authurity,that '`
<br /> h� .., �� .
<br /> � .. any remov a l or o t her rem e d iatiun o f any H:uar daua Su b s t a nce a f f e c t i n g t h e Pit�p e rt y is ne c e s s a ry.Borra��er�hall prum pN}�take _,.
<br /> • all neces,ary remedial:t�Kion+in acrnrsi:incc with Environmental I.aw_ • • ° .�
<br /> •` A,u�ed in this p:�ragtaph 20. "Hazardua. Substances" are those�ubstanc�defined a�to�ic vr hazardou.•ubxGtnce. b� ':`,�
<br /> , : ?� Em�ironmental Law and the fi�lluwing ,ubst:,nces: �,oline, kerusene. other flammable or totie petroleum producn. to!cir� ; �-
<br /> pe�+tiridc�s;snJ herbirides.�•olatile.oh�ents,materiab rontaining asbe�,tos or fom�aldehy�de,and radioaccive materiat.. As au�ci in
<br /> . = tliis paragraph _0. "Em•ironmenta! Lan" nu�ares federa! laus and lau•s of ihz}urixSictiun �aherr dir Pn�prrty i. i�katecl ti� � -�-.
<br /> " ` , � relste ta h�alth..afety ur envimnmental protection. � i `� <.. .. ° ``
<br /> YO'�-UNIFORM COYENAM'S. Barmwer and Lender further cocenanl snd agree:u fi�Ua�v.: , .
<br /> � � 2l.Acceteratton;Remedies. ixnder shail gi�•e notice to Borroa•er prior to acceleratton folto�r�in�Borroe•er'+brcac �` . � ,
<br /> ' � _ of an� co�•eaant or agreement in this SecurlY� Instrumeni lbut nat priar to acceleratFon under paragraph 17 an! ' . .- -, - -
<br /> - -:�-= -= appiicabte la�i pro�ides otherRise).The natice sl�alt spedfi: (aJ tltr def.^�Tt;tb)the uctaHe rec{uised to cuce tbe detaut �- -_-- _----.
<br /> � .` (c)a date,noi lc+s than 30 days from the date the notice is gtveu so$orra�er. by whlcb the default miut 6e rured;an � ' �'� -. � _
<br /> � " � . (d) that failnre to cure the detautt on or befom the date sp�Ed in t� nuace may result in accelerution of the sumf: . r:4. �,�.�;:�;�:,
<br /> , secured by this Securit�r Inr+trumertt and sale c�f ttsr Property.'Fge noi�e sha�1 further inform BorroHer of thc ri�ht ta ' : " �`' �:
<br /> ' reir�state aRer acceleratian and the t to{xsi Y �f� � �
<br /> ri� t�a coart action to as�st Yhe non-exjntence oF a al;fault or an ath�r ;,; . ., .
<br /> �� , defen�e of BueroN+er to acceleration and sale. IP the dePauli is aot cured a�.ar b�fi�re tha date s�ceciPted in the notice. - •
<br /> . �+ '` .,:.' : �.Y :..,
<br /> , . � , Leceder, at•Itg option.may reqaire tc�.medlate payment in fuSl of all sums sec�sed b}�¢fiis Secvi�vtc Imtrument �ciUtaut . .
<br /> ' _ fuRher demnnd and may tnvoke the�w�er ot'saie aad any oiher remed[es pem�iite,d by applica�ila 1tns. [.ender shal{be .
<br /> � entitled to cotlNCi all eupense+incurret!in pursain�tlte retncdies provided i�t�.i+p�-a�rapb 3!.imiutY'ing,but n�t limited " _
<br />. .. _, • "' to.reasonabte attorne�•s'fees and cosfs of titte e�i�P�xce. ���'� '� •;. '„
<br /> ' ,.� If the pawer of sale is iuvoked. Trtutee �rOCOrd a notiCe af def�t in each Cauuli} isy as�ich stny part of tht }•'� � . '`...�'�,.::,•_
<br /> , - Property is tacated and shall mail copies oP such axatece in t�:snanner presr.ribed bv a��licalsle lak to Burm�rer and cn ; ; =: s`:?.
<br /> '° !he other.t�ssot�s prescrihed by applicable law.After ifse tisnQ required b}appiicable Inw.Trentee sball�i��e publIc nattc� ' • � �
<br /> � .° � of sale to tb.e persons and in the manner presc�i6ec3 6.a�piirable laa•.Trustee, withou3 demand on Boiro�ver.shstll sell .` ''�'�
<br /> � the Propertg at pubSic aurtian to the highest bidd�r at the time an�place and under the 3eYms desi.,�.�ated in the nnti��r of �,w .� �
<br /> _ � `'� sale in one or mot�e parcels and in any order Tc�siee deiermmes. Tn�stee may postpone sate oY a73 c�r an� purcel of tho ; , � �.
<br /> Property by pubtic a.-m�nncement at the time ana3 piace oF any pre�•to�7g �cheduled saie. l.end��r nr it� desip,�tee may i�.`.,:
<br /> " , '� pur¢hase the Property at any sale. • : �' `
<br /> ' •� �Y�:�;• t,`pon receipt af payment of the pdce btd, "d'rustee shall del�ver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveyina t6�e ._ ; ` . � . •;
<br /> :r•�'�:: ,,�.
<br /> . ;,°,�'�}:� Property. 'ffte recitals in the TrUStee's deed shall 6e prima farie e��ideace oP the truth of the statements made therein. ��., �."• :�'r._i•-;
<br /> 5 � '� Trastee shap apply the praceedti of the sale in the€mito�ring order. la)to all co��.ti and expeati�of exercisi�the pmser of r• :
<br /> '_ sale.and the sale,includtng the payment of the Tcv�,tee's fe�s actually incurre�.not to exceed �e1.of $50 ot 1/�� `: � • ,�� ��
<br /> of the principal arteount of the nate at the time of the declaration ot defautt.and rea�onabte attorneys'fees as permitted :�,;;�� `
<br /> � y�:;;�� by law:tba to all sums secured by t►��s Security Imtrument:azrt3(c)any excess to the pe�or persons le�ally entitlyd to ,
<br /> `'`•-��e�� it. �y` �f. �c..,�;� '�
<br /> .�. . .:f�f��i�• . ��5.�: .�. 1...
<br /> 22. Ytecomeyanoe. Upon payment of ali sumti secure.d by chia Security Ins[rumcnt, i.ender ska:l request Trustec tu ,,;.,�� i�s '
<br /> �. ` , �'.� recanvey [he Propem and shall surrender thi� Sec�urity Instrument arni a!I notes evidencins debt s�;:.t�� by this Secvrity <���• �, , ' ' �
<br /> Instnunent to Trustee.Tntstee.hall reconvey the Pra�rry«•ithuut warr;uity and uithaut charge to the per�,n;s.�r persans legally • � :•.�F i
<br />- ' • , entitled to it.Such per�on or penons shull pay any�ecordation c:��c.. `%a.?f�::':'
<br /> • � 1.3.S�bstitute Teustee. Lendcr,at itti option, may fram iime t��timt remove Trustee and appoint a y�:ccr+s�.r uuatce to ; .�� .<.`,-'`:�". .
<br />- . , �, any Tru.�tee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the a�unty in which this Seeurity[nstrumen[is recarde3. �ithaut •� '�'t`'
<br /> � �..�.'�.�� �:�:'/J�
<br /> • • conveyance o f t he P ropecty,t he successar trus tee�h a i l +ucc e u i to a l l t he t i dc,p a w e r a n d d u t i e s c o nf e n e d u pon Truy;w.hercin �t %';
<br /> '-' ' � -� and by applicabte law. ' `•
<br /> ?A. Request for:Voilces. Borrc�wer reque+�+that cupi�w of the notice,of default and �ale h�.ent to Borrrnver's addte+s {�-:
<br />- ' which ia the Property Addrecs. •�.� ;''�` ;".'r
<br /> • .. . 25.BirEers to this Seeurity Instrument. [f one ur mure riders ure executed hy Burrawer and recorded toDether with this '� '•"'•�_
<br /> , Security[n.�:rument,the covenants and agreements of each�uch rider�hall be incurpurated ir.tn and tihull amend und tiupplem�nt . •�t;;��T'
<br /> � �•' , the covenants and agreements of this Secunty Instrument a+if the rider(s1 were a part uf this Security inurument. ' � =-
<br /> ;'<' ,, ,
<br /> • (Check applicable boxfe�t)
<br /> ,.�.
<br /> , ' � ,� ,'::. • �
<br /> . ; '; '��' Q Adjustabte Rate Rider �Condominiuen R:der CI 1-4 Family Rid� � .� �°r
<br /> • ', �s,;{ `.! �Graduated Payment Rider 0 Planned Unit D�-•;elapment Rider y y �`_
<br /> (�Biwcckl Pa me::�R:der
<br /> _ ; + ;;.•,� ❑Balloon Rider �Ratc Improvement Rider 0 3econd Home R:de.- �,. � ,, ,_
<br /> �� ❑V.A.Rider �O!!:erls)►specify� `'
<br /> . : ,:; . _
<br /> � � � . :•'s :��tice of Default •. �� ����°
<br /> . ;� • , _
<br /> . x
<br />:';�.;. . ,, : . � �.. � .
<br /> _ • • -,s_ BY SIGNING BL-P.�W. Borrower accepts and agrees to the term.s and cnvennnts contained in thiti Sc�curity In�trumem and , :
<br /> .�. "i� in any rider(s)execatu:fij 8orrower and recotded with it. • '
<br /> . �•: Wimesses: �/ ,�
<br /> t . . :�. ,��'t-�,�(�/fZ�n«'�'�'t�""^","-,- ISeah �
<br />..'` , `, fiorn+wct
<br />_ . .:,.h Kenneth M Karmann • �
<br /> . ,.l ' •
<br /> `�•� ��'T�L �l ���LP�'a�sL, lSeal) : .
<br />-" ' LP�IItII M K3Tm3I1IL tsrrruwcr .
<br /> . i!;}`.� i; '.: � -
<br />. ' . . �r . " �"L' .
<br /> � . • (5P7�) (SCd�) ' . �� .
<br /> .c,� B�.rtuecr Bnrrnwcr . .
<br /> S7'ATE OF NEBRASKA. Hall �OUnty cs: ' � � �
<br /> ' The foreguing imtrument wa.ackn��wle�iged hefore me this Sth `�"y°� May ' 1996 '
<br />- � ' � nY Kenneth M and LeAnn M Karmann, F?�aband aad 411fe ' �
<br /> � Witne�s my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, �ebraska ►n�id Count .the date::ri�rewid: • �
<br /> • . My Commi��ion Eixpirr.: ���/ ' �O � 7'1-�-t-- ,.
<br /> � �GENERAI NOTARr•State ot Netrau. �"``'ry�'��" •
<br /> . .. -__.,__,__•. - �-
<br /> - JUDITH L RAUEkT �
<br /> � Gty Comm E�p feE 6.3998 Form 3028 9r90
<br />.. � . rOo�A •
<br /> , ' �-
<br /> _�� �..-�.—�..- _'- - ----'. --- , .. t;�^' . .� � . . . . . . . . __,. ' . ...... . . .. .-.. . _. _ .�. _ � .� . . .L � �_ . ?.... - r. . .
<br />