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<br /> �
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<br /> ' ' .. ' _ _ 4 )` .: .... ..._. - 1 .. ..,r..� n��__ . � -.< . � ... .. . ........_'__ _ -_
<br /> ., , f. _�_.,�.v..�...�.r.�,...�r.,._� ..�� � ...._. .. �- a�•��:�'•
<br /> (
<br /> ' ,ub,t:�ntialh ��yun�al�nt murtxage in.uranre cu.rrsgr i.no►a�ail,�hlc.&�rr�s«rr.h,�l! F�.e� t,•l.�:�ilrr r��h mu�tii�•um eyu:il to . .< =:° �_�•
<br /> � --- - -- unr-t��rNtl►.�t th�y�arl} m.�rtgagc in,urmuc prcmium he�n,�paiJ P� Fi��n���.rr wh.n th.�n.urar,.::utrr,c_�Iap.rJ or rea.�v� to ; -_�—�.--.,-,-
<br /> � • . hr in rffcct. lxnJ�r titll acrept.wr and ret�m the>c p�}n:ent,::� r lu.. r�,rr�r m I�ru „t mungagr m.urancc. L�,•• r�ticn� .�T r
<br /> ' � �ra►n�rnt.ma} nu lunLer be rcyuinYi,at[he��pci�sn�,f Lrnder. �f mung:�:�tn,urancc r�n�r.�r!r�in[he amuunt anJ t�Tr thc pen�� `:
<br /> . ', thxt[.endcr rcyuire.�pn�.ided b� an imurer appru�rJ h} I.�nder agam bctiurnr.a�uiiable and i,ubta�n��J. Burru��er,hafl pa}�8 � };, _.
<br /> thr pr�mium,reyuind t��m:tinwin mung:�.��nwrancr m�ffkt,or to pn��ide.�lo.,rc�rn�.until the rcx�u�rrmrnt ti�r m��rtg:�}:e _ .
<br /> � ' in.uran�r cnd,in:tccurJance��ith:un arin�n agre�mrnt hetwern&�rruw�r;ui1 l.ender ur appfiwhle la«.
<br /> `'3 9.laspectton. Lendrr ur it.agent ma} mat�r rea,un:ib!r entcie.+up�m and in,pcttiva+ut thr Pruprm. I.cndrr.!►ali gi� � .
<br /> ----_- � Burrnaer n�titc at thr timr��i��r priur tu an in.pr�Kiun+pc�iEyenY r��,unabl�wu,e ti�r thr in,�tic�n.
<br /> .,. T.� � !0. Condemnation. The pnkeed.uf am a«arJ��r daim li�i�n�E�,. Jit�YC ur run.xyuentiai, in �onnctitiiun w ith •
<br /> . ``' • 1 cunJrmnatian or udirr taking nf an} part uf the Propert}.ur ti�r r�smr}•an�1 in fieu u!ru�uicmnation.arr hrrrh} a..i��n�J�
<br /> ` , � � ,hall be paid to Lrrnlrr. � - -
<br />-'.. �•- . � 1 In th�e�•tnt of a totsl taking��f the Pro�:rs�. th�prur��Y1+tihall be applaYl tu th�,um,,�cur�tii h� Ihi�Sert►ril} I�i.trume� _ `��`
<br /> -- --- - �.hether�►r nut then due. ��ith snr exce„ paic!t�� t3turu��er. In thr t�rnt ��f a parlial tal.ing ��f th� Yrup:m in ��hirh ihr fau --- - __-�'
<br /> _ ._ j nu�rket rxlae uf the Pr��pem immrJiatrh• hcE��ee the t:d:�ni i.��yu�l u� ur�rwter th,ui th�amuunt uC tl�r.an,•e�urcd by thi. _
<br />= �� 1 Seeurity lmhument imm�tiliatel� hcti�m thr takin�.un:r..ti B��rnntier:u�d l.�nder uthrr�►s>r��rcti in���ritim_.th��um.ururctii hy � _ ',�^
<br />';� . !, . .' � thi� S��urit} In,trument �hall bt redu�ed h} th: am��unt nf ±h� pn�r�cd� multiplirJ h� th� ts,llowing�trecti��n: ia► thr tutal ;:f , -
<br /> � " amuunt��f the�uc►u�rrured immediatrly hef:�rr the talling. dicidE-J b} �b� thr Cau m:srket ralur uf thr Pn�pem immrJ�atrl�•
<br /> , '�: __�'`� °;�; ::.� .
<br />,1�. -;:� befurr the taking. Am balanrt .h:�ll he paid t.i &irru�vrr. Itl lh. c��ant uf ;�p•rriiai talcmg ul lht Pmpert� m «hirh th� t:ur {i:--. '-:_-- „._:, '�}_.
<br /> • �, m�*E...=}alue o►the Propert} immrdidtrh hrtixr tha t:�4::��i+ lc�s th:in thr amuum vl th:�utn,k�urcJ imm�Yliatel} brforc thr ,.t, ., .
<br /> • � • !�_i.`..•�nle+�Borrawer and Lander uth�rw�i.r aLree in a.Riing ur unlc�,apQlirable i��r othe�itir prrn•idcw.thc prur�rJ,,hall 7a;,....;,:.' ..:. ...:....:
<br /> � :- � p:- , be��'-:��tu the�':-�s securcxi b}thi+Securiry Instrume:-c��5.ther ur not the sum.xrr i:t�re Juz• � �" r'.,',=�
<br /> . Ff the Pre^�:-�• :a abanduneJ h� B��rrati�cr,nr if,after notice by Lender to Borr�yu•�:that the�andemni�r utferx to m:�ke�t „{ , .: _
<br /> - � :� award �ir +etti_ z ci_;�n fur damagc.. Burn�aer taif, to re,pnnJ tu LcnJer u�ithin 30 esE�after tht date the nutire i+ given. , x : f:
<br /> l.ensier i.attthr��.:d:u a���e�t and apply the pnxeed..at it+uption,either tu restoratiun ar sepair<<:::ie Pr��perty or to the+ums r �
<br /> ` `' ,ec,;:'�b�•this S�.*curity Instrument. uhether or nut thcn 41:. `' �`�a«`<�-?•.:�`"� '.
<br /> , '';�``� :�� �rie�+ Lender anJ Bunawrr nthera•ise agrec in �,�-it�r�. :ui5� dPPlic:nian c�t proxc�l� tu principa! +hall not rxtend or � �
<br /> s;;'.�%i,:t. . . . `��,,�'�,�� ,:..�.. �,
<br />- :�:;= �' -'` '..,_
<br /> � :-rs;;: ; � .,;e pas�r••r.e thr dn:date of the munthh paymentti refcrreJ t��i��z.�raph� t and 2 or czan;e the am�xiht of,uch payment�. �{R4�tts+�,•v[�...::.�._
<br /> .� x;� I1.Boma�eu'\at Released: Fofiearance B� Leu3�'��t a�{'aises.Exten�san or the tir.,�io:payment ur moJduation ��`�R .-
<br /> �,r;� uf a�nurtiiation..�f cat�um��c.�urctil b� thi.St�::rity ln�t:LL�^t grantcxi bc tznder to:�.ti�i.v�x+�!r in ir.�err�t u!BurcuHrr.half ti
<br /> ��. � "= not uprrate to rel;ase the liabiliry of the orig�rrat Ha�Tn�rr•�r• $arrawer++ucce+wn i�ia�r� :...u�:+haU not lK requiced ta _ -.��-
<br /> �� �`�Y> ~`• ; l'Olil:7�I1Ct:PRII'CCl�lI1$5��31I1tiI 3SIV WCCCti�C::i iq[Cftyt��I'�fu�e tu extend time for�ay�m�:1>>I��lhrn��i.e mi�dify amorti�atiun - `
<br /> � '; •- nf the .umti �ecured by thi, S�urit�• In+trumem by rw.un of any demand made by th. rngtnal Borrnwer ar Borrower s r. •`
<br /> � . 't«;'�r. . • succe+.urti in intere+t. Any tiirt���arance by Lender in exerci.ing an}• right or remed► ,hu'1 nut be a waivcr uf ur prcx:lude the . .,.�>.`��:.'•
<br /> ` '" exerci,e��f any ri�t or remaiy. d'
<br /> '�- - =` � 12. Succes-�and Assi�n+ Boun�:.foint and Se��rral Liability: G►-signers. The a�venant.and agr��emcnt� uf thi� � •
<br /> � 't,'..'•�`. S a-�ri t y In,trument shall bind zi benrfit the wrre�+��n and a.,igm i�f Lcnder and 8urrower. �ubject to the pruvitiiony of "� '��;i
<br /> •�`�"'• � �,:.:�-raph 17. Borrower'ti cn:�zn:..�:c ;ind a reements ti ha l l he 'uint an d se�•era l. A�: Burrower �v ho co-tii ga� t his Securi ty :, _
<br /> �,.,.,:., .. g 1 :i:�`I�i,','`: :,,..-f,�
<br /> �� '���`��`' . " a�t*i:ment but dnr. not ex�,.;�thr Note: (a) i+cc�-+igning �hir Si:curity Im[rument .�n� tu mongage. grant and convey that �:r�., .
<br /> rt�� . `1 {��� F .
<br /> � �orra�ver'+ intere.t in the Proprrtp unler the tcrtn.uf thi+5ecurity Inatrument:Ib► i.7ut per+onally obligated to pay the yur►u ��1��� �f ,,
<br /> � secured bp thi.Sc:curity Tns[rument:and(c►::eree,that(xnder and any uthcr Borri�wer may agree w rxtend,modif' fe�fiear or ��` ,
<br /> : Y• .r., � t;; .
<br /> x ' �'°� make any acrummud:ition.with regard u�thr t:rm+o f t hi,Serurit• Im trumen t u r di c N o t e w�t h o u;t h u B c�rrower's con�ent. ,;,;,� �• �'°�
<br />:3 (`, � Y ,; l."`.,'•::s:;;�.=;.
<br /> 13. Loan Char�es. lf the lo:ui�ecured by thi+Security In,trument i,wbject tu a law which.eu maximum loan charges. `'r.-'��' ; •�-,-�,s�;:,:.
<br /> , , � an�that law i+finally interp:�.x!.�+that the intere,t ur uthcr li�nn cl�arges collected�,r ta he cullected in cunneciion with tht ;.'���f••• � '? •�r�";
<br />`� � . ` Il<.�-'.. �V�. " .
<br /> • lu;uz taceed the permitted lima�s_rhen: ta►any .uch laan charge.hall be rcduced by:he amount nece++:►ry tu rcxiuce the charge � ��rs;, .,: ' 3
<br /> `+ . ' . �: to ih:permitted limit:and lbl any ,um-ti already collectrd from Borrower whirh exc�xrdee! rrmitted limit,will be rcfundec!t.t 'ry �t�'; a�'::;:,;s?
<br /> - -� � -� Borrower. Lender may chuu,e tu makc thi. refund by� reducing the prinripal oweJ under the N��te ur by making a direci °�`'
<br /> �� � !. payment ta Barrower. If a refund rc,duces princiQal. the reductian will be treated as a partial prepaymeni withuut ar_r .,-�i"�,.�-;
<br /> � ' ��' prepayment chargc under the Note. ,,:�.> .� 'Y�
<br /> ' • 1.�
<br /> ; � 14.Notic�. Any notice to Borrow•er provided for in thiti Security In�trumeni�h.�.[?be given by delivering it or by mailing , .' �:,"r`
<br /> � �.
<br /> � ' ��• it by first clati+mail unless:��f.r;dble law requires u.e of anothcr mcthud. The noti��» �'.all be dircctal ta the Property Address '�µ/���,,,.�:,'`'.,�;;,
<br /> ' ' ' ' '% or any other addre�.ti Bortowec Jesignate. by nntice w Lender. Any notice to C..:��:' +hall be oiven by fint cfass mail to f`�}��r� � �v,'
<br /> � �� . � Lender's address+tated herein or any other dddre�. Ltnder designateti by n��tite tr �o:rower. Any nnticc provided lur in this .��;��, __
<br /> • Security Instrument shall be deemed w ha.�e t,�en gieen to Borruwcr nr Lea�.r�!::::2i�•cn a�pr�n:ua'in this paragraph. `•t•� �� .�• - -
<br /> ' .. . � ' 15.Govemin� I.aw: Severability. T`��t: Security Inatntmcnt tii:�i: �r ;�t��ad by f'e�h.�at iaw and thc law of the �;• , `�`-=;�
<br /> . " ,. . , jurisdiction in which the Pu�perty is located. ►n the e�•ent that any provision or����a of this Securiry (nstrament or the Note ?�'`� ': �'•'�='•`
<br /> � " - conflicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect c�ther prov��ions of thi:S�:x:ty Instrument or the Nate which can be . =� •- ;' :��..
<br /> _ • ;•�. ?� given effect without the cunflicting provision. Ta thi�end the provisions c�f this Se�:.u�ty lnstrument and the Note are declared . ,-,;,_
<br /> to be severablc. . '����•�
<br /> � 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrawer shall be givcn one conformed rnpy��C the Note and of tUis 5ecurity In�trument. ..
<br /> !7.Transfer of the Properiy or a Beneftcla!Interest in Borro�r•er.lf all or any part of the Property or any interest in it : �' T:",:
<br /> • iti.old or tran.ferred lor if a beneti.:ial intere+t in Borruwer is�ald or tramferred anC Borrower is nut a natural personl withi�ut ;•. .�'� •'�•'�;�
<br /> ,��.', - Lcnder'y prior writtcn contier �nder may. at it. optiun. rcquire immcdiatc pa�.:vant in fuU of aU �ums +ecurecl by thiti ��U�i' `
<br /> Se�:uuty Imtrument. However. ��.�..option shall nat bc exerci�ul bp l.ender if exeres�c.+prohibited by fe�leral IAw ati of the date {q"',�,%
<br /> , � ;: of this Security In,trument. r', j .
<br /> F �;Is,
<br /> ' If l.ender exerciu�this option.Iw:nd�v,haU givc Bvrruwer notice c+f acceleration.The notice shall provide a periud oi nut . �. ;__
<br />` ,�r leti� than 30 days from the date the noticc is delivere d or mai l u l wit hin w hic h Borro w e r m u s t p a y all sum. secured b y this :::,: �n�:,
<br />_ S : Security Mstrumcnl. If B�rrower fail�to pay thc+e tiums priur tu Ihe expiration of..c,s periad.Lcnder may imoke any remedies � • : • -
<br />-_� ermitted b titis Securit Instn►ment without turther nutice or demand on Borro�k� . ��r'' :• '.. � •'•'•����`
<br /> . � �)��:},)� .
<br /> . P Y Y ;ir;�'��s•,,. ':; .:
<br />.c r �� �. ,� 18. Borro�ser's Right to Reinstate. If Bnrrower meet� certain condnixc.•_ Borrower tihall have the -:�u to have •?��,.:�,� .., ;�:_•
<br /> . � enfarcement of th..is Securiry Imwment disrnntinued at any time prioz t�� t�c ::s::sr of: (a)5 dayti (ur sach i�ther penod�.s ° :;�•'r'r�:
<br />_+; :;:,�,��{i
<br /> � F applicable law nay specify for reintitatementi bcf�.re +alc oP the Pro;,�:J'.� p::r�lant t�� any poa•cr of+alc ramained in +1��� . . �is;:
<br /> ;�;`t`"'
<br /> = � � Security Imtrumen�:or�b►entry of a judgment enforcing thi+Security In.�rumer,t.7'hose conditions ure that 8onower:1a�pa;� • .;..,�t
<br /> �� ' S Lender all tium�whuh thcn wuu1J he due undcr thi�S�curity lmtrumrnt and th: `��:tc as if no arcrleraliun haJ uccurred: Ib) :•,- . ��.••
<br />- = �;�:���' � cumti any defauh af any othar cuvenantr ur agrcemcntv; 1c) pay,all �xpemeti incusTCd in enf��rcing thir Security lnstrument, i••,.�;,,; �
<br /> • including. but nut limital to.rca�onahle auorne�•ti fcr�:anJ IJ)takc.+uch actiun s. Lender may rca.umably rcyuire tu ati�ure
<br /> � �• that the lien uf this Security lmtrun�ent. l.ender'+rightti in the Pn�perty.md Borrower'+ublig:�tion u+pay the sums,ecured by
<br /> thi� Sccurity ln.�rumcnt +hall continur unrh�ngcJ. Upon rcinstatemcnt hy B��rruwcr. thiy 5rrunly Instrument .inJ the �
<br />° '.` � • ubl�gatiuns,ecured hereby�hall remain fully effe�Kive ati if rto acceleratiun had orrurred. Huwever, thiti right h��eimtate tihall .
<br /> ' � � � n�+l apply in the ra+c uf arcehratiun under par�graph 17. �
<br /> � � 19. Sale of tiote: ChanAe of Loan tierricer. The N�ite ur a partial intere�t in the Nutr �tugcther witb �hiti 5ecunty . .
<br /> - � � ' Intitruntent 1 may be tialJ une or more timr�w�ithaut prinr notice tu&�rnnver. A tiale may r��ult in�change m the entity Iknown .
<br /> ' ' a�thr"1.�►an Sen�icer"�that ri�llect�munthly payment�dur undcr thr Vutr anJ thiy S�tiuri�y In�trument. There a1M�may he une •
<br /> � _ . � , ar m��re change���f the l.uan Sen•icer unrelateJ tc�a wte of the Nute. If thrre i�a change of the[arrn Srrv►�rr. &�rn�wcr will he . . •
<br /> - , given�vri�tco notccc uf the changr in acrvrdanre Kith paragraph 1-1 atu�vr anJ applicable lau�. Thc nuur�will�wt��hc name and
<br /> � addretis�►f the nea le�an Sen•icer and thr uddt�yc to ahich paymenis�hould hr made. Thc nutirr will al.0 a�atain any uther . .
<br /> ' ' .. � . inf��miatiun reyuiral hY�PPlicahle latv. •
<br /> �;; . 20. Hruardous Substances. B�rm�►cr +hall not rau�e ur permit the prc�encc, usc, dnp��wl. .��•ragc. ��r rele:iae ��f;uty . .
<br /> .`. . ..
<br /> HaiarJuu� Sulntance. un ur m the Pruprrty. gunu�ver .hall n�,t J�,. nur alln« an�une rl,r t„ d�,. an�thtng affecting the
<br /> ---'_- ��.. _ . . .. .. Pn+�tty ttwt i+ in ciolati�m uf any Em•uunmental law. "The preceding tau Kntencr>�hall nut apply tn the pn�nce. we.ur . .
<br /> , --. _--.:� �tnragc�m thc Pr�,pert> „f,m311 yu:�ntutc•��t H:varduu.1ub.tancc� t6at arc grnrr�ii� rca,�:nvcJ to hr�pp���Nsiata iu nc�rtna! -_-_----_
<br /> re�idenual u.e.and tu maintenance of the Praprrl}.
<br /> ;.. . •,
<br /> : . . � �•,,,,.i,,•, Form 3028 9�90
<br /> .
<br /> . — - - - '._
<br /> _ _
<br />