- �;�::
<br /> �— � ' '.;
<br /> �.,. .
<br />� , . . ._..cn-.:IJ...i....._ ,. . � ' � ... �.'1; �
<br /> . , . `�.
<br /> . 04-30-9�97 D��YftUSY wage 2 . , . -
<br /> � �oan�to (4acc�e�e�l ��'m `�Do��� � .
<br /> , replawmen� ot.and all st�ons for�anY a!su�h Prc�rtY:and togeU+er rnth aD Prooeeds pnctud�ng mithou!timrtanoa aU�rts�nrance ', . .
<br /> prar.ae�and r�tunds a}pceMUms}trom any se��ott�r�ecsitiort at the Prapsrty. -
<br /> PtCg�lty.The word'Pr�e�lY���the R881 RroyeAY 8ttd tRe Per5Qrte1 PraRertY. • .
<br /> Rea]�iogarty. 'I7�e w��°Rea1 RroOsriY�r�a+�tRe progeRy.i�and cfgt�d�aittect aQave ue ue'CortveY��e and Cxaai"sectton_
<br /> itetat�:A Doe�suertSR 1'Aa wo�ds�ttated Daumer�mean artd�ndude wfMout Umttatort au Rrem�ssory notes.aed�t ag�eemeRts.iaan --— ,-�.
<br /> � aqreameMS,emiaanm.erttet agree�s',en5.SuBre�tes.sECtmt�►agt�e^L5.matg�ges.desCS af trust and au other instru�e�.afyeemeRtsar+d .. ,
<br /> ' da�tmerds.wtss0i�er nav�ar t�ee�►�aB.e�dtted in caetfeetlCa wifh tRe tedeatedn�s. , �
<br /> itCttt9. The wo�d 4t��'means e�Qr65snt end fubue re�s.�evenue5,ineome�issu�.�aYa��as.Orofds.end other�ensfits demred trom ths � , .
<br /> - �P�Y• � r - -
<br />_ . Trustea.The word�t�'rt�ans FTRST NAitONAi BANK OF stAftQtlE7'IE and anY subshhite er suoo�sor trustess- � ,
<br /> . Tn�Di Ttre Ktmd"fn�means er►Y and Ea pasots end enti4es�+�+9 t�is Qeed ot Tn�st.inda0mg wd.'to�A 4m�tron ett Tnstors named • .
<br /> BDcve. .
<br /> TMSS Q+E�OF TftiJST. tllltitlOtli3i 1l�E ASS1L'iatlE@Jf OF ti�l'IS A!�T!��ITY I3aTi�ST iDl TM�RF]iTS Ml�P�SOl1AL ;
<br /> TH . -
<br /> � p�P�A?Y,19 GiVBi TO SEt�£ 111 PAYNfE�di OF Tfffd ll�T�A11'� f�i�CE QF AliTtf R!a"D AiL 08�1(iARONS O�
<br /> TRf�T03i UN�ER 1KE[SOTL►THE 6iaATm OOCU3�811iS.Ali9 7H3S DE��i 7Rt�iT. 7t�S 0�OF TRUST IS GIYII�I A!a"D 1dCCERT� ¢ , .
<br /> • ' ON TF�6�OI�I.OYItiNG T6iFlI&
<br /> �. .,.
<br /> � PAYMS�iT AtYD PB�FOfii!lAtIC� ExcePt as oamrw(se Pravt�d in M's QeeO at Trust,Tnst�sta9 FaY to LenQer aD amaucds secu;ed by this Deed �. .. . .
<br /> of TNSt as ittBY h8�8m$dLe,e�td ShaU s4kHll and fi e timetY manner Perform eD o!TNStars�GgaEOns under the Note.U�is Oeed ot Tn�st.and the . • ,
<br /> � RataLad Oo�mr+nis- .
<br /> FB83�&s'"�QSb!t�lD IIHAU�bi19'lAIiCL OF TffE RFiOPEiiTY. Ttustar eg2as that Tntstors possession and use af the PraPertl►�te0 govemed by . .
<br />.. tha tdlor+Ins Pravi�crs ' . . ..,`•"
<br />- � ao�t Gttd 1� Un1fi Ure aCpu�QnCa af en Evant oi�QnlmiN.Tnator maY (a)[emain in p�ott end contral of the RrayertY• (b)us� � ",
<br /> operate as�fhe t�ra9�11.flnd(c)oml�et anll�tram�e ProP�t1►- � :'
<br /> - puly to fd�nfl�itr.Tru�ar ShaD mai�In tfis t�rv�edY in terta�btB eandtion end promRttY P�►���F�rs,.rapia:c�me�.artd mai� .�' !
<br /> - �p�qrto�s�isvs�e:. ' 'fel arni'��i°as used in dus f�`;�Wf��'t1''�i{f;�`'�._�`-
<br /> I�rdous�Tt�:tc�rms'ha�rdous wast� `Rer��ous subsfance;dspasel,•° a� S-�s,.
<br /> • Oeed of Tti�f.str80 RBVS t7sfl�im9 m98tdngs es s�i fo�(f[fts i1m CampBher�Snre Emm�tt�nlul.Re=Fos�.Cart�Te�tr12R41 Liabdity Ild of '�tivt�r i�;�`'•,:;�',:;<.
<br /> �• , r'.
<br /> 1980.as amended.42 U.�Sectlon 9601.et seQ.('��"},the Su��fu�d Amertttm�ls and R�n R�d;19k8.Pub.L No_ `�.3'•`.,. �•��.�•
<br /> �€� >
<br /> 99-499 l s�lRi►"1,tt[e H�tdat�Materiels TrBRSAoRafon As�49 U.S.C.SediOn 1801.et seQ.,the Resoutr�Ctnse,va�r stsd RBCOVery Act, ,,.f�',r�.,�.',�'..:�. �
<br /> 42 US.C.S'�d1�t�t.et 58q..ot otttBr eAD6C9ble Stet9 ar E£d2te118W9.ru185,Ot reSu18ti0ns 8dop18d DtL�itt[d 4�enY C!''1Se ipcE9pirtg 'rhe , ,__, ;.�_-:
<br /> tertrts 9�answ�II''rr.nd'hs7ardous subslance'shaUafsa incluQe.wRhout Gmilation.Petro►eum and pe�serm by-tn''�d��or anY tiac�an . _•..__,.,•'�.�_3-
<br /> tfiereof end�. Titi�ar reDr65er�flnd w8rr8t�to L�rnter that (8)Duriri9 the Oeriod ot Ttustols awrterstuD atlh�1�c+�eAY,thece t�s •,'-�:. •..
<br /> besn no��.���O�Sa���'mlease m ttueatened release of arry hexardaus wasl�rsr..�star►ce bY anY `: ,;'�.X, ,:,`
<br /> � p�san an.ucsd�S�ar Rasn tfi9 PraDe�t: (b)Tnistor rias no knawtedg9 oL or�8ason to beGavB ihat th�d has he�rx+at�Tt as P�evfousiy `. � ��.
<br /> �SCfosedOS antleCkna�utedgsd bY lendar in wACng, (i)anY use.8eaeraUOn,menufadure.stor&9a.treatme.'�4�sA�s'+�da�ta.ar threatened
<br /> ��
<br /> ` �� �etease af e�n,h�rQoia waste or stibssanco ort.unds,ebout or trom fhe ProperlY b9 e�Y PACr owaers ar a�vp�s aElf�f�ert1►m G:i�ll '.: � ;�;
<br /> actual or ftis�aned G9�tian ar elalrt�of m�t Idnd bY enY Person m.tattng to sueA matterx arnl (a)Er�i".r�C�st'�setosed t�snd , � ��
<br /> adcnowledge0 by Lend���a9. (�?rtr�iltts�T n[:,tor nor anyr t e rt e n l.c O M r s d a,e g e rt o r o t h e r a u t s t o r i�u s e r o f�I�+a�r t y s h a ll u s e. :, ,: ;_� ,.�
<br />''`�� " generate.manttfacture.�.tma1.diSDose of.m reTe�a+N ha�rQous wasta or st�sffirta3 an.unQer,about or from the Atn�rty 8nd N18rry 4%�%�� . ,s��;;t
<br /> rtR
<br /> � sue A BCUNtY s h a 0�e c o c r d s�d t�i.in eo t f�BBnoe vrifh&A ttpp6&ebTe fBQere1.state.and InesP IsYts,regu�ations and ordinarta�.itstl:tding wilhout �;��J�� ,id �,
<br /> � � tiimitation thase taws.��and ordfnances desa8lmd�abav0. Tnutor eufhorizes F.bndbr and its agetds to enter u�tsn�itte ProPeAY to �;�,j�{� ,�i�;
<br /> �
<br /> � make such ir�sPections��te�.at Tn�stor's m�ense.sa lrmder may deem aPA�P�fa�ermtne compdaaw ot tha C�oPeAY w�this .k,`,f�r�<-- -..�---
<br /> ,': " seelion af the Deed af Tn� �Y�ar tesb maQe t►]I Le+ider sha0 be tar Lertders psaQOS�oNy end shall not be eonsbued to ae�e _ .f:�• .: .�..'i�%!;r_
<br /> any►�onsm'dity at Oabi6ty on the paR of lsnder to Tn�stor or to any other pe�soa The�ePreserdations and weRa^ties c°^talned herem s�o �i.�',;�t
<br />�'�� Eased on Tnistafs Que d119enae in imresdgatlnp tAe Proparty tor haardous waste and harardous substanoss. Tnistor heceby (a)relea*,es and .
<br /> <: w���������n�r{pr�Qgmnity m contribWon in the event Tnbtar Eecom�Ilable far deanup ar oth0r cosb undet artyl , ` �'�"• ''��
<br />•"',�.`.�::;`.� .,....,.,:
<br /> :;'u;.;.;c::.•. such Iaws.end (b)agrees to fndemN[y and Aotd t�smiless Lender against enY and a0 delms.�o�es.fmb�7ifies,damages,Penetties,and ;i_-
<br />- : - ' e�snses whtoA Lender may direct�► or In�recHyr susteln ar suHer��dtlng trom a bresch of this sectlon of the�3 at Trust or es a =°`
<br /> - �Y'�>`�` � cansequance of arry�e.9eneratlOn.menufacNre.storage.disDasa).r�ease or Mreatsned releas9 accurrtng pdor to Trt��s's owner5h'•P o► . ;"-.s.
<br /> Interest in tne PraPertS►.whettier ar nat th95em9 vras ar s�ould have 0een known to Tn�.stor.The prmrisiar�s af Mls sectlon ot the Deed af Tncsi, . .�::a=.:
<br /> �: In�9udtng the obugatlon to MdemNty.shaD suMve the payment of ths In08bbdness and tl�a saUstactlan a�d rrseomreYaeoe of tha�en ef�tMs . .ilt�;��'
<br /> '�r:,...r', Oeed af Tn�t and shaU not 0�affee.'ed by LenQefs aequLstticn of aeY interesl in the ProDeAY�whether by(�iasure or otherwlsa : . _ ..
<br /> ,, ,.:t,. ..
<br /> �`< N��g�Yyaste, Tnata shaD not eause,�on0ucl or pemdt arry nulsanoa nar camm�l.PermiL ar suKer arry stripPmB af or waste on ar to the �y�tic,,; �.
<br /> � ProDertY o�a�Y D�on af�e ProOetN. Wdhout Itmitlng the BerterafitS►W the foreSoMB.T�ustor vn"0�ot remave.or grant to erry olher PaAY the '}.x+,y'i . �. ,
<br /> ir�:;..
<br /> ' rtgtd to remave.enY tlmber.m►nerals(t►�dudtng oU and gas1.soU.8ravai or rodc Oroduels wfthout the pdor written conseM ot Lendea f,``:,�. . .
<br /> " • Rtrtravm o!fmprove�ne�. Tnistor she0 not demWl:.h ar remove arry Improvemards from the Real Rroperly without tho pdor w�tten cansent ;
<br /> of LenQer. Ils a eondNOn to the�emoval af erry improvemen�t„lender may re4uhe Tnutor to make errangemeMs satl5ia+ctary to LenQ�ar to � . : ,
<br /> reptaoa such tmptovemertb vAth Improv0mefib of elleasl e4ue1 v81uB. ' .
<br /> 'j:.,�'•• LeaQeYe Ri�t to�nta�: tsnder and ib agerns en0�epresenffittvas may erder upon the Real Praperly at efl reasonabte Umes to ettenC ta . ..
<br /> ffi VB9 '
<br /> ;:;...,5':= Lendefsi�b8atdtaitsqsectfhsProAeRYtaD�DosesotTiustotscomA4snCewiththefemtsandcon�iUonsofthisDeedatTrusl. � "�:
<br /> ust
<br /> CampUenoe�Gavt�aaentm REquUemeMo. TntStar sh80 promPnY��Ph►wfth M tav+s.ordinanoes.and regWatlon�r.rtaw or hemati�r in I;..,'.i: • •
<br /> .�' ,,�,1`::� eHed.a}s11 govemmentei autAoAtl�eDOUr�Efe to the use or aau�ancf►of the PropeAyr.induding wtthaul Umi�an.Use Amertcans��ttn �:;'; .
<br /> OLsabWd�Act. Trusta may eontesf in good faitA enY suCh tavi.ordlnanoB.ar regufattan and wlfhP[afd�crsmpt�nca du.ing enY Prooee�R9� + ,.
<br /> ' ' incfuEJng appropdate eppaeb.so long es Tnstor hes notlfle0 Lender in w�ling pdar to dair�g sa and ba la�as,in L��Ser's sote apinion,
<br /> ..� . LenQefs interesb in the PropeRf►are not jeopard�d I.onder maY reQutre Tnrstor to pat e6equate secwity af a sumty t�and.reasonabry �s.',�;::
<br /> sattstACbry to Lender.to pintecl lsn6efe Ir�st. •f'.���,::�
<br /> :�;�
<br /> , ,,;� fiuly to Patit�N.T►va�or ap�taes naither to abandon nor leave unattendad ths Property. 7nula►shaA do all other acts,irt addtUOn to thosa aGS ,';
<br /> . ;,i .
<br /> set farth r�quo ln this�ton,which ttom the Charact0r 8nd use of the Property ere reasonebty neoessary to proteCt and presarve the Properfy.
<br />- � •�,,: �a�a�e,���gy�QmEA, LgnQgr may,at iffi opUon,Qsdete Immediatery aus end payabfe all sums secured by fhl�Oee9 af 7rust
<br /> •,�� upon 4he sala or iruncter,utthaut the Lendefe pdor vrrittsn eot�serA.of all a arry peA o!tha Rea1 PropertY,or arry►interest 1n tha Real Praps�tY• A
<br />�:;�c.,,,, "s8te or transter"maan�ifln cnnvsYanoe ot Reel ProP�Y a�Y�1.titte ar irctera511RSr�n:wht�'�'t�r legel.6enefldel or 84u�tttbte;whether voluntary • , .
<br /> h
<br /> -:.=.,,.. . os imeiunfartir.whalt�Ivi"oWrtght Sale.Qee4lrestaIImsnl s�t�ear�4ad.land CortLraet,eonhacf tnr dead.leaseAotd tnterest wilh e term greater than �• ','
<br />';`'.f�?..�. . ttuee l�l Y�•le�sso-oFiUan eantracf.or by seie�agstBnmEn�ar hattsim of any G9naf�Cra{lriterest in or to any land trust Ao1Q1ng M19 to the Resl (' `. .
<br /> +:., � ProPefty.or by arry oYner methad ot wmreyanoe tA Ra�ProPm�+�r�rest- tf arry Trustor is a corpora�on,parMership or nmited UabilitY�ofiD3„Y•
<br /> , 1 tran5(er atso indudes 8nY chanae in ovmership af more then iwenty-6ve psre8nf(E64b)of the voUng stock.PaRnershtp Interests or Umir'we!fiaL��ty �
<br /> ; compar►y i�.8s tha ea5e maY be,of Tnistor. Havrevet,thls op�on shs11 nat ba exerdsed by Lender H suoh exerdse is protubrted ay federal
<br /> � law or by Nebra�Na law. !
<br /> � 1 TAl(ES A!�UETdB.The foQowing prmASions raffitlng to tAe koms and Uens on the Properly are e paA of thb Deotl of Trus1. i .
<br /> �•'�;� 7 PaymenL Trustor StiaU pay when due(and in e9 everns pdor to dslinquane.y)au texes.sAedal texes.essessmerns,eharges(+nduding water .
<br /> ,,�_ . ; and sswer�.fln�8nd ImposiUOns IevieO agsmst ot on aecouM a!H�e Propartyt,and shall 08y vfien due eD ctaims for wark donB on or f�
<br /> ,,:_. seMOe9 rvndared ot mateA81 flun�hsd to the Propmty. Trtator shaJ meir�tain fhe P►oaerty tr�ot e116ens hawng pnortty over or equa!to th�
<br /> . ����1�end�r under this psaA p1 Trust.exaept fw the Ben ol ta�ces and essassmanb not Que erid exoepl as othervdse pravlded 1n tMS Osed
<br /> : of Tn�st.
<br /> ��: Rtg'ht To Cant�9. TnSta ensy w�thl+o�d paymsnt of any t�,as.�ssment,ar da►m�n conneetion wtth e good feith dispute over the obtigabon
<br /> +;?" to pay.so lang as Lender's int2rest in the PropBrty is not jeo�ardaed. I}e Qen arises ar�s fded as&�esuii of nonyayment.Trustar shaU antNn .
<br /> , � fiREen(15)days aftsr the uen arisss or,if e Gen is f�ed,vritNn fifteen(15)Qays etisr Tn�sta�as no4ce of the fu�ng,sec�ue the dseherge oi Me
<br /> hen,or if requested Dy L�nQer.deposil►v+th Lender eash or a sufBd9nt cotpmate s�etyt�l��e h�9�������m st+le
<br /> - amourtt suffiCrenf to d�sCt�erg6 in8 kess�aisY t��3ttQ II�5�t999 4t ol1�8►Gh9*$s3
<br /> . �n�er the lian. In arry eont�f.Tnrstor shetl Cefend�eM end Lender and sha11 sehsty any aCverse ludgmeM Ceiore entoroement agamst the
<br /> :} , •
<br /> .
<br /> '� • � _:
<br /> .,,
<br /> _;
<br /> __ _
<br /> - ,—.,
<br />