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<br /> - 7'oilS OEED OF T6itiS"0'IS 09��W�38[��i99Y.emong Bruce W.Woda3r��m�d Pamela J.R��augh,AS ,.�.
<br /> ,:: �,; HU58A�iD A[�� �'J(FE,vsohos� �dd�res�f��409 6todabaugh RD, Merque4�I� 685�4�mEterre� tc� 6etow ss � . .��.;_
<br /> :;; .�� "Trustor'�; FI�T4 I�AATIONAL BEIHlC O��80U�7E,whoss e��ts Q�T CE'�qaa�►������9.Marquette, '::.,..._
<br /> . , � :;� [� Q1�k� (e$4erred tm below somettmes �s °i.Ender° er4d sorne� $s '�aey"� end FIRST . ;::':,`
<br /> .:�', . llA'�'((�tdli�.1�4A�K¢��MkI�PI�.whase addr��f[a P O�OX 39�lINARd�1�iL-�1�68{3�(Pe"e¢�c�to betow ..
<br /> �5 . . �����a . �.t .
<br />��..�.v��.- . : . . . .
<br /> f,•:` • Cat�YIEVAWtaE�(�tG1�T. For vBl�tabIs e0t►sldetettloM Tntstor eaffvuy8 Lv TttiBl�D in trvs�.YJOtN POY1lFA OF 8ALE►tar Iftm�2nc?:4 crt
<br />'°": • ' Lender a9 BaneS%�IAYE:aA at Tnisiors dght.titte.and interost in end to iha i�vlrt3 d�aibed real P�QA�Y. ���wftA all mdstMg ar .- •.'_ �•" <'
<br /> y�':. : . . ... .
<br /> . subsequ9�Y erected cr rift�Ced Duft�ng9,improvemerd3 and f6Rure�ati easemer�.ri��ts of waY,enQ aPPuRenanaes:all water.arater nghts ancY ��,,y, ..
<br />:,...::� : '�.;. Oitch d9h�Qnctumn8 sta�c in t�6"Qk�wHh d�hfi or hdga5on rightsr and eD othe�r dgt�ts.ro cud fits retafln8 to the real��:Inntuding �,:.,i,�,h,��;{ti�;?';;^:
<br /> , ��:• ; f wtthout IlM�tlon au mtnereb,au.pAs„�ott�errtial ano s�muar matters.loes[et1 in 811 , Stel,Onof Ne�lt�3tue (utiB Re8! � �;,�� ,�, . ..
<br /> rr� � t�
<br />: �, . :,:.',;. , PrO�aet�y"}: a41��'�*�`�
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<br /> � •° �. : �'_;f; Lot Nina(9)end G.�4 4�n(10j,I�l��c 1Vua(2��ann[e B�ne 61dd�lan�City o!4�sd C�9a��,8�1 County, � ,
<br /> ;:,`�`; � I�ebraska � .
<br /> ��.�`: . . . 1Tt�[�a!Property ar fm adat�ta corr�m�niy tcr�at��i�1554 V'�est 5tb Stree�,Grand Island.[�E �'7. .. � .
<br />.-';'<<.�•. : 7n�tor preserrtly essl8ns to Lend�t(etso knavm a9 Benefltiary in th+;Ik�O of Trusl)all of TruslaPs dgM.tlUB,end irRerest b and to�f present and � .. . ;
<br /> tuture feases of the Praperty and aD Renb irom the Pra�arty. tn Mdilan,Tn�stor g�ranb LenQBr a Untform Commerclal CaQe secuAty�hrterest in the
<br />, •�.� • Renb ana tha P�s�naf Prayerty�flrted below. •.
<br /> �`` ;,y,�.� . � 2 OEFINRIOHS.Tho foQawtng wavtts sivill hava the toOovNng rrtean'nas��l�an ussd in th�Oeod of Tn�1. Terms not otharwLse deflned tn this Oeed of ;�,�,,. •
<br /> � � -��;�-�- '�� Tntsf sh&D P�ava tha moanhsga pttribUfud ta sucb t�mre in the Untam Cammerclal Cad9. Atl rat�nr�s to doGar amour�s sha9 r.�m�amou�in �-,.�:;,:•
<br /> � �.i:. �, •�5�.:' : 'n.,r;:}:'• .
<br /> ..t;;1,.;: . �. lawful money of the UNteO S'�is3 of Ammica. � .�,; •,
<br /> • ? Btneftctmy. rng ward'tienaf�y0'ma9ns FIli3T NATIOAWL DAtdK OF MARQlITfE.tls s�ors and ess3gro. FlRST Ru1YlONAI BANK �•''t�''"
<br /> � ' pF MARpUE7TE also ls rr�c��to as Zendcu'in/hLa Osed of TnisL .. . ,
<br /> ;..••`.: Oeed of TNUt: Ttx:wor�s'fleed of Tn�P mean tN9 Osed at Trust emang Y�ustar.Lendor.cnd Tna'.os.an9 i�dud�s+a�lasst'.amtla�on el ,:,,:,;�,_;,. ;:
<br /> assignment anA saCUrfiy Interes4 Arav�Jor�s�efatlng to the P�rsana)Property and Ranb.
<br /> � � Qusrm►tar. The word Kiusrantor'means end Indud�wi�out Umttatton anyr and aD gusrer�ars.s�uet�s.and a�n�um�"r'�n p�s tn .;'• ��sl ,,
<br /> '-���•� � connectlon wtth tha IndebteQn�s.
<br /> i'�.'`:,• � . . .
<br /> �.. tmyrov�tttartm. Tha vrard 9mprovemant�masns end trtdudos withaN U�r.ia�on all moss�ng and tuhu¢iraprovaments,buitdings.structwera,
<br /> �>�F,:•.. ' mob08 homa3 aft�cea an the Real RropeRy.tadfi�e9.fldQiUon9,reptseemenb ari0 ott�n construetlon on the Real Rroperty.
<br /> ' tndeaiednes�. The word 9nQsb0adna�'means aD pAndpal and Interost paytibte undar the Nota and arry amounb expended or aQvance0 by
<br /> .�_;�� Lender to Qlschsrga obUgaHOm ot Tn�m or mcpe�s3 incurtuA by Ttt$tos ar Londer to ontaree obllgaboas of Trustar unQ�irds Uaed of Trus� .
<br /> ,�„_ , . togathar vdth IMerest on sueh arrtourd9 a9 proNQed In Ws Desd of Trust � . �
<br /> �,�� ' '.! LenQer. The vrard'lends�'mearo FlRS?NATIONAL BAt�OF MARQUETIE.its sucaessa�s and assigns. �' .
<br /> �.�. ;
<br /> � Riote. Tfla�OrO'�Gta'tile�t0 fhe�tOt9��AA�tttl�l,1L'87.in fDts priettpef umourtt o!522,&4�.O�U from Trustor to Lender, � �
<br /> ,:.', , � tagether wit�elt renevrats,mdenslons,modth�tlons,rsflrtandng9,artd s�sf8udore Por ihe Note.TRe meturiry dats of Ws Oead ot Trust is April j
<br /> 30.2004.
<br /> : „• �
<br /> .... . .
<br /> ., --= ' y P�r�arJ P+�. The wards'A�rsonel ProDerty'mean ell eOu�Dmo�M.fi�Rta�'9.an0 othar eWdes ot OEtsart8l A�De►lY now or hereaft� ;
<br /> •... �I ovmed by Tntstor.and noru ar hsaa3fG�Bttachad Cr aftbcfld to tho Rea)P�eAy,togetASr wlth uU sooers510tu.Oatls.and eQd6ons to,aii ` �
<br /> . •i
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