<br /> -�.. .:.:� . . � _. -
<br /> ''..�c ' . .. . . ..
<br /> , �
<br /> 1 .. •< k.. ^�. ( � .. , t . . . , ' .. � , . . � � . . . ,..,t, -N. �'—t� ....`-�.� ':.tl':'- . ji-"
<br /> �." .
<br /> � . �':�. . ..
<br /> __ 17. Transier of the Property or a �eaeflcEa! lrtcrost in @o�er. tt al! or any part oi tr.�t�*a�ri c� � �
<br /> any interest in d is sold or Vansterted (or il a benefiaal interest m Bortower�s sold ar trar►sterted and Bart��raer ;s or.�a rAtqroi
<br /> _ . • per'son)without Lesidei s prior writtan consent Lender may.at tts option. require�mmed�ate payment m wit a!ail s�mb secunTd!�1Y
<br /> ° i this Security Mstroment However.this opIIon shaD rtot 6e exerdsed by Lender it exerase is proh�bited hy:9d�lfJl �H(.85 0�,11'R j t
<br /> . ; date ot th�s Securny InsUUment ; �
<br /> j It Lender exercises this opbon. Lender shaU qive Bonawer nouce o1 acceteration The noDce sA90 Pra�aQe a Pnfa�:�'1��Ct� ,
<br /> • tess than 30 days hom t�e �te the no6ce �s detivered or maated wRhin which Bonov�er must PaY �►1 sums sea,tYtd tvf.Shis� ( _
<br /> -- ,- gecurrty InsVume�►t. If 8orto•rier tails to pay lhese sums pnor to the expitaUOn of this penod Lendet muy mro.h�3 amj 3t�A�es � i '
<br />. , • ,� penMted Dy thK Sea,rityr tosUument without turther rtotice or demanQ on Bor►awv. n . Borrower shai! have tt*3 r,�ht cc���� �, , ,
<br />• � 16. Borrower's Right to �einstste. �t eorrower meeu certain condmo s � `��•
<br /> ' enforeement ot this Sewrity Instrument d�continued at any hmQ prior to the eadier ot (a}5 days (c� sur.h oUse� O�n!�e
<br /> app�caple law may specily tor reinstatement)betore sats ot the ProPeM Purs+�nt to any power of saf�containr�d•n thio S� � � ,
<br /> ' - ' InstrumenC or @) entry o1 a judgmerit entomng this Sectm(p insfitment Thoso t�sditions are that Borrower. tat P�'le t�n� ; __, . _. . __
<br /> � • • � sums which then would be due under this Secvrtty tnaUUment anQ the Nate as it no acceteration had:�xumed: lta•u+nis� ;
<br />_ ' detault of any other covenant or agreements: (c) pays all expensas incuRed in enforang this SecuritY .nchument. mcY+�dmg,but
<br /> t i
<br /> - • ;. a nat fimited to. reasonabts a2tomeys fees• and(dj takes such actian as �ender may r�sonably require tc assme tuqt.th�;'ien ot
<br /> � this Security InsWmen� Lendeis rigfits ui the PmRe�tY�d Bortowers oblipLOrt to pay the sums seair�d-tv�-thlu S�cun►Y
<br /> tnstrument shafl continue unchanged- Upon rein&tatement dy BoROwer, this Securrty Instrument and Lhe etligaha(sa�secured
<br /> :�. hereby shall remain tu�y eftective as H no acce�etatian had ocr.une4• However.this nght to reinstate stu�il mct aFFly n ti�e case ,
<br /> _j , of acceleration under paragraph t7. '�•
<br /> �,
<br /> - . < 19. Sale of [�tote; Change of Loan Servtcer. The Note or a a Partial inierest m me ntote l��Hr wa�, cnis .
<br />�, � Securiry Insbument)rt�aY be sold one or more timas without pr(or noLCe to 8orrovr�.A sala may cesutt a�a cltit�ngtt;m the�titq _
<br /> '� (tmown as the'Loan Secvicer)that coQects monthty payments due wder the Note and this Seeuritfl:nsiwnenL t9o�re afso may ,
<br /> .:�� be one or more changes ot the Loan Senricer unrelated to a sala ot the Note. If there is a change ot th�:i.nars Servicer. � . _� : .� ,
<br />_;�� gurtpwer wid be given written notice of the change in accordance with parayBPl� 14 above and appf►�ble 1�N�: The rtotice w�! p . ,.. .
<br /> I . ..f`��,...,::
<br /> +� sMdte the name and ad�Lress of the new Loan Se�vicer and the address to which payments shoWd f�e ms►de. T�c��°tic����o �, , -.
<br /> �t . • contain any other informaUOn re�d.by appllcabte Iaw. ' . . . '`�s.`.
<br /> � � 20. O�I�trdoUS SttbStA�[CaB. Bortrnver st�all not cause or permit the presence. use. dispasaf. sramge,or retease o1 . _._`.;r,^;�":: <
<br /> A= Pin atfecting the :...;,.
<br /> =_ � any Hazardous Substances on or in the Pmpariy. Borrowet shan not do, nor altow anyone e�8 ta �o,am/t• 4 :„. —
<br /> Roperty that is in violaUon of any Environmental l.aw. The Prece��9 mo serrtences shafl nat apply ie�1Re Pr�sc�ce. use. or
<br /> '� .� • storage on the Prop�ty of small quantiDes ot Haxardous Substances lhat are genera�y recog►►i�ed ta b�r•aFR�D�te to nomrtal � ,�� ��.
<br /> ". ' .;.;.�• ' �esidential uses and to mamtenance of tfie Property '' ..:
<br /> " Bortower shalf promptiy give Lender written notice of any iovesU9aGan. claim. demand. Ian�suA.or oth� action by any r ,_• _
<br /> ;�:�' . govemmeatal or regu►at ry S �11 P P�X 9 . �� '� ,
<br /> o a en or rivata invoNin the Property end any Hazazdous Subatance�ar Ernr"vrnmental Law oi � �� • r-�
<br /> �,-" �:
<br /> .� • w hich Borrower has acWal Imowledge. If Boaower leams. or is notified by any govemmenta! or reguiatCry authcritY. that any ' :,�.} .
<br /> <� removal or other remediation ot a�ry Haiarduus Substance a ftecMg P roP e ri Y i s n e c e s s a ry. H a m r���q r s h a l l p r o m p U y t a k e a l� � • ;
<br />=:;g �'y�%;,;: nec�ary remedial adions in acwrdance with Environmeirtal Law. {' ,� ��
<br /> . :.„�,.� h 2p. •Haiardnus Subatances' are mose substances deftned as tauno a[.hazardaext substances bY i • ..- -,.
<br /> /.ts used in thls peragtap ( . :.3,�+i. ,, '
<br /> ,'f Err:r--,,,tz;nental Law and the ta8�+��'� suhatances: gasolv�e. kerosene, other flammable or tmcio,peWtaum produds. tr�ac ( �,.',
<br /> �` pE,;�es and herbicides,vola�te soaents.mHta��:�corrtaining asbestos or fartnaldehyde. end radinective matetials• As usc-d i� k % '���"�;'�.., � � '-
<br /> "- � `' � p�,�a�.a p h Z 0, 'E m a e n m e n t a l L a� m e a n a i e d e f a i '�sNs and iaws oT the juds�ction where the Praper�i is�u'�f'�d that relate to . ��,
<br /> 1 .r
<br />---� h��..safety or e��r.��mental pratection. �� . .. . ;�. .
<br /> ..�,.
<br /> �,^; , f'�
<br />' :x ' . - - - - : ''�'Y
<br /> NON-UN(F�GOUENANT&�ortower dnd lendet turther covenant and agree as tollo�rs: -.;r:� :;;.
<br /> �'4 � 21. Accetee�on: Remadios. Loc�der shall give notice to BoTrov��� plriar to accelera4ton , ;. .
<br /> �^f . . •.��P;.��
<br /> . .� follov�cing Barrc�c�r's breacb og any covenant or agreement in th6s Se«oa.fl��fns¢�umeM (but nat .
<br />_- `` � prior to aecEt��on uRder paettgrAp7� 17 unfess applicable Iaw prauief� efc�+p�w:�o): The nottce ... . . '� t=
<br />:f-;� , ;,,., ; shall speci4y: (a) the de�r�S� (b) tha a�'tian required to cure 4h�do't�ra7C;�(�i;a ��+ n� less than ;. ,5,,._:;`..
<br /> - •�c>_ 3m days from the date�'tta �oiia�is givon to @mero�ver, by which ftu�tte4a�i�4 mustr�be cured: and , ,�,
<br /> _':` � . • (�T fil�at faituro to cure Cho� �e'istulf �a cr bef��o the da4e specifl�dl It� #!or Ra'Ho� may re�ccE$ @� :,,},,..,. '� ,�
<br /> . < �
<br /> ac�Caratton af the su�s secured lsqP itB�ws Security Instrument and sals+df,t8�►r Pta�ert�►•�e a�ce � " ;:'i;'%:,.`'•.:°
<br /> , . sF;,;,E6 fu+�her fc•f�rm Borrowrav of tfr� Qi8h2 to reinsta4e af4er accol0vntkao aC�d tKa rlg6�t 4o h�EctJ a ; , ti . '.•
<br /> co�-� actioso C� assert tS�s IfOSt�OxiStenCO of a defaul3 or any o�rm� d���►nse a+� 8orrca�r W � .1' ,. ';?''.a'
<br /> ''� �oteration and aale. 13 tha deiault is not cured on or before thr� d� �fl�#itid in the e��ce, � ,�,�'�•.,
<br /> . ' i1��.��� �.
<br /> � • Lc>esQev at its op4�on may require iratmv�iate payment In tull of afi s��n�:ss�z�se� tvy thts Serurity ,, . ! . ..`
<br /> . . Instrument withaut 4urthmr dosra�na1 an� may invotc� the qower a� sala+ at�t1 ariy� o4her rem�e�tes .•",`':;�,�i`.. :
<br /> �,�� � permitted by appltcal�le law.Londer shall bo eM�tted to co[[a�t aR ett���ir�raurod in pursutng •�`r .
<br /> • ' ; th� remedies provlded an thss paragsaph 21, incSuding. bcct n�t IU�Efi� tm�, reasvnnble attomsys' ;.,,,,i�.
<br /> `�"�'. t�and costs of titto eY+.'¢�fletco. .;,..-, .
<br /> '.:,.�::...
<br /> � 1f the pawer of sate is Imrokod, Trustee SC��f reeord a naltcc� a',f,dlgt�auNJ �v� �ach county in :��,��-�:..,,�:
<br />;.,�..� � wSiich any part o4 the Propevly ls lo�a4od ar�� shall mail co�l�3 d1�s�+:t��ra�is� in the mactecor
<br /> prescrib�d by appUcablo lavi ta Boarower and to tho other pevsaee� pr�cci��d by applicabte law.
<br /> } t�f2�r the time requir�d by Applicabt0 law� Trustee shatl give puto[ir,� rostli3v o9 sate to the persdns
<br /> "` �`' • ' ar�in the manner prese�ib�d by appllea6te la*rs. Trustee. wit�eaurt d&nrart�J or� Barrower, shall setl •
<br /> �,�+ >• � Y tPso Propevly at publtc auettoe� ta tho hlghost mEdder at the tio�ta�anat �1aco aRd under the tevaes
<br /> ::;_'�� '.. ' � d�:�nated in the naticA af sale in orto or more parcefs an� tm any�awtsv�Trt+stea determinea „_
<br />_°___; TrsL+sloo ma+! postpon� sat� of afl oP any paecet of the Rr.c�sor�y lvt��ut�Gi� ar��auncement at the
<br /> • � tlt�e and ptace of amy provioexity scizodutod sale. Lertdar or Its3 d�oi�rt� rnay purchase the �
<br /> . '` �caporly at any sale.
<br /> .''`,-����., ` Upon recetpt of pa/:�c►Qnfl o9 ths p►ico bi�. Trustee shall dolivar�ta th� purchasor Tru��e's <<:�,:„.�
<br /> . �� dood conveytng the Propovty. Th� recitals in t�re Trustee's doa�s�l(�il�+� prl�a faci� evid�rtce ot .
<br /> the trutS� af the statemen4� mada tP�svatn. Trustee shmll ap�ty�ttr.n praaeeda of the sate in the
<br />-- iollowing order. (a) to all�aosts� and expenses o9 eaereising�Mb p��wev og sale. and the sate. �
<br /> � � including the paymeM o!th�Trustv�'s teas ac8uatly incuned, nat_to�xcaed th�ea .
<br />__ � % a4 thm pr�nxlpal amount of the �
<br /> � no4e a4 the time of the doclaration o9 de4au�4, and reasona6fe atta�noy's teos as permitted by law: ! .
<br />- ' j (b) to all suma secured by thss Secuvity In�Uum�n� and (c) any excess to thc� ps►son or persons
<br /> ' legally entitled to it.
<br /> ' 1 " `�/ � ��
<br /> ;
<br /> o � :.ti
<br /> � . � F,3,S:ti,; �a�. ""'
<br /> , - - - � - � . --.
<br />_ ':''p ! a�n5.i ff
<br /> } I
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