-- , - - .- --- . - -.- -
<br /> . . �
<br /> . .- - ..�t.�epf � 1'. � . . ` �. . . � . _.'_. ' _ ..V� � .. ..JY`_ _"���� ..� ._ _/__= . .
<br /> . _ ��:u��r...i_..I�V:R':'�. ..—.—T �.. �. ..�--. .. � . ' . . . . - _ .. . . . _ " . ' . __�
<br /> i � , . .
<br /> . � � '
<br /> I Borrower may wre such a defautt and reinstate. as provided in paragraph 18. by causmg the aetion ar proceedng W De `` . ,
<br /> --", d�ms�s�d,,,riU►a ruring that.m Lender's good ta3th detecmirtation.predudes foAeiNre ot tiie 8orrowei s mterest m the Property or ` . <
<br /> f ` .
<br /> other cr�atedal unpairtnent ot the tien created hy this Security instrument or Lender s searity interest Bortowe►shatl atso be in E
<br /> ` dafault r�Sorrower,during the taan appGption process.�ve mateAally false or inaccurate intortnation or statem�ts to l,ender(or �
<br /> ' fa�,ed ta�ptoYidg t�tder vrith 8ay matErial intortnation) in connec�ion wiih the loan evtdenced tiy the IYote. induding. but not ; . .
<br /> . . irtrrited ta. representations wncemin9 Bo�rower s occupancy of the Properly as a principal residence if this Sewriry � i .. .
<br /> ! wi[h all the provisions ot the tease. It Borrower acquires fee t3te to the � 's _
<br /> ;� tnsoumsrt is on a leasehnld. Borsower shall compty ; -
<br /> propart�};the leasehold and the tee tiUe shaU not merge unless Lender a�ees to the merget in wnting.
<br /> —� T. 4�ratection u�Lender's RigMs in the R�operty. tr Borrower taus to pertortn the covenants and agreements F - T_ . - -
<br /> ---- + - contautRl�in this SewcAy instrumen� ot there is a tegai proceeding that may signficarty aftect Lenders nqhts m the PropE►iy � �� ,
<br /> � • (such as a procee�ng in banSwptcy.Probat�fcr condemnation or toAeiture or to enforce Iaws a►reguiations).then Lende maY � F
<br /> � do and�ay tor wfiatever is necessary to protect the vaNe of the Properly and Lenders rights in tfie Properry Lenders actions. �
<br /> may inFSude paymg any sums secured by a Gen which has prioriry ovcv this SecuritY Instrument. apPearn►Q in court. paying ` :.
<br /> �-_. re�soaidste aifomeys' tees and eniering on the Properry to make repairs.Although lender may take acUOn under this paragraph � � - _
<br /> 7,LendR�does not have to do so. k .
<br /> � Amt.amounts disbarsed by Lender under ParagraPh 7 shall become additiona! debt af Borrower seared by this Securdy �
<br /> InshumqtlL U�itess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms ot paymenL these amounts shaU bear u►terest irom the date of . . ���
<br /> d'�sbuisefient at the Ntote rate and shall be payab�e.with interest.upon noUce tram Lender to Bortower requesting paYment .
<br /> i S.'�lO�t[,�age lI9SUPd�iCe. �t Lender req�+ired moRgage msurance as a cond�on of making lhe toan seaued by th�s • :
<br /> �� Securit�r:'nstrument Bortower shall pay the premiums requQed to maintain the mortgage insurance in eHe�c�t. If.rfertuu s frequi ed to
<br /> mortr�ag�insarance coverage requued by LendrJ[apses or ceases to be in eitect. Borrower shaD Pay P t to the �`
<br /> . � obte�•uoverage s�ubstarttla(�t e�vatertt to the moRgage insurance previousty in eHect.at a cost substantiatt�l equivater► , .. `,
<br /> roVed by LeRdE►. (i ' �. `'''rtr
<br /> ' ; cost tQ�Borraw� ot the mortgage insmartce previousty in eRect from an aitenate martgage.in�aPP �., .
<br /> suDstantfatty e4uivafent moRgage insurance cove►age is not ava7able, Borrower shall pay to Lender�each monffi a sum equa!to �:
<br /> onafivCffth of the yeariy mortgage msurance premium being paid by 8ortowa when the insurance coverage fapsed or ceased to `��;,. <<;,;-
<br /> be in efted. Lender Nn'0 accep� use and retain these payments as a toss resenre in Geu of moRgage insuranoe_ Loss reserve . '.. ;'�-.;:`.`
<br /> :..; psymotlts may no tonger be required.at the opUon of Lender.if moRgage insurance coverage(m the smount and for tha R�iod `. �.
<br /> •= � that lelsder requUes) prov[ded by an insurer approved by Lender aga'u�becomes avaitable and is obtained 8artower shatl pay �.;.;,`.
<br />_. j the P�����►ired to�tain moRgage insurartce in efteef.or to provide a loss resenre.untii the requirement tnr martS33e �::.• . . ���; :� -
<br /> � insumoce�ds(n accorc�.�with any vrtitten agreement between Borrower and Le�sder or appficabte Iaw. ��;,:;',3=��:�•. '`_, :,` `
<br /> - �• ' � 9:In�QClton.Lender or its agert may make reasonabte entdes upan and"mspedions of the Properiy. lend�sha(1 gnre �'��J�Y4�P1J�.:"i�t��_. '.Y
<br /> . �. � Boms+vet RWfr�at tfie time of or pdor to an inspedion sPeatyin9 reasart�tt[e cause tor the Inspedion. �����l��.;
<br /> � 10. Carr�emnatton.The proceE�ds of any award or dartn tar c�ra�es.direct ar consequartial. in connection witl+atep Rf�t;.,',:�. ,.,';�.
<br /> y condemnaUan or other taking of any part of the Properry. or tor conveyance in f�st af c�tsdemna*cn.are hereby assi�ted art3 •;5;��`is,��,,. ,�;��tr':r.�;
<br /> � . �'' 1 sha0 be paid to Lender. �°J�'`' ' ' '.
<br /> � - • ••' in tha evertt of a total taking of tha ProperlY. the proceeds shall be appred to the sums secured by tt�s Security �{;:: ;:��;;
<br /> � (naUUmeM,wfiethe►or not then due.with anY excess Paid to Borrower. In t he everR of a p a rt z t t�3 ot the Prc�e�'fi whict► .;.,``���":;;=6
<br /> ,� the(att market value of the Property imrt:�atey before the taking iF equal to or greater than�'�a�.�t of the sums secured ,. ` •y �
<br /> � � by ihls Security InshumPnt immediatery before the ta�c.�g. unless Bartower and Lendes cLhen�-��gree in w►itir►9. the sums .,.;,'�..�, �. •;,•_
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument shall be reduced b.y tir�smount of the proceeds m�l:��ii-d by the tonowing fr��n: (a)the ( ` :,� �r �,'.,.
<br /> ;;'" • ' �? mWl 3mount ot the sums aecured immediatety before�n t�dng.d'nrided bY(b)the`�r ma�cet value of the Propc�"�immed'ca�y► �� j�^ . . ,
<br /> � m whEch tfte tair madtet r v�t;>rq` > .� ,
<br /> � befare the taking.My bak.Rce sh a ll be p a i d to 9orrower.;n t h e e v e n t o f a p a rt i a l t�s r:��t h e Pro p e r h►' :('p��,���,;, .1.. :;:�`.�
<br /> + immediate before the tatdn is less than the amr;urt of t6e_�.•s secured immed}ately 6etare the taldng, t�
<br /> .� va5re:of the?mperty N 9 �� ?�`,t;� ��''' _=.f.�
<br /> �' uniess Ba"�:vQ and Lender otherwise agree in writing or untess �p'alr�ble taw a yervvise provides, the proceeds shall be .,.__,, . �,. ,.
<br /> �,_ } 'v,`�;;;' .;�.,..['..-_
<br /> • r, appted tc'2-»sums secured by thls Sec�-'.y Inshvment whether or n�::tie sums are-.en due. ; �
<br /> !�' !f�se .�'.--apedy is abandoned by 8orower. or if.after notice by Lender to Boma«rt that the condemnor ofters to make an ,- •�;'�:..r:`��_'?,
<br /> .. .,u �f,`•.`r�;. :•.:��y�_-_
<br /> ' •�� awand ar sc-�e a daim tor damages. Borrower ials to respond to Lender wilhln Sff lays after the date the nottce is ghren. �,:,.��;::,,,r;F, ,;•,
<br /> � ' L��er is a zriorized to cotlect and appty the proceeds. at its option, efther to restoraation or repair ot the Properiy or to the , ,�; �
<br /> r
<br /> � � :,�r.� suma se�.'d by this Secu�ity InsWmertt whether ot not then due. � ` -
<br /> l. .:<<;<<.:-. � �.�f.�_
<br /> Unfess tender and Borrower othca-.+��a agree in wriUn9. enY eppficaUon of proceeds to prre(pai shall not extend or ;:.'.t,,,,,',,, ; �;`'�
<br /> � �'�•.15. posq�one the due date of the mortthly payments reterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ot change the amourtt ot sucb payments. � ,i ;= .;
<br /> 11.BoROwer Not Reteased; �orbearance By Lender No4 a Watver.Extension ot the tfine t�r payment or , � +:;.,;�.:�
<br /> . ':,l modfieaUon oi amortization of the sums seeured by thi� Securiry InstrumerA�anted�y lender to any successcr «fitesest of ���� �
<br /> ''.�i'f`,. . :...•;-.=..
<br /> ��� ,_�� Borrower shall rtot ope►ate to release the Ilabflity of the c�nal BoTrower or Horrower's successors in interest. Lender aha(1 not ;,���f � • "'� "
<br /> :,�%:..
<br /> ' be required to commence proeeedings against arry sucassor in i�t or refuse to extend time Tor payment or otherv+ise 'j:, ,:. +'.. ,� :�
<br />. � ��;:; mpdity 2ns�,,zaUon of the sums seared by this Security t-�lnert L•.�cn of anyr demand made by the origfial 8orrower or ,, , �.�,,
<br /> E � 9M dY ��:.,,. :•;:.,�,_:.
<br /> ��'�f:�. ' ;; �' 8orrowets s�ccessors � interas4 fl.� �xbearance bY L�:�T r'' c:cr�'.� ar'v � or reme shatl not be a waiver of or .. '
<br /> r;:.; � . :'.t: �'� preclude the exercise ct a:.y�ght ot rerr2cy. ��'• `;' �
<br /> `� CO-si er9.The covenants and ,�'�f�"��� ��'� '
<br /> • � ' . 12. Success�� �d �s�� Bound; �Gci:s�i and Several Li��ity: 9n i�;'.:,. .. _
<br /> agreements ot this Secar.tf !�sUumart s'�tl bind and G�'zfil the successo�s and assigns oi Lender and Borrower,subJect to tha �;�q��:• �. , .
<br /> . �� •, .
<br /> . as• provisions o1 paragraph 17. Barrawar's cs:venants and agreements shatl be joint and s�reral. Arty Borrower who co-signs this '1 r,� .
<br /> � � .t'(; }�, S e c u rf ry I n s U u m e n t but de�s not er,oc:�^.".e Note: (a)is co-signing this 3ecurily Instrument onty to mortgage,grar►t and convey �,+qn
<br /> ��,� � . ;
<br /> "� a�
<br /> that Boaowers interest i-r��a Prope.ry under the ter•rs ot this Security �nstrument: (b) is not Gc-ssonatty obOgaf�d to pay t he 4 . :,_�.,+
<br /> � >es that Lender and a a�er Bortower may a�ee to aCSnd.moddy. +�i:��`` �.
<br /> - ' sums sewred by this Sea.r-:}I Instrument; and(y .'=ry'- rtY * F�� .���
<br /> ;. ' ' �: ta�bear or make any aa-�•mr�:odations with regard to:t*e tertns ot this Securtly Irt�rw�^.ent o►the Note wilhout KiE. Borrower's 3;;�'� ••
<br /> jY:•.
<br /> ' " consent - . •
<br /> `••'.i: 13. L08n Che�g69. H the t;,�n.secured Dy this Security tnsrcument is s.�ject to a law which seta maximum loan .
<br /> 't �•r,'•_ charges.and that law is finaly ir.terFcr�r_O so that the interest or c:Ycr�can chr•m_�s w�teeted or to be eofteeted In connectian �• . . .
<br /> � with the loan exceed the Re!�niCed c+�*at�a. then: (a)eny such loart a•+amn sr:�l Ge r,=_�uced by the amount necessary to►educe , .
<br /> � the charge to the pertritnd :::s� �� (b) any sums already caliear-� run L'urr,Myr which exceeded pertnitted IimAS will be + •
<br /> •:�'�� refunded to Bortower. Lc-r.G�s r�aY �"oose to make this reWnd by reauang the�+sr.�-pal owed under the I�ote ea�y maWng a ' . . . . �
<br /> . dUect payment to Bortower. !i a rcP,u�d reduces pdncipal. the redacdon will L•e m.�ted as a partlal prepaymerr. w(tAout any ,j� , � �.��1 :
<br /> 1
<br /> ;.'..�� . �4 prepayment charge under Jte hote. :
<br /> • • 14. MOt1Ce9.Any rtr,�se,0 4�crtr.wer provided tor in this Securfty instrument shell be gNen by Qel'aering il or by mailing ft � :�t•,;',
<br /> by first dass mail unl�.a;.piicabte law requires use of enother method. The noUce shall be dirc�d to the Property Address �• =�;<<•,;:
<br /> or any other address E�rrower designates by notice to Lender. My noUce to Lender shall 6e given by flrst ciass maU to �; , ,
<br /> Lender s address sfated hereln or any other address Lender designates by notice to 8ortovler. My noUce provided tor in this +
<br /> ,;{° Security Insbument shall be deemed to have Deen gNen to Bortower or Lender when giren as prov i de d in t his paragrap h.
<br /> 95. 13oveming Law; Severability. This Security Instrument shaU be govemed by tederal law and the law o} the
<br /> , ' judsdlcUon in which the Property is located. In lhe event that any provislon or clause o}this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> contlicts wilh applieable law, such contlict shall not afteet other provFSians o1 ihis Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> gh�en eHeet wRhout the conilietlng provlsion- To this end the provisions ot thfs Seeurity Instrument and the Note are decfared to
<br /> be severable. ' .
<br /> 18. BO�fOWB�'8 COpy Bortower shall be given one contormed copy o1 the Note and o1 this Security)nstrument. � .
<br /> � �
<br /> ; � ` � ; , ..
<br /> V��n � ,.1 S
<br />... '6� - v,��c_raG��f37, �
<br />__ __ . . ' .'. _s .', '. .""..—_.– .
<br /> - � i
<br /> • 3;�53 .
<br /> .; , , . ,
<br /> j ' "_..._ - .. . .._ .
<br /> , i , ,, . .. .
<br /> „ . •' �-�- — � -� . •--•'-
<br />