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<br /> , . DgED O�YRUSY WiTH FtdTt1E3E AD�Atl�ES ° v °' 7�-'�` ; - .' - .
<br /> Mey .19 � ,by�d�song� � -
<br /> � , TH[S OE�OF TRUST,ie mede as of the 16�!d811 of Q . � "
<br /> , . theTtuatar. C11laQ!T I!G¢�I�Y T tif3tYE61 HUSBAI�1fl A1dD WIFE � • ., _
<br /> 1fl 0�� ,:s3•..
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<br /> , {:-; (h�em"Trvstcr,°vihatittu one or moreL � . �
<br /> �`� ` e6Eccso ma+'Ftnp addtess ia i GifAlfi3 ISLlSpR NF b8901- . -,
<br />' . ����.. ' .. - �7.
<br /> t� �7L�'TN8t60. ��tQ�a�`e • ,t '� � - �'
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<br /> � whosema�Tmg.r�ddrt�sia ''� t�ta►m ist�nn uE 58t3�'F ' i -�,�.��si( _
<br /> _ ;,,, ddt /; .�i�r±�t�ifl3�:
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<br /> ,� `'���;.,�` . Q18Bifl�L811d9f��. '-�' • .:%�.
<br />� � �;�� �hose ma�'mg address is .'"�"• , ,,
<br /> � �.,
<br /> `��#.. FOR VALUABLE CONSiD6iAT10N,inctud'mg Lender's extension at cradit idasntrTiad hesras to .,�r,___
<br /> . °'
<br /> C, •. . CHAIlN T NGO NY T dG1JYEN .- . _ _'`�_;_
<br /> �" • � (herein'Borrower•,whethet one or morel arcd tha t�ust herein crested,the 'u•, ' x� "
<br /> :' �,�r'��.� `s' es -
<br /> receipt of which i3 hereby eefatawf�dqc�.Truutnr hereby itts��u�biy grents,hensfers.conveya end essigr+s to Truetee.IN TRUST,WITH , � ��J 4 , ,, -
<br /> a�s
<br /> � POYYER OF SALE,toi Me ben�is arc��j1G Qfi Lenda►.un�r°md su�1�to the terms and condrtcans hereinaher set fortb,ths�eai .`�;ff��s�'�°';,;;.+_,s_~
<br /> proDenV,desm'�ed ae folbws: =� "�t •..
<br /> = '�� �.i
<br /> � � ��ry r�iyTY THRCf QESL F���iE HESTQtLY FORiV SUi C�t �ET OF LOT SiX (6), BL�7iC Flf1Y HINE (59) Of TFlE ; �r ,.
<br /> Q • r,� .� �:"`
<br /> "S ::.,• .,• �i!?1AL iLVrTlia tl6A7 C[T4 44T O'i1L+� ISI.AI�D, HfiLl 009t�TY, dE64tA�� C• :' , ;.��,�:,�r•s�'
<br /> -;:�st '
<br /> �1(�I"t.. � '.
<br /> ,7;"i.;, _ . ;k�r��7�. �,�..,i,
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<br /> 'i �e'.�.��
<br /> {10 s ./..
<br /> ,.'� . ��.;1'�i.{:[r:;..
<br /> • � pROP£RTY ADDRESS: 516 Y 3RD ST. GS[AND ISLAND, NE 6880) , ' ��'-�
<br /> � y�'+�fis=-
<br />�;,•; . Toeethar with a11 build'u�ga,improvemente,taturee,streete.elleys.Dessageways,easamente.rightB.Drivileges end appurtenmroe9 . .
<br /> lacated tfieroan or�anywise perteinin9 tl►ereto,and the rants,iasuea end profite,raversiona end remainders thereot,m�d sueh parsontil - ;r ` r_
<br /> � property that ia attadred to tha improvemente eo as to constitut@ a tixture,u�cfud'+np,but not limited to,heating end coofmg equipmmit; ;.j'` J
<br /> s • d
<br /> �,•? � and togethar with the homeatead or markal interesta,if any,which interasts are hereby released end waived;afl of whtcb,mdudfip .
<br /> •� �eplacemante and edditIana thetoto,i9 hereby declered to bo a part of the real esteto secuted by the Gm�of thia Oeed of Troat end a0 of -
<br /> . • ' tho toregoing 6vny reterted to herein ae the'PropertY'. , .
<br /> ��� Tha Dead of Tnist shnll aeatto(a)the peyment o�the ptincipet sira�+ and intereet evidence0 !vy a promissory note m ued'R . � ' ' :
<br /> �.;L ;'1r.• . ,. tti
<br /> :� • , .�t: , ,_
<br /> " ,� : �.;�: �reement G..�`.�ed IQar t6. 1997 .hevm6 a nsturitY daie a4 Mar 1S. 2�D2 . _ __._. ,
<br /> .: �; �`�` a
<br /> � in the or'p�]S�veeiDe�amount of S 24_500.00 ,and any end ell mo��iti�ne,eoctonsions end ranewals E ,. ` ,�'.
<br /> ' . •� � theraof or c'sare:��and any and all future adrarr.as9 end readvanees to Bar.s.ver tor eny of them A mars rr:m ane)hamunde�pureuent!o E
<br /> � one or moro p:�'+issory notea ot cred'rt agreenenta(herein eallad'Note');(bl the payment o!other sssns advenced by Lander to proteat � .
<br /> � tt^,.o 4ec�;r."tY c9:.''1e Nota;(aI tha performanee of e0 covenc�ni9 and agreementa of Trustor set torth herein;end Id)afi�_nt and tuture _ _
<br />�'f���i � "rrr�!ed�er•�obfipationa ot Bortower(or any ol therr�.7t more than one�to landor whothe►direce, inditeat,abaohrte or contingcnt ,,
<br /> �.,.:1 � end whetDsar u`.au++0 by oote,guarm�ty,overdvoft or otharwise.The Note,this Oeed ot Tnist and any erc0 a0 other documente tfiet oecure
<br /> •'' � tho[IfOte O!G7:s/mwis0 exoCUtOd in coMOSiet+�4f�erewith,ino(ud�p withovc limitation guarantee9,soaur2yr eA�esmants and easipnrnenie .
<br /> of►oases anA rente,ahetl be te}ertod to hereo��the'Loan Inetamants'. ' _ ,
<br /> ._? .. Trustot covenente end apraes with Lender ae foltows: � �
<br /> '• �� ' � 1,Psym�nt of Ine�bt�Qnee�.Atl indebtednasa aeauedF lhmeby shalf be paid when due. 'ii:�• , • .� �
<br /> . 4„ .
<br /> ��,J � � '' � �.Titta Tniator ie the owner of the Property,has tho c+ght enA autharity to convoy the Property,and warrante that the lian creetod .;';+�;•• ;, ' ,
<br /> ' � horaby is a f irst mid ptior lien on the Propertv.e:coDt for liena end encur..b*ences eot foRF►by Trustov is writing and defwered to Lendas "
<br /> � � �%��' before exeactan of this Deed of Trust, ert�ti'q execution and dafiveTy c�this Oeed oi truet daes �v:e violate ony contraat or o�ar , • .
<br /> u.� �. ,.i,.^:`
<br /> - •�,i.'�•� obQyation to�hich Trtretor is aubjsat. •�::•'
<br /> � 3.Ya=es,A�e�am�ts.To pay before de�mq�:er.cy a[texe9,special essesamants and atl other�:�r�s9 against the PropeRy now cr. , `.'•��•� ;� i�:5�
<br />- �; � tres�akerlevled. ,f•�'.;s.' � � • .
<br />','�;:>_ 4.(nsur�ae.To keop tho PropeRy insurad against�apo by tire,hazarda,included within tha tertn "extanded coverapo',ar:d
<br /> � sud�othe�hewrdo as lendor mey rapuiro,in amounte and with companies aceeptabfe to Lundor,naming Lender as en additionat r�a�d •
<br /> '. • insutad,witA[osa peyable to tho Lendo�.ln eeao of losa under such pclic:cs,tho Lender ia euthorized to edjuat,eolteot end co�G��- _r. :
<br />� ' eU cfeima thmaundar end efiall havo tho option o}applying a1)or part of Uco insuranao ptoeoeda f)ta ac+y inQebtodnoss secured f:aritrr�► `..'�.
<br /> •� � and tn sud�ordor ag Lander may detormine,b�)to tho Trusto�to be usc�fr.r tfio rope't►ot resto►etian of tho PropeAy or{ift)tot er.y UY�er . ,
<br /> � � . d '. .
<br /> �, .; purpose or objoot satisfactory to LenQer without aifecting the lian of thia Ooed ot Trust fot tho fuU amount aeeured hereby Oetaro���
<br /> �_�; peyment ovor took plaeo.Anyt aDP��Qat�o�of proceeds to indebtednass shafl�ot axtend or postpona the duo dato of any paymente undr�* �
<br /> , the Noto.ot curo any default thoroundet or hareunder.
<br /> •b`r:�.t., , � 5.Esetowr.Upon wtitten demend by Londar,Teustor shall poy to Lender,in auch mennot a9 Landor may designato,sufticiont suma ;
<br /> to enabfa Lmider to pey as they boeomo duo onv or moro of tha foltowing: li1 aIl taxes, essossments md othar chergo9 apa'v�st tho f
<br /> �� � � � FropeRy,tii)tho pramiums on the property insu►m�ce required hereundor,and(iii)the premiuma on any mortgege inaurenco roquired by �
<br /> �'.�.; . � � . .
<br /> � 6cndor. ;
<br /> 8.Maintont�eo,Repa1►o cnd Cor�ylitneo witb Lowa.Trustor shal)keep the Property in good cond'rtion and repair;shall ptomptty
<br /> . � repair,ot toplace any improvoment which may bo damaged or destroyod;sfiall not commit or pormit any weste or Eetetioration of tho i
<br /> Proporty;ahall not ramove,damolist►or substentielly altet any of the improvemonte on tha P�operty;ehall not commit,suffor or parmit
<br /> - ,• ' �ato�t's ost nnd e�pm�so oll lim�s.Pen�eumbranco9,anA charge9 lev ed�vnpo d or assessed gaanst the1Pr perty opranv�VeR�t'liessat�at '
<br /> .,. . . . { . . _
<br /> ' � � �. . wscas���w«�¢ncyn+d oa�d)rsw.wee
<br /> .,.° � i8�g dlUeRt1 @�Fd e!EB�i►Ee ii�t tA9��a fi�e�It1En:F�r�e'n.MeBr� •
<br /> �'_}
<br /> . ..,M,..,.�..,��„ — "�-�-' s.a:a:;u,.K:�C3a.� ,-_
<br />