, . . , t _
<br /> t�. Bofiow8r'a R1gM to RetfiBlOtE. �t eo�rower m2sts certatn cortd�luns, eomower shan nave the r�rit to tiave .
<br /> entoreemm►t ot thfs Soeurgl► Instrurt►ent dhseonUnued et esry�ursuen�m�er ofasaia r.onmb+ed A this Ss�ur�yetnstrumsnt or
<br /> taw may syec�Y tor�etnsmtsmen!)betore sab ot tlse Pm9eRY P W �
<br /> ' (pj enbY W a luQ��torein9 thfs Secu�lY Insi�me"�Those cattddtor►s ere tRSt 8orrowsr: (a)DeYS I.ender e11 sums whieD th�►
<br /> InLtcument end the Not9 as B no&o�Non had accurre�(D) eur8s enY d+�suh of eny other
<br /> would b0 du9 under this Seeurlt�l InSWmerR.hCtudin9.b�tt nat ItmEed to.rea5on8b1�
<br /> covenant or agreaments:(c)PBYg�e�nses hcurred in entorc�ng M�S Se�ur�!►
<br /> neD re to essnr9 thBt Me fien of this SecuritS�InSUUment,LBnQe�s
<br /> attameys fes�ar►d(d)mkes such ac8on as Lender may reaso ty �
<br /> cights in the ProAeRY and Bartowers oD6gatbn to D8Y the sums sec�ued by this Secur�y o��t���as B no aeeeferattor� - -
<br />` refnstatement bY 8orrower.this SscuNlY�^su�'t end ti+e o068att�"��"'°d n°'��� • .
<br /> had ocaaed. Howc3ve►.Mis right to reinstate shal�not aPPh►in the ca5s ot aoeeteration undar Pa�9�P� 17.
<br /> � • Ch�n e o4 Loa�Servtser. The NatB or 8 0� Inte�est h the Note�(�8e��� �'�� ,
<br /> 1g,�te o4 Note, 9
<br /> InSVUment)may be sotd one or mor�tlmes without Orior not&:e to 8orrowsr. A sats maY'�+��4 There atso may be one or mot�
<br /> - ' 'Loen Serv�tt�8t C0� �M PeY�+entS dua under the Note en�Mis SeCUrnll - -
<br /> " changes of ths Loan Saivieer unrdE�ted to a sata af the NoLe. If there fs a��8H The otiee state thBe name and address of th�
<br /> noUce of the change a�accordance wdh Dara�aPh 14 abave and apPG� ` ' . .
<br />- ts should bs rt►?,da The natiee wn1 also c°nteir►e^y other�nfortnati°n requ�ed by� j
<br /> naw l.oan Setvicer�►d the address to whkb paYme� � ; ,
<br /> • , appf�abia faw. �e pres�ce.use.d'�POSa1,storaSe.or�fease at any►� � • '
<br /> � 20. Haz�rdoua Su6st�inees. Borrower sfiaD not ceusa ar a� � ��9 q�Property that : . .. �
<br /> Heiardous Slibstances On or in the P�oReAY• Borro'"e►st�all not do,nar aQaw anYone etse to do,enYth 9 on Me -c.
<br /> � is � viotation ot anY EnvYonmanffi1 ls�. The preceding two sentenr�as sha0 nat aPPti � the Presenee. use. or storagca r
<br /> reeognimd to he apDroPr�e to normai restdsntlal uses end tc �
<br /> prpperty ot smaU tW��of Meserdaus SUbsffinees th8t ate¢eaeraQll. , .
<br /> • ma6�tenAnce of the ProPeQY• � �,d�rrtgnd.�awss,a or omer acuan ar ar►y►s�n� -,:� :
<br /> Bo+rowet shatl Prara:T�-Y 9��"der wrdtan notice of enY "ss�•
<br /> ot�eguta�ar�agm�aSr cu�p�1►hwacvmg the PropertY end any Ha�dous S1�bstance ot Envtonmentel Law on�P:ich Borto�uer ties •.(4�..:�',
<br /> �y ap�,�xrtrrasta!pt re�+Fatory 8ulhorR7/.theS any ter.�esa G ather ce�nc�aton ;-. ' `.. ;,r.
<br /> a�tual kr�e.�'Sa- �8ar.a�er Iear.�s,or is not�ied ED i �� sl:a7 VroR+PYtY tzks s11 n�sani �•"•edia► a��ons in ;;;:;,is:F, .t-
<br /> of arry �',rs �szsnce aftaet�+D t""�8 ProPemi s �EC�!' f.':c; �Eya f<' �'!
<br /> � ' � accord�c�a�!�.rorrrrsars�al�aa►• �aso s.�staras �ad ss�ae cr r.aasrds�ss subsra.2�s by "f >i ;�'t> r�,,;�.
<br /> _ . . t� . . . h 24, ��78J['..CUS �Sf5�1�35 �8 ,
<br /> • As s2d in 'r'�'s Pa�I�P cr m:"s lee'.re�m Rr��`iaYiC pes�c�'6r-d � l�+��1 s ;�.
<br /> ..i�:rc ic3".�Y(�8,C�t�ffet�^�'b f t�, -
<br /> ; . � �,�raa�t l.ew Srt�the TLScW'r�sul+st3rtte�9a�'�• ��....-: ><
<br /> . ' ., t��tle;,volatAe sotvents.mat�'S cama�+rn8 asUesms ar forrrJ�:y1e.and ra�iosaiva�d thai �tc nea3ts.s8z8tlts� a � � �,
<br /> where the PmpertY t ���,'`.ti'r�ti�:
<br /> - �.r,r�enffiI LflW' m88n S f e d e r 8 l l aas en0 fswS Of thA� t . ,.._''/
<br /> :; emrtroar.�ra!Orot�tton. .;����-
<br /> . NQ�1-�SNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortowet end LenQet tuMer Cm�y2 t0 �07�W6f �lii0i to accelerattot� im9in�udng . ..,::.'�..,
<br /> ;: ��� 29. A�celeQatton; Remediea i.ender shail g�re g�u�i tnstrument (but not prtor io � •:�:-�''�
<br /> Borro��r's breach of any covena�t or agree¢e�a�e�i ir+ tt►1s � �e nottce shall spectiy: f � `:`, � _
<br /> - ' eocoteratton under paragraph 17 unlesa m�pliar��Ct taw Provfdea otlherwir3e)- . ;_•,
<br /> _ 3�
<br /> . (a) the detault; (b) ths a�tlon requh�d ��h��et�auft mcuat be cu ed;�(d thnt fatturo to aire � . .
<br /> � . . ,'
<br /> date the notteo ta 9iv�n to Borto�veT.bY . . :. ; :�.
<br /> th� detau[t an or betore the Qa2e e,�ectft�d !m tD� notlee maY P TMd e�nottce{ahatl turthe�K 1 he � �� I�, ��� �.
<br /> secured by thls Sewrity Ina4ru�►��ot o:�� s NQ o� tha �opert�t. ; .. , `:. :. < :
<br /> _ r
<br /> 6�rrower o4�+ot o�dofaaa�t or a�y otiior d te�se �Bo ower`to acc�ler�on o d aslec.��f thm de�atalt la " . �•,.' ,
<br /> . nan-ejciateneo r ulro immedidts . ��� t.��,;
<br /> � not aured on or botopo tho do�to apocifled tn t�'�nollaa, Lendes at tta optlon moy eq ; _ .�, .
<br /> � ..��.,<:;.
<br /> , peyment in tUfl of aN aume seeured by tl�ta �euvity Inatrument wiih juq�f e�t w.d Le 0er tt�atf be ! ' �. ;�%�:`
<br /> In om ermlKed by 4�d�
<br /> ke the po�re? 04 a�to an� any oti��� ��ms�� P h 21� � � �•�•�'� :'
<br /> entitted �o co0tme811mit�Uo.�e�nt�a�ttmr��ya�ees nd ouW of 4tUo ev den�thia parag� � ,
<br /> � inehtding,but not � •
<br /> '�'� If tRe poweQ o4 aaio la Irtvoherl. Trua4ee st�li.reeoad e nottce of de4auEt tn each county in �vhtch � :�:"
<br /> ;;:` . e�ll P� Af th� Pr�petly i�toco4ed and att�0 r�tsall;eo�l�s o4 such aotico�licabto la+wer��g�mo �'�"�:;,:
<br /> � sApllcable Imnr to Bovro�reT end tv tho otdeet par�ons pre�eribed by sPp .
<br /> .s''�, �equired by appila:�ble law. TnuaZee al�a�l give pyl��e notice o4 sate to ths persoas end in t0�e m ubitc , ��. ,
<br /> . � prescribed by applisebie taw. Truutee,witC�ou� dta�and on Bor�o�ver. 8hai! ae14 ths Ptoperty et p ,4 '. `.
<br /> = auctton to thv hl�hr�btdder ot 9he dmo anm p�nco and under the terms d�tigneted an e sate of alt �
<br /> ���, k sate in on� or tn�re pe�cis► ��d te� m:y a•�at Ytu�..°e determines. Truatee �!► Pa� revtausSy :�`�."
<br /> :i� . . � or any parcef ot 4ha Propoaty by pubfic en�rtaUrteement at the tlme aie� pI� � �ny p � . .
<br /> ,i;,
<br /> ;•'. . scheduled oale.LenQer or ita de8lgnoe mav pucr,i�►.�se fh�Pre�erty at any�te. , .
<br /> �`•� . _ BD�on rec�lpt of �tiye�ont of tPie p�tce b1d, Yruatee �ol deliver 4o th0 purcQ�aser Y�s2ee's desd
<br /> �.�� . ed�oeytng tho Propesr[�/. Tito re�ift�la in the Tr�at�c�'a dee� ehaU b0�rima 9eeie evidence o4�S W�
<br /> :.,1'.. o�� �la4�m�ato made 4he�ein. Truatee �ahoN��Aty the p�oeeeda og tAe gale in the toitow�r��mrc4er. . '
<br /> en!of
<br /> . � (a)t�ail co�and e�en�:s o! ex�rolaDn�p tha p�w�r ot�qe, %of�tD�e piinc,pa�amou t a t�3�0 no4� �
<br /> `�;9 . t h e 4 r u s 4 e e's t e�a e 4 ua�ty ineurred.not to exceed 3 N) 4o eil �
<br /> �-:� eg 9�as 4im8 o41h� dec0�ra4l�n of deittvli, and r�n a b la e t t o�e�s � �e �re�n�orbPereona lepelly �
<br /> �:�� e�o a n s 8 e c u r e d b y t h l� Seeair(t y tnmrunro�ne; art� (a) Y �
<br /> .. � entiUe6 to IL ;
<br /> ' �2. Re�om�y a m e m. Up e n p a y m e n t o t a l l sums seeured by thls SscurnY Instrument,l.ender sha0 reques!Trustee to recomey
<br /> . . � the PropeAy 8od shtl0 surtendet this$S9CUritY��strume tlt n�o charge to tha p�sonter Perso Sy��Y��d tO� Such parson ar � �
<br /> • 7rustee sna0 recomPaY�e Propercyr i • ,
<br /> � '• � persona sha0 pay sny�ecordution evsts. � .
<br />_•'�,. � �� � .
<br /> `,:� ;
<br /> '"� � � 23. Su$fi40�t@ T�l1�'dBe• �ender, at fta optbn,m�Y irom ttrne to m�e remove Trostes and appotnt e successor trusteB to
<br /> `r � sny Truste9 apAohtad hereunder by an InstNment roeorQOO h the eounty In vfilCh this Sseufity ��strumt�t b reCOrded. Wlthout �
<br /> a..r , � .
<br /> �: i comreysnce of the aroperty.successor truste0 shatl sutCOOd to atl tha t�ie, power and dut�s conferted upon Truste�hereh and y '
<br /> i
<br /> i aDF'�b law. �
<br /> Zq, pBQ��s4 ipr IVot�eea Bortower rsquasts tht4 copies o}the not�es ot defeuR end sal�be sent to Bortowers admress
<br /> . ��� whc� ts the PropeRy AddresS.
<br /> � 25. Ri6�es�to lhis SeCUrity InfClluman4. 11 one or more riders aro �cecuted by 8orrower and recorded together wUli
<br /> '�� ' t
<br />;_:-��y. . �, m�c�i�y t�g�mant,the covenants and agreemEnts o!each such rider s�aU be Incorporeted into and st^all amend aed supplemsnt
<br /> .?;.,:: ' :�n8.rvsnants 8n0 egresmE�:s ot+3:is SeCUrily Insttutr.ent es d ihe rider(s)vrere e Part of tttis SeCUrnyr Insmn►aent
<br /> ''r'� • . '
<br />. `�-.e��� .� , • . � . Gorm 302!W90 � _ i
<br /> ? . .
<br /> �'�r ; ' • P��e e ct s � .
<br /> - • ' Ft02�'M3(J/68) ,ti . , -
<br /> ' . .
<br /> •.i:�, 193
<br /> :.sr.
<br /> -di. e� rur �'7C� �. K � =°--ti. .�....,.. _
<br />