. ,...,. t —• ----_ —..
<br /> ��� r.. . . • . . . � . ... . . ... . . �.. ` ....... . ._ . ..�+ -
<br /> . . . .. • , . <. _ t _. . _ . ._t_�_._.__._— - - . - -.- :=—
<br /> . . . ���'.� . .,. . . . • � ` ..` �.
<br /> Y. Pratec8d�n�t Lan��r'e i�lgi�ta in ti�e �roperty. e aormwer rans �o a�orm me cwsner+es and a�me+�ca r - .:_ .
<br /> tnsuurrt��or tl+�is a i�at ora�saing taAt may slgnPf,eanth►�tcndsfs NgMa tn Ne PropartY tsuch es =°-, --.--
<br /> j e�d h thts 3ewr9y ; • .
<br /> e�r.o e�9 t n b a n k r u�toY.Prabate.Por condenmatlon or faate4ure or to�+torca m+vs or regutationLendsfs aettons maY t n e N�D 8 Y�9
<br /> wfiaS�nor b n�essa�►ta Pro�the vatuo ot Ua PraDmh and len�s�hffi in tt►e ProPBpY.OaYing reasonab�attarrtey�s teas and s .
<br /> � grhr stmlts SeC+red bY a f�n v�t1iCA R9s P��Y�������'�a�9 h 7.L6ndB►�t0es not hav0 t0 da so.
<br /> � en+,•�g on tlsa ProPertY to m�dce!eAaYs- A�hough Lsnder meY take ection un�r fhEs pa�aBr�sA
<br /> Any amounts disbursed bY �� u°� �� R�B�ah 7 shsD �come add�O� dsbt of Borrowsr secured by thb S�surG!► .
<br /> • Instiurent tln�ass Bcrtower and Lender egraa to other tertns o1 paymsn� these amounts 8htili bear Interest trom the date ot� ,—
<br /> _ - - d'sb�usement at the Note iate and shaU Oe DaY�iB•w�h in�uDan not(ce tsdm t,ender to Bartower reQuestin9 PaYment. � -. ----- —
<br /> 8. 640Ytg8�q� tflEtlPfiilCe. If l.enQsr requtred mortgage insuranee as a cond3ioai ot meleing tho Ioen seeured by ��
<br /> Yt lnsurenee In eNecL If, for any reasart. th
<br /> � ��y Irtstrnrr.ert� Bortower shaU P8Y � Premlims requYed to rt�atntatn the mertgage :
<br />- moR�gs insur9rtee eoverage requted bY Lendar tapsms or ee�ses to be in eAeet.Bortower sAafl 08Y th0 P��ms+equ6eC to ob�►,^�.
<br />. ' -- "- . ca,err..ge subsmntiaUf► eWiveler►� to the mortgaga � O�e+r�OUSh in efteet, ei a eost substant►altY e4��t to Ne eost to� � _
<br /> � � Boeiov�er of the mor�e tnsurance P�N � �� trom an aR¢mate mortgage insurer apProved by LenQer. tf substae►ttaflY� '
<br /> i
<br /> ' eqii�t mortgage insuranee eo+rarag� f�not avaFabte.Borrower ShaO pay W Le�dar each month a sum equai to ono-tuuelEt�o!thel� �
<br /> ? yeytpl cna�insurance Premtum being paid tiy Bortower when ttie insurance covetaSe t�sed or ceased to be�eftezf- �n���
<br /> ' enea�p�. use and ceta6f these PaY�eats as a bss reserve in Qeu of moKgage insurar►ce. tass resenro Pafrme�
<br /> i reG+�red,at trie optison ot Lender.H mortgaSa insurance cwera8e M the amawt t�n�d ior the Der�d that Lender req�+tres)Pro�iQed by - - _
<br /> ; er� iisurer ePP�d bY Lender agefn becortt9s 8va�bia enA �3 obffitred. Bortower SfiaD PaY the P�� required W mah�ffiin 1 • .
<br /> t
<br /> , .. 3 morE�g9 insurattce b� efteCt.or to pto v i d e e f o s s r e s e r v e.u n t i!t h a te q t t�t Por rttortg8ge insuranCe ends �BCCardanCe rrdh enY ..
<br /> wr3yen agreement between Barrowst and Lender or epp6cabi�taw. Lender shail glve .. ,
<br /> h�
<br /> , � 9.It1t3�!@ttt0tl. Lender or �s egent may rt�1ce �easonabte entries upon en d h sp e e H an s of Me Pro p�r t y. . . ,
<br /> Bortonrer natice ei ttie t6me of or prior to en inspaction spec�l�9�sonabfe causs for the insDection. fi conn�e wnh anY . � -
<br /> 10.COnd�iiln8tton. Tna praceeds ot el►5� av,asd ar cteEm tar demaS�. d'aer,t or consequentia�. , �. �---
<br /> condrsnmetfcn or other teidn9 of any part oi the ProPeRY.or for camreyence b Qeu ot cond$mnatt�n.are hes�by essigned and shall be � ,
<br /> pafd t�Lsnder. . � , _
<br />' ' � 4�the��t�e totel tefcin9 at the Rr�y the pracee� sha0 6e eppQed to the am5 saca.�E h� n whiC�e feb mSA�d ` �?, r:<'��
<br /> . , v�t+�t.��r or naa mar•at:�wen ensr e�a:ess F�ca eorrow� m ma even2 a4 a v�►�^a�rne l4ct� ' , ,..
<br /> J• �.•� [IStnOd��.'-7! be�Ote th8 P81d�1� iS 6Cw3"tD Or �es�►�s8a� Lh9 eRi�u�l C1�B Sus�rS-Saptted �SI th1S S�ut�ri1 �`�' r.�r`Y r.�'i::.
<br /> ' �s�8 d.�'t��'aA"y^! in v� �te su^�5 SECUre Y
<br /> , t�.r.+�+t imr.te�.'a.'Y 66fc�a Cha tafdnA. Unlass Bortawer�C�r�:�c�'.es+wr"so aSfea �g. A b thfs Secsu'�+1 �;fr;��
<br /> � tr.�rtent st.aD�a ea�zcad b�!°.he amount a! the prac�ds nu.�RA�eO �:�a f-�v,c.� �crt: (a)the totel emovnt at tna su�rs �+`.iJ;, .
<br /> y�'�"r''
<br /> • ��Bd 6[I![I@d"r32$.11�C+e�H tekblQ. dNtded bY(b)the t��c2t vadYa at�:a�' a'�e�N betore the tatcirt8-Ar►y ba(�rs * i �, �
<br /> ;' '_ . l.i�- . .
<br /> , ."' ,_ s*�7 ba paid us Bc:rawer In t�a event of e psR�1 tekin9 ct��Pro�er�y c .tir.:"s��e�:nasket va�ce o}the PropertY immed�m.,aStiJ ! ,
<br /> � "� '� : ¢e�`�the taictr�g is tess tha.�e��amount oi the sums saa..z-e-�ir►medta:eS�►�tt�e t�.�s B�r,,.*wer an0 lers�r othenM1ise f �r �`t � � :
<br /> _ '"���"� ' � �m wr�fng or untess epDr�ta faw otherwtse provid�. 7-e proceeds sha0 be e�Pned ts �o s�ur� saared by L"�!s Securty `;?.;�C�,,y,;rt�� .
<br /> � •,',�,;,/��,�s�.�.JFs�-il:•
<br /> � ..'�)p't�.i1' �',r. ..
<br /> ' " trsR3�ment wnether or aot the s�s are then due. . -
<br /> ;�;y I4 the proparry ts abandoned 6y Borrowe,or H,after notice by LenQer to Bortower that S9a condenmar ofters to malce an ewa►d or
<br /> �` Bor►Cwer faTs to cespond to Lend9r w�hfi 30 days efte��e��e noU�e�S 9�e�.�enQer fs euthorhsd
<br /> ` sett'e a ctaim tor damages, �
<br /> Y to coCect and eDDN the Droceeds.at Rs oA�on.eRher to restoratton or reDa�'of ihe PropeRY or to the sums secured by thTS SecurdY . , ;,: ;
<br /> " •` mstvment,whether or not then due. .
<br /> Untass Lender end Borrower otherwtse aBr�in wr7ttn8. anY e�P��n ot proceads to D�a�D�sha0 not exten0 m Oo�Pone t�o
<br /> Qua date cf tho monthy peyments�etarred to in Oaza9►aPhs 1 and 2 ot chenge tAe emaunt ot suct�paymer►ts• ;,-;
<br /> , 91. �srrawer Piot Retea�ed:Forbeerance By L.�ader �io3 a Watver. 6c�enswn ot me �rne ror osym�t or �,�>,f,,_t
<br /> .�. � mod'dicatton of emortimUon ot the sums secured by this Seaucitf►tnatrument g�tad by Lender to any successor N InterOSt of Bortawer .-
<br /> Shc3D not aperata to celease the Itab�'itS►01 the ortgtr�al BoROwer a Bortov�efs suczessors tn interest Londsr sha0 no!be requ�ed to
<br /> hD '
<br /> ., oommenco procesdb�g9 agalnst any succossor In interest or ret�se to extend Umo for paymsnt or otheiwise modiy amoNm4on of tho -.
<br /> , �°:
<br /> sums secured by thb Secudiy Instrume+n bY reason of any Qemand made by the originel Borrower or Borrawers sua:esscra in .
<br />-:� .._ np��,q�y}prp�rance by Lender in exeralsing any►IBAt or�emedy efis0 not be e waNer of or prectude tha e�ccCse at eny Agh1 ar ., .
<br /> remedy. ..
<br /> �,�� 92. yuccessora end Aes�9ns Bou�d; Jotot and Seveael Uability;Co-slgnera Tne covanen�a ena
<br /> �` �%
<br /> ,.�:'�::• p.gcoemBnte ot NIs 8eCUfilY Instrutnent sh8tl bbA end ben9f�1�9 sueCesso�s end assi8rls of LenQet 8nd Bortower. SubjaCt to the
<br /> � prov�tans of paragr�yb 17.Bs,o�owe�s co+renants end agreements shell be jo6nt ane sa�t�9.MY Bortower who Co-signs th�Sewfd7► <'f.
<br /> '. • tn�isumant bui t� not � the Not� (e) ts Co-stg�ing this SecuurRN InsTnc�2 aa:sy to mort8$8a� �L end comrey Nat . ._
<br /> ac
<br /> 'l • eorrowers hmren�tnA v�o�em►�nae�u�o c�m+s o+m�s sec��y►insw�:��+���t IS�onaity obli�ated to paY the sums socured ,
<br /> �:.' .. , OY th(s SewrSY Instrumank and (a)agcees tl^at t�n0er end anY oth� P.c�rc^yeer maY ageB to e�den0. moQNY.forbear or make anY ,. y
<br />�+:•r :.,,:.` tnstrurrient or the Nz:a w�tlaut drsi BOfrower8 etirasen4 ; '�.. ,
<br /> � accammoQatlons wRh regar0 ta tertns of th's Secudty ,
<br /> .i:�: : . . 13. Lo�n Chnrges�. n tne roan secured bY th�9c�uritf► InsLrnm�t is 5uh�ca e I�w wt�h ssis rt�dmum loan cAarges. (``... . .. .
<br /> e .
<br /> end try8� Iaw b flnatiyr interyreted so thei t1�e i�terest or cC?^sr ban chargos eoSlected w to be coQeetad in connect�n with IAe ban
<br /> . -. . . ' exceed the Dermitted I'anita.then: (a)enY s�:ah toan charges sha0 be raducad by the amount necess�y to reduce the charg9 to the ' .
<br /> �;•'; permftte0 fani�an0(b)any sums aaeady ec�ected irom 8arrowsr which�ded p¢rm3ted 6n3s xr�O�m c�'mded to Barrower. Lender � ; . ,.
<br /> .�.F inay choose to make this re''�nd by reducfig the princlpal owed under tt�e Note or by �aking a t:�st PaYme�t to Borrov+er. If 8 f`. � .
<br /> refimd reduces prine�ab tha rt�+eUon wID be treated as a P�V�DBY�"t wRhout art��Fayment eharge under the Note. :,,.,. . ,.
<br /> ::i . ..r.. .,.�
<br /> • ; • � � 94. NOtIC@8. MY nabco to Borrower providsd tor In thFs Security tnstrument s*r�Il 6e gNen by deQv�tnO ft or by meliin8 ft bY .,•r:;;�:
<br /> . � f�st ct3sa mafl unbss apaacabf� law require9 use of another metho0. Thd nottce sha0 be dUeCted to the Property AdQress or any
<br /> ' other nddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender.My notice to Lertder sAaO be 9hron bY flrst ctass msD to LenCafs aadress
<br /> .��� � ctated hereb ar anq other address LenQes designates by notbo to Boaower. My noUce Pro�Aded tor in ihis Seo+ifdY Instrum�t shaD
<br /> ' be Qeemed to have bean BNen to Borrowsr or Lendar when BNen as DrovMed in thts paia9�eAb•
<br /> "'' 95. Governlrre law;S8Y@fSbl�ily. Thb 8ec��tY tnstrumont ahaD bs 9�med by federal tuw and the Law o} tAe
<br /> juAsd�Hon tn whtcb the Property is tocatad. tn Me evm�t that eny provis�on ar ctause o!ths Sscurfty(nstrumsnt or the Note confllcts
<br /> � wfth apppcabta taw. sueh contltct shaU not affect othar provistons of thb Sacurlly Instrument or the Note v�h�h can 6o giuen e8ect
<br /> ' withaut the confitctEng provision• 7o this enA tha provisbna of this 8ecurRy InsWment and the Note aro dectsred to bv severebb•
<br /> 18. Barrowe►'e Copy Borrovrer sha0 be glven one coniormed copy of the Note end of thi9 SecutQy Instrum�t.
<br /> � 17. Transter of the �operty ar e Benef�etal Interost In �orrower. i} an or any DaR ot cne ProAmty or any
<br /> interost tn it ts sotd or Uansfened(or U a beneflc�al bt�x�s �n Borrowsr is sotd or uar.sfsrred and Borrowet b nct a natural persan) � •
<br /> wlthout Lsnde/s prior wr�ten conssn�L�6er may,at Ns acstlen,requtrr�immedinbe PaY'�t h fi+�o18D sums seeured by this See�j •
<br /> - - • � � InsttumEx�t l�avrevsr.this optbn shaA naE bo�rerCtsed Cy Lmndef H��o ia pro1:�Cad by todarat Isw ti8 ot th9 date o}thts Sec�"2'g ,:•.
<br />- �-S Ir,strumenG ',, .._,
<br /> :`'•�<�� � If Lsndef eo�ises this c�iart.L�:�r s.'�ap g�e Bara�a notlee of aeeot�ratbn.T[�notiee shaU provies a por�aQ ot not less C'rx� :."..,�
<br /> � " � . 30 days from the date !.'e '�=�ce is CeTi�nea or m� aithin which the Boaower must pay efl s:r�s seai� �y �� �"J� : � .
<br /> ' ':�,..! �
<br /> Insbument It Borrower faiJs to pay ureso�+:�`s prior to the e�baUon of L�is PeHOd,lender may unr�x�a�y�meQ+es permitted ty t'� �.
<br />� � - � � '� Fotm 3028 9.e ` - . .i;�.
<br /> - �'�:;,t�,' S6CUf�ty(11StlUrtiBflt YlithOUt fi1Rh8f ttOt'�CB�d S9rt18fid Ot1 BOROWB�. � •
<br /> ' Vtpe a o+a '
<br />. � � Ft099.1M01?1881 e'
<br /> i
<br /> :>'1 .
<br />�. .r<� a93 • � '
<br />