<br />pay all aurr� secured by th� Secarity instrumerrt. If Borrower falis to pay these sums pdor to the exptratlon of thts
<br />period, Leader may invoke any remedEes permitted by thls Securfiy Instrument without turfher naHoe ar demand on
<br />Borrower.
<br />18. Sor�owers R[ght to Refnstate Af�� Aeeeleration. If Sarrow� maets certain conc6tions, Borrower shaA have
<br />th� �ight to have er�forc:emerrt oT this Securriy Irtstrumerd dlscontlnued et arry time prtor to the eariiest of: (a) flve deys
<br />before safe ofi the Property pursuant to r�u►y prnver of sale contafned (n titis Security Inshumer� (b} such dthar period as
<br />Applicable Larou might specify for the t�minaU� of Borrowers right to reinstate or (c) eniry of a judgment enforcing
<br />thfs Ss�ty Ir►strumer�t. Thase cflndiUans are that Borrower: (a) pays Lend�r all sums which then woutd be due under
<br />this SecvrHy Ins�ument and the Note as [f no acceleraHon had occurred; (b) aires any defautt of any other cxivenents
<br />� agreements; (c) pays all exgenses Incurred in enfordng this Securily I�menk �n�luding, but not limited to,
<br />reasonable att�neys' Eees, properly inspecUon and valuaUon fees, end other fees incurred #or the purpose of protecting
<br />tenders interast in the Propariy and rights under this Security Instrumer►t; and (d) takes such actfon as Lendar may
<br />reasanably requira ta assure that�Lenders ir►ter�t in the Rroperly and �ights imder this Security I�mer�t, and
<br />Borrovuer's obpgatlon ta pay the surr�s secx�red by tfils Security Instrument, shafl c�ntinue unchanged. Lender may
<br />r�ulre that Bor�rower pay such reir�tatemerrt sums and expenses in one or more of the faltowing Torms, as setected by
<br />Lender. (a) cash; (b) money order, (c} ceRified check, bank check, treasurers check or cashfe�'s chsck, provided any
<br />such check is draa�m upon en irssfttutlon whose depasits are Insured by a federal agency, instrumental3ty or entky; or (d)
<br />Etectronic Ftmds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and obligaUons secured hereby
<br />shatl remain fully eftecE[ve as If rm acceler�Uon had otxurred. However, this rlght to rel�ta� shall not apply In tha
<br />case of accelerallon onder Sec�lon 18.
<br />20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servlcsr; NoNce of Orlevance. The Note or a partial interest in the Note
<br />(together with this Security Irishumerrt) can be sold ona or more fimes witfiaut prior noti� to Barcovuer. A sale might
<br />r�uft In a c�ar�ge in the enfiity {known as the `Loan Servlce�°) that collects Pedodi� Payments due under the Note and
<br />this Secxartty Instrumertit and periarms other mortgage loan servldng obl(gatlons under the Note, this 3ecurity
<br />lnstrumerst, and Applicabls i.aw. Tftere also might be one or more changes of the Loan SeMoer unrefated bo a sale of
<br />the Note. If there Ea a change of ihe Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given wriSen notice of the change which vrill atate
<br />the name and addrew of the rrew Loan Servlcer, the address to which payments shauld be made and any other
<br />[Mortnatlon RESPA requires in connecte�n with a noUca of transfar of se�vidng. If the Note is sold and thereafter the
<br />Loan is serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the pur�hassr of the Nota, the martgage loan ssrvicing abflga6ons to
<br />Borrower wlll rematn w[th the Loan Servicer or be tra�Eerred to a succas�r Loan Setvi�r and are rrot assumed by the
<br />Note ptuchaser uNaqs otherwise provided by the Note purchaser.
<br />Neither Bomower nor Lender may commence, ]oi�, or be Joined to sny Judiaial actlon (as either an indtvtdua! Utlgant
<br />or the member of a class) that arises from the other party�s acHa�s pursuant to this Security Instrumert � that aUeges
<br />that tlie oth� party has breached any provlsion af, or any duty owed by reasan of, this Security I�ment, un41 such
<br />Borrower or Lender has notHied the oUier parly (wlth such notice given in wmpUancre with the requiremerrts of Section
<br />15) of such atleged breach and afforded the other perty hereto a►easonable periad after the giving of such notics to
<br />�ke c�rredive ac�ton. [i Appllcable Law provldes a ttme pedod whlch must elapse before cerlaln actian qn he teken,
<br />that t�me pe�iod wltl be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. 7'he notice of acxeleredon end
<br />opportu�ity to cwe ghren to BoROwer pursuant to Secdon 22 and the nofice of acceleratlon given to Bwrower pursuant
<br />to SecUOn 18 shaQ be deamad to satisfy the rtatics asd opportunity to take corrective action provisions of this Sectlon
<br />20.
<br />21. Ha�rdous Substar►c�. As used in this Sedion 2i: (a) °Hazardous Subs#ancsa° are those subshanc�s
<br />deflned as twcic or hezerdous substances, pollufants, or waates tsy Em+ironmerdal Law and the folloraing substan�:
<br />gasolEne, ker�ene, other flammable or toxfc peVoleum produc�, bxtc pesdcides and herbicfdes, volatlle sohrents,
<br />rnateria� containing asbesfos w formaldehyde, and radioactive materiats; (b) °Ernrirorunental Law' means t�eral laws
<br />and laws of the jurlsdlcUon where the Properly Is lacated that relate to health, safety or environmental protection; (c}
<br />°Environmerrtal Cteanup° indud�s any response action, remedial action, or removal acllon, as deflned in Environment�l
<br />Law; and (d} an °Enviranmenta! CondfHon' means a canditlon that can ca�se, c�ntribute to, or othannrise triggar an
<br />Ern+Itar�mental Cleanup.
<br />Borrower shaU not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, stwage, or release of any Hazardous Substencss,
<br />or threaten tn r�ease any Hazardous Substar�ces, on � in the Pmparty. Barrower shaA not do, nor allow anyone else
<br />to da, enything affecting the Property {a) that is in violation of any Erwironmental Law, (b) which �eates an
<br />Environmer�taal C.ontBGon, or (c) which, due to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, cxeates a
<br />c�ndltion thet adversaly affec�s the vafue at the Properly. The prec�dtng two serrtencss shell not apply to the
<br />presence, use, or storage on the Prcparty of small quantltles of Hazardoua Substancas that are generally recognized to
<br />be appropr�ate to normal resEdendal uses and to malntenance of the Propetiy (Encludfng, but not limited to, hazerdous
<br />subsffinces in �r�sumer produc.ts). •
<br />Bortawer sha11 promptly givs Ler�der written notice of (a) any fnvestlg�Eon, c�atm, demand, lawsuit � ather actlon
<br />by any govarnrttental or rsgulatory agency or private party invalvir� the Property and ar�+ Hazardo� Substence or
<br />Envlranmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b) any Envhonmentaf Condltlon, Includtng but not Iimked
<br />t�, a� spil4ng, lealdng, discharge, rele�e or threat of release of arry Hezardous Substar►ce, and (c) any candl�on
<br />caused by the proesence, use ar release of a Haaardous Substanoe which adve�sely atfeds the value of the Froperty. If
<br />Borrower leams. or Is notifted by any govemmentel or regulatory authority, or eny private party, thaf any removal or
<br />other remerliation of anyr Hazardous Substanw affecting Uie Property ls necessary. Borrower shaEl promptly take all
<br />nec�ssary remedtal actlans tn axardancre wtth Environmental Law. Nothing herein shait create arry obpgadon on Lender
<br />MEBRASKf�Single FamUy-Ferade M�1Freddie Maa UWFORAAA WSTRU1fAENT � Fortn 3028 1/01
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