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20i20�.34'� <br />reason of arry demand made by the odginal Borrower or any Successors !n Interest of Borrower. Any forbearance by <br />Lend� in exerctsing any right or remedy Irn�uding, without IfmitaHon, Lenders acceptence af peyments from iP►ird <br />persons, errtities or Successorr In irterest of Borrower a in amour►� less than tha amourrt then due, shafl not be a <br />waiver of or precivda ths exercase of any rigM or remedy. <br />13. Johrt and Several Llabllity; Co�slgnere; Suacessore and Asslens 8ound. Borrower coveruants and agraes fhat <br />Bbrrower's obligetlons and qa611[ty ahall be Joirrt and severel. However, arry Borrower who c�slgns this 5ecurity <br />Insb�umard but do� not execute the Note {a "c�signei"}: (a} is co-signing thls Sec�uity tnstrumerrt on(y to mortgag�, <br />grant and convey the co-slgner's inter�st in the Property under the berms of this Security Inshumen� {b) fs not <br />personelly obllgated to pay the sums secured by this Security insb�msnt; and (c) agre� that LenQer and eny other <br />Bomowar c�n agree to exterttl, modiry, forbear or make any accommodaUans with regard to the terms of this Security <br />Ir�trument or th�s Note wit'�out fhe oo-slgne�'s conserrt. <br />Subject to the provlsloms of Sectlon 18, any Succassor in IMerest of Borrower who asaumes Borrawec's <br />obligatlons under this Security Instrument in wriUng, and Is spproved by Lendsr, shaII obtain all of Borrowers rlgh#s arui <br />beneffts under this Seauriy Instrument Bomower shaA not be released from Borrowers obllgetions and ltabnity under <br />this Security Instri�ment unless Lender agrees to such reiease in writing. The covenants and agreemerrts af this <br />Secxuiiy tnstrument shail bind (except as provtded in 8action 20) and benefit the sucxessors arM assigns of Lender. <br />14. loan Charees. Lender mey charge 8orrower feea for aervlces }sertormad in cannecUon witF� BoROwer's <br />defautt, for the purpose of protecting Lende�'s Mterest in tl�e Proper[y and rights under fhls Security Instrument, <br />ir�luding, but not limited to, attomeys' fees, properly i�pection and veluatEon fees. In regar� to any other fses, the <br />absence oti` express authorlty fn thls Securtty Instrumerrt to charge a specific fee to Borrower shell not be construed es e <br />proh�bitian on the charging of such fee. Lender may not charge fses that are exp�sly prohlblied by thts Secxmty <br />Irutrumsrrt or by <br />If the loen la subject to a[aw which sets maxfmum loan charge.a, and that law Is flnally interpreted so that the <br />interest or other loan charg� coUected or to be copected in connectlon wtth the Loan exceed the permitted Iimits, therc <br />(a} any such loan c*�arge shall be reduc�d by fhe emount necessary to reduce the c�erge fo the permitted Ilmk; end (b) <br />ar�y swns already coltected from Bortower whlch exceeded permitted Gmits wiQ be refunded to Borrower. i.ender mey <br />choose to make thfs refurM by re�ucing the pdnc(pal owed under the Note or by meking a direct payment to 8orrower. <br />If a refund reduc� princlpal, the reduaUon will be trwted as a partiaE prepayment withoui any prepayment charge <br />(whether or not a prepayment cherge 1s providad for und� the Note). Borrowrer's accsphance of any �ch ieTund made <br />by dfred peymerrt to Borfouuer wAI consfltute a walvar ot any �ight ot ectinn Bomower might have arisim� out of such <br />overcharge. <br />95. Notices. Ail notfces given by Bomower or Lender in cann�n with thts Seairity Instrument must ba in <br />writing_ Any noticg to Borrovver in c�nnec4ion wiEh fhis 3eauity Instrumerrt shall be deemed to have been given to <br />Borrower when rtmEled by flrst class map or when actually delivered to Borrowe�s notics address if sent by other <br />m�ns. NEotEce to anp one Barrower sheA cansUtute notice to aU Barcowers unfess Applicable Law expressly requlres <br />othenvise. Trie notice address sha0 be the I'roperty Address unless Borrower has designated a subsHtute notice <br />address by notice to Lander. Bonuwer shall promptly �Ufy Lender of Borrower's change of address. if Lender spedfles <br />a pra�dure for reporting Borrower's change of address, then Borrower shad only report a change of address through <br />that speci8ed pro�dure. There may be only one designated noti� eddress under this Security Instrument at arry one <br />Bme. Mp rrotice to Lendar shaD be gMen by dettvvering it or by malAng it by first dass mail to Lenr3ers address shated <br />h�ein unless Lender has designated another address by noUce to Borrower. Any n�ce In conn�tlon with this SecuriEy <br />Ir�s6vment shall not be deemed to have been gNen to Lender urrtil actually recefved by Le�der. If any notice required by <br />this Security Insb'umerrt is also tequir�l under AppAcable Law, the Applicable Law requtremant w�Tl satisfy the <br />corresponding requirement tmder fhls Saauity InsVurtsa�t <br />76. {�oveming Law; Severability; itules of Cor�strucUon. Thts Secvrity Ir�strvmeM shail be govemed by federal law <br />and tha law of the Jurlsdictlon In which the Property Es lowt�. All rights and obligatlons contained in this Security <br />Instrumerst are subject to any requfremersis and Ilmftatlons of Apppcable Applicable Law might explicitt}+ a <br />imp5a't1y allow the partiee to agree by contract or it m[ght be sdsnt, but such silence shail not be construed as a <br />prohlbltfon egainst agreemerrt by contract ln the everrt that any provisfon or clause of this Sacurlty Instrumant or the <br />Note corrfficts with AppUcaWe Law, �ch con�lct shaU not affect other provistons ot thfr, Securlty Instrument or the <br />Note which can be gfven effect without tt►e conflicUng provisfon. <br />As used in th� Seaunty tnstrumenfi {a) warda of the masculine gender sha�ti mean and include corresponding <br />neuter words or worda of the feminine gender, (bj words tn the singular shaU mean and Include the piural and vice <br />versa; and (c) the word °may° gives soEe d�scretion without any obligation to take any aetlon. <br />�7. Borrovir�r's Copy. 6orrower shall be glven one copy oi the Note and of thfs Security Instrumerrt. <br />48. Transfer of the Property or e Beneficlal Irder� fi Bonower. As used ln this SecUon 18, °lnterest in the <br />Properiy° means any lega! or benefidal trrterest in the Property, inciuding, but not limited to, thase bene8dal inier�is <br />transferred in a bond for deed, corrtrec4 tor deed, insteiiment �les contract or esorow agreemert, the inter�t of whlch is <br />the transfer of tltle by Borrower at a future date to a purcheser. . <br />If al! ar any part of the Properly or arry Irrterest in the Property Is so[d or transferred {or if Borrower Is not a naturel <br />persan ar�d a beneflcial Interest in Borrower {s sold or transferred) without Lendet's prtor writte� conserrt, Lender may <br />requtre immedfate paymerrt (n full of all sums secured by this Sec�riiy Ir�strumsrrt. However, this optton sNall not be <br />exerdsed by Lender ff sudl exer�ise Is prohlbRed by Applicable Law. <br />!f Lender exercis�s this opUon, Lender shetl give Borrower no8ce of acceleretton. The noUc� shaU provide a padad <br />of not less than 3Q days fram the date the notice la g(ven in accortlance with SecNon 15 within which Borrower must <br />NEBRASKA Single FamOy-Fannie MaeJFreddle Mac UNIFORNIINSTRUMENT Fortn 3028 71Q1 <br />Page 7 of 10 ' <br />