. � -<
<br /> . '.:� ' - _-.. - - � ._
<br /> .. ,. . . ,. . - - --
<br /> .. .. .. .. .-- .....
<br /> . , � . _ .,, . . . . . . -- ���= .-
<br /> . ._4.._ .._. ._. .. .- ... ,.. . �-
<br /> . - , cova�ar�rs � _—_—= -
<br /> p � any
<br /> 1. paymetns. Bortower agrees m mawef otr tor Bo wer's be fit w"��tt be appli�ed firsi to anY amaums Bo���o es on ths secured deb; ,
<br /> • payments Lender recelves irom Borto e�t of the secured deht oceurs far any reason,it wil ,
<br /> ' excluswe of irtterest or ptineipal.second to i►rterest.and 4han to principal.If parUal PrePaym , ....
<br /> • • not reduce or exwse any scheQutgd paymeat�ntiltt�seui�ed debt is paid'm is:it.
<br /> 2.�A��gp�Qpmpayet'vv�l�pay att_ ass�smerrts,and other charges attnbutable to the property wAen due artd will detend title ,
<br /> to the proDe!tY a�Sa���V Gaims wh(cb would im 'v ihb�ien of this Aeed of trust.Lender may require Bortower to assigo arry rights,claims ar
<br /> � s defenses wtuch BcrtOWermay�hfi►e ag'dmstp��0�p0�►�b°r or matenals to improve or ma�ntain the property. ___
<br /> . �� .
<br /> � 3.�-Borrower`vidlf iieeP the P►oDenN��d under terms acceptabie to Lender at Bonowei s expense and for Lendsr's benefit_att
<br /> insurance poGt'res shatl incle�a siandard mortgaga clause in favor of Lender.Lender will Ce named as loss DaYee a�as the insured on any such � ...
<br /> � ,� or to the sec�d debt If�rpeq�ui s mo8rtgage PAiiuurance,B�o owe�8grees to meirtmin�such ins�ace for as Iong Lender req9u"ves��� � � . .
<br /> - � { 4.pr��e�t,y.Q.z�rc�wi1�Raa�L^e proparty in gaod condibon and make zA repairs reasonably necessary. i
<br /> _,f r.a�g,���r_�,,eee;ag�s to pay atl Lender's expenses.indudmg seaso�sabta attomaYs'fees.if Bortower breaks any covenants in this dead . - - -- -
<br /> . ��cs,�t ar m a.ry Obli�a�o:secured by th�s deed of trust 8or.'ower�nri11 Day tfiese amounts to Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of this deed ot
<br /> z-:st. { , .
<br /> B.Prlm SecwttY Irtereste-Untess Bortowar first obtains Lender'9s vuritten consent.Bortower�nritl n dead of�trus�t or other stecu�agreement� r{ .
<br /> security interests. Bortower will perfortn alI of Borcower's obti ations under any prior mortgage, i �
<br /> induding Bortowers covanantc to ma ke pa y m e r rt s w h e n d u e. k � �
<br /> � °� — � 7,p s a i a n m e M o f R e rt s e n d P r a fi t a.B o r r o w e r a s si g ns to tender the rents and profits of tha propeity.tlnfess Barrarier asea Leader hava agrAed E_ _ -_ _.
<br /> pthennnse in writing, Bortower may coltect and retam the rents as long as Borrower is not m de fau ft. I f B o n o w e r Q e t a u l t s.L e n d e r,L e n d e r's .
<br /> � agem,or a eourt appourted rece�ver may take possession and manage tha property and eollect the renta.Any renta LenAer coUecta shcli be : ,
<br /> ' aDD�ed f�rst to the costs of martaging the property, inetuding court eosts and attorneys' fees, comm�ss�ons to rental egents, and eny other t
<br /> .< ' � necessery related e�cpenses.The remem�ng amount of renta will then appry to paVments on the securod debt as O�ov�ded�n Cflvenant 1. ,
<br /> ' s 9,LeaschotEa:Candom(nfuma•Ptam�od Us+it Cevetapmertte..Borrow;er agrees to compfy�vnh the prowwans of any tea5e d th�s deed ot Vust is on _
<br /> , unde�r thetcovenants.hV aws o iegu at ons of the cortd m�in"t m or plannedeunit devefoDmentnt.Boaowet w7lt petform mt of Borrower's duvus
<br /> g,pu�wrky pf L,e�sde�tp Per(orm tar Bortower.If Barrower fails to pe�form arry of BonoweYS duUes unQer thia deed of uust, Lender may
<br /> . pertnrm the duties or cause them to be peAormed.lenQer may sign Borcower's name ar pay any amount if necessary tor pedormance.If any „
<br /> construction on the proparty ie dlscontlnued or not carried an in a reasanabte manner,Le�der may do whaiever is neeessarY to Protecc�endePs
<br /> security irtterest in the D�operN.TAis may inc(ude compteting the construction.
<br />� � ,�� . . Lender's fai(ure to parfcrtn w�l not prectuQe Lender trum exerasiag any of ite other rigMS unQet the taw or thfs deed o!uust. .. . . .�-
<br /> ; j Any amoums paid by Lender to proteci Lender's security interest will be secured by this Qesd of trus�t. Such amouats wilt he due an demand r. � ;;�•.
<br /> • ' : � and wiU bear orterest irom the date of ths payment urttit paid io tult at the irrterest�ate in effect on the secured debi. Y, •
<br /> • � 10. Defe�dt end Aeeeleratfan.H Bortower faits to make any paymerrt when due or breaka any wvenams under this deed of mist or any �
<br />;r • � � � � o6ligation secured by this deed of vust or any prior mortgage ar deed ot trust,Lender may aceelerate the maturitY of the sec�ued debt and t Tr�;
<br /> "•��;:'- � damand immediate Daytnertt and may invoke the power of sate an0 ante r.a7ar remediss De�m�by eppfisa6la law. ••.��s�j,z i
<br /> ,� ,. , .
<br /> � ���'� x � 11.Request tor Notice of Defuult It is hereby requested that coP�es y"�e noUCes of defauR and sals be sent to each person�vha�s a party '�.,,�;"�
<br /> � herato,at the address of each such person,as set farth r�-ein. ,'�':�.'°� .
<br /> a�daec�s sf ea^-h county �`�'F•,:`"
<br /> • 12.Power of SaTa If the lender invokes the power cE saTe,T:s Tr.�:xe ShaU flrst rewrd in the offlce of the reBislar,- �e Trustee •_��` '``
<br /> ' wherein the trust propertY or soma part ot parce�therea�is s:aated e'otice of dafautt co�sinin9 the infofmation repuaed 01i��%• ��,;,�,; •...
<br /> '' ° ereto, and to other Ts�ns as qresaribed bV .:.���
<br /> shall atso mail copiea of the notice of defauk to tfie Bocf.v�z►,rs�►-e t,erson who Is a party h A� � .,
<br /> applicahle G�.a.Not tass than one month after the Tnistee racorSs�+a natice of defauR or two months if the ttust property ia mot in any �`;.,•,+ �•
<br /> , `' ` incorparat�S dtSl ar village and is used in farming operations cartiei c-by the trustar,the�tuste9 sfiall give publiC nntice of sate to the Gersons ,,..,.,
<br /> 1 and in tRe r,anner prescnhed by appplicable law.Trustee,wEthoui temand�an Bonower,shall self the propetty et pu6lic auction ts t�e hignest ;..;�;%:'`
<br /> � "�' ,`� bidder.l4 required by tha Parm Homestead Protection Act,Tnistee shall o�ar the property in two separate salas as�equired by app}i�bta law• ��_;,:..;
<br />�:` � - � TrusEee may postpone safa af afi or anY Parce�of the property by pu���t a�nouncement at the time and ptace of any pteviousql scheduled saTe. .;.;��i,�s
<br /> �� ' . ; Lender or its Qesignee mey�ulchase the property at any sale. �- , _��;
<br /> t{1 ,
<br /> �'ry`,f,.•.�:� Upon reeeg of paymeM of the prite bid,Trustee shall deliver to tfie,�urchaser Trustee's deed convaying ihe property.Tha recitiots cantaine0 in . � ;
<br /> � ••� � Trustee's de3A shali be prima facie evid2nca ot tha truth of the sta'te%'nanu contained therein.Trustae sha9 applY the praceeds af�ke sale in the � ;<< _
<br /> y;.,_.;:;
<br /> ° '�';'',^,?�r_ 2 followirg a�der. (al to all expenses of tha sa1e, including, trut nat I:mited to, raasonable Trostea's Cees, reasonehle attomet/'s faas and , �., e.,._
<br /> . • : reinstat�.:�:�t fees;lb)to all sums secured by this deed of trust,and Ic�t'ie balance,if any,to the persof�s lagally 6tltitled to�eceive+« ry�; �,
<br /> �' ,}�, licabte Iaw far fareelosure of mort a ea � ; ;
<br /> � . 13.Foreelosure.At Leader's oDtion,this deed of trust r.�a•d be foreGosad in the manner proviQe by aDD� 9 9
<br /> .�:�G.
<br /> �, on real property. ��'
<br /> ��` 14.Inspectfon.Lender may enter the property to inspea2 r.h LenEe�gives Borrower aotice heforehanA.The noLCe m�st state the reosonable ' � � -
<br /> . � cause for Lender's inspeetion. `
<br /> '. :,:.{ 1{,ConQ�mnatlan.Bortower assi�ns to Lender the Proceeds of any aviard or claim fot damsges conaeeted wiih a conQemnation or oW'ser takln0 .
<br /> of all or any paK of the propetry•Such proceeds wi I be aAD�°4��raWded in Covenaat 1.This assignment is subja:t to the terms ot any prior
<br /> � � . � � secutitY e9reemeni. ';: -.-.�:.;
<br /> • :_ �
<br /> . .� - ` i 1g,Waive�,gy exercising any remedy avaitabte to Leneer,Lender does not give up any rlghts to lator use a�other remady.By not exercising ;`.�_.. :,�<�_��
<br /> �p any remedy upon Bonower's defautt,I.ender doas not warve arry righi to later consider the event a dofnutt it it appens again. , ..
<br /> . '�'�,1.� .:�.
<br /> ': , �7.J�C end Soveral Uab� Co-slgaea�: Sueeeesars and Assi�Hau�. Atl QuBes undor this dee� ot trust are joint and severaf. Any � ,;Y�pq�•��,
<br /> . �:��:�
<br /> Bonovx�who co-signs thts eed of wst but daes not eo-slgn the unde►tynng debt insuumentls)dosa so only to grart a�d convay that .p+,�.��..':
<br /> � Bortowefa interest in the property to the Trustee unCer the terms at this Qeed ofvust.In aQEitlon,such a 8onowar agrees that ihe Lender and ; i?,�'��:..
<br /> . any oher Bonowet under thfs deed of trust may excvn:. +�od:fY or make any other ehanges ln tho terms of tAi;4eed of tru5:or the secured _ ,_ .
<br /> �-�. � • �• debt v+r�out that 8orrower's consent and without releasing:.'iat Bor+ower irom the terms of this deed ot trus4
<br /> ' ; . , The G.:�and benefite of thls deed of bust shall bind and bene�2 tT:a sueceasora and assigns of LenQer and Borrower. • •
<br /> ' � f�.N�.Unless otherwlse required by law,any notice to Borrawo-s.hell ba given by dellvering it or by mailing it by certifio�mail a9Atessed to , � '
<br /> ,�:�.. 6orrc+ve:a[the property address or any other address tflat Bmrower�as given to Lender.Bortowar v+ntl give any nouce to Le:��er bY cortiHod • •
<br /> ,{ � mail ta Lender's addre9s on page 1 of thia deed ot tnus,or to any other aQdresa which Lender has designatod.AnV o�a1 nonca to Lende�shall ..
<br /> ..a . � � be ser.t�o tsnders addrass as stated on page 1 of U:is�c,:0 of uust. �„ .
<br /> ' � Any naaSe Sf�ll be deemed t0 heve been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner statod ab�ve. ; • . �
<br /> � 1g,7ranstev o!ths Propc�ttty or a 8enr.�etst lntoro9t In the Bonowar.If all or any part ot tho prapeRy or any intorest In It fa sold or transterred • , ..:,f;,;�;
<br /> : st
<br /> '� wittwut Lende►'e prlor written eonseni, Lender may demand Immediate paymeM o!the sewred dobt. Lendo� moy atso demand immodiate .�
<br /> �-%{! � payment H thg Borrower is noi a natural person sn0 a beneficial irrtorest in the Borrower is sold or transtorred. However, Londer may not , .
<br /> , demand payment in the above situatlons if it is proliibited by}oderal law as of the date of this daed of uust. �
<br /> �.'♦ 20.Roeomreyanco.WAen the obligation secured by this deed of trust has been paid,and lenQer has no further obligation to make advances
<br /> ' unQer the instrumonta or agreementa secured by this deed of trust, the Trustee shall,upon writton requost by the lendor,recnnvey tho trust
<br /> . property.The Lender shaH deliver to the Borrower,or to Borrower's successor in interest,tha trust deed and the note or other evldenco ot tho
<br /> obligation so satisfled.Bonowor shall pay any recordation costa.
<br /> , � - ! 21. Succcasoi Ttuatao. Lendet, at Lender's option, may remove Trustee and appoint a successor uustoe by firat, mailing a copy ot the � .
<br /> � substitudon of truste9 as required by applicable law,and then,by f����g the substitution of trustee for recotd�n the oHice of the registor of deeds �
<br /> `'� of oach county in which the trust property,or some part thereof,is situated.The successor trustee,without conveyanee of the proporty,shall
<br /> � suceeed to all the power,duties,authority end trtto of the Trustee named i�the doed ot Uuat ond ot any successor trustee. �
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