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<br /> _';- ' PARTTES:This��s�..�..�*.��s Rrade on la]s' � 1997 •g , 1:•••�n
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<br /> whose resideaee adc�cesa is ae aex zoa r.a„a rAi ara xali Caurty.Dtebraske PTrustes'),and tfle Benefiaary, �o �
<br /> � gph pgp ni cLCC� S x I.nAN ACCOCIA'MON ,a corporation o�gan9zed
<br /> • ' .nr.rrem cmoau�r .. 1`•: ,
<br /> = • and existing nnder tAe taws of NEHpnsxn whose addresa is - - --�. - .
<br /> , . ..s,..,*. r�r rw,r �wnvncvn 69802-1009 ---- - --- -(�Lende�'►. ' � �`�'.
<br />-� CpNVEYADICE:For value receivad.Baaowet irravocably granw and conveys to Tnrstee,m trust,wrth power et sale,the real property,01 which ..
<br /> � � Borrawer is Iawtuly seized, desuibed hetow and ail 6wtdinga, tixtures, and axisUng and future improvements thereon and aU rights-of-way, ' •
<br /> . . „ , easementa, renta, issues, profits, income, tenomente, heredRaments, priviteges anA any app��Kenancer thereumo �etortgmg lall celted Ma .
<br /> . , .orpoeny.� , ,
<br /> � • - � PRO�ERTY AODRESS:_24iII�.S.t�CHIN_ST——-----•- . .LiBANII Z�nnan - • - - .NobrasKa 6A�ol _ ,
<br /> , ,•',`• � IkQAL CFBCpIPTlOH: �snaan �c�M �� ' , :.
<br />-- . CITY OF �3RAND SSLAND� ElALL COt1f1TY. NESRAHRA. %� .
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<br /> � tocated in ulsr t_ Cc�+N.Ne6raska. �,:p;i
<br /> • ' t TITLE:Bonower eove.c.a:.;s and warrar�title to the property,except for �`�.t;
<br /> � . �.:�,y-
<br /> i • ' -
<br /> . . . .� �,' SEtx1R67 DBT:This deed of uust seaues to Lender repaymert of the secured debt and tAe performance of the covenants and agreerrce:is �
<br /> �� � conta�ed in this E2ed of trust and'm any other documerrt incarporated herein.Secured debt,es useA in this deed of bvs4 induQes any ema:.mts
<br /> Borrowa:ewes i�Le�dar under th9s deed o}Vust or under any er��-�mant secured by this deed of uust,and all modifltxt�ons,ex[ensions and . . s�"''
<br />_ . � renewas�renf. '?�:;�i
<br /> � .� The seeureG Qebz is ev,.;��cad by lList all insUumertts and agreemems sewred bK�is deed of trust an4 the dates thereof.l:
<br /> -t (� wnnn�[� �aTpn MnV O� �997 __ .'�� e y'��'' �
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<br /> •�� . � �Futmv pdvanco�:Ths above amourrt is secured even though a!! cr pen of it n:� not yet be aCvanced. Funue advartces a� ,. ,.,{;};.,
<br /> contemptated and wi3 be secured to the same exterrt as if made on tfie data t::is C�of trust is exacuted. ,;�IL;y,`__:. �; �"
<br /> .-:� t ti;:. .
<br /> • � ❑ RevaSving fina of credit agreement dated ,with inftial annual interest rate of �- !: ,
<br /> .� � All amosu owe0 under this agreemeM are seeured even thougb ail amouots may nat yet be adva's�ed.future advances u:��� , ; .
<br /> ;:� the agreemerrt are contemplated aod wtll be sewred to the same exterrt as if made on tha dafe Cr�s daed of trust ia executed. • •,t• .;;`
<br /> .,�.
<br /> : : . ,� .. .. .
<br /> ���:
<br /> �above obOgation is due and payable on r�►V 5., �4�e if not pald eadier.
<br /> The[otal u�paid balance seeured by this deed of trust at any ane time ahatl not exceed a maximum principal amount of ,_
<br /> __� a .. ,•tr�c�cn+m uiaxrr snrtmrtan�►p�2l�nn Doltaral8 e �nn nn I.PtusirY�x�35�:, . . . }.
<br /> � ' ptua any ar.�ou-:s disburse0 unQer the terer.s cf this deed of wst to protect the security of this deed oi trust or to perform any o�t'+e ��
<br /> ; covenanta crostained in this deed of ttust,w.t?►interest on such disburseme+sts. .
<br /> ' �Varlohto Rato:The interest rete on the obtigetlon secured by this deed of uust may vary aceording to the terms of that obllgation. i . . '
<br /> ,:;i •� � A coOY of the loan agreement containing the terms under which the interest rate may very is attached to this deed of trusi a.�' : �
<br /> � mada a part hereof.
<br /> ;�). , ' R1�ERS: t�Commer.�al �C acai AF RPNTa ❑
<br /> " Purauant to the Parm Homeatea0 ProtecHon Act,designation of homeatead ❑ is attached to thle deed of uust and+�8r a Dart hereot
<br /> �' ❑ has been disclaimed;the Eisclaimer ia attached to this Qeed ef uust and made a part hereof. ' . '
<br /> =.2,.� , SIONATURES:By algNng 6ofow,Bortowar agrao to ths torma and covenents corrtNnod in thla daod of trust,InctuQing thoso an pcpo 2.and in � ��
<br /> � eny ddors deaedbod cbovo stgned by Bortowar. ��O�f �4-�L
<br /> . . . .CJ�4 � - - �_ - . �•
<br /> • . ACKNOYYLEDQM£NT:STATE OF NEBRASKA. HAt.T. ____.___.____ _�_County ss:
<br /> � The foregoiag instrument wa9 aeknowledged betcre me on this___ QTK —.day of MAY� 1997 ______
<br /> • bY _c�rp¢*. Q one'srreeFN uneaawii� L/7ff 902PR _--_—_. — -- '
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<br /> _ �.:; :.,' � Co�oare:e a pf � . -------�Nmn�ot Cerparatlon a Rar�9's+r} �
<br /> 1-
<br /> .,�`'r�•,'' � a�a ei�am G'�C6Z�1.fap 0�p9 ` � on behaft of the carporat,on or partnersr�p. ' "
<br /> `;!-'.r- I a -��- -------- -- - --- - -- `�' .
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<br /> MY Commissx�enpiles: � !"u'_.�J/ t:...
<br /> �.�, 1Sl�1 � - -.-- INotarv P�Ofc� E..
<br /> . This instrument was prepared by t� . uacxrR �' '� �
<br /> .Ipepe 10 2 .E�iil� I(A r�_.----.--
<br /> �._,��5• ��-�- ��--,-- - , g19851�tKER55VSTEMS.iNC..S7-CLOUD.MN8830111804397�23611FORMOCPMTGNE6A9/91 APPL# 00032551 � ; . � ,
<br /> �'� � CCD�! O100A66060
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