f.= •
<br /> .... __ - , ., � _ - ___ : .-__ __ __
<br /> .. . . 4- -. . . � .. ,
<br /> • - -,-_ _ .�.. , - � . :i, . . �- . . . - . - • . ,x���t.. . . _ �_.
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<br /> . . ' . ! - . ' '`�.,
<br /> _. ,� �•.
<br /> -- -- { . . 9� �� � =' � __�- ;-
<br /> � 16.1�liscellarteous Provisions f. �
<br /> , �� la)Borrower Rat Refetssed.Eztension of the time for payment or modification of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust granted ! ` ' � � ^
<br /> by Lender to any successor m,ir�terest of Bortower sAall noi operate to retease,in any man�er,tha liahi!ity af the anginal Botrower �
<br /> � � and Bormw�'s SpCCe930i$in St'�terest. Lender shail not be required to cammence proceedi�gs against sucA successw or ratuse to � ; . _ -`, '_
<br /> �} entend time for psym8nt ot otherwise mod"rfy amortization af the sums secured Dy Mis Deed of Trust by reason of any demands
<br /> - 1 made by the origmal Borcower end Borrower's suceessors in interest. , �
<br /> _.. ._ � :�:.r;,,,,,..--��^;;.,;�,.._,r...w„»....M»:e.r.?r4��r,�..,�s..y„+na...o.cnn iiabtw tor rhe oavment of anv obiigation herein mentioned. �, .,�._•�__�_.,:_._ .
<br /> • .� and.withoat afteeting the tien or eharge of this Deed of Trust upon any poRion of the Property not then w theretofore released as
<br /> d securitr�for the full amouat of a11 unpaid ohGgatio�s.Lender may,from time to time and without notice ti)retease any person so � .
<br />: ' ►iabte.(ii)extend the maturity or alter any of the terms of any such obfigati�ns,(iii)grartt other indulgences,(iv)retease or recooveY. � .. �
<br /> .f ' or cauae to be reteased or reconveyed et any time at Lendefs aption any parcel,portion or all of the Property,fv)take or release any < �
<br /> other additional securit}► for any obligation herein mentioned,or (vi)make composftions or other arrangements wiih debtors in
<br /> - --, -- rafatian thereto. :` - - . .. �
<br /> <al�trortrearanw by Lendm Not a Wrlver.Any forbearance by Lendeji�i�t��g'�►�Y�IgM+d� hereunder,or athervvise . , ,
<br /> affnrded by appGcable law,shaH not be a waiver of or predude the exe�cis�o�-�n}�S�i3c.�rt.�ht r�m y.The proceuement of . ..
<br /> insurance or the payment of taxes or ather Gens or charges by Lende�$halt.np�'�b'�`ir'v$i���� _� �righ2 to accelerate the � . -. -
<br /> maturityr of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. � .
<br /> - � (d1 Suceessors and Assigns Bo�m�;Joint and Severa!LTab�TRy:CapUor�Tha covenants and agreemenis�-.arrein contained shall ��e .
<br /> bind. and the rights hEreunder shall inure to, the respeccive successoEs a:rd assigns af Lender and Trus�r. All cover..aTts and `�-
<br />-` ' agrer�ents of Trwtor shall 6e joint a�d several. The caAtions and haadi�igs oi the parag►aphs of tFis �3 cf F�st�for �." �� '
<br /> • an
<br /> f cnr.vz�ience onty and are not to 6e used to inter�-e:or 3e�.�e Yne�rovisians heY'eof. � � ' t1�s`�{k`
<br /> s. . :,;(�, , , �
<br /> , r, teT Request for NoUtes.The parties herebx requ�:;hai a copy of a:y zo'.±aa of defautt hereunder a+3 a ca�y�4 a��nn.s-a ct �'L 2•`
<br /> z ° sa�e 4�eseunder be ma:'ed to each party ta tnis a�es�at Trvst aS Yna a�.'dr�ss s�tarth above in t"�e r-an-�r�scria•:&�y-aAp.:,;�.`:e
<br /> �1�"'r,
<br /> � f
<br /> �-t:9 l�,�s,�.£xae�t Yor a:ry o;�:e:notice re��i:d un�e:apDti�ble law ta B�g:ven'.r.anaihas manner.aR4.-.�t�pr�i�is�9,r:-:�r��'cf !;�- `����r����'���4,'
<br /> ;��; F;.i�s1�.�e given b� maihng su�'�nxaca 6y�srt�ed mai!addtessed to t?�e oiher paiies. a: �e ac4�ss s::`�rttti�ac�a. Asry �: `." ��:_
<br /> r •�•...
<br /> �, n�ce�ra��dea Fa.*in:.his Deed of T,-•y�:shai be effective upon maiting in the man:�er desigcrated Asrein.tf Trus:�r is more than one `
<br />__- '"`%'� persart,notioe setr.ts�he address set forth above sAafl be aotice to all such Razsozs.
<br /> �. �f..::.`.
<br /> - � • (f)Inspectton.I.endar may make or cause to be made reasonabte eniries upon and inspections of ffie Roperty,provided that �� � •
<br />-�:� I.ender shall give Trustor notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor retated to Lender's interest in the '. "
<br />' ;f Pr°perty = —.-
<br />�?� . (g1 Reconveyanee. Upon payment M aIl sums secured Cy this Deed of Trust, Lender shall request T►ustee to reconvey the , .
<br />:.-j Property and shall surrender this Deed of Trust and aIl notes evidencing indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to Trustee. � �
<br /> Trustee ehall reconvey the Properry wkhout warranty and without charge to the person ar persons legally entitted theroto.Trustor ,
<br /> ? shatl pay all costs of recordation,it eny. `
<br /> a - (M Rersona3 Property:SacurtY{I Agraemant.As additionat socudty for the pa�rment of the Noto, Trostor heteby grants lender under , , ` �5-J+•'
<br /> the IVebraska Unitorm Commercial Code a security interest in alt tixtures,equipment,and other peraona)propeRy used in connection �- +'_�-
<br /> ��� with the real estate or improvements lacated thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a part of the real estate secured , � �
<br /> ~"? hereby.This instrument shall be construed as a Security Agreement under eaid Cade,and the Lender shall have aU the rigAts and ' �' �
<br /> - . J -':.
<br /> - � � remedies of a secured party under said Code In add"Rion to the rights and remedies created under and accorded the Lender pursuant ,
<br /> •�'; to this Oeed of Ttust:proulded that Lender's rigMs and remediea undet this paragrapb shall be cumutative with,and tn no way a ,``.;.�:.
<br /> • limitatlon on,Lenders rights and remedies under any other security agreement signed 6y Bortower or Trustor. • �
<br /> " (i) Uene and EnwmErattcea. Trustar hereby warrants and represents that there is na default under the provisions of any
<br /> ""' mortgage, deed of trust,lease or purchase contract desuibing aIl or any part of the Ptoperty,or other contract, instrument or ' • ,
<br /> :� agreement constltuting a fien or eneumbrance against etl or any paR ot the Property lcoltective, "Uens"),existing as of the date o� ,�.,��<�
<br />` Y this Oeed of Trust, and that any and atl existing Liens remain unmoditied except as disctosed to Lender in Trustar's mitien z'�:�;`
<br /> ��4 . .
<br /> _.. disdosure of Iieos end encumbrances proviQed for herein. Trustor sheil timely pertorm all of Trustors obligatiorts. covenants, _, . :���;�;
<br /> `' representations snd wananties under any and all existing and future Liens,sfiall promplry fon+vard to Lendes copies of atl notices of �
<br /> � defauft sent in connection with any and atl existing or future Uens,and shatl not without Lender's priar�,,ritten consent in any `• °�h•
<br /> ;;,: .
<br /> • .� ..'_';.
<br /> �`. manner modify the provisions of or allow any future advanees under any existing or tutura Liens. ;;.;��.. :�"'_
<br /> G) ADDlicatlon of Va eMS. Untess otherwise required by law, sums paid to Lender hsraunde►, including without limitation ;''•��`�` ��
<br /> :�,'�. :; payments of princ?pal and interest,insurance proceeds,condemnation proceeQs and rents a��profits,sha:1 be applied by Lender to `�"�f�'
<br />_ '� r the amounts due artC owing ftom Trustor and borrower in such order as Lender.tn its sola discretion deers�esrabfe. .
<br />':�'f, � �. (K) SevorabiQYy_ � any provision of this Daed of Trust Conflicts wizr sppliceble law or is de:ra�k invaUd or othervvise • � .
<br /> :'�'.! �� unenforeeabte,sud:conflict or invalidity shall not aNect the other provisior.s of this Deed of Trust or tto3v�which can be given � � ' �
<br />—`' � �� etfect without th0 conflicting provtsion,and to this end the provisions ot this Ceed of Trost and the S�ia:: are dera�d to be `
<br /> .�s +
<br /> - ;�: severable. . :;= :.
<br />- lD Terms.The terms'Trustor'and'Borcower'shall include both singutar and plural,and when the Tr�:stcr and Borrower are the *t;�.;
<br /> :`.`i ;;'��(. sama person(s),those terms as used in this O�tf a�t Trust shatl be interchan3�Sle. • , • `
<br /> .r,
<br /> iF� (m)Qoveming 6aw.TAis Deed of Trust shaY.Sss gaverned by the laws of t�sa State of Nebraska. •..
<br /> i�� .
<br /> Trustor has executed this Deed of Trest as of the d�:e written a6ove. . .:�r.*'f.•:•,�..'��•:�
<br />. ..�a , #�.y��:,e:
<br /> ;[" i.`„' .. ''' r.a�.�:: . ..
<br />_-l:i',� _ - �� �- ' . . .
<br /> � � � .
<br /> ' JON M. SUHIJEB Trustor Trustor �
<br /> .�.� ' r � ..�, ..
<br /> '.�'7 I�NDALL S�S ER6 7rustor Trustor . '.
<br /> ;��y Trustor Trustoi " •
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<br /> NBC 3487C ENonagnculturat paedl Rev.6/95 `
<br /> ' � � 1988 Nabonal Bank ot Commorce Trust and Savmgs assne�nt.on.Uncoln,NeDraska !
<br /> i
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