S :
<br /> - ' ' ._.-.,.�.�1�.`' � _..�----_ • .. . . � .� - . . .... . . .. .�,. r .-..._ .."__ _"".. . . .. . . , ....,.�,.�_ t . �. •.
<br /> � .
<br /> .., :f ��°� ��� t ; "�.
<br /> � j 7.Eminent Domatn.Lender is hereby assigned all compensateen,awards,damages and other Rayments or relief Cnereinafter'Proceeds`1 . -
<br /> � � � m connection wrth condemnation or other taking of Me Property or pan thereof,or for conveyatu.e irt t�eu of condemnation.Lender sha0
<br /> ! taken o�damaged.Le�der shatl haLe the opiion in Rs sole and absolute d�scret�on,to appfy a11 such Proceeds,aiter deducting therefrom ,
<br /> aIl costa end e�eoses mcurred by it in connection wah such Proeeeds.upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as ,
<br /> � ; Lender may determine,or to apply aIl such Roceeds,aher such Qeductions,to the�es[aranon of the RopertY upon such condRions as � _ _
<br /> - Lender m8y det�nine•AnY aaAtication of Proceeds to indebtedness ShaO not extend or pastpone the due date of anV payments undflr
<br /> � � � ; tha Note.ar cure any default thereunder ar hereunde�•AnY unapptied funds shall be paid to Trustor. ( ' .
<br /> ' • 8, penp;msnce EY Lender.Upon the occurtence of an E�ent oi Defautt hereunder, or if any act is taken or 1ega1 proceeding �
<br />_.. .. -. . _.�_ra.......... �e..Aa.rna�.in ita�wn n��.,pr���.n�r�„�mo��oeu�as�on ta ao so. E
<br /> . - ; commencea uvNCn maieneoll aiiacw i.c.wc.'o n.:o:'.a.».........w-....--..__ ... -- _. . .__ _-.
<br /> F and without notice ta or de:nand upon Trustor and without reteasing Trustor fram any obtigation,Qo anY act wfiich Trustor hes agreed �- ----.-
<br /> � � hut fads to do and may atso do a�y other aet it deems necessarY to protect the secuNty hereot.Trustor shall.immediatelY uDOn demand i
<br /> ' therefor by Lender,pay ta Lender all wsts and PaAenses inwrted and sums expenQed by Lender in connection with the exercise by �
<br /> � ' Lender of the foregoing rights,together with interest thereon at the defauk rate provided in the Ntote, which shalt be added to the ��:
<br /> ' ` inQebtedness secu�ed hereby.Lender shall not�ncur any Iiabitity beeause of anything rt may do or omii to do hereurtder.
<br /> � • • 8.Hazardous Metedets_Trustar shalt keep the Propert}I m conAl+a�ce with all aRFlicable laws.ordinances a�d regulations relating to �' .
<br /> . i�dustrial hygiene or ertvironmental protectiort icallectively referted to harein as'Environmental Laws"!.Trustor sha��keep the PropartY �
<br /> hee fram ell substances deemed to be hazardQ.is or toxic under any Environmental Laws fw�lect�vety referted to herein as'Hazardous ,
<br /> Materials"1.Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender thai there are no Hazardous Materlal on or unQer the Property.Trustor � - ,
<br /> , hereby agrees to indemnity and hold hamiless Lender. its directers•aN�cers, empSoyees and agents,and any suecessors to Lender's
<br /> - •f irtterest,from and egainst any and all claims, damages,losses and liabdities arising in connection with ihe presence,use,disposal or _
<br /> � transport of any Hazardous Materiats on,under,from or a6out the Property THE FOREGOIHG WARAANT�ES AND REPRESENTAT[ONS.
<br /> . ? TRUST. ��_.:.
<br /> r�,-, t ,
<br /> �l 10. Asstgnment of Ren4a Tnutor hercCy aucigns to Lender, and grants Lender a seccrity irnerest in,afl present fut�re and after �{t , �=e�:-
<br /> _ :, j rising reMa,issues and profits of the Pro�ertY:Qrovided that Trustor shall,until the accurrence of an Evert ot Dsfeuft hereunQer,hare �';;f,"�,,^ ,.����
<br /> -. ` tha right to eoltecc and retain such renu,is6u�s and praYs as they be�roma due and payafile. tl�an 2he nccurr��nce of an Evert o` �f :ft r � =
<br /> • -•�Y'�`� Defauh. Lendec may,either in person or by agert,wiih o-�Rh�i�t bringing any actian or proteed�ng,or Ey a rec_�ver 2PPa�nted by a ,�„ : �} ,�
<br /> ";`,'��"' `; �f��1���.
<br /> . ,.,:��:;# c a i a[a n d w i:t s o u t r e g ar d t o t h e a d e q u a c y o`3 s S e r u r i t Y. e.'x[z'q��n aRd iatce possessiart c�t?�e PraO°rtY.�r a-sV pa�tha�aa�f,in its otim � r
<br /> 5 : •, ,�:� aame or in 2he nsme of the Trustee,and da �r'i acts titi'.3�.-�h it CQecis r.e,.-essarSr or desira�te to preszrve the va:ue,rra.-k g t a�;2y or J "
<br /> �'. ' remebi::y oi tae P�vperty,or anY Pari therc-u`r:�i�:e�e���se�.c�t°"i�easO1 ihe inocme therefro�o�Protect the secirri:y herecaf and, ( , _
<br /> -,�.,...; .'..' , , -:(,":::� , _ v
<br /> �;i wRh or wrhoui taking Doss=�iaa a`•tt=e P4u�r�Tt'.se=e for or athenvise caila��e r�rts.issues and proFiis tfiereot. inctuding those pasi � '.,;:��-=.
<br /> '� .;,:i�:,.t .":`� �z'�� .' _.
<br /> . ,'�n,�i�'. du0 and unpa.�.by naufyiag t�a:r.�tc�-abe�m2nts to LenQer. Lender mai agCIY renu.issues and v�afts,tess costs and expens� � �,:.;'�yas,:
<br /> _ ..,;. . :-�.,•r.:l..�
<br />- '>�':.�,-t.��• ,. g. ; of operation and tolleCtion cccludir.g zucrnr��s' f¢es,to any indebtedness secured hereby,a�in such order as Lender may detertnine.The �
<br /> '`"•S`�"' � ' '�"''" ' entering upon and taking possQSS:on ai t1v�Rroperty, the collection of such re�ts,issues and profits, and the application thereof as '
<br /> ��,�" ataresaid,shatl not cure or waive any default:ar notice of default hereunder or inva0date any ecc done in response to suef►defauft a�
<br /> ' .;t.�:::.. � '' �
<br /> ,r�...,. , -�
<br /> ,� fy;:�:;� • . .
<br /> -4,.�f. pursuant to suct�notiCe of default and, na:nithstandi�g ihe continuance in possessiort of the PropertY or the cotlection,receipt and �.. - _
<br /> '�'�' � app�ication ot rents. �ssues or profRS, Tru9tee and Lender shall be enptled to exercise every rtght O�ovided for in any of the Wan t a =:=Y
<br /> ' ���3
<br /> � � � Instruments or by law upon occunence ot any Event of DetauR,inctuding without limftation the right to exereise the power of ea�e• - .r
<br /> 's . � FuRher,Lent4ers Qghta and remediee und�r this paragraph sha11 be cumulative with,and in no way a Iimitetion on, lendet's rights end .
<br /> ' r, .;
<br /> - ' reme�es under any essignment of leases and rents recorded against the PtoDerty Lender, Trustee and the recelver shait be liab(e to
<br /> account only tor those renta actuatly received. ��� •�: �.;
<br /> - l = 11.Ewento ot Delauft.The fotlawin�shall constitute an Eve�t of Defauft under thls Oeed of Trust: � • ::•��:`+;,4
<br /> � (a)Failure to pay any instattment of D/tnciDa�or interest of any other sum secured hereby when due; ,. _
<br /> !�` ' (�)A titeaet►ot or detautt unQet aml�provision contained m the Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the Wen Instrurrtenta,or any ,
<br /> . :. .
<br /> , othar lien or enCUmbranca upon the PrO;artY: ,' .'I: •,, ,�
<br /> , �c)A writ ot execution m anachmnn:or any simdar process shatl be entered against Trustor which shall become a lien on the .;_,
<br /> �" �,?� Property o►any portfon tfiereof or in2Erest ttierein: 1• ��r"�`
<br /> �.� ld!There shall be fited by or againat Trustor or Bonowar an acUOn under any present or future tederal,state or ather statue,law f ��;y.�,Fj
<br /> � or regulation retating to bankruptcy, insotaency o�other reliaf for debtars;or there shall be appointed anV trustee, recetver or _ '�'?� ,��
<br /> � � ° liquidator of Trustor or Bonower or o:all or any pan of the Property,or the rents,issues or profita thereot,or Trustor ar Borrower •
<br /> ' ` ,.'•�',,
<br /> • ;�• shall make any generat assignment for tPS benefit of creditora; .':,`�
<br /> (e)The sate,transfer,lease,assigRrr.ent,canveyance or further encumbrance of all or any pan of or any interest in the Property, ,�
<br /> ' � efther votuntarily or invotuntarily,wiUv��:the express written consent of lender,Drovided that Trustor shall be pemiitted to execute ,,, �:r��,
<br /> _[' "
<br /> + � a lease of th�Property that does na:aa:�:ein an option to putchase end the tenn ot which does not exceed one V��� :.
<br /> � • �.., . (f1 Abandonment of the Property;o: ` r
<br /> , ' •a'.i (g) ff Tr:�stor is not en individeratd tha issuance, sa)e,transfer, assignment, conveyance ar encumbrance ot more than(� a , ,„1;�y�r,�,
<br /> �,;�};,.'� .: ( corporation)a iatal of�L��percerst•of r-s issued and autstand'mg stock, or(it a paRnership> a totai of�1!�—pereens tf r,f ,�,��;�
<br /> } pa�tnerstiip interests,or(—i a�ited:iatfiiry campanYi a toeal of N/A percent of the limited Iia6i�Ry wmpanY mieresss or vot:^:� , S(;,�4•;
<br /> : +; � righta durin�the pedod this Oeed ot Tru;t re�sains a lien on the P�operty. '��� ,;,,�;yl;.,:-
<br /> ' 12.Re.��:Accotemdon Upan Det3�.in the event of any Event of Default LenQer may,withou[notice except as�equired by law, •�;••
<br /> ,• ';v;y.
<br /> .:`._;;r,. ' . , `v.=`;,:-:
<br /> '�' '� ' , ����,»;,;��; declare a11 indebtedness secured hereb•�.to�e dus and payable and the same shall thereupon becom�due and payabte withaut ar.v ••�`•�;.;J:;
<br />�,�• . � ` presentment,demand,protest or natico a`a:�i kind.Thereafter Lender may: . . ' ,t�}f"'F� '
<br /> i�,l,�, (a)Oemand that T�ustee exercase tha POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustee shall th�reatter cause Trustofa Interest
<br /> .',.�• '
<br /> 7•• . in tho Property to be sotd and tho Oroceeds to be dimib:�ie3,all in the manner proviQed in the Ptebraska Trust E3aaas Act;
<br /> � (b)Exercise eny and all righr,�� provlde0 for in ar.y��f ihe loan Instruments or by law upon occurrenee af eny Event of _ .
<br /> � . ' Oefautt:and
<br /> ,.., �� (a)Commence an actlon to tcrsctose this Deed of Trust as a martgage, appoint a receiver,ar specifically enforce any of the
<br /> . ' covenante hereoi. �
<br /> ;i • No remedy herein confened upon or retsetved to Trostee or Lendot is intended to be exclusive of any otner remedy herein,in the Loan
<br /> ..a�,�, Instrumenta or by law provided or p�rr.itted,but each shal�be cumulative,ahall be in addition to evar5r other remedy given hoteunder,in
<br /> ,�;y�� � ' the Loan Instrumenta or now or hereufLer existing at law or in equity or by statute,and moy bo exercised concur�entty,independentty or ,;." ._
<br /> ,i; . suaessivety. �
<br /> 13.Trua4oe.The Trustee may restgn at any tima without ctwse,and Lender may at any time and without causa appuint a 8uccessor
<br /> c
<br /> Y `• ar aubstltute Truatea.Trustee shall nai be liabte to any party,inctuding wRhout limitation Lende�. Borrowet,TNUter or any purct►aser ot • :, _
<br /> �'.� . the Property, tar any loss or damege untess due to recktess or wlllful miseanduc4 and shall not be required to take any actlon in � • .
<br /> - connecNon whh the enforcoment ot this Qeed ot Trust unless indemnlfled,in wrlting,for all costs,compensation or expenaes which may
<br /> �e assodated thorewfth. tn addition,Trustee may become e purchaser at any salo of the Property Uudieial or under the power of sate �, �
<br /> - . granted hereln):postpone the eate ot all or any portion of the Property,as provided by law;or sell the PiropeAy as a whote,or in separate
<br /> � �' parcels or lots at 7ruatee's discretion. .
<br /> 14.Fee9 and F�cponses.In the event Trustee setts the Property by exerclse o}power of sate,Trustee shall be entitled to appty any sate
<br /> � proceeds first to paymont o}all costs and expenses of exerclsing power ot sale,inGuding a117rustee's fees,and Lender's and Trustee's � '
<br /> attarne}ra fees,actually irtcurted to extent permitted by applicable law.In the event Borrower or Trusto►exercises any rlght provided by
<br /> law to cure an Event of Default, Lender shall be entitled to recover trom Trustor aIl costs and expenses actually incurred as a result of .
<br /> Trustor's defautt,including without limitation all Ttustee's and attorney's fees,to the extent permitted by appticeble Iaw. '
<br /> •':- 15.futuro Advaneee. Upon �equest of Borrower,Lender may,at its option,make additional and future advancaa and readvances to
<br /> � , Borrower.Suctn advancea and readvances.wRh interest thereon, shall be secured by thls Qeed of Trust.At no time shall the principat �. � •
<br />'�.:�_ ..
<br /> .,�,�, amount o1 tfia indebteCrtess secured by tn.s Deed ot Tnsst,not including sums advanced to protea the socurity of this Qeed of Trust,
<br /> �.:� , s exceed the origina)prirttipal amount stated herem,or S Sy�.;ys.yJ ,whichever is greater.
<br /> `.. , � �.
<br /> �, .
<br /> i , ,;�
<br /> i•�. • . ; ,��: .
<br /> s:ti3_• '
<br /> -;.i;-�._ , . ._.._. . _ . _ ... - . - ..
<br />-`",i'�.1' . • j ' � ' �
<br />� �� " N8C3a576 1'vonagncmfura�DaeCl Rev.6/95 ! _
<br />- ���� � • . 19d8 Nd:�onrJ Ba�k O�Comme�ca Trust and Savn¢9 Assoaat:on.U�CO��+.NeD2ska
<br /> t. •�: � . . . . . . .. .._. .. ...__ "__"'_ _ .. . .. .l�: .
<br /> . i
<br /> � . . .... � _ . ._ _
<br /> rt�:, � . .... ..... . . . .... .. __ . . � _ �- _' t. x �.-'y
<br /> . . _. . . . . • . _ . _ . . . . n .. . _a � ..� � _ � . . . � . . . ' .. ...Y_'• - , , • . . _t + . . .,. r..... , n.- -?.` . . .i ..
<br />