;:^�:E(E , . ' , . . .. . . ;�:�,(< .,<<<5:1,�y�`'�r°la�S � ^c:+:'#S='x�...
<br /> �..' . ... . �.F.a,� :''*`•x..�x.,
<br /> _-.�_,�._ . •r'r:Y-r•Y�cjri7�.r-F f t-- -
<br /> ._..�r;.,. , . .�; . . - ' ��1F� �
<br /> _ � . , .. _.�. . , ... - �. � . : _ ti
<br /> � . � . �". . .. . . . � ' . ' � � , . . . .. . ._ " . � . . . . .. ; _ : M.. � .
<br />' � ` � .:—(-...i C .._..—,.--.
<br /> . � . � 17. Transter of the PPOPsrty or a 8er�eficiat Inter�st in Borrower. �f au or any �art o4�:e �raperry or � ` �. �, , . .
<br /> ; any interest in it is sotd or transferred (or K a 6eneficiaf interest in Borrower�s sotd or Lansterred and Bortower is eci a natural t
<br /> � � i person)without Lender s prior written consert. Lender may.at its op�en.requi►e immed�ate payment in full of all s�:rrts seaued by . �
<br /> ' � • � this Securityr Instrument However. th�s option shalt not be exerrised by Lender R exerase�s prohih�ted by fed�al law as af the � `:
<br /> date af this Security Instrument
<br /> � � - 1f Lend� exerases this optton, Lender shall give Bortower notice of acce��ativn. The notice shall provide a penod ot not� ,
<br /> less than 3p days irom the date the aotice is deGvered or ma�7ed within v�hich Borrower must pay all sums secured by this�
<br /> .��» ......•� �.�;n� n!Mie nariod. Lender maV mvok2 anV►¢nledies ' _ _ _ _
<br /> -.- . . • xw�iiy ivauw.m�i. n wn:L:.e: 'w�:� ��». ,....".^•'_ 'r'."._. _ . . . - � -- - - ---.----
<br /> pe►mitted by this Security Instrument without turther notice ar demand on Bartower. • ,
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to E�einstate. H Bcrtower meets ceRain conditions. 8orrower shall have the nght to have� _ ,.
<br /> enforcement ot th�s 5ecurity �nstrument discontinued �t any time p�ior to the ea�lier ot (a) 5 days (or such other period as •
<br /> applicabla tsw may snecify for reu�statement)before sale ot the Properry pursuant to any power of sate contained tn this Secunty ; •
<br /> ---_ � � Irsstrumett�or (b)eRtry ot a judgment entorartg this SeGUrity lnsuument Those conditions a:e thal Bortower (a)pays Lende►all �
<br /> i wms w�ich then wautd be due under thls Seeurity Instrument and the Note as A no acceteration had occurred. (bi cures any� t
<br /> � detault o1 any ather covenant or agreements: (e) pays eIl expenses mcuned in entorang th�s Secu�y Instrument. mcluQmg, but p,
<br /> , not limRed to. reasonable ettomeys"tees: end (d�takes such ad�on as Lertder may reasonabty�equHe!o assure that the Icen o1 �
<br /> " thts SewrAy Instrument. Lender's righta in the Properly and Borcowers obtigation to pay the sums secured by th�s Secuoty
<br /> � Mstrumertl shall conUnue unchanged. Upon reinstatenienl hy Bosrowct. th�s Security �nstrument and the obtigaUons secured �_ ' ., . .� �
<br /> ' hereby shall remain fufly eftectnre as rt no acceteration had oewrted. Hovrever.this nght to retnstate shall not app►y m the case
<br /> � ot ecceteraUO�under peragrap� 17- �,
<br /> 19, S�1g Of {IlOtB: Change of Loan Servieer. The Note or a a partial interest in the Note (logether with thls :
<br /> Secunty Instrument)may be so!d oae or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sa►e may resuft m a change�n the entiry `�
<br /> (known as the'Loan Servlcer')that co�ects monlhty payments due under the Note and this Seeuriry InstrumenL There also may , -
<br /> f be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sate of the Note. H there is a ehange of the Loan Servicer, r ' y4'
<br /> • � 8orrower witl be given wdtten notice ot the change in accordance with paratyaph 14 above and applicable taw. 1Tte notice wU ff ..�, ;
<br /> 3 state the name and address of the new Loan 3ervlcer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice wi0 also ! .;`,��,'`.��
<br /> _ '• contain any otFer iniortnation required by appGcable Iaw. � ' .
<br /> f: •-z°'.; •,
<br /> � i';j�'"`�.'`
<br /> ; 20. H�2t�dOUS SubBtenCes. Botrowe�shall not eause or permit the presence.use,d�sposal. scorage. or release of r ,,-•,' .
<br /> any Hamrdaus Substances on or in the Property. Bortower shatl rtot do, nor allow anyone else to do.anythmg aHecting the �„_ "
<br /> Froperty that is in vtolation ot any Environmental law. The preceding two sentences shall not appty W the Presence, use.or -�
<br /> storage on the Propertyr of small quantfies ot Hazardous Suhstances that are generalry recognaed to be appropriate to nomsal _ °f�: '
<br />- ' residenUal uses and to maintenance of the Properry. - ��r ?,
<br /> Bartawer shall promptiy g(ve Lender written notice ot any investigation. da(m, demand. lawsuit or othel actipn �.4 as�: ,. .z•.:�%
<br /> g o v e m menffi1 or r e g ulato ry a gen c y or private party muoNing the Roperry end any Hazardous Substance or EnvQOnmentnl La.*� _ _� :�:;.�.��
<br />- � whfch Bortawer has actuat knowledge. If Borrower leams. or is notfied 6y any govemmental or regulatory authority,that a�y� ` �'.�:;`:
<br /> removal or other reme�iatlon of any Hazardous Substanee aitectcreg R'o�e�l• �s neeessary• Bortower sha7 promptly take a8 '•: • :
<br /> - • necessary remedial actlons fn accordance witt� EnvironmeMal Law. - ��I��',; +,��:.
<br /> � As used in ihls paragrapb Z0. 'Ha�rdaus Substar►ces' are those substaar.2s defined es tmdc or hazardous substances by .
<br /> Environmental Law and the foQawing substances: gasoline, kerasene. othec ftammable or to�dc petrofeum products. toxic ��,."� :l'
<br /> pestiddes and herbiades.votatile soNents,mater�.centaining asbestos or fcrtnadehyda and radioacWe tra`raials. As used in ' • °��
<br />- paragraph 20. 'Environmental Law' means federak 4.�vs and laws of the jurlsdicdun where the PropeRy is t3�d that relate to '�:,�'--��i
<br /> health.safety or emironmental protedian. '�;''S:r;
<br /> _ .;.,
<br /> -�-= NON-UNIFOflM COYENAMS. Bortower and:,��er fuRfier covenant and agree as toltows: _ •�"�'� ��?`�`-
<br /> • � �` 21. Accsl�ratdon; Remediea Le�n��ev shall give notlee to Borrower prior $m aaceteratlon ,.'`����
<br /> '� following Borr�er's breacfi ot atry �anaM or agreemen4 in this Security Inst�n�Qnt (but not r , "=A;;�
<br />`��� � �' prtor to acceteratlon under paragra�Co 47 unless a�spltcabte law providos a4herwls��. The not�ce ;� ;'� �rr,,
<br /> ;:,�.. �. ;; shall s eci (a) the de�awE� (b) the action re uired to curo the dotaat� (c) a date. no4 less than � � :; '''�^�
<br /> P � 9 r . .
<br /> .,,t..„,�,.
<br /> � , 30 days irom the date 4ho �a�Ure us c,,�ven to Bonower, by whicF� the deiauR must be cu�ed; and .'�;f;;,t..+.: •,
<br /> ��' ;.
<br />__ � �� (d) that failure to curo tho dofa�'J� � or before tho date specifled in the noUco may resutt in
<br /> - � acceleration of the sains s�cured!s�t��Security Instrumere¢ and sate of th0 Pr���rCy.The notice �. " , - `. �_�.�� .
<br /> ,= � ' � � shail turQher intorm Borff�arfer of the r��++!to r�insRate after a�cceleratfon and the �u�t�t to br dng a . _.
<br /> : � . ��� court action to assert tUuo non-existense of a �lolautt or any other defense of BorQaw�r to " ;� . :`•.
<br /> �'
<br /> aceeleratton an� sale. If the default ts no4 eu7cd on or before the date speeifled in the no4�ee, �''�°-��
<br />•-�:�. . Leader at its �}��:on may require ir��c�iate payment in futl of all sums secured b�this Securlty _
<br /> Instrumeot wit7�out tuRher demaad ar.¢! may invoke the power of eale and any a�her re�nedies •
<br /> permifted 6y appUcable law. Lende��Crall be entittod to coUect all expenses incau�ea� in pursuing .
<br /> '' 1. the remedlee provtded in this para�raph 21, irtoluding, but not Umited to. reaso�aable attomeys' ;.�,f<<;_�`.
<br /> � ' ' fees and costs of tiUs evidence. `�`"-�',`�' ��.•
<br /> :��? � '���t•..,.
<br /> If the power of sale is invo4cmf�. Trustee shall �ecord a notico af defa�a6t 6�e �ach county in �:��fyi�_- ��: . .
<br /> r which any par� of 4he Property is tosaied and shall mail coplea of such natiee im the manner ''�":�t�� "•: '�
<br />-:��� prescrl6ed by applicable las,v to F���ovr�r and to tiie other porsona pregcribed dr,y �pltcable law. �:,�%;,,�'�t•,.� ,�'.�
<br /> �! '��� �� After the time required ��a�p7dcafm7o taw, Trustee shall give publlc notice ot sato to the persons ;�:;:",4°r;::. `.''
<br /> ; and in the manner prescribod by�p�::cabte taw.Truatee. without demand on Bo�rcr�rer, shall sell :';;;'`.�.
<br />-- the Property at �ub11c auctlon to t�eo hughest bldder at the time and place and an�edAr the t�rms �• ''��•^" ` ��
<br /> "��� destgnated in 4Qto notice of sale in oa�s or more pa�cela aad in any order T�u�v d�termines. 1" ' '�� � �
<br /> ��1 Trus4ee may postpone sate of all or any parcel o� the ProperQy by publlc announcement at the � " � •
<br /> ��` `� time and place of any previously scheduled sal�. Lender or its destgnee may purchase the , .
<br /> Property at any sale. �•
<br /> . I Upon recelpt of payment o! the prlce 6td. Trustee shatl deUver to the purchaser Trustee's
<br /> deed conveying the Property.The secitafs ln tRo T�ustee's daed ahall be prima facie evidence o!
<br /> the 4ruth of tho atatements made therein. Trustee ahatl appty the proceeda of the sale in the i �
<br />" '`` following order. (a) to all costs and eupenaee of exerclsing the powar of sale. and the sale. . ' �
<br /> '`'' i�ctuding the payment of thv Trustee's fees actually incurred. not to escceed three .
<br /> % of 4he principal amount of the
<br /> �n note at the ticne o!the declaration of dc�faut� and �easos�abQv attorney's faes as permitted by law; � �
<br />-�•�<" � (b) to alt sun�s securad by thia Sex�crity Instrumen4: and ��D aTy excess to the p��son or persons ;, �
<br />_SI,7' . " �.
<br />:-�;:�� ,� legally entitle�4et it. � �
<br /> ��F�;� '�.1_.' � ^ � .. � . -
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