<br /> .,� . ' . . f
<br /> _'—�"'� . " ,:11: . __ _... ._" _.'__ _. ...._.-''_,_",_-_
<br /> . _ V�- ' ' � - -
<br /> ...._= �' -
<br /> �_r•-�-� _ ' ___" _ " "_ .. �� � _ '. - _ _
<br /> "._ � . . . L _ -- ._ ..' _ . .. .. . .... _ .� " _' � __':.-•- .
<br />. _ .. _�_ .. "� �.;f°. ,_ '.. . , .. . . . . . :" .. . . . . .... . .. t:, � _
<br />. i. F �`' . . r . . �
<br /> � • ` . � ry tg, by causmg the action or proceEding to be . � _.
<br /> ' Borcower may cure such a delautl and reinstate. as pruvidad P�9�P - - - --, -
<br /> . disrtussed with a ruGng that in Lenders good taith determmation.predudes tort�ture of the Bortower's urterest in the Property or ,.` f'� -
<br /> . ` ~ � other matenal anpairment ot the 6en ueated 6y this SecuritY Instn+meM or Lender's security interest. Borrowa shalt also be in `_, �
<br /> �..c .�y'
<br /> 1 detautt it Borrower. during the loan apP6cation process. gd�e matenaf!!'fatse flr maccurate infortnation or statem�ts to Lender(or ,
<br /> ` �' fa8ed to ptovide Lender with aey rnaterial mtarmation) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Nate induda�g.but not i_ ` , .• r, •
<br /> ` �7 Gmited to. rePrese�attons conceming Barrower s accupaney of the ProperlY as a Pru�apai residence. It tKs Secuirt7►� ; ``` . . .;
<br /> � Instrument is on a teasehoid Borrower sha0 compy with ail the provisions ot Uie lease. ii 8ortower acquQes tee tiUe to the� �.
<br /> Properiy.the leasehold end the fee titte shaU noi merge unless Lender agrees to the mer4er in wriTin9• t •.
<br /> � � .,_.a..�.. os..z.o� in 4hw Pronertv.If Bortovrer faits to perform the covenarts and a:yeeroent� c . .
<br /> i.rRicvi:isvi.... ..o....�......y..� - - -- -
<br /> -- . '� contamed �n this Securdy Instrument. or th�e is a tegal proceedmg that may signifrcantty aftect Len�ers ngrns in inc ���•.r - ------
<br /> � (such as a proceeding in bardu:'.piaY•Probate.for condemnation or tor(awre or to enforce laws or�egulations).then Lend_r ma � -
<br /> t the pro and Lenders rights in the Pro�rty. Lend°r's action�
<br /> � do and pay for whatever is r:.e='""'-S�rY to protect the vafue o PenY {
<br /> . may indude Pall��9 a^Y s���"-� by a Gen vihich has priority ov¢r this Security Instrument. appearing in court. pallm �. , .
<br /> P�,, �,_;, reasonabte attom��s'tees a-r�•�-1�.g on the Fropert/to make repairs.Aithough Lender may take ac6on undQr this ParacyaP� ' - - -
<br /> 7.�_c.r:er does rtat have ta�� - `:��'�;
<br /> , �f;;i,-_: ' �r �npunts �sbursed t� 1�der und�paragraPh 7 shaU become addrb'onal d�t of Borrower secured by this Security +• . ` .
<br /> Inst�-.f-ent Untess Borrower and Lend�agree to other tertns ct PaYment, these amounu shaD bear intefest from the date ot F
<br /> � � disbursement at the Note rate and shaD be payadle,vifh int�upon notice irom Lender to Borrawer requesting Payment "
<br /> • 8, Mpl�tgS�gO t�BUldtlf�. �f Lendei required mortgage insurance as a candRion ot matdr►g the loan seeured by this • - .
<br /> - Securiry tnstrument- Bortower sha0 pay the premiums��d to maintein tlie moRgage insurance m effed. U.tor any reason.the
<br /> , ,� • mortgage insurance coverage re4ufred Cy Lender tapses or ceases to be�n eHect. BorroHrer shall pay the premiums required to . ,
<br /> , k• obtain coverage substentiafly equivatent to the moRgt�ge insurance previausty tn efteG. at a cost subslanUalhr equivalent to the `
<br /> cost to Boaov�er ot Me mortgage insuranae previaush in e1�ec1. irom an at[emate mertgage insurer approved by Lender. N , ;
<br /> t suDStantialiy equivatent mortgage insurance cover8ge is not availabie.Bortotver shafl Pay to Lender eaCh month a sum equal to .
<br /> . � one-rireifth ot the yearry mortgage insurance premium bei�g pa�d by 8ortower when the msurence coverage tapsed or ceased to �
<br /> be in eftect Lender will accePt. use and retain these vayments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss res2rve
<br /> :� payments may no longer be required. at the option af Lender. ff mortgage insurance eoverage(m the amou�a�d for the pertad 4
<br /> that Lender requires) provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes avaitabte and is obtained. Bortower shaU pay
<br /> .,S (
<br /> , � tAe premiums requ�red to malnta(o mortgage tnsurance m eKect.or to provide a toss reserve, until the requirement tor mortgage _ 1 ,
<br /> •# insurance ends in accordance with anY�s^89reement between 8onower and Lende►or apptieable law Lender shall give . • �
<br /> • , . � � � 9. Inapectlon.Lender or its aSent may make masonabte enUies upon and inspections of the Property. - ,
<br /> Borrowe►noUce at the time of or pfior to an inspectian specRying rease�ahte cause for the inspedion• '' _ � =�
<br /> ' � 10. Condemn8tion.The praceeds of any oward a f�tn��ce in fi�eu of co demnUon�are here6y assi ed and , -,'�_
<br /> condemnaUon or affier taklrtg of any part of the Properry. , t .:+•o<-,�
<br /> � ' shaU be paid to Lender. � i�••:._.`:;
<br /> In the euent of a total taktng of the Propefi/. the proceeds shaQ be apptied to the sums secured by lhis SecurilY :, ��� _,�
<br /> - Insbumetrt.whether or not then due.with arry excess Da+d to Borrower. 'rt.tne event of a partiaf taWng of the PropertY in which .'°-,--r�.._.�s,,
<br /> :^.-e falr maricet vatue ot the Properry immedia�}!befofe the taking is eQ:zf a or qreater than the amcurtE of tfie sums sewred „ _
<br /> • �= this Securily Insttument imsr.ediately before the tefdng. ��tess Borrawer and Lender otherwise agree m wriOnS. 1'xr sums �"� .:� .��:-'
<br /> •� s�red by this Security lnstn:-m.ent shaU be reduced by t�e�':afnt of.ffie proceeds multiplied by the following 1racYran 1�1 the �`=.. -J� i 1-
<br /> ! � �t ^:al amaurrt of the sums sea.:ed Immediately befnre the t�icir�a� d'wided 6Y (b)the tafr market value of the Prope�y Imm�i�i�h/ '-: '.l:.•.''F�:,j:..-
<br /> • � bEtore the talmig, qny 6alance shaU be paid to 8arrotiver. In t�e event ct a parlia4 taking of the i'roPeriy in which L'+rz tair rrar?c°: ,:
<br /> ' vatue ot the ?r�erty immediatety befo[e the talca�g is less than the a-r^�ur�f the sums secured immed'�ately 6dcrE ti�e talang, . .i.�;.c
<br /> �T` u�less Borrower and Lend�r otherwise agree in writln9 or unless �?lcab'e law otfiEnvlse provides. the procee� shall be , ;
<br /> �,, � :� a�plied to the surtes secured by thls Sea�rity Instrumait whether or not'��T.f.'ns are tfien due. t ,�� • �,:_
<br /> a
<br /> �}mg pirppgrty is abersd�c'r�by Bortower,or if,after notice by Lenc�to 8ortower that the condertmor oflets to mafce an ,, • �.,.
<br /> � award or setUe a claim tor �amages. Borrowar fa3�to respond to Le��r withfi 30 days after the date the notice is givea '
<br /> c ,03�:
<br /> '' � Lender is ai.Khorized to catlect and apply the proceads. at its opUon. e:'���1 to restoraUan or ►epalr of t�w Property ar to the . ''°??�������
<br /> � 'I��:• sums sec��d Dy thls Security Instrument,vuh�*her or not then due. .�.:"��;r
<br /> . , • .y �'y `
<br /> Unless lender and Borrower othervrise agree in wdtin9• any �p5cation of proceeds to pdnc� shall not extend or
<br /> -�' p�stporte the due date of the monthly payment�retesed to cn para9►aPhs 1 and 2 or change the amount o1 such payroents. � ' ,,-°��'
<br /> ; � 11.Borrower Not Released; Fo�bearance By Leaater QVot a Walver.Extension ot the Ume to:payme�t or �.� . �;"*%�'�..�''
<br /> . ;,.:,. .:... ---
<br /> , madficaUon af amorthatlon o1 the sums secured by thls Sac:rity tns�u�nent granted by Lender to any successor fn irc:�est ot • �.
<br /> ' BoROwer sha0 not operete to release the IiabifAy of the ongmai B�TOwz.r or Bonpwers successors in interest. Le.-s��stti311 not
<br /> ' be requlred to cnmmence proceed(nqs agatnst any successor c� i�te:�� or refuse to exte�d time for payment ar oiherwlse •; ��,
<br /> .c. ���' modity amoRlzation of tbe sums secured by th}s Securiry Instrument hy�eason o1 any demand made by t're cr.,c^.�a+Bo�ower er • ���,��_•.
<br /> "� . .�t Bortowet's sucaesso►s in interest Any forbearance by Len3er m exercising eny dght or remedy shall rto: 58 8 w3:�:.� o�6T ,.�:,�,
<br /> . ,�� prectude the exercise of any dght or remedy. �,�.�, ' ;'� � ':
<br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bma�u�a3; .d�io�t aeaa�Several Uability; Co-signers.7ne covenants a.d� '• '^� �
<br /> ..y � agreements at thla Securtty tnstrument eha[i bivJ and benefR the successors and assigns o1 Lender anA Ea:rower,subJect to the • :�f;,,F_
<br /> .r•` ,, ' . { pravisiorts oP paragraph 17. Bortowers co�esa�tp and agreemer:ts shaU be jolnt and several. My Barr�rrer who caslgns thts . • ��,•,ri��;
<br /> � Securily',nstrumerrt 6ut does not exeeute the Note: (a) es co-sign?r:g Uhn Security Instrumenl onty to mortgage.�a.ht anC corne{
<br /> .:��.:
<br /> ° ' that Borz4��rer's Intetest in the PtopeAy under the tertns a`t'�is S�a..^�y InsUumenk @)Is not personally oblig��:o t�sy 'w'e ' � . . -
<br /> '4 � � sums secured by thls Security Instrument: and (c)as�r2a tnat Ler.�er and any other Bonov�er may agree to ext�.1 -f.s� . . .
<br /> =.i � � forCua.• or make any accommodaUons wieh regard to the temss o`.Lh°s recurlry Instrument or the Note wfthout i:�s2 2a^a��e�'s ,', �
<br /> .'i cortsert'. . �
<br />- �y ' 13. L1IDtu1 Ch2lfgea 11 the loen secured by tt��s Ssce:r.�i tr,s:rument Is subject to a law which se�s rn�,c.-wr:� tc� ,
<br /> { � o5aryes, an3 that law is flnalty interpreted so thtt! the mte:est or o:her Ioan charges cotlected or to be c:.".c�ed is ea:.nectian
<br />•;:� + with the coar+exceed the pertnitted Ilmits. then: (a)ar•y s::=�loan charge shall be reduced by the amour.t r.�cessary ta reduce .
<br /> . the charge to the permitted fimit: and (b)any sums atready coltected hom 9ortower whtch exceeded permitted limits will be
<br />,;�_ refunded to Borrower. Lender may choo:c-ta m3ke tMs refund by reducing the pdnclpal oveed under the Note or by maWng a `,
<br /> _ dlrecl payment to Borrowec If a reh,rri reduces pdnclpal. the reduetton wiA be Veated as e partial prepayment wilhout any ;
<br /> '�s` prepayment charge under the Note. .
<br /> � 14.N031C08.Any noUce to Bortower provlded for In this Security InsWment shall be glven by delivedng it or by mailing it _
<br /> . by fitat ctass mai!unless applicable taw requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address . .
<br /> � or any other address Bortower designates by notice to Lender. My noUce to Lender shall be glven by fi►st class mail to . .
<br /> �• � � Lender's eddress stated here(n or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bortower. My notice provlded tor in thls •
<br /> �;:' � '� Secudty Inatrument shatl be deemed to have been glven to Bortower or Lender when given as provided in thls paragraph. ,
<br /> ' 15. �overning Law: Severabitity. This Securlty InsUument shall be govemed by federat law and the law o1 the .`
<br /> Judsdiction in which the Property Is located. In the event that any provision or dause ot thls Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> - .� conllicte wlth apptieable taw.such contlict shall not aftect other provisions ol this Secudty Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> gtven eHect wrihout the contlicting provlsion.To this end the provisions o1 this Security Instrument and the Note are dectared to � .
<br /> .. . �•,•.i be severabte. E � .
<br /> ,� 10. �orrmaer's Copy.Borro•r+er sr.yl be given one contcrrr.ed copy of the Note and of th�s Security Instrument. �
<br /> , � , .
<br />-:,��' ' �
<br /> �,'�� i �
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