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<br /> .. shau as�; w L�,aa all cea�s of tne �-- � ---
<br /> ._ � �.ASSIGNtdlENT OF LEASES. Upon I.eudei's requesE.Bormwer � ,
<br /> ptope,riy sad aD securitY d�o�s m2de in oonnecaon wuh�eases of the Property.LJpon the assigamen�I eadea ,_ , ��
<br /> .., sha�bave d�+e right to modify,exte�d or taminarc the e�isring leases and to execute aew leases,in Lcmder's sole .
<br /> - -- -�':� discxe�uUn.Ag osed'm this Fu'd8i'aph G,ths woid"Iease"shall mean"su b lease"i f i he S e c u r rt y lnst�urneat is on a �`'-_.- -.'•_ - - _
<br /> . ' I�scltcld. '
<br /> It d
<br /> ' � Ba�rettra absoln�ely and�mconditionally a�and Uansfeis w I.eader all the reats and rev�ues("Reau'�of the . . .- --
<br /> � �P�Y,��of tn whom the R�of the Pmperty�ae payabfe.Borrow�Ren m Lea►dear or Le,nder's ` . • •
<br /> agents m coIlect t�e Rwts,and agrees that each teaant of the Prnpeny shall PaY . � �:,.1��'
<br /> .:: . ag�..However.Boimwer sha3F teceive We Rents unti7(�Leuder bas given Boriowea aotice of defanit pu�suant ro ' ; ;, :
<br /> sh
<br /> •'`��-f.;.��: pa�a�aph 21 of the Secauity r�ma►t and(u�Leadear has given aoticce w the t�ant(s)t6at the Reats are to be �•'�: :�'`" .
<br /> as
<br /> . �..':t`:1�::�'• ' '-i`..':'.,..
<br /> � f"s%r'•• paid oa I.endes ar Leader's agent 'fiis assg�ment of Rea�ts com�tiuites an absolut� assignmeat and ceot an : _;._ .•�.�.;
<br />�:s;�;i,;,; ��¢ent for�onal seauitY only. � •
<br />�>;,;.;;.;,.;•.:
<br /> _:.,�:;�.;,:, I�Lendec gi�,-es notice of breach to Botmwea:(�aD Reats reoeived by Bomnwer shaU be hetd by Borrawed ag ,: ���.-:•- ''
<br /> �;r'is�i.,;;-. �for dte be�efit of L.e�der only,w 1�c 2PPlied to the sams secaaed by the Sec�ui�y Iaimimen�('u7 Lead�sha11 ;`' .,,.,. , ,�.:.`r�-
<br /> .:ri-:�:✓^"r,::: �.
<br /> :y . hc eaGiled to coRect aa��..ive a11 of the Rents of the Pmperty;(m?Bmmwer agre�that eacb twant of ttte ( .. :1'I�R�� .•" 'e��
<br /> � .
<br /> � � pmgerty sLall gag�Tt�as c�e aad IInpaid tn L�►der or Leuder's ag�ts upon Lead�'s wriu�en dernand tfl thc ' . ;'.`r:�:s�<�yrti:":,:>-
<br /> tenaa�Cn+) u�2���°�Iaw pmvides otheiwise,all Rents caltect�by l,ertdea ar Lender's egents shall be :::.�s,.�...�:�,-�-- ,:c:_
<br /> i .
<br /> • ••' apptied�fast w the cos�s ctf�ing conuol of and managinB the ProPeatY a�coll�ing tbe Rents,iac�:�u►g,but nat i .".•,-.,"f-`U;�:-
<br /> P� :•...>�._s�.:
<br /> • � - urr,`.=
<br /> `� limBrd tv.auomeys'fees,�u:-n+er's fees.Pmaniums on mceivea s bonds,r�r and maintenance costs.ins�uance .",.,:<'";`, .=r,
<br /> premiums,taxes.assessn��nd ofher c6arges on the L�tepertyr,and tlzen w the �ms secured by the Sec�ait�F • :.�;';�f'r`�..,,.�..;•.�
<br /> mted receiver shaU be tiable tn account for only thr�sr� .-.•�;t��r��r=i'�=
<br /> . . Insuv.�,enfi(v)I.�der,I.e�dea's agents or anY judicia[Pr�O r ....��,,.,.,s,;:
<br /> � ted ro take pos�essian of and -,.`..s�:h";�....,�
<br /> Rents acmallY received:�d(v��Leadei shali be eutitt�3 r.�have a receiver appaia
<br /> , � �� manage the Praperty�d collect We Rents and pmfus desived fram the Prap�y w►ithout any showiag as w thc :�':.�;;:, ;,�_ '�p
<br /> ,i.��
<br /> � inadeq�nacy of the Pmpa iy as security. � F'�l?U't,;,°��'` _
<br /> � L*•tRe Rents of the Pt�ty are not su�cient m covea the costs of� �a�:nzrol of�d managing the �:;.f,��,�f•,:.,,.':.�,;
<br /> _ � �,`�;,:%;'%` FtQ{rany aad of collecung t�:l�ts any funds eapeaded by Leuda for sach pmposes�become indebtedness af � %j��, ;:�;� ;•> � "
<br />. � . . �r , �4.,
<br /> '�l.,`;' .. �OSnaauet t0�s�Ly thC Secuaty l�StcumCnt pmsueu[to Unifamt C:oven�7. . ' ,.::.:-
<br /> ":+5 g��ents and wartants�l�aowea has not execut���rior azsignm�ns of cJ�e L�x�and has ," `'}�f �::
<br /> :� � ` � �'lr�� _'
<br /> " ';"�. ' • saes�w���.-�om�any act that aould pre�r�t Lender from exeac�ir,��ci�ts aader thic par��s. :',r 'r5 S�� -
<br /> s ..
<br /> }; � t.ende4;cg�.endex's agents or a judiciaily aFpointed�eiver,shail co:4.�e reqtnira3 to enmr upon,talce ca�l: ,:..yr ax, .,. .
<br /> of or ma�d:e Propeaty before or after giving notic�ef defautt m Boaowe,r. Howevea.Leud�,or Lens�et� ���fYc�`,���f . ��;,
<br />:_,. '}�, , N�':c-
<br /> � • agenb or a j,v�dl�.a11Y appo�ted rrecceiver.may do so at any wne w�eQ a�efault occurs.Any appfication of Re�ts :�.:-1.�k:�:-
<br /> B
<br /> � shall ant cae ar�aive�►y defauit or invalidate any other right or cem..+�of Lender.This assignment of Rents of ,,`�`.,;,,
<br /> S����::
<br /> .•:��.. the Pr+apeny s�r�rmiriate when all�he sums secvred by the Security Iasrvment are paid in full. , ,� ��fi
<br /> � r'�:::�:' I.Cd30SS-DEFAUL'�eItOVISION. Boimwer's defauit or breac6 under any note or ageement in . :��j'; f (�<<,_,�. :
<br /> .., i� which Leades has an'm*.�shall be a breach nnder the Security Insuumea�t and Lender may invoke anY of the .: �:;7;:1;,:��!::;;E,,;�,�.:''
<br /> ' zcmedics pen 'rs�by the�ecsrriry Inswmea� . ..;,�, ,�,s��;, ;V
<br /> ' �,�� . , . , �;
<br /> , BY SICs�1�L�Li BELAN.B�arrower 2�ts aztd a�ecs to the t�s�d pmvisions contmmed iai this 1-0 Fam�7y . .?;���ka,.S,.
<br />_�;;. r 1 RIItE'd. . • . .'�'f�.r,:
<br /> ;r;:�,
<br />'o..'r •5� ��� �1 h • � ���i, r��.
<br /> ' I �. '�", .r� . ($eal) (Seel) ,.;:i'::;y7,.
<br /> MICFIE�i"a T SIN@.CZ�S -Borrower •.�:`:• °?
<br /> ZIJTOb L SIf�II'HONS � • oirowes S '
<br /> %..�,; �� �5�� (Seal) 'i�a�r..:,;.
<br /> :' -Horrower `::;:�.:;;''`:,
<br /> "i�'. -Hormvrer .�i:'•:,'.'.
<br /> .�., . -
<br /> `.�. '
<br /> _n:� .
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