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<br /> � � APPLtt 001-70327047 ,
<br /> ,-. . ._ ; . TQI,# OOOOOOOOOG . , � t` ., .
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<br /> -�-�- � 1-� �AMIL� �II�EI� g�� ` � �=--. ._ .�_ :
<br /> � �Q�`�� - -
<br /> � A�igoment of Rents , . .
<br /> , , �' 13TH de Of �+Y , 1997 �is . <.._..�J,.:
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAM�.Y RIDER is made this Y --
<br /> . I incoiparated into�W simll�e dc,eazed w am�d and supple�t the Martgage,Deed of Ttast or Seauity Deed(the � ._;_',j,. ;;.
<br /> . . :'l ^Seaaity Insur�mcn�')of thc same date gnrri by the undeisigned(the"Bosrower")ro�ue Sorrowa s Not�to . . � -- �
<br /> _� u ra Sj � �'" . . . .;•�
<br /> , ' . j `-�'<c
<br /> .� •• :Y{;r,��s� . . ��
<br /> (the"I,e�tdca'� :'-�
<br /> .� , •,,-T`u�
<br /> of the s�+'+a data aud covermg the Ptuperty desca��Ued in the Seauicy Inst�ument and las�at: ..`.��'�;'�'."
<br /> . . � � �:�=_:::
<br /> ' � 4QA2 BEED ROAD � : � ' . "`_
<br /> { GItAYdD ISLl123A. NEBRASRA 68803 • ;�f�a
<br /> - � ..� (�YAddress� � ' :.�;�,'f=�_
<br /> ' ' '.;�3 --- _
<br /> t t�..�f,;�.:,-.
<br /> '..•� ` ,.. �17iAF.
<br /> t-4 FANL�1i C01i�AIANfS. Ia addiGon w the coveaants aad agceements made in the Sec�rity Insuumea� � Q..
<br /> : , Borr�wer and Lea�da�t�rdter covenant and ag�e as follows: � �
<br /> Lea
<br /> � � A�.AHDIDE'�IONAL�OPE�T7l SUBJL�CT TO THE SECU[31TY IN�TQIl1biENT.In addition w the ,..;:,�'
<br /> , ., .� .
<br /> :r Fmg�rty,desr�ed in the Scturity�astrumeAt,t6e following items are added w tI�e Piopeaty desaiPtion,and shaU �' ''r�`
<br /> . � . Ff�f�
<br /> ai�a,r.anstftute the�Ceny'covered by the S�urii�►InsuumenC bw7ding mate�s,aPPliances and goods of eve�Y ' ��s�+
<br /> used.or mtended W he used in Connedion cvi l h l he A o p e ri y �'L'��
<br /> :":' naUsa abatsoeuer naw or h�caf'te�tocated in,on,or , �,<"�:`�:`.
<br /> . � � ;i iaclutWtg,6ut�nai limim,d m,those for tl�pu�pos�s.of supplying or distributirtg heating,caaling,eIec,oricity,Sas, ,- . < `''��.
<br /> :�`:f':fi- �,:- watcr.air aud�Iight,�pteventi�on and e�ingai�g aPPa�aws.s�nil►a�d ar,oess conuol appataws,piumbing. _ . . `:f '.-
<br /> '�'iEyr''•. . ���.;' n ran stoves,rCfrigedamis.d i s h w a s he�s.d i s pn s 3 L s.w a s h e r s,d ry e�. . . c.,,;,._,�,�',:t:
<br /> t.,,., bath tn6s.waier h�,water closetg,sinks. �s• ed .
<br /> ' , i�S;': aWmings,stamt windaws,starm doois,screens.blinds.s�ades.c�tams and c�utain cods.attrds�d misrors,cabinets. . , j�ys��`�'a�:
<br /> . ::J�'.; auac�ed W the I'ropetty, ati � whicb, including �. .. .,,,�i.•��.:....•:.A:
<br /> °`' p�ett�g apQ. auuched floar coveinugs noiv or he�eaftea .: •, •,: �
<br /> �.;; ::r;:•::;��::� nu b ihe Securi ����
<br /> `�k, . "':;+. mplacew�nte aad�ads�c..^n+s�n.shall be deeaaed w be and remain a part of Ute Property c�vereA y LY s`�;"�
<br /> ,f .r,c �,.
<br /> ,'.:
<br /> `�� ''� Insttument All�of:t6e Csrego�g togethea with the prolx�tY de�ed m ihe Security Instrument(or the leasehotd ��<�. {,�� ;:
<br /> ' �;�'. esttue if the Seciuihj Insuame.nt is on a teaseh�t� are refeaed m in this 1-4 Family Rider and the Security •�r6`�`.
<br /> �,,.,. '�{=
<br /> ,•� � ���`;: �OS�i�C�E3s the°�i0��" • I zc :
<br /> . dr�, '!,..-i.pfM1d,A:;°
<br /> �` B,.USE OI+�OLJEI�'FYi�'�LI/WCE WI'i'H LAW. Bormwer s h a ll not s�e k, agee t o o r m a k e a . . ,..
<br /> '��•'`' chmige in the use o�thc Property �r irs zoning classif"iration,iu�lcss l.cn�rias agreed in writing w the change. ..�r.�•:�
<br />-,.��;��... , � Harrower sdait�eampty with ail laws, ordlnauces, regWatious and mquirements of any govemmental body : --
<br />-''�"•: '. • applicabte w the Frog�n.jr. , � � �.
<br /> - ;�%,t�i`��, C.SUBORIDEI►le�'PL�LIEIVS. Excegt aq permiued by federal taw,Brnmwea shaU not altow any lien inferior ..-:.. .�
<br /> � . ��;`�'.��`�' w ths Security Insuu�tte�t w Be perP�ted agaiast thc Propeary without Lendea's prior writ��mission. .:.' ".:,
<br /> . ,;t�,u .. . �;,�i.
<br /> r „s;. � ,'� D.RLNT L4�1IP15�1�A1�1�. Borrawer shaU maintain insura»ce against rent ta�s�addiaon to the other � ���'�rv
<br /> � - . _. ,•iz ?,r`; ��
<br /> �bi1�;��r � . ..,a+,:�r��.
<br /> `�•,•.,.',: . . harards far w6ich,insuraacc is tequired by Uniform Covenant 5. .
<br /> , . �•:���;�;;� &"HOR���R'S RHQ'i�II7'�'U 1�EIN.4TATE"DEl.�TE�. Ucaiform Covenant i8 is deleted. � .
<br /> .. •;':^r�y;E��� I�.Et�B�itOW�R'SOCCQJPc°�1VCY. Unless Lea�der �3 Borrower oth�wite a.gee in writing, the first .:',,� ' ':
<br /> '• '':;�.,.: s�nteace in IInifatm•Cove�attt G conrerning Botrowes's occa�aa�cy of the Pcopealy i�dr�:eted. All remainu�g . . �,:-,5;.�
<br /> .`.y,n�i;;.:.
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<br /> _;,,,,...; .'. . .: ��.,.
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