__ " ' . .0 . . .
<br /> ' � � . . - - �/ . ' � ��, ��'( �, f �
<br /> _ _ '" ' _ . ' ' .C- . . _ . . . � '�,..:. _. �!���:`` � , _
<br />. . .. .i . � , � . . . ' - � 1' : i' � .
<br /> � ��`�
<br /> - �� ?I. ._!'` �'•��t`
<br />- � � ���IO �O�Yf� ,��`��.'f..'. } � . .
<br /> � te amount rtoi to scoaad tne ma�araum :j;:,�:,'��;'�`°.
<br /> LsnQst may.at any firt�►.col:xt en�hotd Bmounts h7r Escmw ItEma in en eBB�Sa .
<br />;y ` � amuuni that maY oa roqu§ed tcr 6asrowefs esoroar eceount und�r the F�N Esmt�Setttament Proeedures Act a!t970. t2 uS.C. '�� Y ,r t `.
<br /> �2b01 gt ggy,et�d tmp�t8 tsgul9ttans.24 CRi Pert 3500 8s thoy may Ce emsnded ltom ttne to t�ne(`RESRE►'��ce01 `i..,',:,c<< .,
<br /> ` that tho cushion or reserve DennRteB by RESPA tar w�enticf�ated disbursemm�ts ar disbursements betore the Bartowefs �. G,::,., . . .
<br /> ,� •.,•:.,..-r ..
<br /> paymente 8t�avaQaDts b the aCCOUrrt tnay eot 08 bas9d on emounts due for ffie n►aRgaBe Insurance pr6mlum. '��ir=;:, : <
<br /> «;�`�:,.
<br /> It tha emounts AetO by Lender tor Esaow ttems 6x�eed th9 emounts permRted to be hetd by F�SP0.��shaU aceoant �. :.:•...;;;, .
<br />, ?�),•<. .
<br /> to Barro�ver far Ma emeess tUnds as reQ►iYed by RESPiI lf the emonnts of funQs�eld by lsnder at anY Ume ara not sutfieient W :(.°�'.:;�,'•;4,�:< •
<br /> paY the Eserow Itsms wP�en due.Lender may notdN the Borrower and re4�ae Bortower to make uP the sho�as Dermltted by }.;�•`.�, -
<br />,. . • F�cSP0. ��,_..;.., ,`� ` � .
<br /> Instrument I!Borrovuer tendars �
<br /> The Escrow Funds ace piadged es adddtonal secur�fl far aU sums secur�ed by thts Secur�y i��:%;_:�;,.� .
<br /> ,...��:.. .�,
<br /> - , -- to L.eatdet the fu0 payment ef 811 sueh sume. BoaOwefs BCCaunt sfieD be CrBdded witlf Ufe ba�nCB re�8���t 6 '��;-j� -
<br /> , . d�ns (a). N�end (a) end enY martgego hsurance OrFmOim tnsmi�nent ft�at LenQer Aas not become obGgstad!° paY W the {��:<<,�;,.'.�:. ,, , ,
<br />- Serxeffiry,en�Lend�sAafl pmmpt[y cetund eny�s funds to Ba�soivar.Immediatsht P�t to a Mm.ctosure sela ot the PropeRfr � ; .
<br /> Se xetary ,
<br /> - or�s aequLsHion by lenQ�.Borrowe�'s acconttt shaU de�d tvBA any batance�amatntng tor a0 inst�rnsnts fot fterns(a�(bb ;
<br /> and(c� "�'£`�� ` _ ..
<br />--. `�,iiri��;�.,; '
<br /> = . $-Ap�1IC8tI0i�OY P8y1lIEtItS AO PBYments urtdet PtirB�ephs 1 8nd 2 SheU be BPP�by Lender 85 fOt�ws: ,, ...;.., : . ,
<br /> ' FitBt,to the martgaBe insurance Premium to be Oaid bY l�der tn the Sec�9lerY m W the monthty cher6e tiY t�e S��Y � �t�`;:`` ..; ;'.,.:,
<br /> _ � instead ot the monU►y mortgaga�nsuranee prem�m: �� _
<br /> SCCOitd, to et►y tmces. speclal essessments. teasehotd paym�ts or ground �ants. end fue. fload and otAer ha��d �:. .:t ..�.
<br /> _' : tnSUr8nC9 p[emUttn3.eS�eQatred' :���; , �
<br /> Th1rdt,co tnterest Que under the Not� ,". . . ' :.
<br /> of the Not�end �.'.A�f. �;;�,�1-
<br />-° � FOUrtDt,w emoRtmtion of the pr8�et�a1 � • .
<br /> , FIfU19,to tate cna�6es due under Me Note. � ,. ` � �_
<br /> ` �C�,( � : __
<br /> 4. Fl7@� F I Q O d 8 p¢d O t h e� t l�ffi d l e t w o�&f i i e e. B o rt o w e r s h a t i n s u re a A I m A ro v e m e nts on tho PrvPe�r,wnether ! ,�.{:,,_ <.
<br /> a
<br /> '� nov� Fr��ae or subsaqu�lN aected.aBatnst any Aarerds.casueRies.end conUngencias.tneA�dfi9 1�cD.tar wt�sh lendar '��',��5±,�-�-
<br /> , .;<�,��,�r-� .. �
<br /> _�. •';t requtres tnsurance.This tnsurance shaD be ma��ned in the amounts end for tAe per�ds that Lender req�+6es. Baemwat ShaU :si���`;E,f�::;,..;::"�-
<br /> .,� . . r..ct atso insurB eD impravem�ts on the PropeRY.whether now in e�dster►ce or subsoquentty erected&Sainst toss bY Roads to the r:.,.�,';, • .
<br /> .�' exter►t requited by tAe SecretarY.AO insur8nee shaD 00 certied wQh Ca�Fan�eAD�d by l�ndar�4r�a"s�srsrertce PoGcies snd s �`'j� �r t= _
<br /> '� . , any renewafs shall be hetd by LenQer and Sha01nC4de bss VaYalila cfeuses in[avot ot,end In a tarrtr a�epffib!9 ta.Lendc�. `: '_.�ti._,�;;--
<br />, , V .;.-. .•. :i:. . ;_�
<br /> -:fi In the event of toss. Bortawer shaU glve L�der 6mnedtate neVice by matl 4end�r may make Droaf of Wss i� no! mads :� `'� '•;�°�.M`
<br /> : SS_y���s _ . ..
<br /> = ' r d. i-
<br /> ;� � '� P�mDUY bY Bortower. Eflch Insurance COmAenY Coneemed is heiebY authortzed 6ind dUected to make DaY�n3 t:*a buch bss ' � u: �� .i: .
<br />:;,t '.:{ dtrectN to Lertder. tnstead of to Borcawer and to Lender leint[y.AU or any DaR of tRe insurmnce Droceeds maY ba ePP�ed Dy . �t .� ,
<br /> — � Lender.at fls eAtton.eEher ta)to tha reduct�on of the�ndebtedness cr�er the NotO and thls Secw�Tf1 InsWmen�f�st to enY fY�''y- �> ,
<br />� t F daib�quent amounts apPii�d in the ord�in Peragraph 3.end then W�n7lment of prbicipai.o�(G}W ths to..tOC�•R or tepa.4� -.--
<br /> ! the damaged ProA�Y• �Y �P��n of the Pro�� �e D��1 sha0 not evdand or postponA tho duo ctate of the �����k� -,
<br />� . i �7l;..,, ., .;�,.-
<br /> -�•I•.�-;� . 5 monthN PBYments which are refert�ed to in ParagrapA 2. ct ei�ar.ga ttie amount of sueh psyments. Any �s �irs.KCa f�.,t�� .. <-1•.,,-
<br /> ����'•, • .� e0 outstandfng tnCebte�r.���er the Nate and thEa Sscurftlr Insdnrttan:s!hu�=lv.a p� ,.;.�-;. ., ,`' . -
<br /> �.•.,: proceeds¢►�r an amount requfred to paY � �.;�_
<br /> ' �F .`�: to the eri��Y ent3Ted theceto. 4'�`•`.- �. -rr ��'
<br /> (n tho evant ot to�ctcsure ot this SscuritY tnstrument or c'�2v �ansfet of tdte to tho PraOaRY Hu�t e�inBuEshes th0 t �_. ' .'`'�.,
<br /> indebtednesa,aU right,tB�and fitmsst ot Bortower b a2d L�s tnsurarn:e Oo��h to�e shaU pass to the p�rcht�ssr � ` ' . "��_
<br /> :' E ., ..- 'n., .
<br /> . �
<br /> ;;.y 5. Occupancy. pre�niation, �Aainte�.�¢o arer9 Paot��ti�n o9 th� Pro�er4y; Borrowgr'� I.,�nn . �.-,
<br /> ..� ;. .,�.
<br /> ;.,"-? �. Appiicaifan; Lea�ehaJda eo�st,an occupv.e��n,�.��s use the Proverty es eorrowers v�►p�rest�,ce wRnh - _;:r t•,.
<br />','�5 • � . shdy days after the e�cecutton of thb Se�r�}r tnstrument(or w$hin s�FB 9ays of e tater sab or Vonsfer of tha ProPertY)and sho8 ' .
<br /> .r:> . . •,�.,
<br />--- � eonttnue to oceuPY the P�raA�ut�► a9 Bm►°'�ue�'s pr�cipal r�stdsnce fir et least one year after the dat� of occupaney. unbss � u . :
<br /> :=�"� � � lendar dstsrmines that�ement wiU cause undua h�dsA�tor Borrower.or unless extenuatinp etrcumstanees e�ds!wfiteh�e ':`•�,�f�.y.!.�... •..�.; -
<br />.:�,�� �.'� Osyand Boirowefs oontro!Bortower shaU not�y L+enQer o t arryr e M e n u a t fi8 a tr c u m s t a n o o s• B�rt o W e r s h a U rt o!e o m m d v v a s t e v r � .�r%;`
<br /> ':,='i desuoy. damaSe or substant(aRY change t�e Property or aIlOw the ProOerty to demdorata. reasonabto wear end te9r�aesAteA• � : .
<br /> � .� Lender maY hspect the Proper4y 8 the Property is vecant ar abandanod ar the foan is in deftw�.Lendar may tako raesonsbb � . � � �
<br /> . . � actton to 0��end presenre such vaea�t or abandoned Property.Borto�.+�sr shaU a�o be b 4efau@ B BeROwer.du�ing the toan .
<br /> ' � ..� �A��pn pro�ess�gaya materiaRy faise or Inaccurate infortnaUon ar statempnts to Lender(or taiLad to provide lenQ�r w�h onY . : •
<br /> a
<br /> materlal b►focmatbn)in connecUon witA the(oan evldence0 by tho Ptote.IncWdfnp.but not Itrnfted to.�epcosentaciz!�concemhp .
<br /> �;'�_..1• � .,��;.-5; Borrawef� aecupanay of the Propertyr as a pdnci�el watdenco. B this 8ecurfty MaWmant is oa a teaset+�. Qc:'row� shoD • ' ..: :
<br /> cort�ry�tSi�+o provtsions of the base. It Borrower acquires t99 t�to the Praperty,t1►e IeasePv�tm�C tea t�$heD not be .
<br /> ::�I,'::"�� merged ur.iess lender agre�s to the marger tn rvr�in8. •� • .
<br /> es �;�
<br />'.' ¢<�:, .,, ' .,1,..''', ,
<br /> ..,,:..,:.�. 8. Condemnat��.The praceeds of any avrerd or cqtrn tot dertu�g99.dlceM or consequenttab in conneetion�vlth eny f
<br /> • s, ,,�. ;; �
<br /> �::�-:�: ',�:��f', condemnaUon or other a�+a of any part of the ProPerty.ar for eonu9yanco in p�so+�f eondemnntion.ero hereby assigned end
<br /> .:�r,,.:;
<br /> r ;��� sha0 be rw:d to L,ertdar:a thB e�Rant o!the NO smount of the �dnoss tr.at �emt►Ins ur'.�0 u�de►the Noto end thts
<br /> .:'1;��. � :'��'� Sseufti y tns,�ment LenQsr 8ha0 a�F�a 4ueh preceeds to the reQ�t+ar �the in3ebieQness uTdbr 3aa tYote and this 8eeurRy . `,;
<br /> ��.:-�e:� .. . Inabument.fast to anY Ceih�quent a:.a,�as eDDt�d In the oc�dm pr�a�if�b PareB�h 3� end t3ecr t� prePal�aM o1 pr�e�pai
<br /> ,�,�;. ;. s. . . �
<br /> ' 4>�'��•,•. Any eppOeallon of the�Os to the prk�eipal shnD metQ$xtenA or postpone the e�a Cate ot the monthry payments,whkh are ! . �
<br /> `s:�,�; .
<br />,�:;,. re}e�red;p in Paragreph�cr change 4t+e amount ot sut� �aym�is. My excasa prca�eds over an amount requbed to pay eD
<br /> , ,'r outstars�ndebt�dness under the htc�and thta 3ecudry tnstru�►�.�nE sra0 be pald to th9 entftyr ta6a'!�antit�d thereto. �
<br /> ' 7. Clu�r�� 4o Borrovler �aD Ppot�c3dom o! L.�r��i�r'� Ri�h'1� in tlam Pr�artyt• �nower sheA pay a►7 '`
<br />•� °" : govammonhtl or munie�N charges, flne9 and tmposRlona that are not D�cfuded in Paragraph 2 Borrower sha0 pay those • ,
<br /> � � obtigaUona on tbns dtrsotty to tfio enU'ty which b octisd t hd puym�r►G I}{�re�p�y w o u t d a d v a r s e y a f i�t l e n d o r s b►�r e s t t n
<br />— the Properry.upon Lenda�a request Bortowet sha0 prompUY 1Y�mish M Lsnd¢r reee�ts eviQencing these payments.
<br /> • If Bortov�er tatts to mafce thsso OaYments ar the OsYmants requhed by Patagraph 2,or tasts to pertartn any other covenents f
<br /> � and agrea�nts eontahed in thb SeeufdY(nsWmanb or there b e tegal Proceeding thel maY signNienrtW afhi�t Londefs r�hta i� •
<br />_ � ; thg Propetty(sneh es e ptoe�dln9 M CaniwP2cN.tor condemna�on or to entorae Iaws ar regumtlons),than LenQer may do and 4� . .
<br /> . . 1 pay vfiatever� nscessery to proteat the vaAie of the Propmty end lendefs rtghts in tho Property.hciuding payment o4 taxes,
<br /> . harerd insurance end othsr aems menUoned in Peragraph 2
<br /> .� �. . I � •
<br /> - ---- -- css�a�Ma(s�a>3 Paoe�m 6 : _. _..' -
<br /> .. . ' i •
<br /> , .,. .
<br /> �; � . � • • .
<br /> . `� SW � • • .
<br /> • . !
<br /> , , �
<br /> ,
<br /> y.._ _—_! _ =-- -=�-,P.�
<br />