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<br /> The uustor b PE.�fidL. Hf�fQ�11Al11��M1D LYi11EITA A HEROiAEd��Z HUS�At1lD AIVD WIFE, ` ���';'`r�,«,,.�:
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<br /> :,: 't'ert�avs,�s ts Q,�..,��Ir�l�lL BANK.A F�tP�dl SAVtNG� �ANK 98 50 'iV!°ST (�rmstea'� : t , ;�-
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<br /> �;.� 7gfl lV.ifVEB�RD. GG�T}��.AND.Pa"� 68803 ('t8ndm'1. ` ; t+ 'i;r""�::
<br /> ,, � Borrower owes t�nder the prtr,c�sum ot Ft�ty Fottr Yhousand Foa�r KuRelred s�1d OON00 �: � „��
<br /> F{t��r�;}� r po�3rs(U.S�S�4AQ0.00 1.7bts debt(s evIdenced by Banowds note ` ''
<br /> ,rrfG,s , ,_•., ,,� -
<br />� � ��i:•{ '.; ciaLad tha smne data es this�1yr lnstrument('Note�.w�+Ieh prov�Qas t ar ma r�Mh►paYrrte�ts,w&h t he l�l t d e bt,B no!p a� j ^ %�r�.�•
<br /> � eart�.�r.due ena vaYeble an June 1. 2�2T .Thts SecureY�nsuument secures to l�C�:(a1 tho repayment �•
<br /> of ttte debt evtdence0 by the Note,wRh�terest.and e0 tette�vels,mctensTOns enA mod�cattcns of the IVOtg:(b)tha psyment ot ._��;, ,.�'�,
<br /> alf other sums. w$h hteres� adVOnced urader n 6 to rotect the secur@yr ot ttw SeCUrity InsWmenC end (a) the ,`y���. :, o��
<br /> P8J89�eP p <�;iir���! '��.:;i-
<br />- �- - . , �of Bortowera cmr�.ants enA t�eem�nts nnQEr thffi 3ecur@y Mshument end tts0 Nota.For th(s purpose,i;�arctirrer r'�:#,�If�;^�"���;;��.;
<br /> ,<<+`;.��y� ';...
<br /> • U[avacabiy grar►ts end comreYS to Tnrstee. in Cust. w@A povrsr of sata. Uvd tollawtng das�s.fl T�perty lo��d fi � ,• . a��%:.:
<br /> - � H� County;Msbraslm: �;'`�.. :- ..;;,:::;<:
<br /> ... °`! �OY�T(qW�O^H�tD¢�DDI��T�"JO(Z02)�[Cae '�+i£�SY LAW[a�1[10 TH�cb°J8b' �� GF3�s419�(Sll�i `�' �l9ALL .!::.,�;:`;;,; ;.�:{.''''�'��(:;�
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<br /> � .t; c+&roao t�tif:. „ �
<br /> � t� CiE 68803 ('Ptoperty Address'k r�� , c <J;i�'.,
<br /> . f8[at�j lp7 CoQe] '`f>.�';�
<br /> ' ''' TO(iETH'3a+Ke7;7H aD tt�e imprrovfun2nts r.o�v or heteaRv erp,�0od as+t�9roD�yt.ane di eassm��.e00uRenenoes.and . .
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<br />�.•., ibmrres nov�or 9�.ereaftat a part o!the properly. AU repl�ments and edQ�ny shall be c�d by ths u�ecur8y Instrum�ft AO _�.. ,,, .,:�1�.rt,.;
<br /> i �:
<br /> �" '._� C!the foreS0lnp b wf8rre0 to ir tfib Securily Instrum�!es th9'PrOpErty'. �,; L , '` ;
<br /> r���. �,'�yj.' BORROWER COVEN�IMB thGt Bmrowet IS favrhttty 8eSxad of the esffit0 hen9bY conveyefl anA tta�tha r�ht to g�Yi end ,, , �,'�` �. •.
<br />`;�;;.. � � comey the PropOtty end th81 the Praymry !9 unencumbarad.exceDi for encumbtencos of recorQ. P.�travr�warrtu�ts 8nd wID I • ' �',�:":': �
<br /> i r _ . ".�i d8t8t14 gBfiBfBIIy/the tRI9 to th9 P�OAER�I a98Ulst 8D CIElh19 8rtd d2m8t1Q9.SuQjBCt to Etty 8flq1mbt8t108S¢'YF DD�!lOOfd. I-` � .
<br /> v»s'':,' � i� ��.,, .
<br /> _ . � THI3 �CURtTY I1VSiF�U1I1�M cmMtnes unitonn cawr►ants tor nattonel uso end noe�,+slfarrn cavenants �v8t� fUnfted i� � .
<br /> --'" , . .
<br /> ,•. ..�;,.�: . �CGOns by jur�ShcoHon to canstRuto a unBorm sscurty Instrsrr�nt cavurtrig rml propatyr.
<br /> �.`:,1�:'. �ti,•. . • .
<br /> _ . •. QOROWR SJtO�f�fla..^!COVW1811t OJ�d SQ[r70 89 tO1hIV/fA ��i ����c�'` .
<br />-'`' . UMFOANit�tVENANTB. '��;'.trs.-. ;:�i:. _.
<br /> 1.Payraaent o!6�rtnctsal� I�terr�stt�d lt�to �r�o.earor,�snaa pay w�n aue�na pr�nctya�o�.end fnterest ' � -
<br /> .,.:;;r . �;?�;:::_,�. .
<br /> ,�•' . cn.the debt evtdenced by the Note and tate chtugs9 Que cuod�r th9 NotO. . :.:r.r; .. .
<br /> �,
<br /> � 2. Monfhty Payment ot Y�xe�, In�uremeo, Atld Olh@� ChOl9�il. Barrawer sha0 ined�da tn eaeh monthry . _ �
<br /> � • paymen�mgeN�w3h tAe pfmcipal end htemst a�set forth In Ne Note end any fate cherges.a sum tor(e)te�s and special �_ .
<br /> assessmenb fevled or to 6e iavled ags(nst the Propmry. (b) leasehotd payments or ground rents on the Property, and (o)
<br /> .• �� premtuma for Insurance required undar Pars�aph 4.In 8ny year h whbh the Lender must Pay e moRgag9 hsurance premtum to . � '.
<br /> __ _ _' � . •� the Sscretary of Housing and Urben Dsvelopmsnt('S�eretary',or in ony yEar„whtch sucb pre�n4im would have been tequtred � , .:: . ' .
<br /> r' � U Lender st0 hetd the S�w�yr tnstrurt�nt,eacb monthry payment shaD afso hcdde e�her. (i�e sum tor the annuel maRgags
<br /> .� . � Insursncs premlum to ba pald by L�mder to tho Sscrelary,ar(�a monlhy e�Instead of a mortgagv inauraneA pramium H �
<br /> �� � �� this Sccurdy tnsbument Ls hefd by tAo S�atFUy. b a ressonabt� emount to bo determhed by the Seerefaryr. Emcept for the :
<br /> martthy ehergs by Ne Saerstary. these �oms are ee�d 'Eserov+ Items' end the sums pald to Lender are cat:ed 'Eserow
<br /> .. ,. . � FunQs.• ..
<br />,;.�: . . .°. �'�'_. ? csa�s�eao(WCO) va4•�o�e �- .--,.,�.,�_._::.- °.
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