!' �� � ., _ :'`.. .. ` .�.:i�.� ' ��x'` -
<br /> —. '-.��� J:. - .. _ - . . . . ' ` ,,, '.t� 4 .." . ' _. : ` . �_ . _ . _, _f, . ..T. Z�' �
<br /> , .. " .. _ . . .. .. � .- " C 1'`�a- 'T' .. .,5.-: . --•!.' . ' . - • �
<br /> , F . . _ _ f.!'y � - .W��r _ - -_�..u4.�+�-^.-�--.�n`�. ' .
<br /> � � . ��j! .
<br />_ '_�'�_�r=-_^ ��jm �V�Q�� , ____- ��-��.
<br /> '� • . ;�. enyr furtAernoL'ce of�cs�d�or upon Tnrsmr.do orie or more ottAa tbrtowing: �� � _
<br /> �� , • . � (� 82neficlary msy etttr3r ct�t`-ffi&e possesafon o%matt�qe 8nd ope�8ta�Trusf PrapeRy or 8ny R�rt Ne�eot,maka repaits end • . .
<br /> � thareat,aad eitAer wrth a wiUraut taftfng
<br /> slteraCOns and do srr�aus r�vhich BerreRctsry deems proPel to p�otect the seau�ly .
<br /> << - A�on,in its oto�(b?l�sua tor or ohenvise colfec!rtns!retarva reats.issues 8trd Rtofifs.mdudutg thvse Past due attd unpard. '
<br /> . + and appy Ure same.lass oos�s and es�ar�oloperaGaa 8nd cdtection.urdrrdirrg raamnaDle attnmey fees and Beeefrciary's
<br /> costs npon Bre lnde��ss sewr�d Rereby snd ln srreA ortderas Beneficiary rnay defermine.t1POn reQ�tesxof Banef'iaarY tnrstw
<br /> . . sfr21!assemL/e end sts�ll nsPlce av�taDfe to 8e�sefrclary arryrOf lfre 7n�st FroPe►N wAich has Ocen removad.The er►terrng upon and , .
<br /> st
<br /> : •u � taldrr9 Possssston od�i Tnut P�apPrtY the coUscOan of any rents.issues art0profitc.end Ne apPU��an Mereo!as aforesard.shaU • . .
<br /> norcrae o�waNe snyd&f&►�?Nererofare w Mereafteroowrring.oraftect any no�ee ot defau►t ornobca of safe hereunderor
<br /> . r�dafe anI►ad dca�Gi9�r.$rrant m any sucA notice.Nonr�starding Benefrciary's cor�nuance�n possessron or receipt and
<br /> ' appticaaon ot ra�rts.�.s orP�of�.Sene�raary s��l be err�ed to exerase evary RgAt provrdeH fa�+n thls Oeea ot Trust a by taw .
<br /> nf
<br /> - � upon oraROrme octea�c[s�o�a ot an Eventof tJefaul;inGud'u�g tAerigtrt ta exencisa dre povrerotsala.AnY o!�e acffons refened to in
<br /> - — Mis paragmph mayr tr,3 tala�n�bY Benefraary atsach Ome as Benefidary may detennine wRhout Bgard to the adeqtracy of erry L .° . -
<br /> ,- secunty for the Inde�d�s secure�h�Y• — =--
<br /> l-. _._ _._ �b) Berrefraary sha!!,wrU�e'egard Lo ihe adequaCy of a�ry sedrr+3Y Por tAe Indabtedrt8ss secu►sd hereby,Qe ertriUed io the .
<br /> , aPPa1r�mErROfa reosi+�R�by anY coWt havinglur+sdcff°n.withoutnoIICe.to take�►an of,prafec4 and manage Ihe Trust .
<br /> Prnperry snd operate tt�same and edfect the rertLs.issues and protrts therefiam. - .
<br /> . (c) BenefrciaryrrtaY brrm3�ra'/'acffon fnarrycourt ot eompefent jurisdicGan to forsclase ttis Deerl o/Tmst aerNa�ae anyaf Lhe
<br /> � - wverraras hereaf., th2�eotto b�so/d underihe powe�af sat�and in se�ch eva+►� . --
<br /> (d) Berrefida►Ymay�ect aa cause the Trust Property or anY part :
<br /> Berr2freraryor Tn�sf�79nre snch na�ofdefardt and notice ofsale as may be ihen�eqm'red by/aw TFre►eafter,uporr�ie .
<br /> . �. � expiraIIOn oisreeb&��Ure gtvin9 of suchrtotrce otsale as mayttren De�6Y law,Tiuste�atthe time andplace speabed
<br /> � Dy the r�oa ols�sl.�seD such Trvst Puopertj.a*anYPa�t thereof specifred by 6eneficiary,at prlbiic aucQan to Ure highest _ ;", ,.
<br /> . . ��. bfdder�r�asl+rnlav�v!•t�ey ofthe Unr'ted S�s ofAmerrca Upon racefprof paymerrt ofthe pdce brd.Trustee shall ePPh►�� `...,.,-<•
<br /> - � ,r. pa�c�s�n ttre feFtav�irr�a�er.(e�to tAe costarr�expenses o f ex e r c i s i n g t h e R�saff�'c�and�eason�attamey fee�f�ltmrTed :..:•,. ,
<br /> • rc�a's fees at¢�irr�ra than 8500.00 Ptusone�haif oforte percent ofthe gross "�� +.. '' '
<br /> t�,� dtBlet�tedt;�an0 t�(U the e�cCBSS.i/eny,t0 the�tSCn Or(GetsOnslBgaity enQ7led thP18�D. •
<br /> ;�_'r..�
<br /> . - ItU cesis and es�a�s�ed�Y���in e�tga»Y rtght�nde�tlris Deed o1 TrusG inr�udirrg�itho�t Gnuh�on.absaact orIIffa .;<_.,..
<br /> _. fae�apAr�is�!c�s.W'�r-ifanS ltuLiUe insurance.ai�omey C2es a�td coutt cbsts.shall be and eons6tut�tndebie0rtess recuted heteDy. .
<br /> •' 28 Or�cE Siuste�Lc�a*a�e+as t� _ . ; -`.
<br /> . °,,:�.:: Uta ress provisivns of this Qeed of 7rust and the Trus�eshalJ rroi ...�_,.^,.
<br /> . . (a) O�fesaridobfiggaliwiso?TrusteeshaJl+Oe�eterminedsoldYbl► exP ....._ :
<br /> trs ffdt'�a except far U.r+performance at sueh duties and oa rgatfaas as are specifrcafly set fortir Fx�+ein,and ao tinpGed couenar►4q or - -
<br /> ... :�:a�;.�`' otr�ons shatf(te im�sed upon Trustee. _ ,
<br /> �'`�,,-�s.:, �p) IVp provisron olrffis De�d of TiuscshaD require Tiustee to exp�d or risk its ovm funds.a oUrerviise incru afry f+nandaJ oII�on in . .
<br /> ihe perbrman�a.'an�otits du�es Aereunder,�r in ttre eze�cise of any of its rigMs or powe� - ;>: ::',
<br /> .. . -:..;-•.�:�.:: (�) Tiustee may caa�rv�i�h oounselo/iis own chc��r3 and ihe advlse of such caunsel shaU be taU a»d compl�a�oriza�on and _ , �;:�.�'
<br /> • protecton In the�pect of argracffon taken orsut'rated Dy it here�mdaiin gaad fairh artd refianoe thereon.and ''�'!�?�"°_
<br /> , : !�• ,•
<br /> : • � (� Trt,rstee shall notbs frtGble lor arryectian laken by itfn good faitl►and�easona�y trebeved by r��s�e a W lo r'r s e d o r w i d l F n i[s '' s ��'.`
<br /> . �-,, �'� d�sc26on or rig�oc�pwie�s corrterBd upon it by this Oeed of Trust �'�fixNre frfing urrderthe pravistons of f`��; ;��!r'. `,
<br /> ' �'' 27. SerxniNRgree��'��"���ing. Thls Ceed rr,tft Tiust shaD�onstitute a se�89� ,1 �,:, ';
<br /> ::.�'•,
<br /> �' : Ure Nablaska U�rtf'am Commercial Code wid�re..�ctto thase fnd�aes descrr�a�(n the preambfe�hereofas constiAfing a p�rtof the ;.;.;y� �����.:•,<
<br /> . I' Tiust Pmperty,tog�:witl►all oiher pmperry of�iu�ar,efthe�slmi7ar or d�slrrs'rar ta the same aow or hereatterlocated ai or on the :s�ra.,�__-
<br /> . _ '. TiustP�OperlY• �' 1�,�'
<br /> L, ;` . 2g '�7pet UPcn payme�o!all lndebtedness secured 6y�itas�eed of Trus4 Beneffciary sltaD reyuest Trustee to re�+s�,�F.lhe �,�y.,.r.}'�,�!•t'=' -;!
<br /> Trus?P�opa�ty arrd shaltsurrander this Deed ot Trust and aRi�e�rts evidenGng Jndob�s sec+rred Dy thls Deed cC Trrs�to � � ���%����.� .
<br /> � , '�` Trustee.Tiustee sh�l recomiey�1e Tnist ProDeriY widrout war�arsrysnd vrithout charge to the�e�son a persons legally errll'..� f .,�-
<br /> r .�.'t�'
<br /> �- - tlrereto.Such pe€san ar pe�sons shaU pay sll cas�s ol�ec�rdation,il any. . �.' . ..
<br /> �g�T� genefrctary,at its option,may fram tima ro time remove Tnrstee and appoirrt a Successo�Trustee co snY Tnrstee �-Y
<br /> . apPolrrted Aereuna�:s by an/nsbrt�ent recor+de0!n tha carmry In which Ws Oeed of Ta�stis recorded.wU�out conveyance o!the Tiust . . . .� ,:•
<br /> . prypgqy,the gucoa,�or Trustee�rsU s�cceed to alf tiUe,power and dutles confe►ned upon Tiusfee herefn and by epprca0fe faw. ,r:�,.;�.
<br /> ' .. . 30i M'�soeUaneaas Rig�3 0�Ben�f'rct�g: Benefrdary may at any Ume snd fiom time t�6me�viitl�out ao0ce.conserrt to the maldng of arry :;, �;. ��..R y
<br /> . plat of ttre 7nrstl�mty wtlre creaoon ot anyeaseme�n thereon orany covenants restricurrg rise a occuPancY tl►ereof oragree to ;,{',{�IF�.-,�.�.:
<br /> � . � alte►or amen�U,tr/Erns of thts Dasd of Tiust My personal pmperty iemaln/ng apon the Tnaf Properiy a8e�the Trust Properiy Aas :�<< . �n _=
<br /> *� , . • been possessed w�c+iPted by Berrefrcla�y4 its agent or ary purchaser fopowing Tiustee s sate,foreclosu�a under airy deed In Geu ;..£,��..
<br /> o!Trrrsiee s sale w�closure,shaU be canclusnrely presumed to have been abandone0 by TrusAor. ...: :,,;.�.;L:
<br /> .. 3t. Natloe to Trustor. 7ru�ro�hereby requests fhata oopy o1 enYRa�e of delault and no6ce ot sPJs made or er.e�ut�d by Trustee pu�auam :.;l,rx�� = �
<br /> ;ro
<br /> , . ,. to the provislons he�16e sent to Trusto►at ib matling addre��blth herefnabuve. �K�, :..�..
<br /> :,�y.!. �r _
<br /> t��� ;��:
<br />- � � �-_;. ' IN WIfNESS iNNEStEaF tms Deed o1 Trost has�een dufy axecuted the day an0 year frrst above�n •�+ ���«
<br /> , ,` > J SCOTT IISTEE � �; ;:ct�:
<br /> . '
<br /> ° . � i. . .,�;;
<br /> - . Jame cott Zana, sE� .";.`��
<br /> _ ` . �`
<br /> -'.7'; _ •`"�,�,��i,�,:,`�
<br /> � , ' STATE OF NFBRRSKA J ..,,:,.,.; •
<br />__ ' a�ii ��. �'�•`�1�.�,,.�
<br /> COUNIY OF 1
<br /> . s • 15 M ,tg�,6ePore me,a notary p,ublic in an�fcr seld coumy,personalty came Jamea . •. •�,• � �
<br /> - . On UUs day a1.�131 � :,., ',.
<br /> . �. Scott �a and . '�-,:,�.;::;:
<br /> � known to me to bs tAa i�n6ca1 persons who signed Lhe/oregofng Oeed of tnut ard a.►�r:avledgcd�e execution thereol to be thetr .•�;.,•
<br /> ,: ._
<br />' volunYdry aCt 8nd d2ed.
<br /> . WITNESS my hand 8nd notedaJ seal On thls the dey and year lasf above written.
<br /> . . . (SEAU � � � � � n • ,
<br /> L.Y
<br /> � GE11�R{!i N01AAYdtateol�teansla ����Jlll��1�d�1 - .-
<br />-'� � LAURA L HOflYELL �!� � '
<br /> '• EyComm.E=ptl�i.1.2�00 � �'►�'�.t,.,. 1K� 1 ZC.� � ,
<br /> �._ �
<br /> :�° .. Kr .
<br /> _ . . . �- - •� - --
<br /> - - -� __,.__�.�.
<br /> ` ,- _, ---- � .°:--°_- :--,--.
<br /> , � - � _ _ � _ ._
<br />- . _ .. . . - . . .,. _ . . . . � _ . . ._ . .. �. .. , . 'v . . � � ., . _ � _ ... .��c��nr. .. +.r'�- -w�" . .. . " . .i_T`�'-.
<br />