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- .TS • . . .. . l <br /> . .- , . . ... . . � ' ` � , . . . ' . _ . " � . -=�__ ._ _- . <br />. - .` . . , • . • t�.�(�}•�i• . .. ...._ .Y.:�..�'.iV6i' ' . . .. <br /> . ��.�.i...�.,.r�}�-�{e-....��.w�..�� __ . ....r..._____..._.-a...... �_.�.. .�_. . . .l.___.�.l�.- . ... .. ... . .. . ' <br /> - _ .j ' -f L: : <br /> . --_ _._ ��°' �,��'7�� ----�---_-�_ <br /> . • insla0me�s of Funds payabfe prror to the due daLes ef taxes.assessments.rnsu�ance premiums and gratu+d re»I&.shftl►euceed ths `' <br /> amourrt r8qu;red to pay said taxes.assessments.rnsu�ar+ce Premiums and graund rsnts as they lall due.such excess shall . <br /> . " . Trustor's opQon.eithe�prornPGYispBid to Trtlsto�auedrted ta Tnrstor a g a i n s t f u tr r r e m o n t A ty m s t a J/m an t s ot Ute amaunt o/ o _ ,� . <br /> ••� the Frmds Retd by Beneffciary straAnat be sulkaent ta pay taxes.assessmer�s,lnsurar+ce P�� �m������m�ed by�� _ . ' <br /> .� 7msto►shail pay to 8enefiaary arry an'tavrn ne�sarY ro make up Me deficiency�tthin thirtY Y$ <br /> . � Benefivary to Tiusl�r reqnesting peyment thereof.Upon payn�ent in fu0 ot a!1 tndebiedness.Bene6ciary shalf pramptly refund ro <br /> Tiustor8rry Furrds held 6y Be► tlre trust Puvpsrry is sofd urtderUre po�ver of sale o�tAe Trast Propeitp rs atherw�se acquired � <br /> ,� rut . <br /> Dy Benefiaary.Benefiasry sha(I aPDtY immediatey prior to Ne sate ot fhe Tiust Praperty erits acquuii�on�y Furtds '}: <br /> u <br /> hefd by Beneficiary af tAe time o1 apPticauon as a eredd agafnst the Indebtedness.!f Beneficia�y erecutes a writtea waiuer ot 7nutor's <br /> obtiga8ons underViis paragraph 3.7rus[or covenaras and agrees ro pay,before Me same Decome deli�rquent,a8 taxes.assassmenrs. <br /> ' insurdnce premiums,graund rerRS.and atl other charges whatsoetisr levied upon or assessed.placett or mu[le aga+nst the Trust - <br /> .. P+'aP�+IY Trastor/uRher agrees.vAon written�taxesba.ssenessments and orAepi c�►rar9es le ed upon�asssss d,pleced o m er� . <br /> _ - such chargas.Trustai Gke�se agrees io pay <br /> � ' againsG or measured Dy.Uiis Deed of Trusr or ttre recordaton hereo% or oWi anan owed ta Benafrciary by Trustor .-- -. - <br /> 4. ppplication of Payments.Al!paymerrts received by Beneficiary as to arry deb�►iab�ritY 9 .� . <br /> ` or Borrawa�may be applied by Benefivary ta Ure payment ot dre lndebtedness or to any such o�her dBd�tietrsay or oCfiganon. �� ._ <br /> • in arry o�der oi manner ot applicatian whrch Benehaary,in its absolvte d'iscreDOn.deems app�ap►inte.t/nlass aihenv�se elected <br /> by Benefrtiary,a�ry su�h PaymerKSha(1 be deemed aPAGed 6rsi to the paymerrt ot arry debL Gability or odGgstfan afher Uran , . . <br /> tha lndebt8dness. m in the ud ent ol <br /> . 5. Charges Uens.Tiusior wiU keep tBe Tiust Prapertyfree trom ail Geas and eRCUmbrances which in anY K'ay' af+ ! 9m - - - ._.__ <br /> Benef�iary,►rave Prlority over.o►impair tAe securiry ot,tl�is Deed ol Tnrst but Tus�r need nof discdarge s1ry such lien so long as 'L <br /> ' � coMest such re by app pgrraie�e�pra�gs eltectrve�o P uent ihe enfo�eern�th�e lf i'sr►and t�i�af erry int�e�m� . , . . <br /> part ot ffiB Tmst PraA�Y- <br />. fi. Hazard lnsurance.T�r sha0 keep the buitdings and otRer impro+rements now e�ds6ng or ttereaiter erected on tlre Tiust Prvperry <br />- irrsured by insrnance caniers satisFadory to Benefu:iary against►ass 6yfire,hazar�ds incJuded in the Germ"exterrded coverage'arrd <br /> such oU�erhasards.casual6es and contirrgencies as may be reqrdred by Benehciary,in sach amCUnis and lar st�ch perinds as may be :. _;";r... <br /> � reqtrired by Benaficiary-The policy ofiasurance shaU be in form acceptab/e fo Benefrciary,provide that lhe�an►�m�r s�n favar af and .,,�,;:;s:,:, <br /> carrcelied ormodified wiUrout fifteen(15}days prior written notice to�enefiCiary,and s/rall have Itrss A� P . :;:�,,�, . <br /> ' � in form acceptab/e to Benefraary.Alf premiums on m�rrance poGcessha0 De paid in iha mannar ptovided under paragraph 3 her+eof � �, <br /> or,il rrot pafd insvch manner,by Trusrormafung paymentat Jeast t�en(751 days prier to 1he+1ue data.dlrec7ty to the insurarrce ; <br /> . ` carrier.Benefrciaryshall have ihe dgM ro frotd the��d r+enewals thereof and Tirrsia�shatl pfomp�jr hrmisAto Beneficiaryall _� <br /> � �, rerrreral nofices and a/1 pald pramium receipts rec�"�'��Ytt!n rta evertt shall Ben�cfary ar Tir�stee be held res�sar.�ble!or fai7ure t0 ; <br /> , .,..� or 8tisfng out nf failur8 ogatry ittsufa►tce .<` <br /> s pay ir•s�lrance premiums or for any loss o�damags ansrng oet of a defect in a�FolacY �►f' <br /> r�;i ' aom�io pay forarry lass or damage insured aga�nst o�fir Iailure by Tnuro►to eHect the Irrawance requtred hersunder.!rr m�e erenf , � <br /> ! ��` �5�.. of/oss,Tnxstof shaU ghie Ammpt noffce by mai!to the insurance carrfer and Benefrctarp.BeneflcFary may make praaf otla�ss it rot : � <br /> `'+°:r'��"F``•'• . made rom orin r erform by Tiusior.M policres of insurance and ar�y and a0 refLnda af wteamed pram+ums are hereby s.`f,�_=. <br />. �r. . ;.•;`%rj't ;-, P P�. p� ..triyta¢ <br />'>.t,r:. .. � assigned ta BBneflGary as addi7onaJ securirylor the payment for the lndebfedness.In thu ev8nt of Ben8lfCiary's exercise of the powe� :`'f,,;.F�,;;�r�-;_.� <br /> ,r�1 < � otsaJe contained heretn,oifn Ure event ol toreclosure,all righ�tiue and interest of 7rustmin and ro arryiasu�ance Policy then in force < ; . <br /> ,? ,, ::,':, � shallpass t0 tA8 purchaser at fhe bus?�..a's sale orto�closure sale.!n case ofarry toss,the insarance pmceeds the option of `?`r' � '; <br /> � �E,;•`•!,l>•� ° Ben�xy,be appred by Berrefrci�T7�on tlrelndebtedness,or any pa�t rhe►eof,an�t m snch mrler and amouni as Beneficiary rraay , , _;��;,; , <br /> . }��f�";!�'' ,- dete, '� •arsaid insrnance proca.�35.:ai ihe ap�on o f Bene fi c lary,may eiU►erbe nsed in repf�i�g or�estadng the Trust Pr+opc-rs� •�`•..���� ' <br /> _ ,�ti;t,,'.r;..,�::: _ �;;r:.`s'�.;;f�.��.:.'-. <br /> � d f o a con r�N ro r?s a ti s f a c t o�y to 89nefici a r y_�or satd inswanCe praceads�ccany partlon thereof,may tse 1 . <br /> ,fl'' .. p3/'utbiY�7i tOf8fly d�8 <br /> refeased ro Tiustor.Unless Benefrci a�d Tn�stor othe�wlse egree in wnting,a�such aPA���tian oJ;nsu�ance proceeds s►r're's <br /> ; .t extend o►postpone the due date of t e lu�or�:r��r s t a l lm e r r t s c a l J e d f ar therein,o►ahun gN the amaum ot such insta0me�s.1 i'rre -;'� <br /> ' •.. ` Tiust Praperryls acqulred by 8enefrciary pu�saa�!�rt�exercise of�he power ef sNe ar other finectnsure.a(1 rrg�tiUe snd irRa�si ot ,Y�,.,:, ;, �., <br /> . , Tiustflr in arrd ro anymsuiance proceeds payabra as a result o/damage ro the 7nest�P�aperty.Rdor to the sale ar acqufsiGan sfr�dpass F ;�' <br />` = to Berr�ary and shal!Oe applied F.rst io tha ceu-ss a�rd expenses,inGuding attosney feos.lnsuma0�n cotlectlng such proceeCS,e�zen . ,�- <br /> . �;, "�' ; in the m�nne�and in tAe orde�provi�,eaf!►er�. <br /> :;�. . ' 7. Preserveaion and M�finenaace of Tius7�aRe.24'•7 utor wdl kesp the baildings and oihar irnpm►�emsrrts rrow o�hereafter erecied on � ��: <br /> +�� • - ' � the Trust Propeny in ga�d repal�and condrDaa a-r�f v�J not commit or pe�mlt waste,wii!nat atterthe destgn o�sAarctural character ' : :� <br /> . ooru6t�ng arry builttb+�now or hereafie�erecie�an and consirhruiig the Tnut Piap e r t y.w i U�a u!t he p�l C�w d t t e n c o n s e r r t of �. : <br /> " u <br /> � Bensfrcfary,wr71 not do any act or thirrg wNcJi waWd unduly impai�o�depreciate tJ�a vatue of ihe Trttat Properly and wiU nof abandon .: ,Fs ; �•. <br /> '�:i��-:�;. : the Trust Prope►N.7ruste'Hn'II not remov�ar�y fixdrres consOkrong the Tiust Properry untess tha same are tmmedistety replaced witA :�f�y�;�� �`�, <br /> � ��'� Cke praperlysub/ect fo thelien anQ sacwmy imeJest of this Qeed of Tiust and ol atleast equsl value and uttlrty.Tnrsto�uifll com&!'¢ , 'r;' � <br /> :, ,, ...,.i.},�,.:,�,.:.; <br /> � wfth al�present and future ordinance�,��uta�ns and mqubeme�rts of arry govemmenfiil body.which are spAllcable to the Tn�t <br /> F ;, <br /> � � P�apartyand to the occupancy and use fhereat.NUrls Deed of 7mstls on a unit fn a condam%nlum a a ptanned unft deve/opme� . <br /> Trusiashall perlorm all o/Tiustors obligatlons una�the declarations or covenarrts c�eaUng m govemtng the co7�omtnium :_� : .�;.,�'_ <br /> � � or Lhs{�fanned unit development tha bylaws and r�yut�ans of the condominlu�»a�p/anned unfJ davefopmerrt a���."se - ; r� :---.Tr,'- <br /> ' � • �a.��ent doenments. ' . <br /> 8. lnsp�on.8eneficlary a ies agents r^ay,et ali reasonab/e Umes,e7ner upon the Trust Property fa��+e�twpose oi inspectiar . ���:�;� <br /> . •i�• i ;, , <br /> � �'?f.;,.`t,�I.; BenefJdary shall have no duty ta m.�such lnspection and shafl e�a:QB liable ta Trustar o�to•8rg�dte+son in possesslon il it m'.�s or `�-'�. . <br />. . ;t7'�r. . lalls to make any such InspecUon. <br /> ,'��;,±,;t,: :..... 9. Protectlon of Securiy.�Y Trustorlails ro peAa�m a�ry ot the covenaMS and agreame�nts comninad in ihi�Deed ol Tirrst,or Nany action <br /> , ;.:�,t�: � or proceed�ng ls co��nenced►vhich does or may adversety aflect the Tnrsi P�opert{tar the Jrrte�est al Tiu�to►ar Beneflslary therein o� . � <br /> �;�.•;:; � the titJe of Trustor the�eto,then Ber.efldary,at its opnon,may pedonn sucl�covenar�and ag�eementa,mrrke such appearances, ��;�:`;��,;: <br /> ''��•'•s��� � defend against and lnvesdgate sxrc4i action or praceeding and ta4cr�r,;h other action as Beneflcranl deems►�ecessary fo pm�d ifs . <br /> ,,,.,., >., <br /> ,�t.,�:> '' :'�t�}:�;:��'. <br /> , +t���:•• ' lnte�est includ'mg,but not limtted Yw.disbursement o1 reasonab/e altangy feea and endy upon�a Tvust Pioperty to make req�Fny , � <br /> � �� '� , amounts dlsbnrsed by Benefrcrary pursuarrt to thls paragraph 9,»nhmferest thereon,shall constltute MdeStednesa of TmSrr sa,v►ed , ...r., <br /> ; _ � by thls Deed of Trru�Unless Trustor and Beneficiary agree to othe�terms ot paymen�such amounta shdl be payable upon�^�'SCe . <br /> • Irom•8eneficiary to Trustor requesting payment fhereol,and shall bear interesf from ths date o1 disbu�emenr�p.ra highess z�.eiest • <br /> ; ' rafe pemiitted by law.Nothing caRalned 1»ihis parag►aph shall requUe BeneS;iary to lncur any expease ar taac�a�ry as�o��:ea�eunder. <br /> .',,J ` , r�ustpr/r►evocab/y authaizes and empoweis Beneficiary to enfe��%man�e trust Fraperty as Trtrsto�'g age�M and'n'►i rus.`�►'s r�.�ne a . <br /> oahenvue to perfonn any and a!f covanants and ag�eements to�e:x��r.ne4 by Trustor as hele/n provlded,8eneflciar/sr�r�.�r�:s . �;'•;'�_;� <br /> " .�,;,,,, . :Z! t, <br /> � � :1;-;`:;'� ,':�. opUan,De sub�ogeted to a�ry enc�mbrance,�ien,clalm a deman��3*a at sgFrts and securi0es far frie pnyment thereol;,�r or Y' ,,� • <br /> '� • • drschazged by BenBfiy,�rry und�Yt+a provisions heieof end 8ny suclt s;��.nsg���►Jghts shall be 8ddidxnitl and CumufBtive s=asiry�a . ..,,'�J?��,�Il'.� <br />-� . this Oeed ol7rust. . <br /> �i 1Q ContaMnants Tasto�wananta end rep+esents rhar there are not new,nor,ro ue trest of Trusto�s 1mawlaQge aftar�aasonatrla , - • . <br /> • � • Imresdgatton,haue thera ever been and,wftl�out ths Tarstor obdatrring Benef7clary's consent and a!1 requtstte pemrNs and approvals�thare <br /> � wilJnot in the fu�r�ba CoMamlmants sto�ad,handled,or drsposed a/on tAe Tiast Properry wbkh wordJ re4ulro cfeanup,remwaJ or <br /> • � . � other remed/al acdon rmder any emiimnmental law�Co�aminaMS sha0 mean matadela subsKancas and compaunds prohlbited nr . <br /> � regulateQ under erry envlronmernal laws.Tiustor wlp immediately notity the Bensfldary,in w�fting,a!8rry.(t)lnvesti�atlan.lnqulM c181m or <br /> adton by sny gavemmerrtal authorlry a other part}y agalast the Trusmr regardfng any envimnmenta!lawst(1+)Cnatamiearriu an the Tiust • <br /> - Praper(y whieh wou/d reqelra cJearrap,removal or othe�remedtal aWon under a�ry e►nrironmental faws Upoa the BeneNcl�ry's requesR <br /> ' Tiustar vdll pedodica0y provide envLonmeRtal assessmeMS a comp6ance audts;and agrees ro permif emlromrlentel inspecdons and �, <br /> ' tesffng ot the Trust Praperty by the Benaflclary or its agentst et the 7lustols e�ensa If ffie Tiust ProPeriy is used far reslder�al , , . <br /> praposest the preoed/ag shaf!not apply to the p�asenc�use,ot sto�age on the Tiust Fiaperty o!srtrJll quarrtlHes o!CoMaminams that <br /> � are generalty recognhed to be approprtate to nort»a�►esldentlal rrses end to malntenance of the Tiust Prape�ty. <br /> •• 1L Condemnallon. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages.d;►ect or consequentlal,ln connec6on wiM any condemnation or <br /> � . othar taking ol the Tinst Prope�ty.a►any part iherenl,or!or conveyance in lieu o!o►in andcipa6on of condemnaUon,are Aereby <br /> . assigned ta and shall be pard to Benehciary.Trusto�w�ll 6!e snd prasecute,in good faith and with dee d�hgenae.its clam fo�any such <br /> award or payment,and wilJ cause the same to be collected and paid to Bene�rciary.and,snould it lail to do so,Tiustar inevocabty <br /> • authomes and empoweis Beneficrary,m the name ol Tiustor or othenv�se,to ble,prosecute,set!!e a compromise any such cla,m and � <br /> - _ ___.____ �ppllect.reee+pt tor snd retam the proceeds.!I Me Trust Pmpeqy is abandoned by Tiustor,or i!,after nabce by Beaeficiary to Trostor = _ __ <br /> �.•'' • �� that the condemnor offers to make an ar�ard or settle a claim fo�damages.Tiusfo►ta�IS to resAonv ro Benehc�ary wrthm Uurry f3a}days � <br /> ..�: . � � <br /> '• � ' � .. , �. , .,. • .,. >� _ _ -_ _..,- .- <br /> ._ _ . . . .. - _ .._ . . _ .. - - - .,�;::♦:3�=;�:�`. _. <br />