.fi:�;-:'i`•� " -- �� . ..
<br /> -� =:��lg . ._ _ .'_ _ __.-_..--_ --- --°
<br /> . � - -. . . . _ . . � -
<br /> • . . . _ .�.:�.�.:s�c:t=:;..,.__....; . .. . . , , ' . .. _ . _ . . . . . . _ .. -- -• . ' =�.' ---- . -s - . -•. .•'__
<br /> , _ . . .�i '. �. . � ..
<br /> _ + • • ' ' �?° ���'7�2 �
<br /> .- ,- j �_- -- .-,_= -
<br /> . � 1 1 i.�eniv o4�fault. '[he foAowing shall constitu�an Event of Default und�r ihis Derd of Tnut:
<br /> (a) Failure w pay aay i�eA�pf pnnc1Pa!or iaoeiest of aay other sum se�ured hercby when due: �.
<br /> • � (b)A breach of or default under any provision contained ia the Ptote.this Aeed of Trust,any of the l.au►Ins�umeats•or �
<br /> � any otIler lien or enenmbrance upon the Properry; , ` _ ,
<br /> • (c) A writ of eaecurion or attachment ar any similar procesc shaU 6e entered against Trustor which sha►1 become a lien on � ',
<br /> � the Propercy or any portion thereof or interest therein: ,
<br /> (�There shall be filed by or against Tnumr or Borrawer an acaua under any presont or funue federai, stare or other �
<br /> ' � � stamte�law or regulation rehting W bankruptcy.iBSOlvenry ot uther relief for debtors:or there shall be appointed any trustea-
<br /> � � ` ceceiver or Gquidamr of Tnutor or Borraaer or af all or aa}r part of the Properry. or the rents, issues or profits thereof,or .
<br /> TrusNr or Borrower shall make anY Beneral ass�Snment for the benefit of creditors: , °
<br /> ' • ` (e) The sale. cransfer. lease, assig►meut.canveyance or further encumbrance of all or any par[of or any inceresc in the :' .
<br /> _, � Propercy.eita+er voluntarily or involuntar�ly. a►ithout �he express a'riam conseat of I.eader: prurided that Trustat shali be < < - .` '.`
<br /> • _ j permiaed to execute a lease of the Pcoperty that daes aot contaia an optiou to purchasc aad the term of�vhich does not exceed __
<br /> � ' � ' one year: '
<br /> ' ' • (fl Abandonmeat of the Properry:or � .
<br /> (�If Tcustor is not an individual.the iss��.sa1e.vansfer.assiBnmen�conveyance or eacumbrance of more ti�an(if a , .
<br /> usto
<br /> corporatiao)a mtal of rvn percent of its issued and ou�a�ing stock.or('if a patmeiship)a wtal of R!A pe�� _
<br />, . � " of partaershig interests.nr('if a�liabiiiry companyi a total of NiA percent of the limited tiab�7rty comPanS►interests , -�
<br /> or�otiug sig6is durin8 the Periad tLis Deed of Tnut rema�na a&eu on the Properly. - -
<br /> ; � . l (D?U�e abligation s�ruted here6Y is gu�'•u��d'm whole or in part bY th:.Fanners Aome Adm'aistrarian.botTOmez furt6er
<br /> �� ag[ees thac the IQan(s)s-'cured by th�s lnstrument will be in default shauld any taan proceeds he ased for a purpose thaz wil! , .
<br /> ; canm'butc to eaccssive erosiaa of highly eradible land or to the convasion of wetiand to produce or to make possible ttee :'
<br /> ` �: .� prod�tetion of azt agricultural commodiry.as furdier exQlained in 7 CFR Part 1940.Subpart G.Fac1u'bit M. ;. ��
<br /> .�. :' '-F'..
<br /> 12.Remedtes;AceeterattOn Upon Default. In the event of aay Event of Defavlt I.euder may,widiaut uotice except as reqnired •
<br /> by law.dectare al1 indebt�ess sec�ed hereby eo be due and payable and the sazne shall tflereupon become due and payaNte ti�,'.•
<br /> . .� witftam azry preseatmeat.demand.Pmtest or notice of aay kind. 'Ilieteafter Leader may: ,��: �:..
<br /> (a)Deuianc!that Trast�e exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trastee sha11 theseafter causP Tn�st°r's inoerest
<br /> . . � � in the Pcaperty w be sold and the pmceeds w be dis�uted,all in the manner pmvided in the Nebraska Tc�13e rds Act; _
<br /> .�- N)Eurcise ar►Y and aU rights provided for in aay of ehe Loau insuoments or by }aw upon ocaure�ay any Eveat of - -- . :
<br /> ��"� � ��III�� oiut a receiver.or ecifrcall enforce any of the � .
<br /> ; (c)Commence an action w forectose this Deed of Tnut as a mortgage,app SP Y + ;, _
<br /> covenants heteof. '�':•`�,'�:.
<br /> • . Pio remedy herein confernd aPon or resetved to Tnutee or Leader is intended to be esclusive of any otiter remedy herein.in the :..,.,.�,,;
<br /> , . ti.oan tn�nments or by law�rovided or permittcd,but each shatl be cumularive.shal]:Uc in addition to every other cemedy given : ;_�:�:_�'
<br /> '.;_,'_�;:_,•.`
<br /> gereunder,in the I.oan Insuuments or now or 6ereafter exisung at taw or in equity oc 1s7 statute.and maY be exercised coacarreatlY �;':;:;
<br /> ' 'I�"�'. indepeadentty or successivety. :;..., ,;. '�",�'�'��
<br /> `� '-: 13.Truatee. The Tnutee may cesiga at any ame withotit cause. and Leader may at any time and without cause appoiat a ;�� '.;
<br /> ' �ccessQr or substitute Tnutee. Truscee shall aot be Gable tu aay party, including without limitaaon Lender.Borrower,Trnswr oz ��,° :
<br /> '; . � �,:i:� �Y Purchaser of the Property.for anyr loss or damage�ess due w reckless or willfu2 miscondnct,and shall not be requ'sed w take -
<br />�:;� : -. . auy acaan in connecuon w�th[he enforcement of this.TO-�'-.�uf Tnut unless indemmfied, in writing. for all coses.,�mype�n or :.,, '';:.
<br /> eapenses vrhich maY be associated therewith. In additior,,Tn�stee may become a purchaser at any sale af the Ps� cia!or .;
<br /> a �
<br /> .� ��' undec dte�uues of sale gra�ted hereinp postpone the sale of all or any portion of the Propetty. as provided L�r ;aw;or sell the �. '�',;:T
<br /> : � . prapotty as a whote,or ia sepazue parceW or tom at Tmstce's disccetio�. '.. ,.• : �•,,;,_::,,
<br /> 14:Fees aad Ea�ens�.s. ��iita event Ttnstee sefts th6 Froperty by�sete�se of pov�er of sate.'g'�ee s'-.aL°�x�saded to�Iy ! � �,_
<br /> - , _ '{ • -- — :a:.,.as:3 ` '•r;,
<br /> , a,�.y�aL:y�uwuls fusi.o�x�vsu4 vf aL'w:.:a:w�t..:.�:c►•.:.:.s.:f axr:.;i�i::a- •.�yl5is''����� ,
<br /> ,- �� , . �nostot ezercises � �' �-
<br /> - and Tcustce's attomey's fees.actuatIy incaned w extent permiued by agg.• +� '•',
<br /> � any right provided hy law to cure aa 6veat of Default, Lender shall be 'c.'�RLd�' ttlB�Ttus a:+y�s�d expenses ,,.,.. "�. . ,i-_
<br /> • acwaUy incurced as a result of Tn�ster's defauI� including wiihout " ' '8d�a'5��.��a fees, to the extent :�..,a,,!'
<br /> _.` permiued by applicable law. ' �
<br /> T°>' 15.Fatore Advancea Upon requesc of Bonower. Lender map. z�its opm.*,�.. make add:-�onal and fiiWre advances and 4 .
<br /> ° � � �•��• readvances w Borrower. Such advances and readvances,wiW interest thereoa,s�a5::5e secured by this Deed nf Trust. At uo cime
<br /> ::..:*:�:.
<br /> s •• , shali the principal atnount of the indebtedness secvred by this Deed of Trust,not including sums advanced to pro:ct the sea�rity of �„ .
<br /> ;1ti,�4.� tHis Deed of Trusb exceed the aggregate of�he original principal a�oants stated herein. or $ ss c�ac.a� - ,;". ; :��.-.
<br /> � wtuchever�greater. '� ��4:
<br /> ; . .iir����;. 16.R�aneonvProvisionv. f .. _i � . �17r.;�
<br />.F` : ' �._.,�. (a)gorrower Not Y'•eleased. Extensioa of the time for paymeLt ot modification of amorfraathsa of tt:e sn��-d�f this :. �, ; ;,,,,.
<br /> � • . Deed of Tn�st gran'•r.+4 bY Lender ro any successor in interest of Borcower shall not operate to release, iu swy manner.tha i° .. _•
<br /> ' tiabiliry of the ariginai Borrower aad Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shal!not be required w co�r:nce proceedings � � ^
<br /> , ' . � `� againse such saccessor or refuse co eatend time for payment or otherwise modify amortizaaon of the sums s�ured by Wis Deed
<br /> . b the ori inal Bonower and Bonower's saccessors la interese. � . .. ,''�';
<br /> ?�,�,'' � of Tmst by reason of any+demands�ade y S . .
<br /> • � � ��c::�`^: �' (b)l.ender's Powers. Withouc a.�fecang the liabiliry uf a�other person liabte far ihe payment of any obtigadon heteus , �-'
<br /> � • mentioned. and a+ithout affecting the lien or ch2:�. e: d�is IIeed of Trust u�on aay portion of the Progerty aot thBa or -
<br /> 'i ' theremfore reteased 2s security for the full amoaot��£a:i cspaid obligations,Lx�;ies may.from time to tir'.:4 a�d withoat nouee . . ..
<br /> � � {' '.• (;)release any pecsu� so Gab1e. (i)extend the �.�.�uriry or a',kr any of t�:��ms of aay such obli�axs:�s. (i'v)grant other •
<br />;_a� �. indutgonces,(tv)re:ease or recomey,or cause to 6e released or c�orneyed at ay time at l.ender's option aLy patcel,portioa ot .
<br /> .� all of t$e Property. (v) take or release azry ot6er or additiv�aJ:securiry for a�y obhganon hereln memioned.or (v�7 malce
<br />,.:t. . winposiaons u,o�eY xrraugemcn�v witti Je�wrs in celation�,c�ecc..
<br />- � (c)Forbearaace my 1�ender Not a Waiver. A:v focbearance by l.cnder�exerc'�siag ar.;+ right or.et:e�y hese+ra�er.or
<br /> `'" � - ottterarise afforded by applicable law, shall not t+� a aaiver of ar preclude�L•�e eaercise af any such rizfi� o:remedy. 71►e ,
<br /> -:�::'' ,
<br />...� ,• ,`, psncurement of ins�uance or ihe payment of taaes or other liens or chacges toy I.l:�:,:er shall not be a waivc�of Lender's rigttt to .
<br />-'" � ��� accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of TnuG
<br />=''' � �,�'�ft;"., � � .
<br /> � ,.'s.:;::,.,. : (�Snccessors and Asslgns Bonnd;Joint and Several II,i�4t�y;Captions• 7'he wve�n.wrs and agreements herein contained :;;`.�
<br /> • .;r:,
<br />;:r,��. shall Diad,and the rights hereuader shall inure to. the respecoive successars and assigns of Lender and Tnutos. All covenanta
<br />"-=t�� • and agreements of Tmstor shall be joint and several. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Oeed of Trust are for . .
<br /> ���'' • comrenience only and are not to be used to interpret or defiae the provisions heceof. .
<br />:�:�^: . ' � (e)�equest fo�No@ces. The parties hereby request that a copy of anyr nodce of defautt hereunder and a copy of any notice �
<br /> � of sate hereunder be mailed to eacb party w �his Deed of Ttust at the address set forth above in the manner prescribed by
<br /> � applicabie law. Except for atry other aotice required uader appticaDle laa to be given in another manner.any nodce provided
<br />"�•� ' for in this Deed of Tntst shaU be given by mailing such norice by cenified mail addressed to the other parties. at the address set �
<br /> forth above. My notice provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be effec6ve upon mailing in ilte manner designated hetein. 1f
<br />::�'� � Tnutor is more than one person,nodce sent to ihe address set fonh above sha11 be norice to all such persons•
<br /> ' (� I�on. l.ender may make or cause to he made reamnable envies upon and inspecdons of the Prop�rty.provided
<br /> � that Lender shall give Trustor no6ce prior to any such inspecuon�+ecifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lendet's
<br /> interest in the Properry.
<br /> ` � (g)Reeo�eyance. Upon payment of aii sums secured by this Deed of Trt�st. Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the ,
<br /> ."� � Property and shall surrender this Deed af Tnut and all nates evidencing indebtedness seeured hy this Deed of Trust m Ttustea '
<br /> . � � Ttu�tee shal] reeonvey the Propetty witttout warranry and without charge to the percun or petsottc legalty entitled thereto. ,
<br /> � _ ---.- -� Tntstor shall pay all coztc of recnrdanno.rt any ! - .. - — -
<br /> � w-srum+,�cam e�.oi ae �
<br /> .�j � �14NN+Il�OQ�dfa�,+ut�smS��lmtIIiY4sd��tle+d+ ,
<br /> nf .. . .. . , . . . . __ _ '_ ' _ - ' _ . _ _ "...._ . . ... _'" �� -.�r•riri*4�/i.:a�� l 1 `�'rt'�`-:;.
<br /> ... - __ _.._..Y_�_. _ . . - � . . - . , -. . e. . }� ti� . - - . �, _.y. _.'��. •-'1�,t�-..i�w
<br />