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' 'Y�s - <br /> �=.. . ;t,#;;:F - ----- . � - <br /> . `,,,,, <br /> - � � I _ , ,. _- �' .._ ,, 'r.-� . .. , . . .. _:� .. � '.- . � , . . - .`�"E, ��� `-, . <br /> � � � � 9�� �o��sz � ' --..�`"£[ <br /> , 7'6i�Deed of Tmst sUaU secute(a)the payment of tue ptincipal sum and iatetest evidenced by a promissory notels?or credit � <br /> agreement(s)as follows: � `, ` <br /> Otiginal � � <br /> ' Date of Principal Manuiry ' <br /> hote(s) Maker(s)of Notc(s) A�nount(s} Date(s) j ' <br /> . , oa/24/9? JACIf L N26MOTF! 55.600.00 O1J15lo1 � , � �( �', <br /> r • ' <br /> ` and aay and all modificatious, extensions and rene�vals thereof or theretu and any aud al! future advances and readrances to � . � - � <br /> __ ; Borrower(or any of them if more than onq hereunder pursuant co onc or more promiswry notes ur credit agreements(herein calIed � <br />= —=:° ? "Note'. �vhether oae or more); (6?�he payment of othrr sums advanced by L.ender to protect We securiry of the Note: (c) the � <br /> _ petformaace of aU covenants and agreements uf Tnutar set fort6 hereia:and(d)all present and future indebtedness and obligations � •�` . <br /> • of Boaower(ur azry of tttem if more than onel to I.ender whethec direct, indirect.absotute ur contingent and whether arising by f <br /> _ notc, gaaranry. averdraft or otherwise. The Nute,ttus Deed of Trust and a�and all oWer documents thaz secure the Note or ,, <br /> - otherwise eaecuted in..�-�n9caon therewitb.IIISLtIAIIVP WIUt011I Ilmit3llDA sU3l�IIlC�S,security agceemenu and assigomenes of teases � ` <br /> - and rents,shall be cefened to herein as the"[.van�nsuuments'. ,-,- <br />_ � Tnutor coveawss an�agcees arith Lendez as follows: . - ' . <br />= l. Pa�ment of Iudebtedaesq. Al2 Indeb�secnced he�eby s5all be paid when due. . • -- `' <br /> . 2. TItIe. Trustor is the owner of the Propecty,has the rig6t and audt►�rity to convey the Property,aad warraats that the lien E� � � ,-f, <br />=: created hereby is a first and prior lien on the Propeny. except for liens and encumbtansxs set focrh by Tnutar in writim►g and � , �' <br /> '� • delivered to Lender before ex�aa of this Deed of Trust.and tite exeaution and delivery of this Deed of Tnut does not violate any � , �` - <br /> f� coatraa or other abligation w wluch Trustor is subject. - , <br /> 3. Tages,pisse�ntents. To pay before delinqueacy all taxes,special asse�en�s aad ail other charges agaiast the Pcopecry naw <br /> `,i: or he�eafter levied. '-n s °•': <br /> r:; 4. Instuance. To keep the Property isuvred agaiast damage by fue.hazards included within the term "extended coverage", . . , . <br />-��. and such other 6a7ards as Leuder may require. ia amounu and with companies acceptable to Lender, raming Lender as an , <br /> '= . . . additional nazned iasured. with las4 payabie to tde Lender. Ia case of[oss uader such poticies,@se Lender is autharized to adjust, :.;�•�: . ;._�i'.-: <br /> ;. . collecc and compromise,ali claims tLereander and s6all have the option of applying all or par[ef the insurance proceed4(7 to an}r ., ,;r�r, ; . <br /> " � indehtedness seeured hereb and in sach order as Lender ma detccmine.('u)to the Tnutar��used for the air or cestoration ;:�i� <br /> ?s .;�,:� of the e or iu)for y other ose or ob'ect satisfacoo to Lender without affectin �e liea of this De�ed of Trust for the 'f�l�$�h�'�.•..•`_�• , <br />_., �P �Y f� �Y P�P J IY g ; . .. ,�., <br /> =� •• futl amount secured 6eieby before such payment ever wok place. Airy applicaaon of proceeds w indebtedness shall not extettd or , t... <br /> '�- •=`=`•`• postpone t�e dne date o€�c�y payments under the Nate,or c�re aay default Weceuuder or hereunder. �'• . . .:.�.?:;::_ <br />�,.�` _ . <br /> 5. F�xow. Upou�n demand by l.ender.Tr�stor shall pay r.o suc6 manner as l.ender may desigaate,sa�cient ' :`r'''�` <br />-s.:, ' <br /> � sw�s to em:�tL Le�ta�ray as dtep becotne due one or more of ttt.�ilowing: (7 all taxes.assessmeats and other charge.s�gaiast _ �� <br /> _ ' �g . ,., . <br /> ;y. . , ?�' the Prapeamj.fn�t�°rTp-,;�,me oa[h:,propecry insurance required L�ceunder.and('di)the premiums on a�►mortgage�ce `. '_��.� <br /> '^ i_ required�i.ender.� � <br /> :�;,� • �: , 6. Maiatenan.ce, Y�aairs aad Compliance wit6 Trustor shaU!te�c7�Properry in good co�,.sar..�and ce�ai:, sha11 . ' <br /> ..,,; Promptty repair. or replace atry improvemeni wbich may be damaged or d.�:�yed: sha11 aot commic cr qe.�ic airy waste or - •. ";: <br /> �s� ,� detericr�on of the Properry;sttall ao¢cemove.demnlish or su6sta�iaUy alter any of the improvemeats on t�e Propeity:sball not � ' �� <br /> ''� commis,saffer or permit aay act ta be atone in or upon the Propexc�ia violation of any law,os�naace.or regulation;and s�all pay �,j',,i`r?'f " _ <br /> •:,� 's`%.•;`�r:� '' aad pms�tiy discharge at Tnutar's cost and expease aA lieav.e�braaces and cl�arges levie�.imposed or assessed�t the �;}=b�'i�t''`��:�i;. <br />_ r.:�.;:>;�i�. .. <br /> ..df!:f' <br /> ' - � Property or any part thereof. ,� '+�,,:,� <br /> � i�``;' •.• - � ?. Eminent Ba�. L.ender is hereby assigned all compensaaon.a�vard�,da�eages and osher payments or reltef(hereinafter - "`' - .� <br /> ,� ! �i,:, ' "Proceeds'� in connecrion with condemna6on or other taking of We Prnpecty or part thereof, or for comeyance in lieu of �.�,R <br /> .: ,`..�; :, � ..�� condemnation. Len+der shall 6e endQed at iu option to comraeace. appeac In and prosecute in its oan name any action or • .. .� <br /> •:;:; `.;-f:'�, �� prac�. aad shall also be entided w make a�ryr compramise o:seNemeat in connecdon with such taking or damage. In We ;, , s.: <br /> �';?'%��" �,,� event a,zy postion of the Properiy is so taken or damaged,I.cnder shall have the option,ia ita sole and absotute discre6on,w appiy • ' <br /> ' all sucb Froceeds,afL°z deducting tbere&om all costs and expenses Incurred by it in connecdoa aith such Proceeds. upon a�r ''•�`•`•°�`� <br />- � �-' "� indebiedaess secured�n-eby aad in such order as Lender may determine,or[o�p7y aU such Proceeds.after such deducdons.w the � <br /> %°' '�� zestonrien of We Prope.ry upon such conditions as Leader may determine. My applicadon of Proceeds w iadebtedaess shall uot <br />�:.�=, . =-.;v;;��'"°;:� extend ea�ostpone the due date of azry payments undcr tfie Note,cr cure any defautt thereundet or hereunder. llny onappfied funds . _. ' <br /> .'=�:; >"�.`s'�:.:;i:.�' shall he r-d to Truswr. ,,. .. � •:.�•� �:;. <br /> '�;; �";�,'f':;�:'��' E� 8. PP�ee°armance by Lender. L'poa the occnrrence of an Ecta:��f Defauit hereunder.o��any act is taken or fegal p:oceediag -- -�;,�>,�'�f: '' <br /> oceed a <br /> '-a�•,. :•.�'�r5''. ' .,: �. <br /> � , " �. commeaced arhich mat�* affects i.euder's interest in the Proy�rty. Lender t�ay in ita a��dIscreuon,but without obligation w ,:.. . ,. <br /> �':" do so,and withont no��to or demand upoa Trustor and arithout reteasing�CCri.:raT from azry obligation,do any act wLich Trastor �•. �; ;: <br /> • has agreed but fails to do and may also do any other act it deems nece�5� to protect the security hereof. Trustor shaU, �,��: <br /> '�^' i+�+n���+'�'_y upon demand therefor by Lender, pay to Lender atZ casts aad e�,enses incwred and sums eapended by Le��er in �� • <br /> ,.:i c. :;;'+�;. co��with the eaercise by Le��er of the foregoing rights. o;�a.ther with interest there�at the default rate prov�t�,:�in the �.,-,a�';;,.;. <br /> - -i •:�;i•�r�.• ' Note.a�s�sball 6e added to the in3ebtedness secured hereby. txr.der sha11 not incur airy 1i2�:�:ty because of anything it anay do or .,.'�`�.. . <br /> �� ' • ' omit to do hereunder. � ` � ` �' . � <br /> �.,:;; . ,. . <br /> ��•3 9. Ha�ardons Materlai9. Trustor shaU keels rL�e Property in wmpliance aith all applicable laws.or�c�zs aad regulaHons . • �_.: <br /> �:�:`, relating to indusuial hygiene or envlronmental proaxtion(coltectivety refened w herein as"Enviro�e�+5 Laws"). Trustos sha11 • <br /> �• ��� � �� keep tte Property free from all sub�a.a:es deemed to be hazardcas or toxic under any Environmental l,aws,(collectively refeaed to .;.ys':;�,:yti;; ' :',� <br />' ', �` here�ds"liazardous Materials"). T�astor hereby wanantc a�1��sresetns w Lender that there are ao Hazardous Matereats on or �•�,:;<<� �r•- <br /> .� ' Y•:",� ,�. <br /> t�'> <br /> , under cfr�Properry. Trustor hereby agrees to indemnify an3 L.L3 harmleav l.ender,its directors.officers,employees aa�agents, •�,�r,'�;`;i:._;, <br /> • ' ', and au�*�:ccessors to Lender's interest.from and a�ainst a..*ry xe�.t all claiaiv,damages.losses and liabilimes arising in cannection ' � '. .. , <br /> , ' with tte�sesence,v`e.disposal or trans�ort of any H�azazdous Ma;crials on,uustr.from or about the Propec�. TAE FOR�('�rUIN(3 <br /> � WARR�TIES AND REPRESENTATiONS. Ah'D TRL'STO�'5 OBLIGA'PIONS PURSllAN'f T� �E'.E FORFGOIlVO � <br /> ;:`.'� �••::.:`'. 1NDEMivtTY,SHALL SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF TI�IS CEED OF TRUST. • . , <br /> 4'r';' ' ' 10.�tnent oi R¢nta Trustor hereby assigns w Leader,.aad grants l.ender a securi¢y interest in. all present, �uar� and � <br /> `' �•� '� :� � after-arismg rents, issues and profifs of the Ptaperry: provid�f c;�at Trustor shall. until the occunence of an Event of Default • <br /> ,,, �. t . <br /> ° ' i hereunder,have the right to coltect and retain such rents,issues and profits as they become due and payable. lJpon the accurrence � � _ <br /> �:'��� �� • of an Event of Defautt. Lender may, either in person or by agent. with or wiWout bringing any acdon or proceeding. or by a <br />•=:t�`= � � reeeiver appointed by a cowt and without tegard to the adequacy of its securiry,enter upoa and take possessioa of the Property.or • <br /> '_:�:�., any part its oa+n name or in the name of the Trustee.and do any acts which iE deecus necessary or desirable to preserve { <br />.:. '.` the vatue,marketability or rentabiliry of the Pcoperty.or anyr part thereof or interest Werein.or to increase the income therefrom ot ; <br /> ��''"' ' protect the secwity heceof and.arith or without taking possession of the Property.suc for or otherarise collect the rents.issues aad � <br /> `���' • profits thereof. inciuding those past due and unpaid, by notifying tenants to make payments to l.ender. Lender may apply rents, <br /> _�,F:j: , issues and profiu.tess costs aad expenses of operadon and collecdon iacluding aaomeys'fees,to any indebtedness secured hereby, <br /> . all in such order as l.ender tna y determine. The enterin g u pon and takin g possession of the Properry.the caltection of such rcnts, �� <br />:�;��..� • f <br /> �,;. . issues aad profita, and the applicadon thereof as afotesaid, shall not cure or waive any default ar no6ce of defaWt herennder or � . <br /> invalidate arry act done in response tu such defnult or pursuant tn such notice of default and, notarithstanding the conrinuance in � <br /> • . possession ot the Ptoperry or the collecdoa.receipt and applicauon of rents,issues ar profits,Trustee and l.e�er shall be enUded to � <br /> � exercise every risht provided for in am+of the Lvan Instrumenu at by law upon occurrence of any Event of Default, including i <br /> " � without litnitation the tight tu exercise the pawer of cale. Further. L.ender's rights and remedies uader this paragraph shall be � • � <br /> � � cumutanve with, an�in no way a timitaaon on. Lender's rigfits an3 remedies under arry assignment of trasr3 auJ rcnty r�usdal - � � -�--��-- <br /> � ; against the Property. Ixnder.Trustee aad the receiver shatl be liable to account nnly for thuse renu actually received. ' . <br /> _'� ` i �.acura��.m'ran�n w.oiAe ; <br /> . 10J Nekml9as d t�e f�ad Sa.+.p�m�a 4a�Hihred� <br /> -' F. � I <br />