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<br /> r..� . .
<br /> � (Page 3 of 5) . . • -�
<br />.. �.. ��� � g������� ���- - _-.----
<br /> y � Utiless L.ender aud Bonower otherarise agree ia wri4ing,any apptication of proceeds to priacipal shall not eatend�o�r
<br /> .� � ne the due dare of the monttily payrti���tO�P�S�p�1�2 or change the amouat of the pay ,
<br /> .5� �� h 19 the Froperty is acquired bY Lender• Horrower s right to any iasurance Policies and praa.'eds ,
<br /> ? - If uader garagraP
<br /> , resulting fronn d a mage to t he Pm p e r ty Pnor w the aoquisitioa shaq pass to Lender to the estent of the sums secured by .
<br /> -� � this Sec�uity Instrumeat immediately priot to the sa�usitioa. .
<br /> ' �� - 6.preservation and �'Iaintenaace oi Property; Leaseholds; Coadominiums; Plaaned Unit Developmeats. �. �
<br /> � � �t« ��t o:ae�o�tioA or
<br /> Borrower s1�a11 keep the Property ia gaod repair aad shall not vonnnmit waste or perni P� •
<br /> � the Pmperty sud shall rnmplp with the provisions of any lease if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold. Ii this Deed of �
<br /> �` Trust is on a unit in a coadominium or a planned unit development, Borrower s�U P��� �1 of Borrawer's _
<br /> -- •.i � abligations nnde�'the declaration or covenants cteating or governing the condominium or plaaned onit developinent,the ' `
<br /> .�`i ' by-laws and regulations of the candominium or planaed unit development,and constituent d°cum���ntained in this •
<br /> 7.Protectioa of Leader's Secnrity. If Borrower fails to perform the cavenants and agreem . .
<br /> � � `• I?eed of Tsust.or if any actioa or pr�na�ding is commenced wlrich materially affects Leade�s interest u►the PropertY,
<br /> � then Lender at I.ender's optioa.aPua notice to Borrower.Atay make such appeatances.disburse such sums.including E�
<br /> ` reasor►able attomeqs'fees,aad take such action as is aece�rY w Pro���''s 1°��'����w��o�� '
<br /> � ` b this Dced of Trust,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to � ` .. �
<br /> �, ' insuraace as a condition o4 making tt►e loan secured Y eat for such insurance terminates in accordance with i. �
<br /> - . • ` maintain such insuraace in effect uat�'1 such tims as the reqvirem .r_
<br /> i Borrower's aad I,ender's writttm agreement or applicable law. Any amouats disbursed bp Leader pursuant to ttris �'• -; ,
<br /> `' . � P�S�Ph 7, with interest thereon, at the applicable conuact rate. shall 6ecome additional indebtedne�of Borrower f . (i;:��;
<br /> .�� �bY this Deed of Ts�st. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terims of payment,such amountsfishaU � +.' . . _ i-:
<br /> _ r ,.'.; PaYable upoa aotice from Lender to L$omower��tan8 PaYace:rt thereof.hothing r�aaained in this paraSraF >t , �i� €;.
<br /> ,rf..,_:.�.,; �ire I�a�.,,�r to iacur any egpense e�=txke aa-`s�.�here��'- . � '
<br /> � :Y�II 54t� EtL�'€IBC+'�+�5 49# $�li S �.+T�S. ?; �: t�r�� <
<br /> ° r ._ : $a��.s-, on. Lecr.drec may make er � �'be �'-4' �mnable eatsies F�{i�,�;
<br /> ;.i' � �� �; S�+3�v CE�it!°..S'��FUr 2ti°:3r"...t� � 4 : �ft-
<br /> � " '! ' _..h 3^' � a:: ve Barr�Rer��:�ce g�r.�r E�anp s�h ir.�ectiEaa�€F`-�,� �y„ •.
<br /> . ��v / �'� 1 �Z�i�� � . . . . ` ' �r t.
<br /> .�.. � �f.! S �fl.'.
<br /> � � .•�,1 L�I+eSI{�i..�'$IL''w'°IES'S�'C�S 1 P S'C.�s 7 E f�- p��u� Ill OOIlIICCftmLi�1i�i i3.^+�' 1 � f f
<br /> OL � ,�q1��fp.;
<br /> � ' i 9.Ca�d��ai�. ,fi�a graoeed's�i anq award or clairn�or r�a�a�.�rect ar . t `�, � �ST
<br /> r
<br /> ��',��,4�;��;'"� oandemaatia�or other�g of z�e PropertY. or part there��or for cvmesaax i�1i�of condemnation,a���eb� h; ,.f r�r��_.
<br /> �' E��� ' aseiga�a��3 shaU be paid to Lendsr,subje�t to the terms of any mortgag�,deed mf tsw-t os other securitY ageement ,� -
<br /> ori over t.�is Deed of Trust. ' � ���`�'',
<br /> �?_.�_�,'�.;. with a laen which has pri ty sw".�
<br /> r .�,.�.� ,.�
<br /> ' 10.���wer Not Released; 1F�sbearance By Leades Not a Waiver. Estensian oi the time fos paymeat or � ;,
<br /> modification of amorti2acion oi the sums se�vred by this DeEd o4 Tn�st�az►ted by Lender to suY sucressor in interest _��;. . � .
<br /> , t, :;�. ,-:
<br /> � of Borrower aad aU other parties who are or hereafter 1se�wme secondarily liable shall aot operate to release. in any .: .
<br /> Y , � menaer, the liability ot the original Borrower aud Borrower a successora in iaurest. Lestder shall not be required to ;r:, .�.�':..-".x,.' �
<br />_ - =- ��m��p�OC�dings against euch successor or refuse to estend time for payment or otherwise modiip amortization
<br />- � ;� of the sums secured by thie Doed af Trust by reason of any demand made bq the original Borrower asid Botrower's �` .:;:�
<br /> � � successore in interest.Any torbeareace by Lender in exerciein�any right or remedy h�'eunder,or otherwise afforded by .:
<br /> . : ; app3icable luw,eLs11 not be a waiver of or pteclude the egetciw oi any such right or remedy.
<br /> ,,.;-.
<br /> it.Suc�es�ora aad Assigna Hound; loiut and Sevetal Liability; Co-slgnera The covenaAts and agr�ements �q;
<br /> t.� �,
<br /> herein contained shail bind,end the righta hereunder shail inure m,the respeative aucce�ors ettd essigns ot I�eader and f f .-
<br />_; : � Bortower,su bj e c t t o the proviaions oi paragraph 16 hereof.Ail covenants and agreements of Borrower eha111s�loint and .`. �.(: _
<br /> several. Any Borrower who co�signs this Deed of Trust. but does not esecuta the Note, (a) ia co-signing t h i s D e E d o f i� . ` .,_
<br /> . �� ° � Trust oaly to grant aad convey ths►t Botrower's iatereat in the Propertq to 1,ender under the tetms of this Deed of Trust. :. _..- ., ''
<br /> ; ,'--�-�:-.,::;r°=
<br /> ; �j (b)ia not petsonally liable on the Nots or under thia Deed of Trust.end icy agcees t1�at Lender and any other Borrower � ..i:��-_=
<br /> ' ' � hereunder may agree to estead modiPY. �or�,°r make as�y other accommodations with regard w the terras of this , ,.
<br /> �� I?eed ot Trusc ot the Note,without tbat Honowe�s consent and without releasing that Borrower or modiiyiAg tlus Deed � �
<br /> � �, � of Tr�t as to that Borrower s interest in the Property. `��� r��
<br />.l±r�� . � �� 12.Notice. Escept for auy aotice required under applicable law to be pven in another maauer, (a? anS Aotice to , _
<br />'"`�` ' gorrower provided ior ia ttus Deed of Trust ahall be given by deliveriag it or by mailing such notice by certified mai1
<br /> r..;, . ; .
<br /> ' ' ; addtessed to Bonower at the Praperty Addsess or at sucb other addtesB as Borrower maq desig¢at,e by notica to Lender
<br />.;,`ji; � - as provided hereia.and{b)aay notice to I.ender st�all be�iven by cetti�ied mail to I.ender's address stated hereia or to +: . :'
<br /> such oEher address as Lender may�esignate by notice to Borrower as psovided herein Aay aotice provide�2or in t}us ,. ',.o",:.,,
<br />';:� ' Deed of Ttust sh�ll be deemed tm h��e been given to Borrower ot Lender when gives�in the manaer desigaate�herein. ,.�.:x;..:-:;• ,
<br /> ', . ,_��;�.;..
<br /> . .', . � , 13.Governing Law;Severabadity.The state atsd local laws o4 tha jurisdiction in�vtuch the Property in located shall , . .
<br /> � apply escept where auch lawe canftict with Fedetal law; in which casa. Federal law shell apply. In the event that anp ,
<br /> `'� provision or clause of this Deed o�Trust or the Note conflicts with applicable law,such conilict ahall not affeci other
<br /> ;'� • � . pmvisions of this Deed of Trust or the Nota which can be given effect without the conflicting provision,and ue thia end
<br /> °a tha provisions o4 this Deed of Trust aad the Note are declared to be severable. As used herein, "casts." "eagerses."and
<br /> !% "attorneys'iees"include all sums to the eatent not prohibited by applicable 1aw or limited herein. .
<br /> _ . � 14.Bonowes's Copy. Borrower ehall be futnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust, if ,.
<br /> .', • requeated.at the time of esecution or after recardation Aereof.
<br /> ' 15:Rehabilitatioa Loan Agreement. Borrower ahall fulfill all of Horrower's obligations under any home f
<br /> :;�� . I rehabilitation. �tnprovement. repair. or other loan agreement which Borrower entera inw with Lender. Lender, at , .
<br /> ;: Lender's option,may require Botrowec to egecute aad deliver to Lender,in a form acceptable to Lender.en assignment
<br /> �' of any rights.claims or defenses�+hich Bonower may have against parties who supply labor. materials or services in
<br /> connection with improvements made to tha Propetty.
<br /> 16.Transfer of tLe Property. If Borrower sella or transfers all or any part of the Property or an interest therein, � �
<br />- ( excluding (a)the creation of a lieia or encumbrance subordinate to this Deed of Trust. (b) a transier by devise,descent. •
<br /> � or by operation oi law upon the��th of a joint tenant, (c)the grant o4 any teasehold interest of threa years or lese rsot �
<br />`���;" . . contaiaing an option to purchase. �d)the cr�uion of a pntchase money security interest for househald appliances, (e)a
<br />`;':;;t;:� � tran.,a£ec�to a relative resulting fr�rr�t�:�.n of a Borrower, If)a transfer where t��:s spouse os children of the Bon�A�
<br /> � ' • � be�r;i�e�.n owaer of the prts,pesty. {$1 a�a=,sfer result'n,g from a decree of dissol�raon oi mattiage. lega; separa�
<br />=�-;ti..� 1 , 8greer.-r:,t' or f:+�:eo aa incide�rti: �o�� s�:tler.:eat n�:eement. by wMch ti�e spuase oi tiie Borruwer becomes a.�e ,. , .
<br />:;� � .
<br /> • . ' ;� ,�:�.
<br /> "i` ,.. � 08-30-94 Dood of Truet NE ORIGINq: I�������a��IIW6L'�i��Lll���I���IEsI NE0079Z3 � :: ,?;;,;' '"
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