<br /> • ' . � , � �,<;__ —°_,-_
<br /> ,. . . i
<br /> _.... �' . -- .. _ _ . _
<br /> " . ` �.. �... (..__�5,�..c--- ` � . .. .. .... �., _. _ _.. . . � ., .. . . . . .�,.,.. — •y. . . `
<br /> [
<br /> , . � ` (Fege Z�of S) t ' ' ` . ' � �.
<br /> � ' TO(3�:'I't�tl3lt:with atl�m��T ��ow or t�ereafter erected on the property. and all easentents� riRt►ts. i` ' � . ` �`
<br /> , : appurtennnaes.and rents(subjert hon���r ta t he ri g h t s an d a u t h o ri t i e s g i v e n h e r e i n w L e n d e r t o coltect and a P Pty such � , E. '. .
<br /> ` rents}.atl af,nhich ahall tre deemed ta ba and remaia a Part 8t the property covered by this Dced et Trust:and all oi the �- . `
<br /> . foregaiag,.togathm'with said prapett} (or the leasehold estate ii ttis Deed of Trust is on a teasehold) are heteinafter `
<br /> referteat.w�ea the"Propesty." .
<br /> Bamcmwr.covenants that Borrovrer is iea-fufly sei�d of the estate Qereby conveyed and has the right to grant end convey ..,
<br /> ��` t6e gmp�'tyr, and that the Propettp is unencambered eacept Por eacumbtaaces of tecord. Honower ooveaants tha� , ,
<br /> Botranar �carrants and will defead gtxa�aaUY the title ta the �ropertp against alt claims and demands, subject to .
<br />_: . , :. .
<br /> encuminau�mf t�ecord. . .
<br /> UI��ORAd COVENANTS.Borraa�r sied Lender covenant and agree as follow� :, � .
<br />- , -- 1.F��men4 of FrinciQsal and Iateres� �orcower st�aatl PromPtlY Fay wheu due the principal aud interest :- , _-- ,
<br /> :;." r - � indebtadhess evidenced bq the Note` includiag any �ariations resulting fmm changes in the cantract rate, aad otAer ,: �, , �
<br /> � � c h a r�t.a a g m v i d e d i n t t t e Note. .
<br /> � Z.Ftrada far Taxes and Insuranoa Sub�ct ta applicable law or written waiver by L e a der. B ortower s h a l l p a y t o . ', .
<br /> Lender bn�tha day manthty payments oi psinciFsi astd iaterest ere payable uader the Note,nntil the i�Tote is paid ia full, ,. ,, .
<br /> . :� � a�um.{Stm+ein °Funds") equai to one-tAelfth oi the yearly tases and a�essments(including wndomiaium and planaed ( . . . .
<br /> . . uait devalapment a:srs�meata. if anp) c�tuch may attain priority over this D�ed of Tnist. and gcound rents oa the `
<br /> � � pcnp�tty, if anp, plus one-twelfth of tha Searly premium insstallmenta far hazard inaurattca, plus oae-twelfth of ywrlq �`
<br /> i ta
<br /> � ' ,; j premium:inatellments for murtgage inswance, if any. all as ressonably eatimated initiaUy and irom iime to time by .;;,:,;
<br /> , . � Lend�an the b�sis of ass�mettts ar��bills at�d teasoaable estimates thereof.Borrower shall aot be obligated to make ::::°•;:L;.::,,
<br /> si . •,,
<br /> - s sucfi:pnymeMs uf Funds to Lender to tke extent that Borrower makes such papmenta w the holder of a prior mortgage `;Y. ;
<br /> � � . ; ; or d�t:of ttvst if such Itolder is an it►stitutional lender. E � '� �t:.•�� �`:.
<br /> ` ' ; If Ht�rmAar pats Funds to Lend�t,th°Fumds shall be held in aa instiwtion the deposits or accounts of wInch are
<br />.�,t � '� insured.ac guaranr�ci by a Fed�ral or atat�e��eneY(including Le��c if I.ender is such an institvtion).Lender shall s�,d-g -..
<br /> s'` . --°;a ,, the Funds w pa�said tases.�'^Fats.i¢svrance premiunss ac��aund rents.Lender�a�not charge far so�lt:,� ,. , ^
<br /> and�applying the Funds.aaa3yz�g szid�ax�t ar verifqing and compiliag sazd as�esszae�a�3 bills,uute���nd�r�87r� ` ,r�.
<br /> � � ' Barno►ver intsrest on the F��s and ap�scsble law p�mits Lender to make su�a cL�.rge. �orrawec s�':.ender may •. :: , :
<br /> `; ``` � a g�e e�i n:n r i t i n�at the time of esecutioa o€this D�d oY Trugt that interest er�th�L���s'�a',!be paid 2a l�:rower,and . .
<br /> .;, r . . . .� :• unless�sueh�a�anent is saa�ar ap�acs�,'s law requires such interest to te�as�. I�c� �s�i l not b e r��e r e d t o�f :;.;,s;..._-- �*j.�`".
<br /> `<' � . Earm�ver ang inter.st os earai�,�s on tbe Fun�.Lea�..°s s6a11 give to Borro�,�i�uut cl�r�° aa ar.�*,aa�a�co�aa .,.
<br /> '' .`� ; rF . �.
<br /> �:�:,. '• i the Eundg ahotiving credits ara�debits to the Fuads ar�a the purpose for whicn c:�:h debit to the Fuu�tr�s made.T�: ��. �
<br /> r ::
<br /> ' ' � '_ � Fundtr e�+o ptgdg�d as additional se�uritS ios the sums sxured by this Deed of T►zust. � �-
<br /> � � .s� ; If the emount of the Funds held by l.ender,together with the futnre monthly installmeats oi Funds payable prior to ..:,�;,,,. "
<br />- �:�� � tha dus�etes af tases.a��men�,insurance premiums and ground rents,shall esceed the amouat required w paY said ': ;f':
<br />-- . ":° � ���a�a�mante� insurance premiuma and ground rents as tt�ey fall due, snch escess sball be,at Bonower's option, .T
<br /> � . � either pramgtly repaid w Borrower ar credited to Horrowes'o�moAtWy installments o4 Funds. If the amount oi the �:
<br />.-'y : t Fustds held by Lcnder aheU not be sufticient W pay taxes.asses9ments,itisurance premiums astd ground rents as they tall <.i;_:;�1.
<br /> .��; ... �' ; -
<br /> - due�Borrower ehuU paq to Lender any emount necesqary to make up the de4iciency in one or more payments es I.ender :;..,;
<br />_.?, . _ :� � may requira : • ��`'"'''��;
<br />`�: �,�� � ' Ugon payment i�full of all aums secured by t}us Deed of Trust.Lendet shall promptly ce fun d to Borrower aaY i u a d s ,
<br /> `�� held by Lend�r. If under paragraph 17 heredi the Property ia sold or the Pmperty is otherwiss acquired bq Lender, ���_,;_.`:
<br /> ,i�
<br /> ,::t ,;._� Lender sbalU apply,no later than immediatelq prior to the sale of the Pmpercy or ita acquisition by Lender.eay Funds �`'r�
<br /> � held bp L,eaelar at the time oi applicaiion ss a cra�it againat ihe so�a soeured bp ttua Deed of Trust.
<br /> . -'-'•.r.. 3.Applfaatioa of Iaeyments. Unlrs9 applicable law provides otherwise.all payments received by I.ender under the � ��` :'. .�,_:
<br />_- � ;. �: Note and�FaragtaPhs I and 2 hesead shaU ba applied by Lender Ctst in paymeat of amounts papable to Leztder by ,
<br />-_ • Bu�m�v;er•nnder paragraph 2 hereof.then w interest paysble oa the Note at the applicable contract rate.and then W tt►e -_ . � :,_.
<br /> i-� 'f�.� r: ;
<br /> _`;' . ��'�:' prfinaipai�of�the Note. : .:'�` � .
<br /> � 4:.Priar Mortgugea and Deeds oi Trust: CharSes; Liens. Bottower shall petPorm all 04�ossu.�er's obligations , • ;_
<br /> '`:�! � '�;1 �� :;. u n d e r an y mort�n g a,deEd of vust or othEr security agreement with a liea which has grics�s�over 3MZs I�eed of Ttust, ' , : .
<br /> . � ��-.:7 . i'^.
<br /> } . , �_ ; iacludiu� Bbrrosver's covenants to make payments when due. Borrawer shall pay �r ca�.z�e tm b e pai d a l l t a Hes, . .
<br />- � �essrasnte and other charges,finea anrl impositivas attributable to ths Pt�p�rtY wtuch may attain a priority over thia ,;
<br /> :,,;, �� � �: > . �_�
<br /> ��� ,; ". �; ., ]�ed os�mrugt�and leasehald payrszenis ar ground rents,if anq.
<br /> ,f:` S.I�ard�Insuraaca. Borrower s},n11 keep tha improvements now esisting or hereafter er� on the Property . ` '�
<br /> �,.``t�� � �f � inswed�aguinst_loss by fire, hazard�ia�luded within the term "estended coverage," aad such other hazards as 1i�¢der =
<br /> - �' ��- � may requira and in such amounts and tar such periods as 1.ender may require. .
<br /> � '' The insutauce aarrier providing tha insurance s�all be chosen by t1�e Borrower sublect to ap��►vai bY Lendei; .
<br /> _�;:�� � .� .
<br /> "ti fi providedi tbnt�such approval shatt rmi be wireasonabiy withheld.All insurance polici�and renewals t�f ehall be in a .. . . .
<br /> '� � � torm acceptnbl�to Lender aad sha�l in�]ude a standard mortgaga clsuse in favor of and in a iorm acceptable to Lender.
<br /> � Lender shtilli havo tho right to ho2d tl,e policies and renawals thereof,subject to the terma of any mortgage�deed oi trust .
<br /> �''T'• � or other secumty agreement with a lisn which has priority over thia Deed oi Ttust.
<br /> '~4 In tha event of lose.Bonower s2�11 give prompt notice to the insurance earrier and Lender.Leader may make proot .
<br /> ;w�.; � � . % ' oY loss it not mad�promptly by Horrower. . .
<br /> - Unless Lender and Borrower ot�isa egree in writing,insurance praceEds s1�a11 be applied to restoration or repair of
<br /> ... � . ' tha Property damaged,if the testoration or repair is ecoaomically feasible and Lender's s�wity is not lessened.lf the . .
<br /> �� restaretian or repair ie not ecoaomirallp feasible ar Lender's security would be lessened,the inaurance Pmceeds sha11 1sa
<br /> applied to tha euma secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due,with any escess paid to Bonower.lf .
<br /> � � Bnnosver abandons the Property,at d�nes not anawer within 30 daya a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has , .
<br />::t-;�� oirer�a� �tle A a��„1, then L.end�r may collect the insurance proceeds. �,ender may use the prcnceeds to repair or , .
<br /> • restore the Pt+opertq or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument.c�I:��s:sr or not t�en due.Th.e 3o-day period will �. . . ' ����
<br /> = :;. �. � begin wh�n ttte nntice is�iven. �,:
<br /> ' ' If tha Pragerty is abau�oaed bl$osroaer,or�f Borrowa°a::s to res���3 to Ler_�r *�:thia sEE�ys from the date s �,�.
<br /> �:�
<br /> • <<�'�:'� . ' notioa is mailed by L��to Banoarer that the n�t..��earr.er offers uv sr'.:e a cla:rR for insur^�x benefits.Lender .'� ;:�'
<br /> ,; :as':;,;'?: . .�,r .
<br /> -� �'"� , : � is author_:e� to callect and applq tAe insurance p:'oa�as at L�►der a op::on eitrer .o restoration or rep�ir c4 the •
<br /> . . � ' Propsrty or t�the aums secured b�tt,is Deed of Trust.
<br /> ,, .
<br /> . !.
<br /> ___:;.
<br /> � - --- . .- ---= �
<br /> _ - --
<br /> : � `-.--.-
<br /> - ' , 09'30•80 Ooed of Yrust NE OAIOINAL I�� li�����i �������;�������Ip!IIIIII� �O�a� �
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