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<br /> and arry tutura advances or tuture 06tigatfons.as deftned hetain.which ...
<br />_ . � in eonsideration oi ths[aa��other ned�t acoommodadh:;r hereSnafter spec'd�ed .
<br /> . rray hereinaftsr 6e advaneed cr inamed and ffie trust hereW�s����othtra�nst�ers.�.oa�����s to T��steeahis ds�s s��d ."r.,.,:. •. _
<br /> ��r"�''�,}`� � ��s IN TRUSI'�PO�'Vai OF�A E t��fit and sewritY ot �asR saxa�RSaOw.assocu+smx ��. {• :. . - -
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<br /> ,.,�;':. , �iawre i me r rt s a n d f b C U e s:a D t a n g i l�f.�+'S O n e 1 p r a P e rt Y indu�n8 vrithom limfta8an all cTechinery. �::'v;
<br /> <;,,,,T. . ; � a n d h ri u r e��.d 9 M,t�e and interest h.e an ia the �
<br /> • ''�;,,=`' by ttds r�s�'�.tag�ther witt�all pre�' _ �y�ed wfth tfu�4ropertl►. ; r,a
<br /> ; equ(pmard,�ud�5ng mazerials.and Bcods���vary nature(exetuding consurtrer 8a�,ces indudin8�rdevuapmem rigttts in oomieetion w t H ud t�e r e a� .='„�,-
<br /> . u heredtamer�ts.end aDP�
<br /> :-. ProPenS►.�►ether or not atfixed to tha lar�.I���• from ather real proPenY or naw or hereafter suseeptibte of uanster Iromthfs Propertf to other �`-s�.�:
<br /> .., �. .,,;
<br /> � � .. �. . whether prevfously or subse9aemly transterred to the Property
<br /> ra a l proDe r t y:le a.e s.U o e nses and other e�eemertts:rems.issuss and profits;water,we0.d�6ch.�t o ri t he use and be�at Lender�rtalnln�ors and ;
<br /> �; OroPB n U(u�r r n A a U v e l y'Pro P e r l y�l:to have and to Aotd lhe PropeAN and the d�ta here b y g r a r R e ;':;;�ti..
<br /> u m in fu0 ot all ObOgations sewred hereby.
<br /> assigns.urRii payme y, .. `.,' :P
<br /> ,� ' Mateover.N further oonsideration,Cirentor does.tor(irantor and Cirantofs heirs,representetivas and ass(°,}�s.herebl►e�ressly wartarrt.°o��►'�d ` -
<br /> �•����_:v,
<br /> ;:i., • a�ee wflt�LQnder and Truslea and the(r sucoessors and assigns as totlows: . . _ ... .
<br /> 1. 08L[QA'ROHS. This Qeed of Tnut shall sea�re the gayrr�rt end pertomrance of atl preserR a-��¢"�'e in�btedness.tla611ities.o6lig�a6nc�s and
<br /> � covenants of Borrower or Cyu�u►(wmd�ively'Obligatians�w lsnder pursuertt to: . .
<br /> • (a)ihis Reed of Trust��u�follovAng prortissary aotes and atfier agreertenis- . ��;.'•
<br /> - ,�� �" PR1t�ICCl�AbAT�TtF�ITI � � !!A'Etf++. � IAAN i. � ,..; ,:
<br /> � OAT$ DA� ���
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<br /> h:. < < I I {�;.,�>>.
<br /> . . :��,�_���.�.� �,;,. :� .. _ . . .;
<br /> 34,995.74 �4/01/97 ' OQ/2CBZ2 �4830020147 I
<br /> .���' , . - . : � ,' I I � - ..7.;-�`,. . ,��
<br /> ;`, , to s a rust , orexewted oeianeriov-ditteaord ��
<br /> . . (b�alt ai^w preseM or uture. en e�c-c-:nems w � r at re er� . y ,.`4:�;,;�.`�. ...
<br /> t.` .' r pa�amr��anthato�egoln9): . � � '
<br /> . . (��any giatenty of ob5i�atlons oi other pactles 9iven to Lender now or hereaRer exeta.':�d 8�at refers to�Deed ol Tnut:
<br /> . _ . . . (�tuwre advances.var�heor or�Bortovrer.Q�rantor�1a�ees tf�at 8 one ot 1he Ob6gatioas��a ne of cre�il.the Be�n ot thls Oeed o�ru�t shell�nue ,
<br /> . ' . e�aended an behall at�nt .
<br /> � , urrtU paymerA in tu0 af al debt due und2r the line natwlthstan�ng the fact that fram Ume to tlme(but ba`•ve temdnatlan of the Ilne}no 6alertce rteY be
<br /> . •. 7• outst�!ing. A1 no time during the term o1 this Oeed of Trust m anY�=nsion thereol sha0 tha:��end outstand�ng secured ppri�n?�1 tuture
<br /> . .. �r;,;,;.�- . . � - .
<br /> .;, � adyana�s.nol indu�ing aums aduanced bY Lender to protect the seanityr et this Oeed ot Trusf.exeees$�e follwdng an'wun1:
<br /> , This prsrision shall not eonsUhita an obii�Uan upon or correr8tment o1 Lender to malwaCdrtlortal ad+rances er►oans to(irantor;and
<br /> . . � � (e)all amendmems.��he arrtm Q gor and Bortawer sfiall i d de and also rt�aart f�Y Grantoror Bortov er it mc�s t*�qne. �
<br /> ' � : � As used in thls Patagt'�h .
<br /> 2 REI�A�S�iTA710�f9,WARAANTIEB MiD COVEMAMg. �or reprsserrts.warrants and oovenams ta Lender tha1: � ;
<br /> ' • � (a) Gsu:;tor has fee sir�e marketab'e title to the Property and shali maintaln lhe Properiy ires of a1111ena,securip/irrterests.eneun�brP.ncea end dalns ,
<br /> � � exeept ter this Deed ot Trust end ihose desaibed in Sche�te 8,wh1�is atm�ed to this Deed ot Tnist and inoorporated hereln by retarence,which
<br /> � ' . Grantor a�ees to pay aed Pe�ferm In a U��Y�ner, talions,inducDng,withoullimttaUon,thnse refaNng to .
<br /> (b) Grantor is in corr�liaeee in ell respects with atl applirable(ederal.stffie und loea!laws and regu �M nor an . ,
<br /> . 'Hatardpu9 Materiats;as Qeflned hereln.end other emAronmental matte►s(the nEnvi�►���e���e��or ae��iinlstiative actions wit�i
<br /> � other govemrrental ar quasl gavammer�tal e�dt'i tas fi!M a Nen on tho Properry• cpe
<br />- - the b�est ot Grarno�s ImmaMedge,apney aher�paAy haes uhsed.gene ated.released.dis�ctiarged oredvor dsposed o1 any Hata Coua Matetl�asrdRfined :
<br /> �° � hereln,in cannecllon wlih tha Proporty or transportad any Hazerdous Mats�lals to or lrom the Proparty t3rantor shall not oortom or peerrll sueh aeUons
<br /> ._`.+ . �� to he taken In the tuture. The tertn'Hazardous Materlats sha7 mEtan enY substana9.materlal.or w cAtorinated blphe�:1 vl tho�ss substa�naes
<br /> govemrt�ema►ault►oriry indumng.bul nof limlted to.�i)petroteum:(ii)triaElo or rronfdaLt�esEeswa;(iii)poly
<br /> ':'��.: � . � materlals or vrastes dssl�ed as e'�ardous Suhstanos P��1D��311 01 the Gean Water Ac1 or Iisted pursuant to Ssalon 307 of the
<br /> Ct�'atorSectionei004�01 t�ResouroB Coruerv on�and Retovery�Qet o�any am9ndme�o�e�plaoerr�nt dto t at�stalut�e'.�and(vl)tAo e .
<br /> � 1 s�sta��ongand Liebiliry A or�en amen�rerrt�s o��esPlaoe�s�t Pthat statute or enY other sirtitar 5lateorh endaral statute.��vm.regu�a�►
<br /> � � ' flt��now or rtereaftar m eHeq Graritnt shall nm lease or pemtit the sub�aso a1�he Property to a tonam or s�tenant v�hose operanons may `
<br />- - . ; rasult in oorrtartination ot the Rroperty vmn Mazardnus tJtate��afs ar tax3c wtxlan�s: _.
<br /> r - -
<br /> ' � � 1' I �� �
<br /> `' '° a�otua '�.Z I'___ _
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