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<br /> . . . ,F ..., �� �°. ? •F• p •. •� .� F:._� -- ° e t -..' .
<br />- �,. . _� ` - � '��- ` - " _��.� ...�t_�.,i;.._1.�-.�..�...5...__—`'=-- c
<br /> � � , i .i' ti� �n� ._� •.�-.�:__.s...- ��. � , 3`:�:. ,
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<br /> ' ' 'fi.. ' <4' .
<br /> ` ��� ���� �:� �., . ; ,
<br /> ecxians of the PmpercY ., < `� � <
<br /> . 9 tas�pecttoa. I.eader or its agant may mai�reaSOnaD2e entries aPou snd insP ` � '.` .� ` -
<br /> :f . e� g�sonable canse for the inspection• � ` .
<br /> g ive Borr�aer notace az the time of or prior to aa inspearon tial�in cceau�� �`` ���"' .
<br /> . 10.Cond�natton. T h e p m c e e d s o f a n Y a�v a N o r e ' o r d a m a g e s.d�cert or oau�seQue� �
<br /> . . �« o f a rt of the P�o p e t t y.or for oom►eyarse in lien of oondemnatian. Y '.;�,� :�S:
<br /> �ay ooademnation or other takin8 �Y P � } ``,•
<br /> ._- � assi$ued and sball be paid to L e u d pr. �p=ooeeds shall be applied w the sums seeuied by this�ecvritY J';
<br /> �. � � � In the eveat of a tosai ta�ing of the Pm�rty. m '3 �
<br />: - ` �nsp�ument,whether or uot tbea due.with a�+exo�P�w Homowes.ia the ev�t of a partial�g���o�the ��'
<br /> • - wiuch the fmr mark�vaIne of the Prnpecty�ima�iale l Y befoie the�ag is equal w or�r ia
<br /> ��by��it�,Iast�ument�atelY before the taking,unless Borrosrer aad Lander othetwisa ..
<br /> . �g • �suum�t shaU be iedaeed by the amaunt,of the gm�ceeds�th�e fair���
<br /> wri6a�.the sams secured bY befare the raking.divi Y(b) .. _
<br /> �. _ - followmg fraciion:(a)the mtal amo�mt o tbe sums secuted�shall�pa�to B+nrrawer.In the eve�t of a pa�a1 ta�n8 �� '�'�':��>;;•,:�:''
<br /> ` ' value of t�e Propeny immediatelY before the taidng.An3► befoce the taking is less d�the amaunt of the �; ' L .' ,:
<br /> . of the PrageA}+m w�ich t�fair mazket value of tt�PmperiY�o�wise agree m wri�8 ar�mt�s aggticabte �, "
<br /> b e f o r e the tatan g.untess Bonower and Lender a h e�her�r unt the ;���r;" F =
<br /> ' s u m s s e c u r e d��p r o c e e d s s L a ll b e s p p li e d w t he snms s e a u o d b 3►t h i s S�u�r�� '
<br /> ' - .. law othernrise pro _' µ
<br /> � s u m s a r e t h e n d a e �s abandoncd bY Be�ower.ar i f,a ft e c no tice i�y L a a d e r t o B o r m w e r thai tt�coademnar affers to r , _
<br /> � . ` If the P�apertY Bmrower fa�s to res�oad to I�ender within 30 days aRer the date dic notice � � r°
<br /> . . malce aa awazd or setde a claim for d�ages, �q��on,eidier to mstoratian or rep�air af the Fk+egertY x�_
<br /> . ' • � Lender is�dtori�d to collecx and apply the Pm�ds+ � , } .
<br /> �.<.' ' or w�the smns secuied bY��it3►�' m�g,�Y aPP P sball But e�nd ur -
<br /> � Unless Lender and Bottower otiiern+ise agree� or not tfien �2 or change the�f such payments- ' �.,,{.�-�'
<br /> ,, . Postpone the dne date of the montNy g refezred w in pang��s � of the tnae for payQtent or _,..:::.�,.'-. .
<br /> orbwr�aoe BY I.�l�ta.�g Waiva: F.��nsi '`"`
<br /> . il 8oreow�Not Reteased, Tnsttume�gt��Y�tO�y succe�sor in#nterssc ' ; ,` sw,�,
<br /> e
<br /> modific�ion mf amorti�ion of the sums secaued by dtis Leuder : ,�,:' .
<br /> . , ;y' of the on Bomawer or Bmm�wer's saccrssors ia��. ,, �;�f f ���r:
<br /> of Bomuwer shall aot operate to release the liab'iliry, ��r in mte�t ar refuse w e�end time fur paym or ;�3.�,fs, , , r,,�,:
<br /> , shall n o t b e requued to commenoe Pio�din8s S� c n san of an y dem��mss�e b�the I,s��r� ,- �s �.;;
<br /> ` o���{y amc►nizatioa of the spms secuced by this Secmru3+I�m exencising a�►Y right or temed�shall .'� �r��'? '
<br /> __ . �� , gina�Borrower or Botmwe�s saocesso:s ID iate�est.Any fosDearzuce t►Y +����� `-
<br /> . ... ori og ''`�*:
<br /> noi be a.waiver of or pieclude the execsise ofa�y dght or remedy.. '�e vovenaats aud `� �+�:�,��
<br /> � -- u,suocx�ors and�Bocm+9:Joint and Several�_��� and Borrower, 'eet w.the �`'�'��
<br /> i . ° � . � �yy �ty � shail md and benefit the snoo�sots ��'�-�aint�d several.Aay Eorcowe.r wtio eo-s�ges •,. .� :��. ''�,
<br /> 0o- ,
<br />- . pmvisiaas of paragtaFD 17.�omower's coveaants and a e�. � S��onJy��artgage.Sr�nt N'�.`•��=;� `�%.
<br /> ° � � . this S�itl+Ias��but dnes not execate the Note:() ��� .�_ •� ��
<br /> _ ,; s j,�_ :` and oomey tt� Barrawer's mterest in the PmPertY an�t�e o�s of tlus SecamtY I�son��t; (b) is aot personallY RQ` s��
<br /> `���f,�. sec�red ttus 3eaarity Ins�menfi and(�)ag�s that L,ender attd�er B�Q.�nt os� �i�:�:��%p�ik
<br /> . to the sumis b3► oas with regard W the tenas of thi�
<br /> � �;r°f'r`���``�r ' ag��w extend,modifY.forbeaa or make auy arcom�d� ..'•, .
<br /> ,;;;,;,,,,,;,;;,:',,`: < Piote a+I t�i ou�II C�s caascuY. Insuament is suPr�.ea to a iaw which sets�Ioaz► i +�y'.;
<br /> �3 i f t he l O a n S�b y�.S�n t Y ,--. �:�
<br /> * , �,f jF: so tha��.e intecesE ur other loan cikarges colletted or to be co ll e c t e 0 i n
<br /> �:,:_ . , cbarges and that law is iinally����linaits. ahcn: (a) anY sn�Waa d�rBe sh�11 bs reducea hp t�e amrnmt ' `'-`� ��
<br />'- - :��1� '�;r1�.; ; with tt�e loaa exceed P �limi and lb)an3►sams alreadY��fr'0�Bor[owet�IIirh exoeeded .�,�_
<br /> . ��duoe the cfiarge w thepeimi � c�oose to make thLy nfuad by�dacin8 the PrinciFal owed �=.°�i:.�„�.;�
<br /> ,t tted limits w�l be cefimdQd to Boirower. Leader ma3+ al,the reduction will be ue�ted as a = -�-
<br /> �� nnd�er the Note or by a�?�n8 a d�PaY�t to Borrower.If a reihad red*ases PrinciP �f.� :
<br /> !° ' , . pa¢pa1 Ptepayment w�•a�►Y P�PaY��e nnder the Note. �sbaU be ven by delivecia�it or by . .. _
<br />- ' � 14.No�. �l���Bonovrerpro vided for in�oSeYaur�6� Si % �.� �-.
<br /> b�" '' mailing it b fiist clas�.�ail unless aAAk�le taar method. The nouce shall be di�w the •— `-----
<br /> ' �•;'�•, �s or any oWer addiesa Hosower desig�by noitce to l.ender. Anq nbotice to tlRUder s1�1��noti e ,�: r::
<br /> I�'�.y/��� ..., y I14TL,CE'r �11It0 �� tYUr�__
<br /> : ;.�:,,�'+Y�^�, � f1ISL C13S41tu31�t0 j.CIIQEr�B SQ�LCSS STSSSP���OI SD OthCL S�TeS3�dCT dP31�CS jr �Y�
<br /> . °,,, s �'<; , pmvtded for in ttus S�rlry Insuume�shall be deemed W bave been g'sven to Borrower or Le�nder wbea given as provi�d �
<br /> �.'., ��p�g�ph. 1IIStcament shall be gavemed by federal law attd t�e Iaw oY the � �"� _:
<br /> ' 15.Governin8}�w+ Seves�btlity. 'ihis S�auitY Insuument or tLe
<br /> jurisdiction�n whirA ttt�PcopenY is locaied.In tt�e event thaz any provision or clause of this Sec���or tt�e Note r ��.��"�-_
<br /> '� � Note ce�t�cts withappltcable taw, such conflict shaU���thSs eud the pm�io�of t�his 3ea�n�t3►Ins�m��the ~�—�:
<br /> � ven effect without the aonflicting Pro p� --
<br /> i WZ11Ch G37L`�'g1 �1 n .--
<br /> t � . Note are�clar�d to be s�.werable. of the Note and of tLis SecuritY In�amen�. �. � ;� -.
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrower sbaU be givet►one confoimed caPY art of the I�pecty!or anY - ..•,�.,
<br /> � ' � . 17.4lreasY�cB�#he Pevperty or a B�efici�il Inierest in Bor��: If all or any p ... .�
<br /> inta�est in It is sold ot t�ansfeaed(or if a 6enef�$1 intenest in Borrower is ra�td o:u�sferied and Haiaoa�of all ""x ` ; �, ,
<br /> . , natural peison)cvithout 1Rnder's prior ariuen cor�i,l�eMet maY,at its ops�,t�e���p$�°L:� L�' -`�--- _°
<br /> s n m s secure�b Y this Security Instrn.rnvat.Howerea;�is option sbau aoi be�er�sed by Lender if exets�se�s proh�8ited � <<
<br /> . . ' Of ttis�Iiity r„�r�ent, �t��v�ts_
<br />-- . • '' , d►y feQeral law as of the date ve IIosower nodce of acceleration.The nofice shall pruvlde a perlad ; �:��:;,,_,;;�,nt���:
<br /> - . . If Lender exercises this option,l,ender `" �i . all sums secured •
<br /> � � � + of not less than 30 Qays from the date the notsce n� '�''.ivere�or mai�ed a►itt�n which Borrower must pay ,i,�;;t �� .
<br />- r•arm so28 e (page 4 of sI ,:, .
<br /> _. � ' _ ,•:�i�:�;¢-l��t �j eaN�SSrSTr�a9,iNC..ST.C�AUO.MN 58302 r•��a-a97�23ot t rtisn sNSt�e���t !�� .. '...
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<br />-- . . ' .`. n ' ' .
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